The tone of the question...

But Qian Shoucheng's eyes revealed quite affirmation.

Under Makoto Senshou's watchful eyes, Konggo Ginjō, who looked violent and violent, obviously flashed a touch of panic and disbelief.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Ginjo Kugo shouted angrily, and the Reiatsu on his body exploded frantically, causing the entire ability space to be washed away as if it was on the verge of collapse.

He suddenly raised his foot and kicked Makoto Senshou!
Qian Shoucheng raised his knee to block it.


A huge air wave erupted.

Senshou Makoto was blown away like a cannonball, while Ginjo Kugo chased after him with a hideous giant sword.

"Cross Crescent"

The next moment, Yincheng Kongwu's ferocious giant sword swept across the vertical chop, and a "cross" spiritual pressure slash quickly swept over, as if to make Senshou Makoto split into four pieces.

However, as Qian Shoucheng stepped back with his feet, the whole person's retreat stopped abruptly, and he still maintained the posture of putting his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, responding to the "Cross Crescent Moon" without avoiding it.

Immediately afterwards, the "Cross Crescent" strangled, and suddenly overlapped with the figure of Qian Shoucheng.

"Did... kill it?"

Ginjo Kugo murmured with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Perhaps, at the beginning, Ginjo Kugo had absolute blind confidence in his current state. After plundering power from a large number of corpses of people with full manifestation abilities, he thought that he was invincible in both the world and the world of souls.

The King of Perfection!
However, when Ginjo Kugo really fought with Senju Makoto, whether it was Senju Makoto's always calm and indifferent look, or the posture of constantly avoiding his own attacks that seemed to be relaxed, Ginjo Kugo's heart was more and more aroused. A sense of panic.

"You are too weak……"

Senju Makoto's calm voice came out of the smoke caused by the "Cross Crescent".

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Makoto Senshou still had his hands in his pockets, but he looked unscathed, commented.

"Sora has a powerful Reiatsu that is comparable to Captain Yamamoto's initial release state, but he does not have the heart and belief to match it, and the power he exerts is only to the extent of making people laugh."

That calm demeanor...

It almost made Ginjo Kugo feel that his brain was congested!
There is no spiritual pressure, but not enough heart and faith? !

If Senshou Makoto's tone and attitude were sufficiently arrogant and contemptuous, then Ginjo Kugo might still be pure anger.

However, that appearance, which seemed to be purely evaluating something, made Ginjo Kugo go back to the past in a daze, that he was just an ant, an ant who was casually played around as a chess piece by the soul world.

The heart that clearly wants to protect human beings and the city is so ridiculous in the Goutei [-]th division, and it is the object of teasing...

"Asshole, bastard!"

Ginjo Kugo's eyes seemed to be gradually turning blood red, and the skeleton armor covering his whole body became more and more terrifying, faintly resembling a head-like ghost, and that exaggerated spiritual pressure... is still going on and on. up.

"What are you laughing at? Who do you think I am?!"

Almost as the voice fell, the figure of Ginjo Kugo disappeared instantly and appeared in the sky above Makoto Senshou, holding high the ferocious giant sword and slashing down with the materialized spiritual pressure wrapped around it.


A huge roar erupted, not only the area that Yukio specially divided for Ginjo Kugo and Kurosaki Ichigo echoed, even the other areas that were deliberately separated were also heard clearly Chu.

"What an exaggerated movement. Theoretically speaking, each divided area is absolutely independent."

Xue Xu, who looked like a European noble boy, said with emotion.

Ishida Uryu, who was standing in front of Xue Xu, pushed his glasses and spoke. "Indeed, to be able to persist in front of that lord for such a long time without being defeated is indeed quite a person."


Xue Xu raised those dull and lazy eyes, looked at Ishida Uryu and said.

"Although you said so, I don't think anyone can defeat Yincheng in this state, and in order to avoid being blamed by Yincheng afterwards, I can only get rid of you."

"On the contrary..."

Ishida Uryu looked at the little man in front of him and said. "You are the one who maintains this space, right? So as long as you are eliminated, many problems will be solved."

"Although you can try..."

Almost as soon as Xue Xu's voice fell, a large number of monsters similar to video games suddenly appeared around.

"As the game that is about to start, I can tell you the rules a little bit, and the rules are quite simple, that is: this space will generate various monsters indefinitely and continue to chase the opponent until the opponent is defeated."

"Then the game begins..."

As Xue Xu's voice fell, the monster that was born from head to head frantically rushed towards Ishida Uryu.

"Video games?"

At this moment, Ishida Uryu undoubtedly roughly judged Yukio's ability, which is to create a video game-like space that can be set at will.

As long as you enter it, Ishida Uryu is a player in a sense, and Yukio can set various game rules and settings, and create various environments and monsters at will.

"It is indeed a rather troublesome ability..."


And when Ishida Uryu and Yukio started fighting, in another independent area, Kurosaki Ichigo and Tsukishima Hidekuro also collided with everything.

The samurai sword formed by Kurosaki Ichigo's swastika and the samurai sword formed by Tsukishima Hidekuro's "Book of the End" collided together.

After Hidekuro Tsukishima was given a part of the full manifestation power by Kugo Ginjo, the spiritual pressure, speed, etc. displayed by Hidekuro Tsukishima were almost as good as Ichigo Kurosaki.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo relied on his kendo and "Crescent Moon Tenchō" to firmly suppress Hidekuro Tsukishima.


And just when Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly stunned by the collision sound erupted by Senju Makoto and Ginjō Kugo, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Tsukishima Hidekuro's mouth, and his speed skyrocketed, called "The Book of the End". "The samurai sword slid across the sky lock Zan Yue and slashed towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting instinct is so strong, but he also instinctively blocked this blow that was aimed at the vital point, and only lightly brushed Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulder.

A smear of blood flowed out...

Of course, for Kurosaki Ichigo, this degree of injury is not enough to have an impact on the combat power at all. The backhand is about to release "Crescent Moon Tenchong" on Tsukishima Hidekuro, and when he sees Tsukishima Hidekuro's face clearly .

Kurosaki Ichigo... suddenly froze in place.

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