There are gaps in the road

Chapter 181 What is Poaching

Even though he already knew that Ye Chuxiao was a talent.

But... this is too talented!
How old is he, so he is proficient in painting, formation, and utensils?

Not to mention, there are still some places on the drawings that also use the content of talismans and techniques, but the proportion is not high.

But there is no doubt that this is a set of blueprints with extremely high technical content, which involves a lot of high-level information, and Shi Huang can't understand it, but he can understand some of the structures and the results summarized.

If the effect is really as good as it is depicted... even if it is only a third, the predicament of Yunmengze Bazhou Land can be solved.

Not to mention too much, as long as Yunmengze Bazhou does not corrupt to the point of no control in a short period of time, the general pattern can be stabilized.

The imperial court sent troops to Yunmengze, captured the Yunmengze Shui Clan, beheaded the dragon king Yuanyi and the dragon queen Yuanmeng, and then supported other obedient dragon clans to take up the position of Dragon King. The chaos in the eight states can be counted as resolved.

Just conquering the Yunmengze Aquarium is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time, it can be as short as half a year, and as long as several years or even decades.

The imperial court needed time, and the plan Ye Chuxiao gave, in Shi Huang's view, might be able to buy a certain amount of time.

"Could it be...the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is really a good place comparable to the Imperial College?" Shi Huang flipped through the blueprints, and he couldn't help thinking of it.

Shi Huang had heard of Ye Chuxiao's frequent use of his position to ask prisoners in dungeons and sky prisons for 'knowledge'.

At the beginning, it was just as an interesting thing, and it was pleasant to listen to.

Now it seems that it is not useless.

"Should I throw those incompetent boys in my family into the dungeon to practice?"

"What excuse should we find so that the old woman at home won't get angry?" Shi Huang thought distractedly.

In fact, this is because Shi Huang himself is not proficient enough in the way of arrays and weapons. In the eyes of ordinary monks, he is considered to have deep insights, but based on his cultivation, it is actually not considered true technical ability.

Just like people who have more information can make some business judgments more thoroughly, but this does not mean that their business talents have really reached the same level.

This kind of error in specific details is not important in ordinary times.

But at the critical moment, the difference can be revealed.

When Ye Chuxiao mixed the array, map, and weapon, it seemed to be well-organized in every aspect, as if that was all.

Only monks who are truly proficient in its connotations can know that the seemingly clear and simple structure only exists in the unilateral simplicity and clarity of a certain item. Once it is mixed and operated, its difficulty and complexity will increase by ten times or a hundred times. .

If it is a monk who really specializes in and deeply digs these three ways, and then looks at these blueprints, he will definitely regard Ye Chuxiao as a master, and wish he could be treated like a dog.

"You...have a heart!"

"However, after all, it's just a plan on paper, and it still needs to be verified to be effective." After calming down for a while, Shi Huang said with a dry cough.

He is not suppressing Ye Chuxiao, but protecting.

Yunmengze Bazhou is about to become the center of the storm. If these blueprints of Ye Chuxiao have not undergone professional 'testing', they will be put into use directly according to the drawings. If something goes wrong, Ye Chuxiao will be blamed.

Even if it is not his problem, in politics, the outcome is rarely judged by true right or wrong.

Instead, the judgment is made after the game of strength and weakness.

On the contrary, if these blueprints are put into use after being inspected by the professional array repair and equipment repair of the Ministry of Industry, although the credit will be shared, the pot will also be thrown out. If there are any problems, Ye Chuxiao will not be the only person responsible .

Ye Chuxiao was not extreme, of course she understood Shi Huang's vague intention of protection.

But he didn't care and said: "Grandpa! At this time of crisis, if you delay for one more day, the danger will increase several times. How can the honor and disgrace of me alone compare with the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people?"

"For the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people, Ye Chuxiao is willing to go through fire and water!"

"If you are not at ease, you can start with the six places of Zoukou, Tuxian, Zhangjiatai, Yujiawan, Liucun, and Baimashan. These six places are like fangs, directly connected to Yunmengze, and Water vapor is the most turbulent, if the Yunmengze aquarium withdraws, there will be signs of rising water in these places, and it should be within three to five days."

Shi Huang looked at Ye Chuxiao seriously, and then finally nodded slowly: "That's true, soldiers are so expensive!"

"Xiaoye! This matter is up to you to supervise, and the six doors will fully cooperate with you. People will give you people, and things will be given to you, and you... have to do things beautifully."

"As long as you handle things properly, you don't have to worry about other issues, the old man will take care of them for you."

After Shi Huang said this, the atmosphere in the whole hall became relaxed.

Most of the murderous aura that he had just now was immediately removed.

For those gold medal headhunters, obeying Ye Chuxiao's order is a bit embarrassing, but it is better to obey Ye Chuxiao's order than to kill and make everyone enemy.

Shi Huang and Yuan Shen wanted to take big risks for the sake of the people of the world.

But it doesn't mean that everyone present has this determination.

It is not difficult to let them perform their duties for the public, but they do not have the determination to risk their own lives, or even the lives of the whole family.

Now that Ye Chuxiao jumped out, no matter whether he could really get things done, at least he had given a plan to avoid the most intense conflict.

In the hearts of the many headhunters, they are somewhat grateful.

Looking at Shi Huang and Yuan Shen who were still passing on the drawings, Ye Chuxiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

He did this, of course, not simply to solve the problem of water vapor in Yashu.

If his purpose was only this, he would not have insisted on taking away Yunmeng's cauldron in front of Yuanmeng and completely intensifying the conflict.

In the short term, the goal of Jin Buyi, Ying Shu, and Ye Chuxiao is to win the battle of heart pills, but in the long run, it may be Jin Buyi who is Xiao Chi's incarnation, his The goal is to refine the world.

Ye Chuxiao doesn't know how he will accomplish this, but in the refining world, at least he must be able to completely control all the laws of this world.

Once the mountains, rivers, water vapor, and earth veins in the land of Yunmengze and the eight states are coordinated by Ye Chuxiao's trinity of arrays, maps, and utensils, it means that the land and water in the eight states will be exhausted. Ye Chuxiao's palm.

Before the game, Ye Chuxiao seized the gold first and spared no son, hitting his confidants and causing chaos in his area.

As for whether it will attract more targeting and hostility from Jin Buyu, it doesn't really matter.

Because of the hostile positioning, it will not change.

At most, it is the difference between facing greater pressure earlier and later.

With Ye Chuxiao's current strength, he is not worried about fighting with open flames.

This move is still like throwing stones to ask for directions, beating grass to startle snakes.

Jin Buyi hid his fangs in the dark, and only treated people with a disguised appearance. Then Ye Chuxiao would strip off his disguise, and he would have to expose more traces.

At least before it becomes a general trend, once it is exposed, more people, whether active or passive, will stand on the opposite side of Jin Buyu.

Just like what Shi Huang said, speed is the most important thing in soldiers.

Immediately after the plan was made, Ye Chuxiao took three gold medals, eleven silver medals, and hundreds of copper medals drawn from him, and rushed to Yunmengze Bazhou, where nearly a thousand ordinary policemen went. At the pilot site, carry out on-site layout.

The treasury of the Ministry of Punishment has also been emptied by more than half.

When the flying boat took off outside the city of Shenjing, all forces were moved by the news, and many people followed the flying boat with six doors and headed to Yunmengze Bazhou together.

Sitting on the flying boat, Ye Chuxiao used the hand-held refinement method to control the raging fire and refine materials, and had already begun to manufacture the key utensils needed.

And many headhunters who are also practicing tools follow Ye Chuxiao's side and help out... such as delivering materials, using spells to make fire and gather energy, or refining metal material liquids, forging and refining, etc. Undemanding, but time-consuming work.

Deliver high-quality energy at no cost.

Departing in the morning, Ye Chuxiao and the others arrived in the Yunmengze Eight States, the nearest Yanzhou in the afternoon.

At this time, Erlong had just returned to Yunmengze not long ago.

After the order was issued, the Yunmengze Shui Clan was still in the process of evacuating.

Still, there are already signs of chaos.

Those Yunmengze aquarium combed the water vapor, not only relying on talent to cast spells, but also used some special water magic weapons, set up some corresponding formations, and so on.

Now that they want to withdraw, these will naturally not stay.

As a result, you will see that some reservoirs that originally stored water are directly dumped, and some dams used to prevent floods are also beginning to be full of loopholes.

There are also protective formations to strengthen the river embankment, and the amulets to suppress water ghosts, water demons, and water demons, etc., all of which are ineffective, so that these guys who usually dare not come out to be presumptuous all come out and cause riots.

"Everyone! They can leave if they want to, but keep their things, formations and magic weapons."

"As well as those monsters who are making trouble, all of them will be killed immediately." Ye Chuxiao ordered.

The rest of the head-hunters and fast-hunters who were not proficient in array, map, and weapon immediately took orders loudly.

As for those who are proficient in these three ways, they need to stay and help Ye Chuxiao build the framework as soon as possible.

Create a draft version first, and try it out on six key points.

Originally, the local defenders could do these things, or even do them better.

But the defenders need to have a transfer order from the Ministry of War before they can leave the place where they are stationed. No matter what the reason is, it is a felony to transfer troops without permission.

At this moment in the court, the two factions are attacking and arguing with each other, where can they get out and make specific arrangements?

On the contrary, there are six doors. Although the three chapters of Gold, Silver and Bronze are good at arresting heads, but the staff is streamlined, and they also take care of things in this area on weekdays, so they can rush quickly and rush to the front line first.

Ye Chuxiao had already prepared it in his mind, among which the most time-consuming and the most delicate parts, Ye Chuxiao had already prepared in advance when he was still on the boat of fortune.

At that time, although he didn't know that Jin Buyi was Xiao Chi.

But knowing that Jin Buyu will refine the world afterward, it is normal to make arrangements in advance.

For 26 hours in a row, Ye Chuxiao kept going day and night, running between the eight states and six counties.

In case of obstacles, cut first and play later, without any mercy, keep your hands.

After 26 hours, with the six counties of Zoukou, Tuxian, Zhangjiatai, Yujiawan, Liucun, and Baimashan as the anchor points, the trinity setting framework of formation, map, and utensils finally took shape.

Several mirrors are unfolded, and the changes of water vapor and earth atmosphere in the six counties are very clearly presented.

Standing on the short hill closest to Yunmeng Lake in Zhangjiatai, the calm Yunmeng Lake in the distance, at this moment, is like a giant beast that encroached on the mountains and rivers, and began to show its sharp and fierce fangs.

"The first wave of shock is coming!"

"Everyone, get ready." Ye Chuxiao said.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Although he has deduced the whole plan hundreds of times, but in the actual implementation, there may still be errors.

If the initial version of the land of six counties fails to achieve the expected goals, it will be even more difficult to take shape for the subsequent rollout plan of the land of eight states.

Not to mention, guiding the imperial court to pay attention to the management of water vapor and earth atmosphere, and to promote this system to the whole country.


In the depths of the earth, it seemed that something had been abruptly disconnected.

The originally small cliff suddenly bulged a lot upwards.

It seems that it can better resist the beating waves from Yunmengze, but in fact, it has broken a certain ground meridian. Just behind the low mountain, near a large area of ​​farmland, a large amount of yellow mud is gushing from the ground. Out, with the color of blood.

There are hundreds of water columns that are tens of meters high and nearly ten meters wide.

In less than half a day, Zhangjiatai will become Zhangjiatang.

Ye Chuxiao touched Jin Mian, and started to activate the magic weapon that had been buried long ago.

Those water jets crossed the sky high, but were transpired and turned into clouds and mist, floating in midair, hoarding in the land near Yunmengze.

"Transfer the rain cloud to the direction of Liu Village. According to the direction of the ground veins, Liu Village is in an area where the water vapor is about to dry up. Transporting the water vapor there will solve the urgent need." Ye Chuxiao said.

Immediately, there will be a headhunter that can already be executed, and follow it.

Accidents happened one after another in several counties and towns, but they were all handled properly by Ye Chuxiao's system.

For three days in a row, there was not even the slightest error. Everything was perfect, as if the withdrawal of the Yunmeng Aquarium had never happened.

Just looking at the changed terrain, mountains and rivers, you can know that all of this has already happened, but it was locked firmly within a controllable range by Ye Chuxiao with his trinity framework.

The impact is also more positive than negative.

For example, Zhangjiatai, which was the first to undergo changes, has gained a hundred acres of fertile land for nothing, and there are mountains adjacent to the lake that have been turned into mountains to resist the cold wind from the lake, making the living environment more suitable.

Having reported Ye Chuxiao's plan to the Son of Heaven, Shi Huang, who had obtained permission and assistance from the imperial court, also rushed to the front line.

Looking at the results of Ye Chuxiao and others, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ye Jinzhang! You really did not disappoint the old man!"

"After this battle, I will ask for credit for you, and I will definitely ask His Majesty to ennoble you." Shi Huang happily patted Ye Chuxiao on the shoulder and said.

Just now, Shi Huang broke the rules and directly promoted Ye Chuxiao to be the headhunter of the gold medal, breaking the tradition of not being awarded the gold medal above the six-door non-transformation realm.

After all, on the bright side, Ye Chuxiao is just a cultivator of Wonderland.

Facing Shi Huang's praise, Ye Chuxiao just smiled reservedly.

Looking at the rising and spreading waterline in the distance, what Ye Chuxiao thought was: "Golden Buyi, what would you do in such a situation?"

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