There are gaps in the road

Chapter 33 Sacrifice the Dao with Death

Chapter 33 Sacrifice the Dao with Death

"You want to sacrifice your life to Dao, integrate your will into the space between heaven and earth, and forcibly change the law of the operation of Heaven?" Yan Po asked, staring at Tang Sutong.

Tang Sutong didn't answer, but looked at Yan Po gently and expectantly, his eyes were full of magnanimity.

"It was just a flash of fireworks. 500 years ago, the great Confucian Fang Zou sacrificed to Dao with his death, and his humanity was only demonstrated for 20 years. Daheng barely saved the country's fortune. So what if Guozuo continued for another 500 years? After the initial brief revival, After 20 years, won't it fall into an endless loop again?" Yan Po also wanted to persuade Tang Sutong.

Tang Sutong smiled gently: "What will happen tomorrow, that's what tomorrow's people should do. I only do what I can do now."

"Yan Po, you have something to do, you can't stay here with me."

"Go! Since you have a good knife, take it well. As long as the knife is in your hand, the road is under your feet."

After finishing speaking, Tang Sutong pushed Yan Po lightly with his palm and sent Yan Po out of the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment.

Outside the Ministry of Punishment, some people formed an formation early in order to trap Yan Po, but they couldn't prevent Tang Sutong's push at all.

With the power of Yan Po, he directly tore apart the formation that was strong enough to imprison the dragon.

On the Xingchen Terrace not far away, three old formation cultivators sitting cross-legged coughed up blood at the same time, their faces showing shock.

Ye Chuxiao couldn't figure out what state Tang Sutong was in right now.

Because from the seventh realm upwards, the eighth and ninth realms are called "indeterminate realms", which means that every monk who reaches the eighth and ninth realms will have different cultivations.

There is no similarity at all, and it can be summarized.

The reason why the two realms are deliberately distinguished is only because the monks who have reached the "unfixed realm" still have strengths and weaknesses according to records.

Even sometimes, the gap will be very large.

Therefore, it was disassembled into two realms.

After seeing off Yan Po, Tang Sutong looked at Ye Chuxiao again.

At this glance, Ye Chuxiao knew that her disguise was meaningless in front of Tang Sutong.

His gaze even seems to be able to see through the soul.

Tang Sutong just glanced at Ye Chuxiao, didn't do anything, and didn't say a word.

Walked back to the cell full of spells alone.

It's just that looking at these spells used to imprison Tang Sutong at this time, it seems extraordinarily funny and ridiculous.

Following the flow of breath, the broken prison door was completely repaired and assembled, and it was attached to the rock wall again.

All the vibrating breath was calmed down.

The entire dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, except for Ye Chuxiao, fell into a dream.

Ye Chuxiao silently returned to the class room in Section B on the third floor, changed back to her original appearance and replaced the bed with Bantou Li, quietly waiting for the restlessness after the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment "wakes up".

Sure enough, the next day when everyone woke up from their 'sweet dreams', the restlessness of last night became the hustle and bustle of today.

Still in bed, Li Bantou, who was half asleep and half awake, was dragged away by two burly guards.

What awaited him was bound to be a wave of torture.

Of course, there are various flaws in Ye Chuxiao's disguise.

Strictly going through the screening, it is absolutely impossible to define the "Bantou Li" who broke into the fifth basement floor last night as the real Bantou Li.

However, Ye Chuxiao already understood the internal style of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Usually, big things turn into small things, and the whole team is trying their best to use the power and resources in their hands to make money.

When the moment of crisis comes, it will be ashamed to take the blame.

Bantou Li is not a real intruder, but he is a good one to take the blame.

Since Tang Sutong was not 'robbed', the incident is not considered irreversible.

In this incident, if there is a suitable candidate who comes out to take the blame, that's enough!

Digging further down is not suitable for everyone.

"I'm giving it back!"

"From now on, no matter whether Captain Li still has a chance to come out of the torture room alive, the grievances between me and him can be considered as a write-off."

The thought flashed through Ye Chuxiao's mind.

But at this moment, he has long since felt no pleasure in this little revenge.

Regarding Yan Po's robbery, Tang Sutong walked out of the cell and sent Yan Po away. Although Ye Chuxiao only experienced a "nothing to do with himself" on the sidelines, his mood was in this matter. After watching from the sidelines, it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

He doesn't understand what sacrifices to the Tao with death.

I don't even know why Tang Sutong's death can change the world.

But he knew that it was a supremely selfless sacrifice.

"So, the words that the white mask asked me to tell Tang Sutong were definitely not what they meant on the surface."

"He should have other meanings, is he provoking Tang Sutong?"

"I expected Tang Sutong's determination to sacrifice to Taoism with death, and I was worried that Tang Sutong would change his mind, so you deliberately asked me to post this sentence?" Ye Chuxiao was not sure whether his deduction was correct, but he was in a bad mood.

After Dao Xiayan broke the prison robbery incident, the prison of the Ministry of Justice, which was originally tense, has returned to its previous situation.

Everyone is busy fishing for money. The dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment is strictly managed on the surface, but in fact it is still leaking like a sieve.

Three days later, Bantou Li's son took his body away.

A few days later, Captain Li's son took over his squad, but he could not be the squad leader, but an ordinary prison guard, and joined the group of prison guards in the Ministry of Punishment.

For his father's 'death of duty', Li Bantou's son did not have too much emotional confrontation.

Accepted all this very smoothly.

Let Ye Chuxiao make some preparations in advance, but it was useless.

Looking at Li Bantou's son, he endured the pain in the empty cell when he was free, and repeatedly hit the sea of ​​suffering, trying to tear apart the suffering, so he was extraordinarily indifferent, and even didn't make much noise about his father's death. Ye Chuxiao practiced in this world There are more intuitive cognitions of the 'defects'.

Distress is the process of feeling pain, tearing and reshaping the mortal body.

However, Daheng's monks became more indifferent as they practiced, and pain was not a real obstacle to them.

The real hindrance is that they cannot perceive much pain.

Ye Chuxiao, who was involved in this matter, secretly observed Captain Li's son rushing into the sea of ​​suffering, and only then did he realize why it was so 'simple' for him to swim through the sea of ​​suffering and cross the adversity.

The rich resources of crowdfunding are one of them, and the Nine Death Demon Art is of course the most critical factor.

But the intersection of the different rules of Daheng and Tianluo has combined into his unique mood and mentality, which is also the most important thing.

Perhaps as Tang Sutong said, the higher one's practice is, the more it is like tearing down the east wall and repairing the west wall.

It's just that before this chain is broken, the more worlds one experiences, the faster the speed of practice will be driven by different functions.

In the next few days, Ye Chuxiao tried to calm down and continued to study hard.

No matter how many thoughts and thoughts there are, hold on to what you can hold, that is the key.

"Xiaoye! Come here! Your sister is looking for you!" Ye Chuxiao was wielding a knife in the empty cell when his colleague Xiao Wu shouted from outside the door.

Ye Chuxiao suddenly woke up from repeatedly swinging the knife again and again, looking for the best trajectory of the knife.

Wiping the fine sweat off his forehead with a towel, he drank the soup prepared on the side in one gulp.

"Okay! Here we come!" Ye Chuxiao responded.

Ye Chuyu finally 'returned' from another world, which also seemed to mean that Ye Chuxiao's 'teacher' was online again.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao had already accumulated a lot of questions, and needed someone who knew better to help answer them.

 Thank you for the one-hundred-point coin hidden by thousands of people, thank the book friend 20180113114325096 for the one-hundred-point coin, thank Liu Zun for the five-hundred-point coin, thank Zhebei Wanshi for the one-hundred-point coin, and thank Liu Xingao for the one-hundred-point coin Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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