There are gaps in the road

Chapter 62 Two Little Things

Chapter 62 A Little Thing

The sense of falling disappeared, and Ye Chuxiao returned to Daheng.

It has been nearly half a year since he left Daheng.

For such a long time, he has not been in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, but he does not know if his current position as the head of the prison has been pried away.

Although he also made a series of arrangements before leaving, there is a high probability that it can be guaranteed that the position of the director of the prison will not be replaced so quickly.

But the longer the time, the greater the error in the layout.

Accidents can happen at any time.

However, Ye Chuxiao did not regret this cross-border trip even if he lost his position as the head of the prison.

He had more to gain than he could lose.

The unique spiritual root of the sacred tree is the best reward.

What's more, with the remaining [-] life points after consumption, as long as he doesn't rush to the road of death, his luck will not be too bad.

Of course, fate is not everything.

In life, one-third depends on destiny, and seven-point depends on oneself.

If you are lucky but incompetent, sooner or later your destiny will be exhausted and you will have nothing.

Ye Chuxiao has [-] life points, but it just means that from the perspective of 'fortune', he may make great achievements, but it does not mean that he will definitely make great achievements.

He was lucky, and so were others.

If you make too many enemies, your luck will be reversed, and good luck will turn into bad luck.

Instead of returning directly to the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ye Chuxiao went to the Chenghuang Temple in the west of the city first, and handed a Lingzhu to the blind fortune teller at the gate of the Chenghuang Temple.

"Recently, has Xu Biao come to you for fortune-telling?" Ye Chuxiao asked the blind man.

In the prison system of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the person most likely to threaten Ye Chuxiao's status is the former leader Xu Biao.

And Xu Biao believed in fate, and often went to Chenghuang Temple to ask the blind man for fortune-telling.

This is the case with every major event.

"I came here a month ago, but I haven't been there recently." The blind man touched the Lingzhu and said with a smile.

Ye Chuxiao handed over two more spirit beads: "Is he still asking about the future?"

But the blind man shook his head: "He asked whether he will encounter doom recently."

Ye Chuxiao smiled.

Since Xu Biao asked this question, he was somewhat sure.

Obviously, the backhand he arranged worked.

"Are you answering him according to my instructions?" Ye Chuxiao continued to ask.

The blind man said, "Of course! I'm still waiting for your final payment!"

"Okay! This matter is rotten in my stomach." Ye Chuxiao reminded casually, but she was actually not worried about the blind man saying it.

Returning grandly to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the two guards in charge of guarding the gate were taken aback when they saw Ye Chuxiao, then immediately straightened their backs and said to Ye Chuxiao, "Director!"

Although their eyes were wandering, and one person had quietly used some small means to send a message, Ye Chuxiao could pretend that he didn't see it.

Smiling and nodding, he stepped in through the door.

Since he is still the 'Chief Director' in name, even if his power has been emptied a little, he will get it back sooner or later.

At this time, the white-headed Biao Xu Biao was leading people to check the accounts, and was very busy in the dungeon warehouse.

The profits of various prisons that were originally formed have been greatly reduced in recent times.

The benefits of the prisons of the Ministry of Punishment have been reduced, but the rewards sent up cannot be less.

This worrying bald man is about to become a bald man.

When he received the news and knew that Ye Chuxiao had returned, his first reaction was not to be disappointed, but to breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that the pressure on his shoulders was much lighter.

Before Ye Chuxiao left, he deliberately supported Li Fu, who had a quarrel with Xu Biao, in order to lure them into the ring first, and at the same time promote another senior team leader.

On the face of Xu Biao, they formed a three-legged confrontation effect.

In fact, Li Fu has always been in the 'weakest' position, destined to be eliminated first.

However, in order to defeat this young Li Fu, Xu Biao tried every means to win over the old team leader Fei Kai in the first one or two months. Li Fu was arrested and expelled from the prison system of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Afterwards, under Ma Shaokang's instigation, Xu Biao began to target Fei Kai.

The fighting between the two sides has seriously affected the "income generation" in the prison system of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

This also provoked extreme dissatisfaction among some criminal officials who benefited from it.

After another month or so, Xu Biao finally gained the upper hand.

It's just that without Ye Chuxiao's 'control', several profit-making projects in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice have been 'thunderstorm' one after another.

Some of these thunderstorm projects were nailed by Ye Chuxiao in advance, and some of them had their own shortcomings, and they could only be done in the short term, not in the long term.

Xu Biao had just taken power in his hand, and was trying to loosen the "position" under Ye Chuxiao's buttocks, when "thunderstorms" appeared one after another. He, the temporary custodian, not only suffered from failure, but also because he was worried that he would have to bear the main responsibility. Responsibility, but choose to stand still, dare not take a step forward.

When Ye Chuxiaoka came back at this time, Xu Biao breathed a sigh of relief, because he thought that the person who was really responsible had returned.

"Xu Biao is too greedy for profit when he does small things, but he has no determination to break the boat when he does big things. As long as I put nails in the position he wants to sit in advance, he will be an excellent watchdog."

"He didn't dare to sit in that position, and he was afraid that someone else would take it. He would be so overwhelmed that he couldn't get ahead."

"He thought that I promoted Li Fu and Fei Kai to check and balance him. In fact, I just used these two people to delay time and divert attention. He is the safety bolt for me to hold the position of director of the prison."

"Otherwise, without Xu Biao, an old fritter, those officials of the Ministry of Punishment may parachute a new director of the prison at any time in order to compete for interests. Where do you have so much time to pay attention to this three-acre land?"

At the door of the warehouse, Ye Chuxiao pushed the door and entered.

When Xu Biao saw Ye Chuxiao, he was taken aback at first.

Then hurriedly got up to say hello, and gave the main seat to Ye Chuxiao.

The expression on his face changed from light to dark, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Ye Chuxiao didn't choose to sit down immediately, but unhurriedly took out a thin stack from a large stack of data files, and then flipped through them casually, sometimes picking up a pen to delete and modify a few strokes.

Within the time of a stick of incense, a jailer came to report.

Pei Yanzhi, the servant of the Ministry of Punishments, has arrived at the guest room of the prison, and asked Ye Chuxiao, the head of the prison, to receive him in person.

"Boss! This is the latest account. There are several shortfalls in the account, and this month's bonus has not yet been distributed... You know, the income of those adults must not be less. But we brothers, we must not be empty." Work on your stomach." Xu Biao lowered his head and said this, seemingly humble, but in fact he was holding back his anger, waiting to see Ye Chuxiao's jokes.

Ye Chuxiao didn't glance at the account.

He just folded up the stack of materials in his hand, handed it to the jailer who informed him, and said, "You just need to show these to Pei Shilang, and he will naturally understand."

The jailer took orders.

Not long after, the jailer reported back, and Pei Yanzhi left.

Although there were some complaints about Ye Chuxiao's avoidance, but the overall praise was the main one.

And tell Ye Chuxiao to 'do it well', and don't let down the trust of Master Shangshu.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao resolve a 'distress' so easily, Xu Biao's face was full of doubts, but at the same time, his heart was full of annoyance.

If he had known it was so easy to pass the level, he would not have hesitated so much.

"What? Leader Xu seems a little confused?"

"This is actually a trivial matter. If there is a lack of profit, we will use greater profit to make up for it. I just remind Mr. Pei that for some prisoners held, an independent torture building can be expanded, and the contents of the torture can be organized and archived. , kept in the torture building."

When Ye Chuxiao explained this, Xu Biao was even more puzzled.

How did he know that because of the changes in Daheng's world situation, a large number of cross-border people came here.

There are also many prisoners who are "cross-border people". They are tortured, and the materials of other worlds are collected and stored in the torture building. This is a special resource point that the Criminal Department can continue to "exchange" with the outside world.

With such a tight resource point, what bicycles do the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice need?

As for Ye Chuxiao's absence from work for half a year... it's really just a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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