There are gaps in the road

Chapter 177 Soul Control

Chapter 177 Soul Control
Have doubts, so looking for clues, step by step?
Not that much trouble!
Sometimes only the simplest solution is needed.

Royal soul!

Ye Chuxiao aimed at the one sitting on the throne, and used the talent shared from Duanmulin.

The conversation just now made Ye Chuxiao understand a little bit about the reality of the other party.

After a few words, the other party has quietly released several thoughts, constantly examining the strength of Ye Chuxiao's soul and body.

It was obviously an idea to seize the house.

Little did they know that, Ye Chuxiao saw his lack of confidence.

Being able to drag Ye Chuxiao into this special space was not due to his own ability, but all depended on Yunmeng Dading's extraordinaryness.

When Ye Chuxiao showed his tricks, the figure who was examining Ye Chuxiao as if he was picking a piece of pork froze suddenly.

In an instant, Ye Chuxiao also felt a hindrance from Yunmeng Dading.

This ancient cauldron guards the souls of this place. Even Ye Chuxiao's talent for controlling souls is extremely amazing, but he can't achieve his goal in an instant.

However, this soul is not the original weapon spirit of Yunmeng Dingding after all, and the cooperation with Yunmeng Dingding can't achieve a perfect fit at all.

Ye Chuxiao's means of controlling the soul, after all, fell on the soul.

The soul is still struggling violently, trying to tear away Ye Chuxiao's control with will, just like tearing off the restriction imposed by Ye Chuxiao and Yingshu's "joint action" before.

"Don't waste your energy, you were able to break it just now because I didn't really contribute, I was just cooperating perfunctorily." Ye Chuxiao said.

What I didn't mention is that Ying Shu used 'spells'. Spells are a means of 'reasoning'. In a sense, they are a combination and matching technique.

But this time, Ye Chuxiao used 'talent'. Sometimes talent is unreasonable. It is not skill, but intuition and instinct.

The space vibrated violently, as if it was about to shatter, and then expelled Ye Chuxiao from it.

But Ye Chuxiao's artistic conception field opened up, and at the same time, he held a brass-colored pagoda in his hand.

The artifact, Dingshan Pagoda, is characterized by suppression and stability.

Compared with those main battle artifacts, it doesn't seem to have much offensive effect, but at a specific time, it has a specific effect.

It is also one of Ye Chuxiao's 'trophies'.

When Ye Chuxiao opened up the domain and used the artifact at the same time, the originally wobbly space stabilized again.

It's not that Ye Chuxiao is out of this space, so he can't control the soul that is still struggling here.

Rather, he needs a reason to temporarily block Ying Shu and lay the groundwork for misleading Ying Shu.

Subjective independent shielding will make Ying Shu doubt his motives.

To deal with the soul in front of him, Ye Chuxiao can break the situation violently and directly control the soul.

But the battle of heart pills should not be taken lightly.

In the final analysis, in the battle of heart pills, the emphasis is on killing the heart first, and then killing people.

If it is overturned, the negative emotions associated with the large amount of heart pills will be directly poured into the body, even if it does not die, it will be completely enchanted, which is not advisable.

The struggle and resistance gradually weakened, and the soul seemed to give up and accept fate.

Ye Chuxiao sneered, but asked, "Now, can you tell me who you are?"

The soul hoarsely said: "I am... Xiao... Chi!"

"No! You are not!"

"Xiao Chi is an indeterminate monk, a majestic indeterminate monk, how could he be easily controlled by me?" Ye Chuxiao said, he was not sure about Xiao Chi's real and specific realm, but it did not prevent him from saying so.

In short... the old scam!

"I... yes! I am a part of him!" The soul still answered with difficulty, and Ye Chuxiao could feel that there was still some kind of confrontation.

But from the feedback obtained from the talent of controlling the soul, Ye Chuxiao clearly understood that the answer from the soul in front of him was not entirely a lie.

Under the influence of Yuhun, the controlled soul cannot really lie to the person who controls him.

"But you are not completely Xiao Chi."

"You have a part of Xiao Chi, but you have another part." Ye Chuxiao continued to cheat.

It is not important to guess whether it is a flash or not.

All he wants is the other party's mood swings.

Relying on strong control, he can get what he wants.

It's all about collecting information, so don't be afraid of trial and error.

The emotions that came back gave Ye Chuxiao a positive answer.

The smile on Ye Chuxiao's face gradually became obvious: "So, who is your other half?"

"He must be a contemporary of Xiao Chi, and his status should not be too far behind Xiao Chi."

"No! I am more noble than Xiao Chi!"

"I am his emperor, the supreme ruler of Daheng, but he is just a minister, a rebellious minister with evil intentions!" The soul finally broke through, and with Ye Chuxiao's 'encouragement', he began to reveal the truth.

Ye Chuxiao was moved when he heard the words; "You are Xiao Bao'er?"

Xiao Bao'er is the 'first emperor' who put down Xiao Chi's rebellion overnight.

He lived for more than 100 years, but passed the throne to his youngest son, so that in today's Daheng Dynasty, the queen mother's party and the royalist party are fighting bloody battles.

Some of the events that Ye Chuxiao experienced in the past showed the shadow of these struggles.

"I see what you mean!"

"You mean, Xiao Chi's rebellion actually succeeded. He became you and took charge of Daheng instead of you, and you became him, deceiving the old Dragon King and letting him use the Yunmeng Great Cauldron to protect him. Your soul?" Ye Chuxiao continued to ask.

What he said seemed to be a conclusion, but Ye Chuxiao didn't feel that this was the final truth.

It can only be regarded as a one-sided summary at best.

It doesn't matter!
The topic will continue, Ye Chuxiao's purpose of asking is just to make it easier to pry open the mouth of the soul in front of him.

The opponent's soul is not weak, and with the Yunmeng cauldron as a support, he forcibly and completely violently controlled it. If the opponent couldn't think about it and blew himself up, Ye Chuxiao would be nothing.

"What is he plotting?"

"He could have directly used the name Xiao Chi and become the emperor of Daheng."

"There may be infamy, but it is short-lived. After a maximum of 20 years, the number of people who mention this matter will be reduced a lot. After a hundred years, no one will even mention it. Everyone will forget it. For such a powerful monk, a hundred years is not a long time." Ye Chuxiao said.

"Because he is not the real royal family of my Daheng at all, and all things in Daheng will not agree with him."

"He is an outsider through and through, but he edited an identity that does not belong to him by virtue of the convenience of the boat of fortune." The suspected soul of Xiao Bao'er answered Ye Chuxiao's question angrily.

Then he hastily restrained his emotions and closed his lips tightly, as if he didn't intend to answer Ye Chuxiao's more questions.

"Crossover?" Ye Chuxiao was a little surprised, but... not much.

Since he can go to other worlds to stir up wind and rain, it is not surprising that monks from other worlds come to Daheng to do whatever they want.

However, gaining insight into a certain layer of Xiao Chi's identity did not really solve the fundamental contradiction.

Xiao Chi's identity as a crossover made it impossible for Xiao Chi to gain complete approval?
It sounds reasonable, but the truth is still untenable.

If Xiao Chi is just to control Daheng, then he has too many alternatives, there is no need to adopt this disgraceful method.

It is even more unnecessary to split off the self-generated part and give it to Xiao Bao'er.

"Then why did he replace you?"

"What reason do you have to be replaced by him?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Did you still ask, what benefits does this have for Xiao Chi?
Be a Daheng Emperor for more than 100 years?

It's kind of interesting, but... it's not so interesting.

In terms of the logic of this question, Ye Chuxiao still lacks a crucial 'purpose'.

Xiao Bao'er did not deny that Xiao Chi was a monk of the Unsettled Realm.

And an indeterminate monk who is enough to become an uncrowned emperor in any world, why did he go to such great lengths to come up with such a disgraceful thing?
Facing Ye Chuxiao's questioning, Xiao Bao'er just answered the incomprehensible words of 'rebellious officials and thieves', 'stupid and ignorant', 'how dare you ask such a question'.

"It seems that he doesn't know the reason!"

"There is a part of Xiao Chi in his soul, but he doesn't know the reason why Xiao Chi did this... Is it a coincidence?" Ye Chuxiao quickly dispelled this ridiculous question.

This is no coincidence.

So the key to continue is, why did Xiao Chi tear himself apart and give Xiao Baoer a part.

In this matter, Ye Chuxiao acquiesced that Xiao Chi knew that Xiao Baoer had borrowed his identity to trick the old dragon king into using the Yunmeng cauldron to save his soul.

In fact, the Yunmeng Great Ding is the most important weapon of the country, and Yaoshan is the core of the Daheng Dragon Vein. If it were not for Xiao Chi's acquiescence, or even secretly providing help, the old Dragon King would not be able to do these two things even if he had great ability thing.

"Through Xiao Chi, what else do you know?" Ye Chuxiao asked smoothly.

Xiao Baoer said: "I know, how to enter the indeterminate state, I will tell you now."

"Shut up!" Ye Chuxiao roared, interrupting Xiao Baoer's spellcasting abruptly.

Xiao Baoer's words came to her lips, but she couldn't utter them at all.

Ye Chuxiao let out a long breath.

A "secret" that does not need to be kept secret, but there is no text or image record, which only shows that from artistic conception to indeterminate state is a process that requires "self-enlightenment".

If you omit this process through other people's notification, you will never see the real result.

"Now there is one more clue, Xiao Chi put the secret about how to cultivate Wuding on Xiao Bao'er."


"Is Xiao Bao'er a buried information bomb? Or is it Xiao Chi's own secret that he wants to forget and cultivate into the Unsettled Realm?"

"If Xiao Chi didn't really become an Unfixed Cultivator, but happened to know the secret of Unfixed Realm, then would he have a reason to do these things?"

Ye Chuxiao frowned, the reason still didn't make sense.

After clearing his thoughts and emotions, Ye Chuxiao voluntarily withdrew from the inner space of the cauldron.

Ying Shu, who was disconnected, went online again.

"What just happened?"

"What's going on?" Ying Shu questioned directly, and even wanted to go directly into Ye Chuxiao's soul and look through his memory, but was blocked by Ye Chuxiao's 'difficulty'.

"If you ask, just ask, don't touch your hands, don't force me to turn against you now." Ye Chuxiao said.

"If you turn your face, you will turn your face. You only have half of your heart now. It's not too risky for me to kill you." Ying Shu replied coldly.

Ye Chuxiao seemed embarrassed, and said reluctantly: "If you don't continue to ask, what have I experienced?"

Ying Shu said, "Okay! What have you been through?"

"In this cauldron, there is a soul, which should be Xiao Chi. He wanted to take me away, but because of his heart pill...he spit me out again." Ye Chuxiao said concisely.


Ying Shu knew the reason, but Ye Chuxiao's truncated statement made her feel very impolite.

How did it make her heart feel like something unclean?
"Bring this cauldron and come to me!"

"If it's really Xiao Chi, King of the Morning, I have a way to subdue him." Ying Shu seemed to have the confidence to say so.

"The original teaching is still fat! Xiao Chi is uncertain, and he dares to continue to provoke him." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

But he said: "I can't do this, I can't control this thing, and I can't store it in the magic treasure. If I go out with such a big tripod, the royal guards on Mount Yao can tear me apart."

Ying Shu gritted her teeth in hatred, but she could only say: "Okay! I'll teach you the technique of two-phase teleportation. Now you memorize the weight of this tripod, and then imprint the teleportation symbol on the tripod. After you get out, find a place of equal height." , objects of equal weight, and trigger the shifting talisman, the position change between the two objects can be completed, and the cauldron can be taken away."

Ye Chuxiao followed the teaching and left the moving talisman, pretending not to discover the back door that Ying Shu left in it.

Then began to slowly go upstream.

"I seem to have forgotten something." Ye Chuxiao thought about something on his mind, and suddenly remembered something.

Looking up, the melody in my mind automatically sounded.

Like a seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, swaying with the waves...

"Convex! Is she still there?"

"No! I didn't stay down there too long."

"For me, it was already six years ago, but for her, it was only less than half an hour ago." Ye Chuxiao looked at the man in front of him, who became panicked because he suddenly found a man. , the woman who didn't know where to block her hands felt that she was really wronged.

"It's not that I want to see her. It's because she is so magnificent that I can't stop it with my hands. Unlike some people, they can pass the trial with their arms crossed."

Block Ying Shu first.

Then Ye Chuxiao dashed down, raised her hand and slapped the woman directly on the head.

Then launch the field to cover it.

During the domain coverage, Ye Chuxiao used the confusion spell.

When she woke up again, she probably still had a little impression of this incident.

But she couldn't tell if this happened for real, or if it was just her imagination.

As for Ye Chuxiao's face, she didn't even remember it, she only had a vague impression that it was a man.

Leaving the woman behind and letting her continue to soak in the water, Ye Chuxiao took out an artifact dagger with the attribute of infinity, and waved his hand to cut through the space.

Easily jumping out of the various formations and restrictions placed at the Xueding Hot Spring, Ye Chuxiao has already returned to the cave where he drank before, and sat back in his original seat, enjoying the cold moon outside the cave with the remaining wine on the table.

A young servant came in, and the moment he saw Ye Chuxiao, his expression changed drastically, and he was completely panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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