Chapter 200

Master Han Er walked into the yard and told his son to close the door.

Qin Shao, Han Jinrong and others followed to the corridor.

Master Han Er didn't move forward.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here! Leave my house quickly after you finish speaking, you are not welcome in our house!"

Master Han Er said directly and indifferently.

This is very rude.

"Father, you..."

Han Jinrong's angry tears rolled directly in the circles of her eyes.

"Of course we have something to do, and we have to talk about it. Why are you angry? You don't need to worry about it, I'll talk about it."

Qin Shao took Han Jinrong's hand and persuaded in a low voice.

When negotiating with others, whoever gets angry first will lose the wind.

Han Jinrong understood what Qin Shao meant.

Seeing him nodding, he stood obediently behind Qin Shao.

Master Han Er and Han Liangdong looked at Qin Shao holding Han Jinrong's hand, exchanged eyes, and their expressions were very complicated.

"Master Han, I heard from Miss Han that you already know her identity. What was the reason why you didn't want to recognize her, nor listen to her excuses, and we don't want to ask, even though there are always parents in the world, there are always exceptions."

"But as far as we know, Mrs. Han misses her daughter very much because Mrs. Han is sick in bed. Besides, Miss Han has never thought of going back to this Han family, but just wants to see her mother. I hope Mrs. Han can make it easier for Han Miss, see Mrs. Han."

After Qin Shao finished speaking, the second master of North Korea and South Korea bowed his hands, and his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

Even though he didn't like this guy, they were Han Jinrong's parents after all, and she still had hopes for them, and he didn't want to directly conflict with this guy if it wasn't necessary.

After he finished speaking, there was silence in the yard, and everyone looked at Master Han Er.

"Mr. Qin, if you are a sensible person, you should also understand that this is our Han family's housework. I just want to know what kind of status you are to participate in our family's affairs. Housework is handled by your own family. Even if the emperor is here, he can't give pointers to our housework. Mr. Qin doesn't even understand this kind of etiquette now. Could it be that he hasn't studied to understand it? This man! What's the use of earning more money? Isn't it vulgar? Li! Mr. Qin, I would like to advise you, you should read more books!"

Master Han Er paused for a moment and said, his words were full of sarcasm, and his eyes were full of arrogance.

Qin Shao's greeting card yesterday was the shopkeeper of Jinghua Bookstore, and no other identities were strictly stated.

For someone like Master Han Er, no matter how famous the Jinghua Bookstore is, it is just a businessman in his eyes.

Han Jinrong's face turned red with anger.

Her father could insult and abuse herself, but she couldn't bear him insulting Lord Qin like this.

She wanted to refute, but was quickly interrupted by Qin Shao.

"I have long heard that Mr. Han Er is well-educated and has a serious academic background. Even if his position is not satisfactory, he must be educated by the sage book. The most basic requirement of the sage book is that the reader understands etiquette and human relations! I don't understand. Now, did the sage books ever teach people not to recognize their children and not to listen to explanations? Master Han Er is so afraid of his own daughter coming to recognize each other, is there something unspeakable?"

Qin Shao sneered.

" shameless person! Get out! Get out! Don't dirty my yard!"

Master Han Er was furious, as if someone had guessed the secret in his heart.

"Father, why did you stop me from seeing my mother? I just want to see my mother today. Even if you don't recognize me, it doesn't matter. Why do you keep stopping me? What guilt do you have?"

Seeing her father's distraught face, Han Jinrong found it inconceivable.

Master Qin just asked his father if he had something to hide, why was he so angry?
There must be something strange in it, she must go to see her mother.

Thinking of this, she ran directly to the backyard wing where her mother lived.

Master Han Er was in a hurry, he stepped forward and grabbed Han Jinrong, and was about to push Han Jinrong to the ground with a single swing.

Fortunately, Qin Shao stopped him in time, his eyes turned cold, and his face became fierce in an instant.

Just when he was about to get furious, a panicked voice suddenly came.

"Stop arguing! Stop arguing! The mother-in-law woke up and said she wanted to see the lady."

Young Mistress Han suddenly ran out from the backyard.

"Mother? Can mother really see me?"

The sad Han Jinrong was stunned for a moment when she heard what her sister-in-law said, and asked in disbelief.

"Well, the mother-in-law is awake, she is very sober now, she guessed that you should be here!"

Grandma Han nodded.

"Father, let my sister-in-law go see my mother-in-law? My mother-in-law has been looking forward to my sister-in-law for many years, so just seeing her once is enough!"

Young Mistress Han looked at Master Han Er imploringly.

"Mr. Lin, you are so courageous! How dare you disobey my orders! Liangdong, your wife is so unvirtuous, you might as well not have such a wife! Send her to the Lin family!"

Master Han Er said coldly.


Lin looked at Master Han Er in shock.

She was just passing on the message for her mother-in-law, and she was also doing her duty as a daughter-in-law!In front of so many people, my father-in-law asked his husband to divorce him and go home!

The head of the dignified Xiangyang Han family did such a thing in disregard of etiquette, what a joke in the world!

Thinking of this, Lin's original panic turned into cold sarcasm.

"Master Han doesn't need to say that, I don't think there is anything wrong! Even if I go back to the Lin family, if my family members know the reason for my dismissal, they won't feel ashamed of me, but they are surprised why the Han family is so rude!"

Lin said emotionally.

Master Han Er's body trembled.

" go back to the house quickly!"

Han Liangdong's face was pale, and he ordered his wife, Lin Shi.

Lin looked at her husband, her face was full of disappointment, she hesitated for a moment, then turned and went to the backyard.

"Father, you are too rude to treat your sister-in-law and mother like this!"

When Han Jinrong saw his sister-in-law Xiao Suo's back, her heart felt like a knife.

Sister-in-law like this, you can know what kind of life my mother is living!
"Don't complain about me, it's all about you, if it wasn't for you, this family wouldn't be like this!"

Master Han Er sneered.

"Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful! I will definitely see my mother today! Master Qin, let's go together!"

Han Jinrong stood up straight and looked at Master Han Er coldly.

The father she had always respected and looked up to since she was a child turned out to be such a person, who had no affection for his wife and daughter-in-law!
That being the case, she wants to see if she really goes to see her mother today, how can he tolerate her?

Seeing her get up, Master Han Er panicked and took a step forward, blocking the two on their way to the wing room in the backyard.

"Brother Yun!"

Qin Shao's face was cold, and he shouted directly.

Wang Yun took a few steps forward, pulled out a broadsword from his waist in an instant, and slashed at Second Master Han.

He had been standing behind Qin Shao for a long time. If Qin Shao hadn't told him to obey the command, he would have slashed at the old guy hundreds of times.

" are you going to do? Are you going to kill people?"

Master Han Er screamed in panic and quickly dodged to one side.

Wang Yun sneered, and raised his knife again to slash at Second Master Han.

"Ah! Killed!"

Master Han Er came to his senses and ran away with his head in his arms.

Wang Yun chased after him with a knife.

" are crazy! How dare you kill the imperial court official in broad daylight! You are against it! Are you against it? I want to sue! Sue!"

Master Han Er shouted while running.

"I'm afraid you won't tell me! Let's go to His Majesty to discuss the theory and talk about your wolfish ambition!"

Wang Yun sneered.

Master Han Er continued to shout, but when he saw Wang Yun's official uniform from Raptor Workshop, his words stopped abruptly.

A stagger fell directly to the ground.

Wang Yun's broadsword fell directly.

"Help! Help! Don't kill me!"

Master Han Er cried out.




"Master Qin!"

All kinds of shouts came and went.

The big knife fell with a bang and slashed on the door frame.

Master Han Er trembled, and a stream of liquid gushed out of his lower body.

"Master Qin! Master Qin! Let Mr. Wang spare him!"

Han Jinrong hugged Qin Shao's arm and prayed.

Qin Shao nodded to Wang Yun, and Wang Yun drew out his knife and walked to the side of the yard.

"Let's go see your mother!"

Qin Shao said softly.

Han Jinrong nodded, and followed Qin Shao towards the backyard wing.

Turning around, she saw her father lying limp on the ground.

In the past, he was so tall in her eyes, but now...

Seeing her color, he flinched, completely losing sight of his previous majesty.

Han Jinrong looked at her brother again, Han Liangdong avoided his eyes and hid to one side.

This elder brother who criticized him loudly and sternly just now is nothing more than that.

Han Jinrong's heart was extremely sad.

Han Jinrong saw her sister-in-law on the porch, she lowered her head, her face full of shame.

She nodded towards her sister-in-law. Apart from her mother, her sister-in-law is worthy of her respect.

An unrelated foreign relative is stronger than his father and brother, is this luck or misfortune?
"Come in!"

As soon as Qin Shao and Han Jinrong reached the door of the wing room in the backyard, a trembling voice shouted from inside.

Han Jinrong was excited and couldn't wait to step into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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