The seemingly abrupt meeting is actually the result of a long-term game.

From the control of the initiative online, to the constant "cutting hands and feet" against Xiao Chi offline, they are gradually compressing Xiao Chi's flexible space and forcing him to show his true form.

Xiao Chi's advantage is that he hides deeply, so Ye Chuxiao's advantage is the huge power he has accumulated and the confidence to be upright and bright.

So Ye Chuxiao didn't care what cards Xiao Chi had, just pressed on step by step, crushing him bit by bit.

Until today, until now.

No matter how long the lineup is, there will be such a meeting in the end.

Just like no matter how magnificent and dark the night full of fantasy will be, it will eventually be replaced by the usual paleness on that day.

And compared to the long shouting to each other in the air, this kind of lightning strike, coming suddenly, is the correct mode of confrontation and fighting.

Killing people and killing enemies does not require too much preposition.

The two wild dogs at the entrance of the village barked at each other for a long time, and in the end the fight probably couldn't be fought.

Xiao Chi, who turned into a little emperor, took off the crown on his head and slowly got up.

Standing on a high place, he still couldn't look down on Ye Chuxiao, but the difference in height restricted his momentum.

Things have come to this point, Xiao Chi can be said to have lost all the way.

However, even so, he still has the last chance to come back.

That is to kill Ye Chuxiao in a physical sense.

As long as this competitor is resolved, he can still go on the original track... At most, it will be a little troublesome.

So when Xiao Chi stepped down from the high throne and came towards Ye Chuxiao, those remaining forces scattered everywhere by him were returning quickly.

In the world, there are many outstanding figures in a corner, who suddenly fell to the ground and died violently.

In just a few breaths, Xiao Chi withdrew [-]% of his strength, leaving only a little bit to act as the last embers.

Even he himself didn't realize it. He subconsciously felt that he was not sure of victory.

So leave yourself a way out.

Seeing Xiao Chi's breath getting higher and higher, Ye Chuxiao didn't intervene, but looked at him coldly, waiting for him to reach the peak.

"Come on!" Ye Chuxiao waved at Xiao Chi.

After confirming that Xiao Chi would no longer continue to 'progress', Ye Chuxiao had no choice but to invite the battle directly.

I thought there would be a lot of nonsense to talk about, but when we actually face each other, we will know that there is actually nothing to say.

The relationship between the two is about having you without me.

What else is there to mention?

Whoosh, whoosh, the endless knife light, falling like the light of the sky, seems to have the feeling of cutting the space into infinite blades.

Every knife bathed and fused in the light is sharp and sharp.

But the murderous intent is completely hidden, making people only feel beautiful, but not aware of danger.

This is a mastery that has reached its peak.

Xiao Chi propped up a golden wall of air, and let the infinite knife light fall down, but it was like rain falling on the surface of a lake. Although there were waves of ripples, it failed to penetrate the scenery under the lake after all.

At the same time, Xiao Chi clasped a spirit bead between his five fingers, and a mercury-like substance flowed inside the spirit bead.

When these substances are driven out from the Lingzhu.

The world seen by the naked eye immediately begins to be inverted, rotated, twisted, torn, and overlapped....

Eyes can no longer be trusted.

Even intuition is clouded and blurred.

Some officials in the hall exploded into blood amidst wild roars.

But in the eyes of others, it turned into a bright and beautiful flower, opened the fleshy buds, wriggled, opened and closed strangely, and spewed out a strange fragrance and stamens.

Under the blessing of the spirit bead, Xiao Chi's intentions twisted as much as possible.

Everyone is affected.

Even Ye Chuxiao was no exception.

But Ye Chuxiao is different from others in that he guards the altar, closes all inspirations and intuitions, and then releases his own abilities without hesitation.

Therefore, after an instant, Ye Chuxiao's body in people's eyes continued to magnify, and in a blink of an eye he was already like an ancient god who created the world.

What he holds in his hand is no longer a knife, but thunder, storm, fire, meteor....

He incarnated as the representative of the evil of the sky, tearing up the peace contract between the earth and the sky.

Fighting is like a war game, if you don't understand the opponent's way, then don't watch it.

Relying on one's own advantages, go recklessly!

No matter what, it's a fight!
Regardless of success or failure, never retreat!


The roof of the main hall was completely lifted.

Immediately afterwards, the walls of the entire hall were pushed outward by a majestic force.

For a moment, it was like two small worlds with different rules, overlapping and colliding in this small space.

The conflicts between power and rules are tossing and turning wantonly in this chaotic field.

Under such turbulent battles, the cultivators of the artistic conception can barely save their lives... It depends on their luck not to be involved in the core struggle.

Even those who survived by luck could not understand the battle between Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi at all.

That has gone beyond the level and scope of their understanding too much.

After a violent explosion.

The sky suddenly became dark.

Then there is the mutual entanglement and tearing of various heavenly visions.

The scorching sun turned into falling fire, the stars were like knives, and they gave a dazzling blow from outside the sky. The clouds were like beasts, and the wind was like a madman. Monsters were born in the voice, and the five fingers stretched out turned into ferocious ones. Minion.

The light twisted and rotated between darkness and light, and then turned into lines and stretched like a sloppy pattern.

Ye Chuxiao's saber was getting heavier and heavier, as if all the power was concentrated on the tip of the saber.

Above the edge is a black hole that swallows all light and thought.

The black hole is collapsing and shrinking, and the numerous visions are also dissipating and expelling.


The mountains in the distance are like wild ghosts, shaking their bony bodies wantonly at this moment of indiscriminate black and white.

The white clouds fell to the world, and the rotten soil flew up to the nine heavens.

And those who fight, from the clouds to the abyss, from the sea of ​​fire to the deep sea.

Thousands of miles in an instant, the heaven and the earth are unified.

Time and space are all blurring, becoming lines and points that pass by the two of them.

The ripples of the battle turned into doom for the earth, mountains and rivers.

Created one after another, miracles like uncanny workmanship.

At this time, it was no longer only those who had been watching the battle close by were at large.

Everyone who is actively and passively affected... should escape.

This is no longer a human fight.

It is a battle above the world, outside the sky.

Accompanied by a violent explosion.

The sky shattered in two.

The two small worlds that were entangled were also torn apart.

A big hole was opened in Ye Chuxiao's heart, and through this big hole, he could still see the scenery behind him.

And Xiao Chi was even more miserable.

His head was shot off.

Blood gushed out from the neck.

Such a severe injury, but both of them stood there as if nothing happened, standing in the air.

The hole in Ye Chuxiao's chest grows and then explodes, and then grows again after the explosion, and the cycle repeats.

And Xiao Chi was even more straightforward, he didn't grow his head back, cut open his chest, and just looked directly at Ye Chuxiao with his internal organs.

Then a second round of more intense fighting ensued.

The blood does not flow and the battle continues!

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