Chapter 521

Generally speaking, when the existence similar to the god of death enters the prosthetic skeleton, all it can exert is the function of the prosthetic skeleton itself.

Therefore, when the god of death enters the battle stage, he will choose to leave the skeleton and restore his spirit state.

However, the "Rem" doll used by Snowpass is not at the same level as ordinary prosthetic skeletons.

On the surface, perhaps the main composition of the "Rem" doll is a tool, but over the years, Makoto Senju has used the results of Ishida Uryu's physical training to "Rem" through all the experiments and applications. "On the body of the puppet.

In a sense, if Ishida Uryu can be regarded as Senju Makoto's experimental body on the relationship between utensils and spirits, then the "Rem" doll is the first generation product.

At this moment, in the eyes of the gods of death, Snopass, who looked no different from a human on the outside and did not reveal the slightest bit of spiritual pressure, exploded at a speed no less than that of the god of death at the captain level.

However, how could the Goutei thirteenth division watch helplessly as Kurosaki Ichigo and others escaped from the ghost realm so easily?

"Let you run away like this, the old man will have no face to face the captain!"

Seeing that he couldn't keep up with his own speed, Komamura Zuozhen stabbed the Zanpakuto in his hand towards the ground, his spiritual pressure soared, and shouted angrily.

"Swastika Black Rope Heaven's Scourge King Ming"

In an instant, the huge black-armored warrior appeared from behind Komamura Zuozhen, his heavy body stepped on the ground, and the top of his head almost touched the top of the bowl-shaped ghost road barrier.


Komamura Zuojin clenched the Zanpakutō with both hands and stepped forward, slashing in the direction of Ishida Uryu and others in a kendo posture.

The movements of the Black Rope Heavenly Scourge King Ming were also synchronized, and the giant knife that could split the mountain was almost easily shredded into the air, setting off a terrifying storm and falling towards Ishida Uryu and others.

Compared with the past, Komamura Zuojin's blow was... quite different!
If it is said that in the past Komamura Zuojin's sword swing relied more on the innate spiritual body and brute force, then at this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo saw the shadow of... the way of the sword.

Holding the knife with both hands, skillfully and violently exerting force can make the power of slashing far surpass that of rough chopping.

In an instant, both Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu were about to turn around and try to block this earth-shattering blow.

Chadu Taitora's calm and short voice sounded...

"You continue to evacuate, leave this to me."

Then, run!
There is no "Shunpo" of the god of death, and there is no "flying feet" of the Quincy!
Just like a normal human being, Chadu Taihu swung his feet away step by step, and charged forward against the falling giant knife.

In this scene, it was like a small human being challenged a giant head-on, and it seemed like Don Quixote who challenged a windmill seemed to be overwhelmed.

Even Kurosaki Ichigo, who knew Chadu Yasutora too well, was stunned.

When Kurosaki Ichigo reacted, he subconsciously yelled.

"and many more"

It's just that Chadu Taihu and the giant sword are already close at hand.

The violent air wave pressed down on Chadu Taihu, but the thick and burly back did not shake at all.

"The Giant's Right Arm"

The moment the right arm with the black background and red stripes was raised above the head, its shape also changed and turned into a shield-like shape.

However, this overwhelming and extremely impactful scene shocked Komamura Zuojin, but he didn't hold back at all.

To protect Seireitei and follow Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni's faith, this is the justice and loyalty of Komamura Zuojin!

For this reason, after being defeated by Ishida Uryu in the battle at Shuangkai Hill, Zuo Komamura learned a little bit of the kendo that belonged to Shigekuni Yamamoto Motoyanagi with the body of a beastman.


Under the gaze of all the people, the black-rope Heavenly Scourge King Shi's shocking blow... fell with a bang!
At this moment, the entire world surrounded by the enchantment of ghosts was shaken, the ground seemed to jump suddenly, and the residents of Karakura Town in the outer circle seemed to have a kind of earthquake mistake.

However, the smoke cleared...

Chadu Taihu under the giant knife was not crushed into meat paste by the giant knife, the giant's right arm held high against the giant knife like a pillar of heaven supporting the world.

On the contrary, the right side of Chadu Yasutora's body seemed to have faintly turned into red lines on a black background.


In this scene, not only Komamura Zuojin and other gods of death were amazed by it, but even Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu were full of inconceivable expressions.

Is this still the Chadu Yasutora who was easily moved in the conflict with Ishida Uryu in the first high school in Karakura Town not long ago?
Hitsugaya Toshiro, who stopped beside Kurosaki Ichigo, seemed to be unable to hold back his cold expression, and said in shock.

"Your human friends... are so strong?"

Kurosaki Ichigo held back for a long time, but the last experience of Kurosaki Ichigo fighting side by side with Chadu Yasutora was still on dealing with some punks, so he could only say one thing.

"Taihu has always been very trustworthy."

However, Komamura Zuojin was not the only one who prevented Kurosaki Ichigo and others from evacuating!
"Swastika · Thousands of Cherry Blossoms"

As soon as a haughty and cold voice sounded, countless cherry blossoms suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and then swept towards Kurosaki Ichigo and the others like a torrent, intending to temporarily block the temporarily opened ghost road knot boundary gap.

"You guys go first, Bai Zai, I'll hold you back."

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo also quickly carried out the swastika, and swung several black crescent moons in succession to sweep out.

It's just that Kuchiki Byakuya already knows the basics of Kurosaki Ichigo's attack methods.

After the wave of cherry blossoms was destroyed by the black crescent sky, it quickly made up for it in the continuous amount.

It is different from the last time when he was forced to fight Kurosaki Ichigo due to his duties as the Goute [-]th Division, so that he had unintentional reservations and concerns because of his preference for Kuchiki Rukia.

This time, Kuchiki Byakuya went all out, and his combat IQ undoubtedly far surpassed that of the past. Senbon Sakura, who is both offensive and defensive, made Kurosaki Ichigo feel tricky.

With the attack method of "Crescent Moon Sky Chong", it is almost impossible to completely stop Qianben Sakura Jingyan's attack.

However, just when the large cherry blossoms were about to touch Kurosaki Ichigo, Chadu Yasutora's burly figure blocked in front of Kurosaki Ichigo again.

The giant's right arm was spread out like a huge shield to block the front, and the left arm with the white background and red stripes was retracted...

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously wanted to say something.

"Chadu, you..."

However, before Kurosaki Ichigo could finish speaking, Chadu Yasuko turned his head slightly and said.

"Ichigo, do you still remember our promise to 'thump for each other'?"

(End of this chapter)

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