Grim Reaper: Studying Medicine Can't Save the World of Souls

Chapter 516 The Barrier Appearing in the Suburbs

Chapter 516 The Barrier Appearing in the Suburbs
Just when the "King Seal" was lost and the Zanpakuto used by the attacker was "everything", it caused a turmoil in Jinglingting.

In the present world, Kakuza-cho.

Senju Makoto made a rough plan for Kurosaki Ichigo's next practice arrangement, and temporarily handed Kurosaki Ichigo over to the Masked Legion to guide Kurosaki Ichigo to initially control the power of "virtualization".

Immediately afterwards, when Makoto Senshou was about to deal with the problem of "xcution", what surprised Makoto was that for several days in a row, "xcution" did not respond at all, as if Shishi Kawara's temptation before was just an illusion That's all.

"...That's all the above. Except for Shi Shiheyuan who occasionally went out to purchase supplies, the rest of the staff basically never left the apartment."

Ishida Uryu reported to Senshou Makoto the information he had monitored in the past few days.

"It's a bit strange, are they waiting for something?" Makoto Qianshou asked a little puzzled.

"Perhaps, they are aware of the huge gap between them and Uncle Kurosaki, so they dare not make any further reactions?" Ishida Uryu guessed.

Qian Shoucheng didn't speak, but stood up and walked to the window, several guesses appeared in his mind...

Now, Shishi Heyuan is more like a bait?
With the help of the seemingly straightforward and brainless Lion Kawahara, he informed himself of the existence of "xcution", and then collectively huddled in the base camp and stood still.

What does it mean?
'Really think you can't find out where they are?Or is he using this mysterious way to lure himself out of Karakura Town? '

'Or, when do you think you will ask them? '

Makoto Senju stroked his chin, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked towards the outskirts of Karakuza Town.

And Ishida Uryu, who was following behind Qian Shoucheng, also looked in the same direction and said.

"The area in the outskirts seems to be closed by a large-scale ghost barrier. Could something have happened?"

"Go and have a look." Qian Shoucheng reminded.


Ishida Uryu nodded, and quickly rushed towards the outskirts of Karakura Town.

As for Qian Shoucheng, he didn't intend to move, and continued to stay in the flower shop peacefully, and even went downstairs to drink tea and pet the cat in a leisurely manner.

Aizen Soyousuke's goal has almost been guessed by Jing Lingting today, and that is the Lingwang Palace!
However, if you want to enter the Spirit King Palace through the normal way, you need the key called "King Key".

Therefore, when it is determined that Karakura Town, which is the "heavy spirit land", will be the main battlefield in the future, compared with those small things that seem to emerge endlessly, Makoto Senju needs to pay more attention to not being accidentally caught by Aizen You Jie was banned in advance.

After all, with Aizen Soyousuke's IQ and Bengyu's ability, it may not be necessary to prepare a big gift for himself.

Only Aizen Soyousuke, Senju Makoto would never underestimate him...

Even though Makoto Senju has planted chess pieces one after another beside Aizen Soyousuke, there will still be no contempt.


And Ishida Uryu quickly rushed towards the outskirts of Karakura Town, and when confirming the abnormal reaction of the ghost barrier, Kurosaki Ichigo also quickly approached Ishida Uryu.

Kurosaki Ichigo greeted him while maintaining a parallel speed with Ishida Uryu. "Yulong, did you sense it too?"

"You can tell it with your rough spiritual pressure sensing ability, how could I not sense it?"

After a pause, Ishida Uryu couldn't help but cast a glance at Kurosaki Ichigo, and said with a poisonous tongue.

"Also, I don't remember when I became so familiar with you, please add a little respect."


Kurosaki Ichigo said disapprovingly. "Sure enough, Yulong is a warm-hearted and arrogant character."

Ishida Uryu couldn't hold back his seemingly calm and cold appearance, several veins popped out on his forehead instinctively, and said. "Kurosaki Ichigo, do you want to be killed?"

"Uncle Kurosaki said this."

Following Kurosaki Ichigo's playful words on his face, he almost silenced Ishida Uryuu.

The next moment, Ishida Uryu's speed suddenly increased a bit, and he pulled away from Kurosaki Ichigo and went straight to the suburbs, while Kurosaki Ichigo's voice came from behind him.

"Wait for me, Yulong..."

In the invisible competition between Ishida Uryu and Kurosaki Ichigo, they soon arrived in a forest on the outskirts of Karakura Town.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu looked around and there seemed to be no abnormal environment, and subconsciously stretched out their hands forward, as if there was a thin film, which easily allowed Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu to penetrate.

Immediately, it seemed that because of the contact between Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu, the ghost barrier also enveloped Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu, and the surrounding environment also changed dramatically.

However, before Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu could react, more than a dozen secret mobile teams covered in black appeared around them, and made an offensive posture to expel Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu dragon.

"and many more……"

At this moment, the voice of Suifeng stopped the movement of those hidden mobile players, and in a flash, they appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu.

"Reaper agent Kurosaki Ichigo, Quincy Ishida Uryu?"

The whole person seemed to be shrouded in a strong and gloomy aura, and he spoke lightly, which made Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu inexplicably feel a chill in their hearts.

However, the appearance of Suifeng, the captain of the second division, made Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu breath a sigh of relief. Aizen Soyousuke is implementing something.

"What happened?" Kurosaki asked casually.

"This is not the area that the agent of Death God should be concerned about. What you should do now is to leave here immediately, so as not to affect the search efficiency of the second team." Broken Bee said expressionlessly.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu looked at each other, and were about to give up and return to Karakura Town.

"and many more……"

Suhachi suddenly stopped Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu, and then spoke.

"Tell Kurosaki Makoto that guy, I will find her later, and if everything he told me before is any false, I will definitely kill him!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu to inquire in detail, Suifeng actively controlled the ghost barrier to open the gap and expelled Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu.

(End of this chapter)

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