"Come with me!" Yan Po signaled Ye Chuxiao to follow quickly.

Together, the two walked along the cold mountain path to the deep mountain.

After walking for about one stick of incense, Yan Po used a hatchet to cut all the thorns at the entrance of a cave, revealing a not-so-deep cave.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, you can see the end at a glance.

Except for a stone tablet standing in the cave, there is nothing else.

Ye Chuxiao tried to use the domain to cover the past, but found that the stele vaguely has the ability to absorb thoughts, and the material seems to be very hard, not easy to damage.

Apart from this, there are no other abnormalities in the cave.

"Are you in the mood?"

"It's so fast!" Yan Po said briefly, and he didn't feel any surprise in his words.

Ye Chuxiao could only say flatly: "Yes, due to various reasons, the speed of practice has been slightly accelerated."

"Indeed, as Brother Tang's successor, your cultivation level is a bit poor, and you are barely qualified now." Yan Po nodded and said.

Ye Chuxiao choked for a moment, Versailles was not released successfully, and changed the subject very smoothly: "Hanshan Flower Festival? What do you mean?"

"If you want to enjoy flowers, there are no beautiful flowers around here."

These four words are engraved on the stone tablet.

"Spring comes, the cold wind is gone, and the rain is full of peanuts. The Hanshan Flower Fair was formed before Brother Tang's sacrifice, but it was really established after Brother Tang's sacrifice." Yan Po said.

"The biggest flaw in practicing in this world is that the higher the level of cultivation, the more indifferent the heart will be. Except for a few people who can escape from this realm, find the corresponding flaws in the world, and hedge against the flaws, most people will travel temporarily even if they have the opportunity to travel. It is also hard to escape the shackles of defects."

As he said that, Yan Po took out three strange gems from his bosom.

Putting these three gemstones around the stele in a unique position, Ye Chuxiao felt in an instant that the stele seemed to have just become complete.

The stele began to emit a faint aura.

A unique wave of time and space emanated from the stone tablet.

Suddenly, the cave became shiny and wider.

Some fuzzy figures, also in a virtual form, crossed the barrier of time and space, projected in the cave, and waved their hands in the direction of Ye Chuxiao and Yan Po.

"The completion of the world is just like the thawing of the cold mountain. Winter turns to spring. Brother Tang's painstaking efforts will not be in vain, and his efforts will not be just useless efforts."

"They are the sad people who never saw Brother Tang off or bid farewell. Since you are Brother Tang's successor, you are the one who serves them. If there is any need, you can drive them, no matter what." Yan Po After all, he stood aside with his hands tied.

Then he took the lead and said: "Jiang Zuo Yan Po, Artistic Conception Martial Cultivator, met President Ye."

A light and shadow on the left side of Yan Po split, and a man in red clothes appeared, who was so delicate and indistinguishable between male and female. He took a serious look at Ye Chuxiao, and then took a look at Yan Po again. He bowed and said, "Yandi He Gang, Yijing Faxiu, met President Ye."

Then, the rough monk with bald head said: "Hanglong Temple is perfect, the artistic conception, martial arts and martial arts are cultivated together, and I have met President Ye."

"Da Mang Mountain Xu Xiaotian, cultivator of artistic conception, met President Ye."

"Bai Niaodu Li Shanshan, Artistic Conception Talisman, met President Ye."

One after another, the light and shadow spread out, revealing the true face behind.

They reported their origins, names, and directors, as if entrusting their lives to Ye Chuxiao's hands.

After a round of introduction, there are six Yijing monks and Yan Po, as many as 27 Huijing monks, and more than 100 other realm monks.

"This is only a part. There are still some people who are unable to get away at this time, or are still under investigation." Yan Po said to Ye Chuxiao.

"The members of the flower club are mostly scattered in the sky, and can temporarily communicate with the empty stone, but there is only one opportunity per month, and each time only has half an hour of communication time."

"If the president calls, it's best to say hello in advance. Brothers and sisters who are short of travel expenses can turn around each other." Yan Po said, and suddenly he felt shabby again. a grade.

Ye Chuxiao could see it.

The potential of the Hanshan Flower Fair is of course huge.

Among other things, the power of at least seven Artistic Conception cultivators, including him, would be an absolute colossus in any world.

However, the nature of this organization's initial creation and interest association is very obvious.

There is no rigorous structure, no common resources and inheritance, and even the travel expenses have to be paid out of their own pockets....

If it weren't for the strong strength of the members, it would be a pure grass team.

Ye Chuxiao didn't immediately start using wealth to win people's hearts.

These people who formed an association here because of Tang Sutong were not simply bought with a little favor.

"Although everyone is gathered together because of the same idea, since it is a group, it should have a complete punishment and reward system."

"I will discuss with you a specific general charter in a while. A few artistic conception monks, please pay attention. Recently, if someone spreads the news that someone in Daheng wants to sell a large number of artifact embryos, take this as an opportunity to divert back. , there is no need to deliberately hide your whereabouts." Ye Chuxiao said.

He said that to let the monks of Yijing pay attention to this news is actually to let them actively promote the news.

In this way, when the artistic conception monks belonging to the Hanshan Flower Club arrived in Daheng, they became less conspicuous among the group of artistic conception monks who also came to buy the artifact embryos.

"President, do you have an artifact embryo in your hand?"

"Is there any artifact to make a move?"

"If there is, I may have a way to get online and invite a monk from the Unsettled Realm." He Gang said.

Although he called Ye Chuxiao 'the president', he didn't really put Ye Chuxiao in a higher position.

As Ye Chuxiao concluded, this is just an association organization with a loose structure. Maybe they can use Tang Sutong's name to dispatch them to do things, but Ye Chuxiao does not have a higher level of authority, and the things he ordered , if it violates some principles of some people, it may be returned.

It is very appropriate to describe Hanshan Huahui as strong and fragile.

Of course, the inheritance given by Tang Sutong is still very rich and valuable.

No matter how Ye Chuxiao borrows power and how many plans he has in the future, he must first have a group of "caring people" who truly belong to him, and rely solely on his own strength to pull left and right between various forces and strong people, and errors occur The probability is extremely high.

There are some things that need to be done, and they are delivered to people who are not completely trustworthy. This is completely putting success or failure on the table.

"Is it credible?" Ye Chuxiao's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words.

He really needs to have an indeterminate monk as off-court assistance.

I dare not think about inviting him to be a bodyguard, but at critical moments, it will be miraculously effective to help suppress the place.

"Creditable!" He Gang nodded.

Ye Chuxiao said: "That's good! Contact me first, and if necessary, invite him to come over for a deal."

In Ye Chuxiao's hands, there are still some idle artifacts with overlapping effects.

Indeterminate monks may not be able to use ordinary artifacts, but they are not alone, and they always have to consider their disciples and younger generations.

But artifacts are always a scarce resource in the heavens and worlds.

Afterwards, Ye Chuxiao chatted with many members of the Flower Fair about the establishment of the system.

At first they were all restrained, but as they became more interested, they gradually opened up their chatterboxes, each with their own ideas.

It's just that the time is always limited, and when everyone's chats are on the rise, as the stone tablet dims, all the figures disappear in the cave.

And the three gemstones that Yan Po used to activate the stele were also shattered at the same time.

"The price of these three space-like gems is not low. Yan Po said that they can be contacted once a month. In fact, given the chaotic financial situation of the Hanshan Flower Association, it is impossible to meet once a month." Ye Chu Xiao thought to himself, but thoughtfully did not open his mouth to expose Yan Po's poverty.

"Listening to your conversation with them just now, you seem to have no direction." At the entrance of the cave, Yan Po stretched out his hand and performed a small spell, and the vines at the entrance of the cave grew faster, blocking the entrance of the cave again.

Ye Chuxiao said: "It's the first time I've seen you, many people still don't recognize them all, so don't worry about anything."

Although it was Tang Sutong's legacy, Ye Chuxiao would not accept it all directly and entrust it with important tasks.

It is always necessary to meet a living person, and after a little trial, consider how to arrange it.

Xiao Chi didn't show up, it's not realistic to ask Ye Chuxiao to do something concrete now.

Of course, it is still a long-term and effective task to continue to fight against the gold without waste and to engage in the mentality of gold without waste.

Winning Jin Buyi and Ying Shu before Xiao Chi appeared is Ye Chuxiao's current main task.

"That's right!" Yan Po approved of Ye Chuxiao's thoughts.

Ye Chuxiao turned to Yan Po and said, "Brother Yan! Are you sure that you can defeat Jin Buyi quickly without other interference?"

Yan Po hugged the hatchet and said expressionlessly, "How much?"

Ye Chuxiao thought for a while and said, "How about three swords?"

Yan Po said: "Yes!"

Ye Chuxiao said happily: "Brother Yan, I will change your face for a while, and if I find a chance, I will lure Jin Buyi's helper away. Please help me and teach Jin Buyi a lesson for me... remember to save his life."

Speaking of which, Ye Chuxiao took out a treasured saber of the embryonic level, an artifact, and handed it to Yan Po.

"This is a reward. Of course, according to the system we drafted just now, you still owe me." Ye Chuxiao said.

Yan Po shook the hatchet in his hand: "No need, I have a knife, not worse than yours."

"Also, I'll help you... you don't need any compensation."

Ye Chuxiao was very moved, but even more headache.

What he was worried about was that Yan Po would be blown up... originally, he wanted to equip Yan Po to strengthen Yan Po.

Unexpectedly, Yan Po did not buy it.

"It's really not bad!" Yan Po waved his hand, and the hatchet became his usual black knife.

On the edge of the blade, spirituality overflows.

Ye Chuxiao's domain enveloped the past, and he felt that this was a sacred sword.

"I didn't expect Yan Po to have such a family background?"

"That's right, after all, he is Tang Sutong's hardcore supporter. As a cultivator in the Unsettled Realm, it's only normal for Tang Sutong to leave something good for his younger brother." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Then he quickly put away the artifact embryo saber in his hand.

Yunmengze, in front of Shuifu.

Jin Buyi had a splinter stabbed in his chest, and his face was pale.

Just a moment ago, he was stabbed in the back by Yuan Meng.

Just when he thought he could gain both people and wealth, Yuan Meng's gesture made him see the bleak reality clearly.

In the same place, he fell again.

"Mengmeng! Tell me, why?" Jin Buyu looked at Yuanmeng affectionately. He didn't understand why Yuanmeng, who had shown obedience to him, would suddenly turn against him.

Or, this woman's name is 'Betrayal'?
Yuan Meng looked at Jin Buyi with a sneer and said, "You thief, I don't know where you stole my memory and his, but you are definitely not him. Your despicableness and shamelessness are far worse than his grandeur. Far more than thousands of miles, ten thousand miles?"

Jin Buqi's face turned red and his forehead turned black.

This is already the last time, I don't know how many times he has broken the defense.

Of course he knew that he was not Xiao Chi.

But Xiao Chi is already dead!

Now he is the commander in chief of everything, everything about Xiao Chi, without taking it for granted, does it all belong to him?

What's wrong with this?
Reluctantly tidied up his emotions, Jin Buyi still wanted to fight for it again.

He has been bound by Yunmengze for too long. If he can't be released from this mission in name, he is worried that those split 'clones' will come up with something against him.

"Mengmeng! I admit that I am a little different from before."

"But Mengmeng, people will change, and you are the same. I haven't seen you in a hundred years, and you are not as innocent and simple as before..."

Jin Buyi's boxing technique is obviously not in place, neither can overcome rigidity with softness, nor can he hit Huanglong directly, but instead makes Yuanmeng more angry.

When she woke up from a false dream and found out that she was just being fooled, who knew how devastated she was?

For this despicable person, she even cut off Yuan Yao who had been with her for many years.

"Enough! Just now I failed to kill you with one blow, now I will take your life." Yuan Meng turned into a blue dragon, swallowing water mines, and spread towards Jin Buyu.

Jin Buyi retreated quickly, he was seriously injured at this time, and he didn't dare to fight Yuan Meng who was in a rage.

After evacuating Yunmeng Zeshui Mansion, Jin Buyi became more and more angry.

It's just that besides the anger, a little depression and depression inevitably surged up.

Things got out of control in multiple directions, and even the plan to "expose" his identity and return to the emperor's throne did not go smoothly.

He could barely see the direction.

"The general situation is about to change, but I'm still stuck in this small corner, it's just hateful!" Jin Buyi thought to himself.

It's just that he didn't think clearly, if he really intends to regain the throne, why should he continue to cling to the mere position of god catcher?

It was because he was reluctant to let go and wanted to hold it in his hands first, but he was forced into a predicament step by step.

Suddenly, Jin Buyi sensed the information shared by many 'clones'.

"Ye Chuxiao...you finally appeared again!"

"It's all your fault, I will kill you today!"

After speaking bluntly, Jin Buji summoned many avatars to encircle Ye Chuxiao in the direction where Ye Chuxiao appeared.

Relying on the 'many people', he didn't worry about whether this was a trap.

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