Chapter 547 The Successor

Jingling Court.

The shady scene formed by the expansion of the spiritual pressure of the "Wang Yin" has become more and more conspicuous, and even a large number of residents in Liuhun Street can clearly see it from a distance.

And even though Yamamoto Genryu Sashigekuni was the main force, Komamura's left-handed black-rope Tianju Mingwang and Niriya Mayuri's golden Kisarajizo were the assistants, constantly preventing the expansion of the shady scene.


The black rope Tianzhu Mingwang and the golden Zanpakuto Jizo, these two huge giants formed after the Zanpakuto disintegrated and materialized, were faintly and continuously pushed by the shady, stepping back on the turbulent soil on the ground.

The monstrous flames ignited by the flowing blades almost seemed to completely ignite the sky on one side of Jinglingting...

However, so far, the expansion of the "Wang Yin" spiritual pressure has covered about one-third of the entire Jingling Court.


In the sky, behind Motoyasa Shigekuni Yamamoto who looked like a god of fire with his upper body naked, Jiro Sparrow half-kneeled down, reporting the latest situation in a hasty tone.

The situation made Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni frowned slightly.

Right now, the entire Goutei [-]th Division has almost assembled all of its combat power and put it into the battlefield, perhaps supplemented by preventing the expansion of the shady scene to gain time, or entering the shady scene to help open the passage to the floating ice city .

However, under the power of "Wang Yin", it seems that the inside of the black screen is completely connected with the Great Hollow Forest of the Hollow Circle, and a steady stream of Kirian, Big Hollow, and Ordinary Hollow appeared in Goutei Shisanfan in front of the team.

On the contrary, due to the betrayal of Aizen Soyousuke and others, there are already three vacancies in the position of the captain of the Goutei [-]th division. In addition, two of his disciples are seriously injured, which is no different from a loss for nothing. Nearly half of the captain-level combat power.

Although in such a critical moment, many vice-captains or chief executives showed the ability to relieve, the situation... still did not ease.

"As a result, the captains headed by Captain Kuchiki were entangled. Now, apart from Captain Kusaki, only Kurosaki Makoto, Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ishida Uryu have arrived at the Floating Ice City."

Sparrow Minister Jiro finally reported the most critical information, which made Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's face darken.

In any case, it is clearly the crisis of Seireitei, but in the end it needs to be resolved by Kurosaki Makoto, who is the Quincy Master, and Kurosaki Ichigo, the acting god of death.

Moreover, the assistance of Kurosaki Makoto and others also shows that the previous hostile attitude of the Goute [-]th Division towards them was a wrong decision.

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni's face seemed to change slightly under the blazing flames, and then he spoke.

"Chojiro, you also join the battlefield, get Captain Kuchiki and others out of the entanglement of the Pomen as soon as possible, and then... fully assist Mr. Kurosaki Makoto to deal with Kusakaguan Soujiro."

Sparrow Minister Jiro hesitated for a moment, and said. "However, Captain, if I am not by your side to protect you, some thieves may take the opportunity to attack you."

Due to the large number of broken faces under Kusakaguan Soujiro's command, in the eyes of Gotei [-]th Division, we have to wonder whether Kusakaguan Soujiro has any deep-seated relationship with Aizen Soyousuke.

When Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni is fully resisting the shady expansion of the "King Seal", it is undoubtedly the time when defenses are most likely to be weakest.

As the commander-in-chief of the Goutei [-]th division, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, once any accident happened, it would be a fatal blow to the entire Gotei [-]th division.

Therefore, no matter how urgent the situation was before, as the last line of defense, Sparrow Minister Jiro never stayed away from Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

At this moment, a gentle and elegant voice came to the ears of Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto and Sparrow Minister Jiro.

"I will temporarily ensure the safety of Commander Yamamoto, how about it?"

In the next moment, with his hands hidden in his sleeves, the seemingly harmless Uanohana Retsu appeared behind Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, holding a Zanpakuto with an exaggerated blade in his arms.

Seeing this, Sparrow Minister Jiro, who was half-kneeling in the air, turned slightly sideways, and respectfully saluted Unohanaretsu.

"Captain Usohana."

Unohana Retsu nodded slightly in response with a kind face, and then said.

"Vice Captain Sparrow, I will trouble you to support the other captains. I will protect Captain Yamamoto's back. You shouldn't be worried, right?"

As the vice-captain who has followed Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni for more than a thousand years, Sparrow Minister Jiro undoubtedly knows what kind of existence Unokanaretsu is, and he almost answered quickly.

"Don't dare."

Immediately, Minister Sparrow Jiro raised his head and glanced at Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni cryptically, and after confirming that Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni had no other instructions, he bowed his head slightly to Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigeguni and Uno Hanaretsu respectively, and stood in front of him. The shape quickly disappeared in place.

Following the departure of Sparrow Minister Jiro, Unokanaretsu stood quietly behind Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, gently squinting his eyes at Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni who maintained the monstrous flames.

Suddenly, Uzhi Hualie seemed to have some feelings and said. "Captain, the last time we did this was a thousand years ago, right?"

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni, whose back was turned, glanced back, but did not speak.

After a while, Uzhi Huarei changed his tone and said.

"you're old."

"Captain Unohana, what do you want to express?" Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni asked in a voice that seemed to be indistinguishable from joy to anger.

"Just like the literal meaning..."

Unokanaretsu spoke gently and calmly, as if chatting with a friend.

"Captain, your old body is gradually unable to bear that heavy and huge strength, and you, who are full of worries, no longer have the decisiveness to swing a knife."

After a pause, Uzhihualie continued. "You...maybe you need to consider a successor."

Successor? !

These words, like a reminder from an old friend, undoubtedly made Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni a little more silent, and also made Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni subconsciously emerge a few figures in his mind.

First, Kyoraku Shunsui, followed by the up-and-coming star Hitsugaya Toshiro in recent decades...

However, Jingle Chunshui has more qualifications, experience, and scheming, but lacks magnanimity and structure, and his strength and talent are also difficult to truly stabilize the position of the commander-in-chief.

As for Hitsugaya Toshiro, he is exactly the opposite of Kyoraku Shunsui. Perhaps he is too immature in all aspects, but Hitsugaya Toshiro, who holds the strongest Zanpakuto Hirinmaru of the Ice and Snow Department, undoubtedly has the potential to be the captain.

However, the current Hitsugaya Toshiro is still too tender, in the eyes of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, it is no less than tender enough to be easily squeezed.

Inexplicably, another figure that should have been buried in the depths of memory appeared in Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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