Chapter 206 Battle of Sand Dam

Zhu Houzhao dropped the cup suddenly, making Qin Shao very confused.

What happened to this guy?
Zhu Houzhao's alcohol capacity is good, and the alcohol content of drinks in this era is almost the same as that of beer.

They're still drinking fruit wine right now, so they won't suddenly get drunk and go crazy!

"Master Zhu is talking about Man Su'er, but the Khan of East Chagatai?"

Before Qin Shao's words came out, Zhang Cong asked in surprise.

Full speed?The name Qin Shao is somewhat familiar.

He remembered!
In his previous life, when he traveled to the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province and visited some places, this person was mentioned in the history told by the tour guide.

There was one shocking historical story told by the tour guide at that time, and he still remembers it to this day: General Rui Ning, a guerrilla general of the Ming Dynasty, went out of the city to fight against orders, led 800 strong men to defend Suzhou to the death, and the entire army was wiped out.

It was this guy named Man Suer who attacked Daming Suzhou at that time!
That battle was very tragic. The guerrilla general Rui Ning had just been dismissed by the court and was about to leave.

In the face of the enemy's invasion, he directly abandoned his wife and children, and led the soldiers to fight against the Mongolian cavalry whose number was several times that of his own. The whole army was wiped out, which is very tragic!

What's even more tragic is that after Chen Jiuchou, the deputy envoy of Suzhou military preparations, drove away Man Su'er's army, he asked for credit for Rui Ning and others, and no one took care of him for three years.

Those civil servants in the DPRK and the main peace faction questioned Rui Ning's disobedience in fighting, resulting in the death of all 800 strong men.He also questioned that Chen Jiuchou, as the guardian of Suzhou, was responsible for being reckless for abandoning the city and taking risks to fight.

Chen Jiuchou was imprisoned for this reason.

Luckily, Rui Ning's wife was born in a rich family of the Che family. She was literate and understood court affairs. Unwilling to die humiliated by her husband and eight hundred soldiers, she wrote to the court to avenge her husband and the strong men.

Emperor Zhu Houzhao saw Che's letter, and was deeply shocked and moved by the affectionate and loyal words.

He very much admired that a weak woman from the Che family had such a bold act of righteousness that moved the world!
He even blamed himself for knowing little about the sufferings of border soldiers.

He has sacrificed his life for the country with heroes and generals for three years, but he has not yet gained military merit!Zhu Houzhao was very furious, and directly ordered Shi Yao, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a scholar of the cabinet, to immediately handle the posthumous posthumous work of General Rui Ning and 800 strong men.

At that time, the tour guide spoke vividly and emotionally, and many people, especially the ladies, were moved to tears.

Even if Qin Shao was moved, a big man wouldn't cry just because of a story.But still shocked!

When he heard the story, he felt that Emperor Zhengde Zhu Houzhao was benevolent and righteous, and he was different from the legendary absurd emperor!
A high-ranking emperor who can be moved by a strange woman, who can feel that it is not easy to speak out about frontier soldiers, and who can blame himself, such an emperor should not be far behind!
By the way, Qin Shao suddenly remembered.

The Battle of Shaziba seems to be this year, it seems to be in winter!
"It's that guy! His grandma, who comes here from time to time to ask for rewards, and makes troubles, should have beaten him up long ago, but those guys from the Ministry of Rites insist on giving rewards to appease, it's simply raising a tiger!"

Zhu Houzhao gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Dou Mi En, give birth to Mi En! The more you favor people, the more your appetite will grow. Once you lose it, you will definitely attract people's hatred, and even bring disaster! The only way to win is to have a hard fist!"

Qin Shao agreed.

Since ancient times, if you want to appease one party with small favors, you can only feed the appetite of others!
In history, those who make peace and cede land have never won!

"Ziming, you're right! You're right! You have to beat them well, until they are convinced! Fist is the only truth!"

Zhu Houzhao got excited and thumped on the table.

Qin Shao looked at his table worriedly, but fortunately, it was still hard, and specially hired workers to make it out of solid wood. If it was the plywood from the previous life, it would really be unbearable.

"We just think about it! Most of the officials in the court are peacemakers, especially Yang Tinghe, who has the final say on the affairs of the court! The emperor is young, even if he wants to, he can't handle so many old officials! And Lu Wan, Minister of the Ministry of War, followed Then Yang Tinghe..."

"Sir, today's fruit wine is not bad, please have another glass!"

Seeing Zhang Cong resigning indignantly, Qin Shao hurriedly interrupted Zhang Cong's words.

This person didn't understand Zhu Houzhao's identity, so he was so outspoken, he was really worried about what to say.

He had already seen that Zhu Houzhao's face was very bad.

"Self-evident! Let him continue!"

Zhu Houzhao said in a cold voice.


Only then did Zhang Cong realize that everyone was looking at him, and the atmosphere at the scene was so weird.

"His Majesty!"

Qin Shao stood up and bowed to Zhu Houzhao in salute.

If he doesn't explain the identity of the other party, Zhang Cong's upright character...

Fortunately, there are only Lin Tong, Wang Yun, Wang Yin, Zhang Cong, Zhu Houzhao and himself at the scene.

The third son went to the book store to deliver something!

As for Han Jinrong and the servants, they retreated to the room after serving the dishes.

"His Majesty?"

Zhang Cong looked at Qin Shao, then at Zhu Houzhao, and fell directly from the chair.

But he quickly got up and fell to his knees.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang likes to study and cares about state affairs. He is a person who is wholeheartedly worried about the imperial court. He has participated in the five examinations, and now he is still devoted to scientific examinations, just to enter the imperial court and serve the imperial court!"

"Maybe he was too worried about the court, so he spoke more directly. He has no ulterior motives. I hope His Majesty will not blame him!"

Even though he knew that Zhu Houzhao had a slight dispute with Yang Tinghe, Qin Shao was still not sure what kind of attitude he had towards his teacher!

After all, according to history, Zhu Houzhao still trusts Yang Tinghe in general.

Zhang Cong knelt on the ground and sweated profusely.

Now that summer is about to enter, the sky is already hot, and Qin Shao can even hear the sound of his sweat dripping on the crooked chair and stool beside him.

"Get up!"

After a while, Zhu Houzhao said, his voice became stable again.

"A man should hold his head high, let his voice ring out to the ears of the country, and An Neng's mouth can shrink, like a cicada hugging a leaf? Ziming, you have your own ideas, right? Since Zhang Cong recognizes you as a teacher, your teacher The two of you can be regarded as people who are worried about state affairs. This fast-paced matter is related to the stability of the frontiers of the Western Regions of the Ming Dynasty. Since the two of you understand it, as readers, you should write a coping strategy. I will go back and have someone copy the contents of the newspaper. I'll give it to you two, you guys think about how to deal with it!"

After Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, he took Lin Tong to get up and leave!

The man left as soon as he said he would.

Qin Shao and Wang Yin hurriedly got up and saw them off.

When he came back, he found Zhang Cong still kneeling on the ground.

"Mr. Zhang, get up! Your Majesty is gone!"

Qin Shao reminded Zhang Congdao.

Hearing Qin Shao's reminder, Zhang Cong collapsed on the ground.

"Eldest son, you...why didn't you say earlier, that's His Majesty, I wouldn't..."

After a while, Zhang Cong breathed out and said.

"Your Majesty doesn't like others to reveal his identity, and I can't say it directly! You spoke too directly, and I pointed to you many times with my eyes, but you were too excited and didn't pay attention."

Qin Shao was also a little speechless, he blinked at Zhang Cong many times, and he only criticized Yang Tinghe excitedly.

"Hey! Forget it, Eldest Young Master, even if it's not Optimus Prime, I would like to fight against injustice in the world! My scientific research is to fight against injustice and serve the country. If Your Majesty blames me for caring about state affairs, then what is the use of my scientific research?" Meaning? And now His Majesty does not seem to be angry, which means that he is already dissatisfied with Yang Tinghe!"

"Besides, His Majesty asked Eldest Young Master and me about this kind of thing, which means that there is no one available around him. Isn't this the right time?"

Zhang Cong was very excited after analyzing it.

"Then do you have any idea about Hami?"

(End of this chapter)

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