Carrying Jin Buyi, who was caught in endless internal friction, Ye Chuxiao went straight into the secret room.

In the corner of the secret room, there is a formation that has been built in advance.

Once the formation is opened, those who died in it will have a relatively complete soul for a period of time.

After Ye Chuxiao killed Jin Buyi, he would use his innate supernatural powers to control his soul.

At this time, Ying Shu, who wanted to get involved, was stopped by He Gang who had been arranged by Ye Chuxiao in advance, and was blocked from the secret room.

A straight knife pierced into Jin Buyi's heart.

Jin Buyi's life began to pass quickly.

There was no resistance at all during the whole process.

After the negative effect of Xindan fully exploded, he had already turned into a living dead.

The loss of control and rampage of Xindan will make the 'Ding Furnace' become manic, irritable, and murderous.

But when the person who is the cauldron has lost all his heart energy, even if the heart core loses control, it will not have much impact on his actual state.

A person who has lost all desire to live has no emotions such as anger and fear.

Blood flowed, dripping all over the Soul Gathering Formation.

When Jin Buyu's last bit of vitality was exhausted, his bewildered soul was half-empty floating above the formation, controlled by Ye Chuxiao, and naturally floated towards Ye Chuxiao, and was put into his cuffs.

At the same time, the reverse flow from Xindan is also happening.

After Jin Buyi's 'filtering', almost [-]% of the negative emotions and negative effects in Xindan have been smoothed and eliminated.

The only trace is not a big problem.

But this sweet fruit that was supposed to belong to Ying Shu was blocked by Ye Chuxiao in the middle of the way, and it was cut off.

On the Xindan network, Ying Shu's voice vibrated crazily.

"Okay? When can I get my share? Seeing that I have put in a lot of hard work, can I increase my share?" This is a message sent 3 minutes ago.

At that time, Jin Buyi hadn't completely died, and his heart hadn't started to flow back.

"I feel it! It's huge! It's a turbulent impact!"

"Give it to me quickly, and give me my share right away." This was Ying Shu's voice transmission after Jin Buyi's death, when his heart returned for a moment.

Of course, at the same time, she also used some methods, trying to take advantage of the privilege of the original owner of the heart elixir, and forcibly seize all the shares of the heart elixir.

But the spiritual barrier Ye Chuxiao set up was too thick.

With full firepower and the blessing of Yuanyang Mirror, Ying Shu failed to snatch him.

As the 'cauldron', Ye Chuxiao and Jin Buyi are Yingshu's special 'firewall'.

This was originally a disadvantage to the two of them.

However, because of this, according to the normal backflow, Ye Chuxiao, as the second 'firewall', stood in front of Yingshu.

That is to say, if Ying Shu couldn't take the initiative to intervene, then Ye Chuxiao must have come into contact with the heart pill that flowed back from Jin Buyi earlier than Ying Shu.

And when this part of the heart pill fell on Ye Chuxiao's body.

Just don't think that even the slightest part will flow to Ying Shu.

From the very beginning, Ye Chuxiao never thought of giving Ying Shu the slightest bit.

The so-called share that was disputed in the previous negotiations was just a trap used to paralyze Ying Shu.

Including those so-called negotiation clauses, which more or less also have some similar functions.

Of course, the purpose of the negotiations at that time was not just for the current purpose.

Otherwise, Ye Chuxiao, who had already paid for everything, would not have to deliberately release Ying Shu.

At this moment, Ye Chuxiao is deliberately playing Ying Shu's mentality.

After the strategy is over, Jin Buyi, the next step is to focus on Yingshu with all his strength.

Of course, perhaps relying solely on Jin Buyi's feedback was enough for Ye Chuxiao to tear down the barrier and break into the Uncertainty.

That is still unknown.

"You promised to give me [-]%, do you want to renege on your promise?" Ying Shu's voice transmission gradually became a little bit annoyed.

She was clearly pissed off.

Jin Buyi was chosen by her, and she planted her heart pill. She also spent a lot of effort and money in the game and entanglement with Jin Buyi.

Now it's time to divide the cake, but she doesn't have a share?

What kind of capitalist is this?

Are you still talking about it?

"Ye Chuxiao! Are you a man? Don't make me look down on you!"

"Ye Chuxiao! You bastard! Speak up! Answer me!" Ying Shu began to yell and curse like a shrew.

This is Ying Shu's first real defense break.

In the past, no matter how turbulent her heart was, she always held a posture.

That posture may not be arrogant, but it must be putting oneself on a relatively stable premise.

Instead of sitting on a gunpowder barrel like it is now, with a little spark, it can explode and take off in a spiral.

"Ye Chuxiao, I know what I said just now was not very good, but you have to understand, this is very important to us." Scolding didn't work, Ying Shu started to please Ye Chuxiao again, she spoke soft words , the voice is soft and cute with a bit of cuteness, and I want to take advantage of some gender.

Even if this trick has been frustrated by Ye Chuxiao many times, she still has to choose to try again.

However, the voice she made was still silent.

Ye Chuxiao was like a silent abyss.

No matter how many words Ying Shu shouted at him, they would only be ruthlessly swallowed up.

There was no response at all.

"Yeah! Ye Chuxiao... you ungrateful villain, wait for your death! I will let you know what will happen to me if you provoke me."

"I will extinguish all your ego and make you spit out everything you eat."

"You haven't won this game yet." After Ying Shu finished speaking harshly, she was already planning to get out and run away.

She was very worried that after Ye Chuxiao digested all the feedback from Jin Buyi's Xindan, her skills increased greatly, and then she didn't do it, and ignored Xindan's backlash, and chose to kill her here.

This is not impossible.

At least... Ying Shu herself had imagined it that way.

She originally planned to find a time and place that was more favorable to her, extinguish Jin Buyu's last resistance, and then swallow all the feedback share of Xindan in one fell swoop, and then take advantage of the situation to get rid of Ye Chuxiao.

It's actually very similar to what Ye Chuxiao is doing now.

This can't help her not to worry.

People often worry about what they think, and others will use the same means to deal with themselves.

But at this moment, Ye Chuxiao was in no mood or emotion to care about what Ying Shu was clamoring about.

He has completely 'sinked' into it.

In a very unique spiritual perspective, he seems to be the embodiment of gold.

He can feel that Jin has not forgotten every emotional ups and downs, every turning of thoughts, every effort and struggle, every moment of breathing and heartbeat.

But he is also detached.

He didn't really become Jin Buyi, he knew who he was.

This feeling is very different from digesting and absorbing the practice experience of others through dao rhyme.

Dao Yun absorbs it, it is more like turning people into a unique experience book, and Ye Chuxiao is just 'reading' quickly.

Readers and creators actually have a discrepancy in their specific understanding.

Even in the transmission of certain messages, there are inheritance attributes, but there are still natural consumption and derivatives.

But at this moment, everything about Jin's perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and thoughts was completely understood and accepted by Ye Chuxiao.

It doesn't even convert.

Rather, it formed a unique parallel with Ye Chuxiao's own practice philosophy.

During this kind of parallelism, Ye Chuxiao felt as if he had touched a door of nothingness.

It's so empty, yet so real.

It does not exist in reality, but exists in the soul. It is the thinking of the existence of living beings, and it is a lock on itself.

It locks even tighter when it's thought about stubbornly and completely independently.

As long as the door is pushed open, a deeper level of scenery will be displayed in front of his eyes.

At this time, the Yunmeng cauldron that Ye Chuxiao put in the snake bag moved naturally.

The weapon spirit who claimed to be 'Xiao Bao'er' began to show a strange expression.

He is splitting.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao blessed the Yunmeng cauldron, and the multiple seals against Xiao Bao'er were 'melting'.

They were not dismantled, but integrated into the Yunmeng cauldron and became a part of it.

Since it is already a part of the cauldron, naturally there is no way to restrict it.

At the same time, Xiao Baoer originally absorbed the part that belonged to Ye Chuxiao's half-hearted pill, tore it off from his soul body, and then followed a mysterious trajectory, escaped from the Yunmeng cauldron, and jumped directly to Ye Chuxiao's body. In Chu Xiao's mind, it quietly melted into it.

"No fixed place!"

"I'm about to break through the indeterminate realm!"

"The mysterious veil of infinity is about to unfold before my eyes." Ye Chuxiao exuded joy from the bottom of her heart.

In this kind of joy, he didn't realize at all that some information that he shouldn't have known at this moment was slowly unfolding before his eyes.

"So, is this the indeterminate realm?"

"What is said in the record is really good, it is a choice!"

"Stupid state is the boundless solid foundation of the body, adversity is the endless sharpening of skills, energy state is the control of infinite energy, wonderful state is the cycle of infinite life and death, transformation state is the balance of all phenomena, wisdom state is the condensation of wisdom, artistic conception is self The ultimate stretch."

"From the realm of ignorance to the realm of artistic conception, these seven realms have no end at all. All living beings have their eyes covered, so they think that the climbing of realms is endless."

Ye Chuxiao's thoughts continued to extend downward along the unfolding of the message.

But at the same time, the door that was originally in a trance, as if it was about to open to Ye Chuxiao, became more and more blurred, gradually fading and blurring.

Integrating into Ye Chuxiao's body, paralleling his mind, the accumulation that belongs to Jin Buyu, is also actively participating, melting, and blending into Ye Chuxiao's own ability and system.

Ye Chuxiao's accumulation has become thicker, his cultivation base has also become stronger, and his strength in all aspects has made great progress and growth.

But these are 'appearance', is superficial.

Already, there is not much difference from Ye Chuxiao's previously fused practice experience.

"The first choice of Wudingjing is to choose a realm and go through it again."

"Those that don't overlap, don't pile up, or even are irrelevant, go again."

"And after this choice, the style and attributes of the indeterminate state will only start from this."

"It is the essence of life, the transformation and change from the inside out. We choose the road we choose, which kind of future we will welcome."

"All the choices are not wrong, but when the practice reaches the indeterminate state, they all part ways."

"There is no longer a very fixed and complete experience of the predecessors, which can be used by the latecomers."

"At most, it is just forming coordinates as a reference."

"If you choose Foolish Realm, you will have unparalleled physical ability and become the existence of a fist-breaking meteor. If you choose Misery Realm, you will be unparalleled in skills and skills, with a lot of cards and means. If you choose Energy Realm, you will be able to control multiple attributes. Energy is a well-deserved fort existence in the Unfixed Realm. If you choose Wonderful Realm, you will gain the ability to pass through life and death and understand the dark world, which is mysterious. If you choose Transformation Realm, you can know the infinite secrets of the world, and you can get a precise balance between everything. Choose Huijing, get infinite blessings of wisdom, and will no longer be fixed by confusion. Choose Yijing to magnify yourself, use 'I' to interfere with a larger reality, and even reverse the rules of the world."

"There are no fixed choices, no overlapping, no multiple choices, no turning back. Once you choose a path, you must persevere. This is the beginning of the real division."

"Because the essence of life has become different since this choice."

"If I had to use a more precise metaphor, it would be from a human being to a fairy, to a god, to a demon, to a demon, to all kinds of transcendent beings who are defined and divided into different natures. Creature."

"Like Tang Sutong, who can sacrifice to the Tao with death must choose the direction of artistic conception. Indefinite monks in other directions, even if they want to sacrifice to the Tao with death, they will definitely not be able to do it, because what they are good at is not what they are good at. Are not the same."

Mentally, Ye Chuxiao felt a sense of infinite joy that he had finally learned the secret.

In his eyes, the endless secret unfolded without any hindrance.

But at the same time, he also quickly fell from that mysterious and mysterious realm, and thus returned to reality.

In reality, his true qi, will, domain, and physical fitness all had a qualitative leap.

However, these enhancements are all enhancements based on the original foundation, rather than a dual-track parallel, unintentional combination.

Ye Chuxiao finally woke up completely from the torrent of information.

Then anger and regret filled his entire chest.

He knew the secret of the Unsettled Realm.

And then...he seemed unable to touch the Infinity again.

Because no matter what choice he wants to make again, it is impossible for him to start from scratch mentally, throwing away the existing framework and foundation.

This is the shackles of the soul.

If you know it, you can't do it!
Even if Ye Chuxiao chooses to block part of the memory, when the level is broken, the memory will recover, and it will still be knocked down as quickly as this time.

Just did the basic accumulation.

It's like a building, just constantly strengthening the lower floors.

And a higher layer can never be stacked.

"Xiao Chi!" Ye Chuxiao's voice was squeezed from his throat.

There is no mountain dew, no big movements and movements.

Xiao Chi just arranged a reserved backhand at an interval of time and space, and put Ye Chuxiao in such an embarrassing predicament.

"Fortunately... there is Ying Shu!"

"Perhaps she can be my hope of turning things around!" Ye Chuxiao gritted her molars, although she was depressed and irritable in her heart, she still pressed down firmly and began to think of a way out.

The unique relationship between him and Ying Shu was established early on.

If you can guard against Xindan's contact, Ying Shu will not get information about Wuding, or there may be a possibility of breaking through.

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