There are gaps in the road

Chapter 213 Goodbye Break

Chapter 213 Goodbye Break

The network pull of mountains, rivers, water vapor, and land veins lasted for a month.

In the past month, the competition between Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi has its advantages and disadvantages, and no one can make a final decision.

But in fact, if it continues like this.

Ye Chuxiao is sure to win.

Because as the six-year agreement gets closer, as Ye Chuxiao continues to use Dao Yun to 'add points' to himself, his strength will continue to improve rapidly for a considerable period of time.

And even if Xiao Chi has made progress, his growth rate can never be as fast as Ye Chuxiao's.

Of course, the most critical and important point is that Xiao Chi has been fooled!

Don't forget, who was the original proposer of this system and who was the original designer.

It's Ye Chuxiao!
Although now Ye Chuxiao is using the 'dark net' to reversely invade the main network and pull it.

But this is just a blindfold. With the invasion of the dark net, those parts that do not conform to Ye Chuxiao's original design and delay his performance are being quietly removed and erased.

The 'Chief Designer' of the dark web is also Ye Chuxiao, although the original teaching was carried out with private goods mixed in.

But these parts that can be used to block private goods, how can you know that they are not a cover deliberately left by Ye Chuxiao?
The dark web is originally a supplementary supplement to the intuitive network, and the original teaching is absolutely impossible to make major changes, and the part that can be manipulated is quite limited.

This made Ye Chuxiao more controllable in the arrangement of the dark net.

When Ye Chuxiao's invasion of the intuitive network reaches more than [-]%, both sides will be Ye Chuxiao's home field.

At that time, even if Xiao Chi still has the lead in Wuding Artistic Realm, he is not Ye Chuxiao's opponent. He can only watch Ye Chuxiao refine the world and reach a higher position. form rolling.

It's like certain wars.

Regardless of the final outcome of the battle, as long as the war starts, one side has already lost.

This is a strategic mistake.

Although she had an almost absolute advantage, Ye Chuxiao did not relax in the slightest.

Perhaps he is already 'overestimating' Xiao Chi, but he would rather overestimate than lose the chain at a critical moment and be turned against the wind because of insufficient preparation.

Now Ye Chuxiao is not in a hurry, accumulating advantages bit by bit, and then... run over.

On the cold mountain, Ye Chuxiao sits high on the altar. The nine stone dragons have been repeatedly sacrificed, and they appear to be alive. They enter and exit the clouds, involving the changes of the world's wind, cloud and water vapor, and depicting the infinite scenery of mountains and rivers in the clouds.

If Ye Chuxiao entered Wuding from Transformation Realm, the nine dragons might all come back to life, and they would no longer be mere creations.

On the mountain road, there were footsteps.

Someone held the talisman sent by Ye Chuxiao and knocked on the door outside the altar formation.

"Come in!" Ye Chuxiao gathered Jiulong and stopped today's tugging.

Using the mountains, rivers, water vapor, and land veins as the network, the grasp of the entire world has been strengthened a bit.

Today's harvest is more than enough.

You can consume two dao rhymes in a while, and add another point.

Outside the altar, the clouds cleared, He Gang held a jade seal, walked on the altar, saw Ye Chuxiao, saluted respectfully, and put himself in the position of a 'subordinate' thoroughly .

Ever since Ye Chuxiao became indeterminate, like He Gang, who originally acted with the Hanshan Flower Society out of ideals and interests, they really have a backbone.

Strong strength is always the only way to gain the right to speak.

"President, a visitor from Shenjing!" He Gang said.

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao frowned slightly, and as soon as she thought about it, she had already swept beyond the cold mountain.

"So it's them!" Ye Chuxiao knew why He Gang came here to report.

During the entanglement in January, Xiao Chi used the power of the court to put pressure on Ye Chuxiao more than once, trying in vain to hold back Ye Chuxiao's footsteps through secular influence.

Of course, every previous attempt failed.

Whether it was arranging for envoys to come to inquire about crimes or summon peace, or sending a large army to press down, as if to flatten the cold mountain, Ye Chuxiao was as stable as Mount Tai, and he didn't even have to show up in person.

Just the members of the Hanshan Flower Club and those outsiders who owe Ye Chuxiao favors are enough to settle these troubles for Ye Chuxiao.

And from some places that are actually not too important, give a certain 'counterattack'.

These side-by-side entanglements may be considered vigorous for the parties concerned.

For Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi, it's just like this.

Whether it is a shot or a counterattack, this is not a temptation, but just thinking about giving a little influence from the corner.

If something can be gained... even if it only serves the purpose of interference, it will be considered a great success.

However, this time is different, it is Shi Huang and Yuan Shen who came to visit Ye Chuxiao.

They are not just old friends with Ye Chuxiao.

No matter what the reason is, when Ye Chuxiao was still relatively weak, the two did help in a certain objective sense.

In terms of emotion and reason, Ye Chuxiao deserves to meet her.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao can ignore any unreasonable requests.

Shi Huang and Yuan Shen treated Ye Chuxiao with friendship, as well as help within the scope of permission and procedures, but in essence, there was no great kindness or virtue.

After all, what Ye Chuxiao did in the Ministry of Justice and the Six Doors was also beneficial to them. They were rewarded for meritorious service, not for nothing, and it was not their selfless dedication without complaint or regret.

Just from another perspective, sometimes meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and there will be rewards for hard work. This kind of "fairness" that should be taken for granted can barely be regarded as a kind of "gratitude" from a realistic point of view.

This kind of fairness guaranteed the stability and security of Ye Chuxiao's initial development.

Too much selfish desire and the supremacy of power have long turned many things that should be taken for granted into rare and precious qualities.

For example, a boss who pays wages on time, does not work overtime casually, and pays overtime pay for overtime work is a rare good boss. Everyone will think so and will not question it.

But in fact... these are legal obligations, as a corporate legal person, it is not considered morality, but only 'legal'.

It's just that when there are too many situations such as illegal operations, encroachment on rights and interests, suppression of employees, robbing of credit, wanton insults, etc., this kind of rationality and legality become cute and kind.

"At this time, Xiao Chi, if he arranges for them to come to see me, then he must be able to do something."

"However, he should have deduced more or less about me, and shouldn't expect that these two people will be able to contain me."

"So, there must be another trick!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao casually grabbed a ball of energy, squeezed it a few times, and blew.

This energy turned into a figure and rolled down on the altar.

Following Ye Chuxiao's hint, the figure vaguely opened his eyes.

"Who are you?" Ye Chuxiao asked the person made of energy.

The figure replied decisively: "I am Ye Chuxiao! I am Ye Chuxiao!"

"Very good!" Ye Chuxiao smiled and waved her hand.

"Then go!" Then he sent the figure made of energy to the foot of the mountain.

Yuan Shen and Shi Huang stood at the boundary stone at the foot of the mountain, both of them looked a little melancholy.

When they saw 'Ye Chuxiao' open the formation and came to receive them in person, the two looked at each other, saw a trace of guilt in each other's eyes, and then they all became firm.

They are here to solve the 'trouble'.

Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi's "net battle" is a big trouble.

For the indeterminate monk, it is just a small act of sneezing, but if it falls on the heads of mountains and rivers, it will be a catastrophe.

Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi competed for nets and pulled each other. Although they both restrained themselves, within a month, many dams collapsed and mountains and rivers shifted.

Many people were displaced, and countless fertile fields were washed away.

Yuan Shen and Shi Huang, they didn't know the truth, they couldn't see Xiao Chi's "danger of destruction" after he got the world, so naturally they couldn't enter Ye Chuxiao's perspective, and couldn't understand that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

They only knew that Ye Chuxiao's 'rebellion' wanted to use the network of mountains and rivers to fight for the control of the world's land veins and water vapor.

This is an act that harms all peoples because of selfish desires.

As officials of Daheng, they will not condone those who worry about the people.

They came here today to 'dissuade' Ye Chuxiao.

The moment he saw 'Ye Chuxiao' appear, a spirit bead in Shi Huang's bosom lit up.

Shi Huang and Yuan Shen didn't even say hello at the same time, they shot together.

The domains of the two are in one place, temporarily resisting the aftermath of the formation at the foot of the cold mountain.

An artifact like a big black cauldron was thrown out of his hand, covering the 'stand-in' that Ye Chuxiao pinched.

This big black pot has the characteristic of 'transfer'.

Once the 'Ye Chuxiao' made of energy is covered, it will be transferred away immediately.

Ye Chuxiao immediately wanted to stop it.

At the same time, Xiao Chi set off a wave of 'online' contention, and Ye Chuxiao had to spend more attention to deal with Xiao Chi's invasion, so as not to be robbed of too much share by him.

"It turned out that was the idea."

"Because I tested part of my ability and character, I deliberately arranged for Shi Huang and Yuan Shen to come."

"He has no plans. I will personally meet Shi Huang and Yuan Shen. Knowing my caution, I must arrange a substitute who is not directly related to deal with it."

"And what Xiao Chi wants is this substitute."

"As long as the operation is good, using Dahengchao's propaganda and execution ability, he can turn me into a 'stand-in' and make the stand-in a 'me' in the social sense."

"If he succeeds, Hanshan will become a lonely mountain in the true sense, instead of being suppressed and suppressed by the imperial court on the surface, but actually still able to receive assistance from all directions, even the stars."

"Of course there are many loopholes in this plan, but what Xiao Chi wants is not for a long time. It can be seven or eight days long, or three to five days short. As long as it can be effective, he must have a plan."

"His purpose is not to subvert or kill, but to make me and the Hanshanhua Society mess up. As long as we mess up our own positions, he will be able to attack the city and seize territory unscrupulously on the Internet."

"This calculation is really good."

Ye Chuxiao figured out the cause and effect in just a split second.

The advantage of Huijing's indefiniteness allows him to build many "real" models in his mind with only a small amount of information, and then select the most likely one among the models.

It is still a kind of inference, but the accuracy and completeness of information are much better than ordinary inferences.

"The plan is very good, but how can I know, isn't this my plan?"

"To take the initiative to move, of course, has the first-hand advantage, but it will also reveal its flaws first!"

"Xiao you have another mystery, or is it just that?" Ye Chuxiao focused on resisting Xiao Chi's attack.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said in the direction of Shi Huang and Yuan Shen: "I regard you two as friends, so I opened the door to meet you. Although I have reservations, it is still for the sake of our friendship."

"Now that I think about it, I, Ye Chuxiao, am being too sentimental!"

"Two! The mountains are high and the waters are long, so we will break up our friendship in the future. If we meet again, I will never hold back!"

Shi Huang and Yuan Shen, facing Ye Chuxiao's voice, raised their heads to see the giant face that emerged from the clouds above the sky, showing expressions of horror.

Shi Huang plucked up his courage and shouted: "Ye Chuxiao! You used to be passionate, why are you now making life difficult for the people because of your own selfish desires?"

Ye Chuxiao sighed, "Mr. Shi! You have been an official for many years, so why don't you know that black and white are not limited to your eyes?"

"Whoever is selfish, who is harming the country and the people, what you say doesn't count, what I say doesn't count... what he said naturally doesn't count either!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuxiao blew a gust of wind from the air.

The strong wind swirled, directly throwing Yuan Shen and Shi Huang hundreds of miles away.

"The stand-in has completely lost contact, and is obviously under control."

"Next, he should carry private goods and transform my double."

"Just wait for the result."

"It's the imprints left on Shi Huang and Yuan Shen that need to be distracted."

"They are all caring people. Today's conversation, they must take it to heart. Maybe some of Xiao Chi's truths, I have to rely on them to help me find out."

Slowly regaining consciousness, a tug-of-war on the 'online' gradually turned into calm.

However, both Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi knew that they were restraining each other.

No one can do anything to anyone for the time being, and no one will move or move easily.

A short-term loss of control will lead to a complete collapse.

Of course, such pulling is a cognitive trap set by Ye Chuxiao.

The more energy and time Xiao Chi expends in this struggle, the more miserable he will lose in the end.

"There is a question, without the net I laid, how would Xiao Chi refine the world in the end?"

"Just using a method similar to 'Hua Dao'?" Ye Chuxiao thought of this question for the seventh time, but still did not deduce the answer to this question on the wisdom sand table.

Without key clues, there is no directional and clear answer.

"Dragon Empress Yuanmeng, I hope you can surprise me!" Ye Chuxiao thought.

Xiao Chi made a move out of the market!

Of course, Ye Chuxiao couldn't have done nothing.

Shi Huang and Yuan Shen are pawns used to shake Ye Chuxiao.

And Yuan Meng is Ye Chuxiao's chess piece to shake Xiao Chi...or Xiao Nianchen.

(End of this chapter)

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