Grim Reaper: Studying Medicine Can't Save the World of Souls

Chapter 557 The strongest and the strongest

Chapter 557 The strongest and the strongest

This voice of questioning was heard in the ears of Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni... no doubt a sentence of torture.

The truth of the world, the fact that the soul king is regarded as a "human stick" is only used as a cornerstone to maintain the stability of the soul world, the virtual circle, and the present world. Is Yamamoto Genyanagi Sai Shigekuni not clear? !
Undoubtedly, the status of Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni is naturally very clear!

It's just that Yamamoto Genyanagi, who embraces the classical and conservative thinking, is loyal to the soul king, on the one hand, he is unable to change the situation of the soul king, and on the other hand, he is unwilling to join forces with the leader of the military.

Therefore, under the Zero Division known as "royal spies", Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni founded the Goutei Thirteenth Division under the name of "Gotei" thousands of years ago.

Therefore, although the Zero Division, which holds the title of "Royal Family Spy", is still nominally higher than the Goutei Thirteenth Division, Yamamoto Genryanagi Shigekuni can still maintain relative independence.

"It's just that I am loyal to the Spirit King..."

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni looked at the soul king Kugo who had left the seriously injured Hitsugani Toshirō aside with a flick of his palm, and only anger could be seen in his eyes.

The lower body still maintains a shell shape similar to Xu, while the upper body is biased towards death and humans, which can be called a distorted posture...

And the empty eyes of the soul king Kugo made Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni think of the word "puppet".

Although the Spirit King Kongwu in front of him has a body that can act independently and a certain degree of self-awareness, in a sense, what is the difference from the Spirit King who is sealed in the Spirit King Palace? !

"Is such an ugly thing trying to slander the name of the Spirit King?!"

With an astonishing shout, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni rushed towards the soul king Kugo with a bang, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed towards the soul king Kugo with a burst of red flames.

And the king's seal on Lingwang Kongwu's chest is constantly shining with light, and when his empty eyes are raised, the blazing flames are reflected...

The next moment, Soul King Kong Wu's five fingers snapped, and Hitsugaya Toshirō's hand fell into the palm of Soul King Kong Wu's hand in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the shocked eyes of Kuchiki Byakuya, Suihou, and Hisagi Shuhei, Hirinmaru instantly completed the initial solution in the hands of Reiwang Kugo, and when he held the knife in his backhand, an astonishing cold burst out instantly.


It's a collision between extreme heat and extreme cold.

The limit of the power exerted by the Hirinmaru in the hands of the soul king Kugo completely exceeded the limit of Toshirō Hitsugaya.

The cold air that seems to freeze everything and the red flame that is like a fire can be said to be on the same level, dividing the entire forest center into different worlds of extreme heat and extreme cold.

Regarding this, Tsunayashiro Tokinada didn't seem to be worried at all, and he flew out backwards, avoiding the aftermath of the collision between the strongest Zanpakutō of the ice and snow department and the strongest Zanpakutō of the heat department, and said meaningfully .

"Captain, since this is your decision, as a rotten thing from the old king's period, let's turn it into fuel for the growth of the new king to accelerate the growth of the new king."

However, as soon as Tsunayashiro Tokinada's words fell, the icy voice of the broken bee appeared behind Tsunayashiro Tokinada, and the bird bee in his hand pointed towards Tsunayashiro Tokinada, saying .

"You really should shut up, Tsunayashiro Tokinada."

The black bee pattern flowers that represent death bloomed, which surprised Tsunayashiro Tokinada's expression...

In the next moment, the bird bee in Suifeng's hand moved towards the same position for the second time, trying to trigger the ability of "two-hit kill" to directly solve the culprit Tsunayashiro Tokinada.

However, at this moment, Tsunayashiro Tokinada showed the Shunpo level that a contemporary of Kyoraku Shunsui should have. With a flick of his figure, he narrowly escaped the blow, Manipulating dozens of giant trees from all directions to close and surround the Broken Bee.

However, before Tsunayashiro Tokinada heaved a sigh of relief...

"Swastika, Qianben Sakura Jingyan!"

In the forest, it seems that the beautiful world has turned into cherry blossoms in an instant, and the cherry blossoms that seem to be endless at a glance are rushing towards Tsunayashiro Tokinada like a vast ocean.


The "Enora Mirror Code" in the hands of Tsunayashiro Tokinada was thrown across in front of him, and a wall made of giant trees appeared instantly to block the spreading cherry blossoms.



Behind Tsunayashiro Tokinada, there was a sound of the air being torn apart suddenly, and on the side of his head subconsciously, the sickle transformed by Kazeshiri brushed against Tsunayashiro Tokinada's cheek, leaving a deep bloodstain.

It was almost a little bit short, Tsunayashiro Tokinada's head would be cut off by Kazeshichi directly!
This made Tsunayashiro Tokinada feel very excited, and a large number of giant trees suddenly erupted from under his feet, supporting Tsunayashiro Tokinada up into the sky, and moved towards Sube, Kuchiki Byakuya, and Hisagi Shuhei respectively. Attack, said with some doubts.

"It's hard to understand that you would choose to besiege me first? It is clear that Lingwang Kongwu is the one who threatens Jinglingting the most."

"It is the duty of the captain of the second division to arrest the criminals behind the scenes." Broken Bee.

"Perhaps the key to stopping Lingwang Kongwu's actions is hidden in your body." Kuchiki Byakuya.

However, compared to Suihou and Kuchiki Byakuya's veiled answers, Hisagi Shuhei seemed sincere, staring at Tsunayashiro Tokinada with sharp and resolute eyes, and said every word.

"Imitate the Zanpakuto ability of Master Senshou. Only blood can wash away this crime."


Tsunayashiro Tokinada was taken aback, information about the relationship between the three people in front of him and Senju Makoto quickly appeared in his mind. "I see. Is this why you are following me?"

"You guys, can you really defeat the ability called 'everything in the universe'?"

Almost as Tsunayashiro Tokinada's voice fell, behind Tsunayashiro Tokinada, a large piece of giant wood moved, forming wooden figures one after another.

In the next moment, the battle... broke out completely!
Byakuya Kuchiki, Suihou, and Shuhei Hisagi all targeted Tsunayashiro Tokinada and launched an attack frantically.

While Tsunayashiro Tokinada struggled to maintain the "Birth of the Tree World" that separated the battlefield, he also organized a large number of wooden dolls and wooden dragons in two different areas to fight with members of the [-]th Division Goute. .

However, as the collision between Hirinmaru and Liuren Ruohuo was almost intensified, the climate of the entire forest seemed to have undergone a huge change.

The temperature in the forest on the side of Hirinmaru dropped sharply, and the dew turned into frost; the forest on the side of the blade seemed to be on the verge of withering, and the climate seemed to have entered the scorching heat under the scorching desert sun.

And just when the eyes of the entire Jinglingting were completely focused on that forest and the collision between the strongest Zanpakuto and the strongest.

In the sky above the Jingling Court, a black cavity slowly opened, and Ulquiola stepped out indifferently and gracefully, and then bowed and waited outside the black cavity.

"What an unbearable picture..."

Aizen Soyousuke's voice resounded in a low voice, and in the figure stepping out of the black cavity, the arrogant eyes reflected the forest below created by "everything in the world".

(End of this chapter)

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