The Dragon King and Dragon Queen turned back into human form, and their expressions were both ugly.

Although the function of the Dragon Fragrance does not include paralyzing their spiritual sense, if they sense malice, they will also wake up instantly.

But this is not foolproof, there is an essential difference between being awake and being asleep.

Not to mention, what if the person who came to assassinate them was already sealed in advance?

Or is it that the perpetrator has been deceived, thinking that all his actions are out of good intentions?
There are too many means to deceive and deceive.

You can believe in spiritual perception, but you can't believe it all.

"This matter... the old man will give you an explanation." Shi Huang's face was a little dark, but he still managed to put on a good face and said to Er Long.

Dragon Empress Yuan Meng immediately said: "We won't let this matter go, we need to participate in the whole process to find out the real culprit, otherwise... who knows if you will just take a few scapegoats and come out to prevaricate? "

These words are stingy, but her real goal is not in the superficial words.

The deeper meaning of this sentence is to participate in the investigation, even to the point of spying on Daheng's internal affairs.

Of course Shi Huang would not agree, so he vetoed it on the spot: "Why? The Dragon Queen doesn't trust us?"

"If you don't believe me, I, Shi Huang, am willing to go back to Yunmengze with the two of you. If the result fails to satisfy the two of you, I, Shi Huang, will pay for it with my life."

What he said was full of bandits, and it sounded inconsistent with Shi Huang's identity, but facing the persecution of the Dragon Queen, Shi Huang used this rogue way to escape.

How else?
Things are unreasonable, being taken advantage of by the other party, and you can't turn your face, and you need to borrow from the other party, but you can't make concessions. Playing rogue is the only solution.

"This is too serious!"

"Shishen catcher! I still believe what you said, but I am entangled in many things. If we delay for too long because of this matter, so that the water vapor in Yunmeng Bazhou is out of balance, it is Xiao Wang's fault." Dragon King Yuanjiao said at this time.

These words were neither hard nor soft, but revealed the true purpose of him and the Dragon Queen.

In the final analysis, it was still for the original purpose... to search the Royal Manor and find the Yunmeng Dingding.

This is the sadness of being 'weak'.

Yuan Yan and Yuan Meng, as the Dragon King and Dragon Queen of Yunmengze, seem to have a high status, but in fact they are still restrained everywhere. Yuan Yao's confidence is mostly derived from the control of the water vapor in the eight states of Yunmengze .

But this confidence is actually not reliable.

Daheng mountains and rivers, you can still find a few dragons.

Killing him, Yuan Yan, may not be impossible to find a replacement.

Therefore, even if their original purpose was to enter the Royal Manor to find Yunmeng Dading, after suffering a lot of losses and going through the 'dangerous incident', they still have to use this matter as a bargaining chip to negotiate and bring the target back.

The husband and wife sang together, one asked for a price, and the other paid back the money, and they cooperated tacitly.

If Shi Huang and Zhao Wang refused to agree to such a basic request, it would be too unreasonable.

They stubbornly rejected Erlong, and rumors spread that they were also going to take the blame for the imperial court.

After all, you can't chill the hearts of your allies.

This ally does not only refer to the Erlong, many foreign races and sect forces attached to the Daheng Dynasty are always paying attention to the direction of the court.

Standing aside, Ye Chuxiao, who had already served as the background board, was always paying attention to the micro expressions of everyone present.

When Yuan Yan mentioned that he would continue to explore the Royal Manor, King Zhao subconsciously glanced at the sky outside the cave.

This move is not surprising.

But combined with the known information, this subconscious action inevitably has another meaning.

"He was looking at the time. The Xueding Hot Spring on the top of Yaoshan Mountain only appeared at night under the light of the stars and moon."

"He was watching how long it would be before dawn."

"This action is definitely not an unintentional action. King Zhao knows that the Yunmeng cauldron is hidden in the Xueding hot spring. He may not have gone deep, but he knows." Ye Chuxiao explained clearly.

Furthermore, a new analysis was performed.

"King Zhao knew the whereabouts of Yunmeng's cauldron, but he didn't hand it over. What's the purpose?"

"Want to occupy the artifact for your own use?"

"He didn't even go to see it with his own eyes. If he had seen it, then it would not be my turn to collect such a large Yuanyang boulder and so many Dao Yuns."

"Then there is only one reason, and that is that he knows who put Yunmeng Ding into the bottom of Xueding Hot Spring. He is a watchman who abides by his duties and dare not go one step further."

At this point in the analysis, Ye Chuxiao's thinking was interrupted a little, and he jumped out of the original path and turned into a fork.

Assuming that King Zhao and Jixiang are both related to Yinchao, why Jixiang, as a subordinate of Yinchao, wants to guide Ye Chuxiao to such a sensitive place as Xueding Hot Spring?
Even in order to frame Ye Chuxiao, even at the expense of a princess?
Although the specific implementation of this misleading plan is carried out by Jixiang.

But the source of this plan is definitely not something that a mere servant can plan.

"The purpose of this conspiracy against me is not to really kill me directly, but to 'harm me'. For this reason, I will not hesitate to take the innocence of a princess."

"Suppose I go on as planned, what will the result be?"

"It may not be that I was killed on the spot, it is more likely that I was sealed and imprisoned. If the princess's reputation is not damaged, then I will die in an inconspicuous corner, silently. If Inadvertently leaking the news, the princess’s name is smeared, and I will be placed on the chessboard as a pawn to resolve the embarrassment on the face of the royal family... "

"My life, honor and disgrace, survival, everything, is handed over to the randomness of fate, or to some specific people." Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao has a hard time not thinking of Jin Buyi and Ying Ying Shu.

Because, for such a small 'Wonderful Realm', it is so complicated, there is nothing else except the heart core dispute of killing one's heart first and then killing one.

And this set of means, Ye Chuxiao tends to come from Jin Buyu.

Compared with Ying Shu's situation at this time, according to the original rhythm, the situation that Ye Chuxiao needs to face is a little familiar, isn't it?

The chaotic thoughts suddenly overlapped in Ye Chuxiao's mind.

Some clues that were faintly visible before became clearly visible at this time.

Things that seemed to be irrelevant at first, once they are connected and viewed in parallel, there is a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"Jin Buyi is not Jin Buyi, if Jin Buyi is not himself, then who is he?"

"The only one who can control the Yin dynasty is the late emperor, the morning king Xiao Chi."

"So... Jin Buyi is Xiao Chi?"

Ye Chuxiao came to such a conclusion, but there is still one thing that doesn't make sense.

According to the true former emperor 'Xiao Bao'er' in Yunmeng Great Cauldron, Xiao Chi is a monk of No Fixed Realm.

Because in his memory, there is a secret about indefiniteness.

But Jin Buyi is just an artistic conception, and it is still the kind of artistic conception that... does not seem to be too strong.

"Unless, Jin Buyi or Xiao Chi once cut off his cultivation, cut off all the cultivation obtained in this world, left this world in a more pure way, and then...he came back."

"It's just that if my inference is correct, what is it that made him so determined that he could even give up his indeterminate cultivation?" At this time, Ye Chuxiao couldn't help but think of Ye Chuqi's report about An act of refining the world in the late period.

If Jin Buyi is Xiao Chi's words, then after Jin Buyi integrated into Ying Shu's Xindan, he returned to the "script" hurricane without a fixed boundary, which seemed to be premeditated and reasonable.

There is no fluke, everything was planned more than 100 years ago.

All the flukes that seem to outsiders are pre-rehearsed and arranged dramas.

Thinking of Ye Chuxiao who was here, he interjected inappropriately at this time: "Ah! It's a rare trip, and I originally planned to go to Xueding Hot Spring for a bath."

"Dragon King, Dragon Queen! Why are you so tense? Why don't you take advantage of this rare opportunity and relax?"

"As for other things, it's okay to leave it to God's will."

What he said, if he didn't know the inside story, he must think that Ye Chuxiao was helping to ease the atmosphere... Although he didn't seem to be from the perspective of the person involved, he didn't understand Erlong's urgency to find the Yunmeng cauldron at all.

Yuan Yan and Yuan Meng are not brainless people, and they didn't blame Ye Chuxiao for being unreasonable in the first place.

They just looked at Ye Chuxiao with probing eyes.

They also knew Ye Chuxiao a little bit, and knew that at this moment, he would never be aimless.

So are these words meant to 'dissuade' from the court's point of view, or to 'hint' from their point of view?
King Zhao laughed and said, "That's right, two honored guests, before dawn, why don't you go to appreciate the most famous secret place in Mount Yao, how about Xueding Hot Spring?"

"The Royal Manor is not open to the public easily. There are not many opportunities to appreciate such a good place."

Zhao Wang was indeed not showing his face, he was not surprised at all, and he followed Ye Chuxiao's words, and Erlong didn't see any traces of trickery at all.

"Hey... I'm sorry!"

"I probably forgot, and then I remembered that just now, the internal official named Jixiang, that villain who tried to assassinate the two Dragon Lords, also told me that a princess went to the Xueding Hot Spring first, Then talk about it later."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to this Xueding hot spring!" Ye Chuxiao said.

At this time, King Zhao couldn't hold back any longer.

Looking at Ye Chuxiao's eyes, there was already an undisguised ferocity.

Ye Chuxiao didn't respond, he was just a King Zhao, he could be destroyed by flipping his hands, so what's there to be afraid of?

After inferring so much, it is almost time to make Jin Buyu a clear card. It is meaningless to continue at this time. Of course, it is to switch alternatives and ask for directions.

Like a vampire vine, Jin Buyi has been entwined in the Daheng Dynasty for hundreds of years. No one knows how many masters he has recruited and how many forces he has rooted. Maybe Ye Chuxiao has some secret behaviors, and he is watching with a magnifying glass.

Compared with him, Ye Chuxiao couldn't compare with Daheng's background.

Then smash the plate, and let those famous players in Daheng court and field, all with surnames, reveal their true positions in the storm.

Get as many helpers as you can.

Not planning is of much use, and the most important thing is to engage in the mentality of never losing money.

What exactly is his plan?
I lost it to him, and asked him if his mentality collapsed.

"It turns out that Princess Wei is still visiting,'s not appropriate for me to wait!"

"Yuan Meng, why don't you go pay a visit to this princess instead of the Dragon King?" Yuan Yan vaguely stopped Shi Huang with his body and let Yuan Meng go to the top of Yaoshan Mountain.

As for Zhao Wang, although he has cultivation, he is not artistic conception, so he can ignore it.

It's not that everyone is Ye Chuxiao. Before reaching Yijing, he stacked up a hundred or so floors first, and his combat power is comparable to Yijing.

Yuan Meng turned around and transformed into a dragon, climbed up the clouds, and rushed straight to the top of Yaoshan.

Along the way, although there were various restrictions and barriers, Yuan Meng strongly supported his own Long Yuan Domain and resisted tearing it apart.

Without another artistic conception monk to host, these formations and restrictions cannot stop Yuanmeng's strength.

And Ye Chuxiao, although he stood still, but under the blessing of the characteristics of the artifact cloak, the realm of artistic conception quietly followed.

It is equivalent to Ye Chuxiao following him with full-view eyes.

In the hot spring on the top of the snow, the princess just swam ashore and put on her dress.

Looking at the gorgeous hot spring water waves, I am in a trance.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard in the clear sky, and a blue dragon descended from the sky and landed on the Xueding hot spring.

The steam was steaming, and amidst the bright stars and moon, Yuan Meng, who had turned into a human form, saw the princess standing by the pool.

Although the two have different temperaments, there are many similarities in the shape of the face and the charm between the brows.

"You...!" Yuan Meng looked at the princess, throbbing in the blood, unnaturally jumping and beating, and then roaring and rushing like a volcanic eruption.

On the princess's face and body, blue scale-like patterns also faintly appeared.

Evidently they were all restless.

When each other appeared in each other's field of vision, the message flowing in the blood had already informed their respective identities.

"Are you... my daughter?" Yuan Meng felt her mouth dry. An encounter she had never imagined appeared at this moment and hit her hard, leaving her in a daze.

A memory that had been blurred for a long time came up again.

Yuan Meng once followed the King of Morning, and was his subordinate dragon, but it was more than that.

The old dragon king might just be a simple mount, but Yuan Meng sometimes turned against his master and rode the morning king.

As a peerless little female dragon, the high-spirited Morning King was the person she dreamed of and the hero she always yearned for.

When she conceived the hero's 'child', she was in a state of excitement and worrying about sexual happiness almost every moment.

The sudden occurrence of the accident also caused her to lose control of her emotions, which led to the premature birth of the dragon egg.

On the day when King Chen was killed for 'rebellion', she laid eggs ahead of time, and gave birth to a dead egg just under Mount Yao.

That's why, when King Chen was executed, she was not by her side.

After the defeat of King Chen, she believed that it was because of the betrayal of the old Dragon King that this caused all this to happen.

Because she has enough reasons and enough 'evidence' to support this.

In order to get revenge, she even married the old dragon king, waiting for the opportunity of revenge.

In order to achieve her goal, she 'forgot' the dead egg, and deliberately did not look back at the wound.

However, at this moment, looking at the "daughter" who has grown up so close in front of her eyes, Yuan Meng's entire thoughts are completely confused.

She didn't understand how the dead eggs survived.

And how it was hatched and existed as the princess of Daheng.

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

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