There are gaps in the road

Chapter 65 The Six Doors Are Short of Money

Chapter 65 Six Doors Are Short of Money

Compared with the director of the prison who has no real product, being transferred to the head of the silver medal is undoubtedly a promotion, and it is a big leapfrog promotion.

Among the six doors, the bronze medal is the ninth grade, the silver medal is the seventh grade, and the gold medal is the fourth grade. They are all officials of the Daheng Dynasty, not officials.

In the extraordinary world, status is sometimes directly linked to strength. Who dares to treat monks who have crossed the fifth, sixth or even seventh realms as petty officials and call them around?

Ye Chuxiao also served as the director of the prison, but was transferred to serve as the head of the silver medal of the seventh rank. This was a direct promotion.

After hearing the news, Xu Biao's eyes turned green with jealousy, but he still had to lick his old face and come over to please Ye Chuxiao.

Facing Ye Chuxiao in the future, he didn't dare to act recklessly anymore.

There is no need for a reason for punishing officials with officials and directly reporting to superior officials.

As for Ye Chuxiao, after arranging the work arrangement for a period of time in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he immediately rushed to the office without stopping.

Although the six doors sent the order, the buffer time given was three days.

But it would be too naive to wait until the three-day period expires before reporting for duty.

Ye Chuxiao's flirting in other worlds is because he can pat his ass and leave at any time.

Even if he pokes a big hole in the sky, he can use his golden finger to escape. At worst, he will never go to that world again. Who has offended him, and can he be chased across the world?

In Daheng, he still needs to be a little more cautious and conservative. After all, this is a long-term foothold, and it is also a place where he can rest in peace, learn, grow, and settle down.

Standing at the door of the public room where she was waiting to report, Ye Chuxiao was still sorting out her thoughts, figuring out the clues of the sudden dispatch.

After a while, Ye Chuxiao was notified and followed into the public house.

In the public house full of files, a half-decayed old man with gray temples, an old-fashioned face, and a somewhat stooped figure was flipping through a file in his hand.

Ye Chuxiao could see at a glance that this file came from the Torture Building from a few meters away.

Looking at the red seal on the cover of the file, it means that the most confidential file in the torture building has not escaped.

Originally, for such a file, the lending of each volume had to be approved by the director of the prison.

But now, without any process, it appeared in the hands of this half-mortal man.

"Here you come? Sit down first, and wait for the old man to finish reading this volume."

"It's very interesting what's written on it, a world where gender changes will occur after a certain level of practice, and it doesn't just change once, but changes repeatedly with the improvement of cultivation."

"This kind of world where the body mutates into defects is relatively rare," said the half-mortal man.

Ye Chuxiao sat down on the chair at the side, waiting for the half-mortal man to finish reading, and at the same time speculated about the identity of the other party.

"Looking at his appearance, he should be the old Sumeru Shihuang among the five great gods of the six doors. He is the most in charge of the five gods. Basically, most of the affairs management of the six doors are the gods. I'm grabbing it with one hand." Ye Chuxiao lowered her eyelids, preventing her gaze from staring at the half-decayed old man.

Compared with the prison department of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the six doors of the Ministry of Criminal Justice are a very large and complex organization, with a large number of personnel and intricate relationships, far exceeding the prison department.

Of course, the most critical and core are the five factions formed around the five great gods.

The five factions are not separated, they are more like five mountains in the same sect, and the five great gods are the masters of these five mountains.

Ye Chuxiao was concentrating on thinking, but the half-mortal man gently put down the file in his hand, and said abruptly: "It's so well organized! It not only broadens people's horizons, but also plays the role of a prison, expanding possibilities. "

"Ye Chuxiao! You are really capable."

When Ye Chuxiao heard this, she immediately got up and said, "I dare not accept such ridiculous praise from the old man."

Among the five gods, Shi Huang is not only the six gods, but also Chen Guogong of the Great Heng Dynasty. This is a hereditary and irreplaceable title.

The half-dead man waved his hands and said, "I'm not absurd, you can afford it."

"How about it? Come to my six doors too, and make such a drastic reform?"

"If you have a charter, I will follow the example of that Yuan boy, how about supporting you vigorously?"

Shi Huang's question was immediately combined with Ye Chuxiao's previous thinking.

It hit Ye Chuxiao's guess.

There are a lot of talents in the six doors, far from being comparable to mere prison guards.

If it is to call him into the Six Doors to be a thug, then there is no need.

Only because of Ye Chuxiao's series of reforms and changes in the prison system, which aroused the interest of the other party, did this transfer order come about.

However, as far as the facts are concerned, is it possible for Ye Chuxiao to carry out a revolution in the six doors just like changing the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice?

Of course it is impossible!

In the prison department of the Ministry of Punishment, as long as those few real master guards are not mentioned, the others are just miscellaneous goods.

Some people's so-called background and backing are all false and not worth mentioning.

As long as Ye Chuxiao has the righteousness, pushes from top to bottom, and takes good care of the interests of some officials of the Ministry of Punishment, it will be enough to change it arbitrarily according to what he imagined.

Even if there are opposing voices, they can be completely ignored.

The six doors are different, and there are too many and complicated people, events, and interest groups that are connected and related.

And its original structure is more complex and complicated than the prison system.

It can be described as pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

Not to mention that Ye Chuxiao is just a small silver medal now, even if he is given a gold medal and a position of god arrest, it may not be able to carry out the same reforms in the six doors.

After clarifying the main point of contradiction, then listening to Shi Huang's question, his true intention could not be more obvious.

"Reporting to the old man! The lower officials are ignorant and less educated, and they talk about reforms, which is true of Meng Lang. However, the lower officials have a little knowledge of Tao Zhu's skills. If they can integrate some resources, they might as well try to open source for the six sects." Ye Chuxiao said cautiously.

Since the reform is false, making money has of course become another prominent point besides the false proposition of 'reform'.

Tang Sutong's sacrifice to Taoism with death unsealed the frozen emotions of the monks, and also ushered in the prying eyes of thousands of outside monks.

As the defenders of Daheng's laws, rules, and order in the conventional sense, the six doors have naturally been operating at a high standard during this period of time.

Long-term efficient operation will inevitably lead to continuous consumption of resources and gradual shortage.

If the resources had not been exhausted to a certain extent, Shi Huang would not have rushed to the doctor in a sudden illness, dragged Ye Chuxiao out of the prison, and acted as such a silver medal arrester.

Six Doors was short of money, so it was a matter of finding a 'foreign aid' like him to make money.

It's just that with Shi Huang's status, such a thing can't be opened up and explained clearly.

It all depends on Ye Chuxiao's own 'savvy'.

After realizing it, Ye Chuxiao took up the post and made money for Six Doors.

If you can't understand it, then you will be a silver medal catcher in name only and sit on the bench.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ye Chuxiao's sensible speech, a soothing smile appeared on Shi Huang's stiff old face.

"Young man, you still need to be aggressive. With this recommendation, you can go to work under Jin Sanniang's subordinates. If you need anything, as long as you follow the rules, she will cooperate with you." Shi Huang handed a document to Ye Chu Xiao.

This 'interview' ends here.

Ye Chuxiao was obviously not worthy of this god's arrest, so he wasted more time.

It's one thing for Six Doors to be short of money, but Shi Huang obviously won't bet all his treasures on Ye Chuxiao alone.

He's more like an idle move.

(End of this chapter)

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