There are gaps in the road

Chapter 59: Is This Energy Realm?

Chapter 59: Is This Energy Realm? (Seek to follow up, ask for a monthly pass)
"Even you...!"

"Do you know what you are doing?" Wei Zhou glared at the several people who appeared from the shadows, and asked, but his hands behind his back were reminding Ye Chuxiao to quickly find a substitute for the orb. Socketed on the altar, activate the altar again.

Among the several people, one came out and took off the hood of the sweater, revealing half of his face covered in tattoos.

This person's name is Cao Ke, who was once one of Ye Chuxiao's craziest followers. In the past few months, he had many times fierce bloody conflicts with someone who slandered Ye Chuxiao.

His fanaticism is so natural and consummate.

So much so that it was hard to believe that he would be an 'undercover agent' arranged in advance.

"Of course I know. I am completely canonizing Wang Sheng. He will have flaws and flaws when he is alive, but as long as he dies, he will be eternal. If you can slander him and say that he is wrong, he will be further elevated and become the belief of countless people."

"Perhaps one day, a god named 'Wang Shirui' will be born in our world and become the master and manager of spiritual roots."

"He will truly rule this world and control everything in this world."

"Isn't this bad?" Cao Ke said enthusiastically.

Wei Zhou just said coldly: "You are already crazy!"

At this time, Wei Zhou had no intention of arguing with Cao Ke whether the powerful monks in this world would allow the name 'Wang Shirui' to be passed on indefinitely.

Lead to the formation of a truly huge and unified belief, and thus create gods.

"Don't talk nonsense, kill them all directly, don't you see it? She is delaying time." A female voice sounded.

This woman also revealed her face from the shadows, she was one of the maids who served Ye Chuxiao back then.

Ye Chuxiao remembered that this woman was a relatively rare Lexiu who was good at using a pipe flute. He had fought with her before, at close range, fighting alone, women didn't have much ability to resist, but if the distance was widened, or In group battles, when she plays music, she can use the music at any time to apply buffs to her side and hinder the enemy.

At the same time, the sound of music can also be condensed into an invisible blade during the energy infusion, which has considerable lethality.

"Han Xiao! You want to kill me too?" Ye Chuxiao ignored Wei Zhou's eyes, walked down from the altar, and asked the woman in a celadon-colored cheongsam.

Han Xiao was a little flustered when he heard the words, brushed his hair, and then pretended to be calm and smiled and said: "No way, Mr. Wang, this is the order I received, I have not belonged to you from the beginning!"

"Since that's the case, then I'm relieved." Ye Chuxiao said after hearing the words.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

"Then let's come together!"

"Don't waste time, what happens again."

Before Ye Chuxiao could finish his words, a dark poisonous sting had already shot at him.

It was not Han Xiao or Cao Ke who took the lead at this moment, but another monk who had been lurking for a long time.

From the looks of it, Ye Chuxiao didn't know him at all.

Obviously, those who wanted to kill Ye Chuxiao in the Sea of ​​Storms did not trust Han Xiao, Cao Ke and others.

Worried about their betrayal, he arranged for strangers to come over to monitor them, but also put more emphasis on the task of killing Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao stretched out his hand to hold it, and took out a sharp sword from the storage bracelet.

Holding the knife in one hand, he flicked his backhand.

The fierce sword light flew out, covering most of the secret room in an instant.

Ye Chuxiao swung his knife, targeting not only the one who took the first shot, but also all the people in this secret room who came to intercept him.

Facing Ye Chuxiao's light and tide-like sword light, everyone present turned pale with shock.

As we all know, once a monk breaks into the energy realm, he can use the energy of the world to replenish his own consumption at any time.

The means that originally required restraint, as well as some moves and spells that exceeded the original limit of the body's energy storage, can be used more freely.

But even so, the energy of the world that most monks can borrow in an instant is limited after all.

It is relatively rare for Ye Chuxiao to attack so violently and resolutely, as if it were endless.

"He wants to create chaos and escape, everyone hold on! After this wave of attacks, he will definitely have no strength left." One person shouted in the wave of sword glow.

One minute later, all the people who were being tortured by Ye Chuxiao's sword light showed horror.

The sword light that densely covered the entire space, not only did not weaken or reduce the concentration, but became more arrogant and domineering.

The looting sword light is breaking through crazily in this not-so-spacious secret room.

The metal walls were cut open, and the thick bottom plate of the battleship also had deep scratches, which seemed to have been scraped off several layers.

"What level is his spiritual root? It can continuously provide him with so much energy." At this moment, those monks who came to besiege and kill Ye Chuxiao couldn't help but have such doubts in their hearts.

If Ye Chuxiao knew their doubts, he would definitely tell them that with such an output, he could last for a long, long time, until he was exhausted.

Because this is not the state of Ye Chuxiao's true full firepower at all.

Even the energy consumption in an instant is not as good as his energy replenishment.

The spiritual root of the sacred tree, which has surpassed the top grade, does not know how to grade it, and the energy captured for Ye Chuxiao from the world every moment is beyond imagination.

Ye Chuxiao could unleash a stronger and fiercer attack at any time.

What restricts him is not only his inexperience in this kind of attack and shooting method, but also his own lack of sufficient control over the violent energy.

"Retreat! Get out first, seal the entire secret room, and call in more people." The besiegers, who were suppressed by Ye Chuxiao and could not breathe at all, felt that they were the one being besieged at this moment.

Among them, there are those who are capable, but also those who are suffering, and there are even monks in the wonderful realm who are above the capable.

But at this moment, they all felt bitter, as if they were deeply trapped in a sea of ​​bitterness, unable to extricate themselves.

"Want to go?"

"You can't get away!" Ye Chuxiao took a step forward, and a flying sword emerged from behind him beyond the blade glow. It turned into thousands of sword shadows.

The sword shadow flew out like a huge sphere, covering all corners of the secret room.

No matter what kind of cultivator's path, facing Ye Chuxiao's sword light and sword shadow at this moment, they all feel powerless.

This is the suppression of absolute power.

When the No. 1 deceased person appeared, the group of monks who had come to besiege and kill Ye Chuxiao began to collapse rapidly.

In just two or three minutes, they all fell under Ye Chuxiao's sword.

After the battle, only Ye Chuxiao and Wei Zhou stood facing each other in the 'secret room' that had been soaked in water and could no longer see its original appearance.

Wei Zhou looked at Ye Chuxiao, also full of panic at this moment.

"Do you have a spare boat?" Ye Chuxiao asked Wei Zhou.

Wei Zhou nodded numbly.

"That's good! Then see you next time!"

"Before I leave... I'll show you a big one!"

"I also want to know what the effect will be if I swing the knife with all my strength now." Ye Chuxiao looked at the ship plank above her head that had already been pierced, and concentrated her energy.

In an instant, the spiritual root of the sacred tree trembled slightly on Ye Chuxiao's altar.

The branches cleared away the spiritual mist, and the violent and abundant energy from the storm sea gathered towards Ye Chuxiao's place in an instant.

If you open your Dharma Eye, you can see that a huge energy funnel has been formed.

Under the huge energy funnel, the battleship, which was originally quite spacious, now looks as small as a small boat.

 Thank you Taoist Xuantian for the two hundred and one coins, thank you for the five hundred coins for Interstellar Yulin, and thank you for the five hundred coins of my most painful time.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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