However, before Grimmjow could move, Harribel stood in front of Grimmjow and stopped him. "Grimmjow, don't do stupid things. If you go back to Karakura Town alone, you'll probably be slaughtered right away."

"Are you kidding? Do you think those gods of death can be more terrifying than Master Asura?"

Grimmjow's straightforward question made the Ten Blades present speechless.

Especially some of the ten blades who have witnessed the spiritual pressure confrontation between Senju Makoto and Aizen Soyousuke are quite aware that even Stark, who is the No. 1, still has a clear gap between Senju Makoto.

"This is useless. If you return to Karakura Town alone, not only will you not be able to bring Nilu back, but you will only bring yourself into it."

After a pause, Harribel calmly analyzed. "On the contrary, when Nilu maintains a childish state, whether it is spiritual pressure or threat level, it is quite inconspicuous, and it may not be dangerous."

"And once Nilu encounters any danger to her life, she takes the initiative to return to her real posture. With Nilu's strength, even if she is besieged by many gods of death, she still has a chance to open her black cavity and return to the virtual circle."

"Hohohoho, Lord Harribel's words are very reasonable..."

Ruby, who is No.8, dragged her long sleeves, slightly covered her mouth, and said in a tone of schadenfreude.

"Besides, an unstable face like Nilu should have been disqualified from being a ten-blade long ago, instead of occupying the No.5 position and never..."

However, before Ruby could finish speaking, Grimmjow's palm suddenly pressed Ruby's face, who had no time to react, and directly slammed his hand heavily on the side of his feet, while the other hand condensed a blue flash to aim at it. Ruby.

There was a strong killing intent in Grimmjow's eyes, like a leopard fully opened its minions, and he said every word.

"Chew your tongue again, and I'll blow your head off!"

Ruby's face almost subconsciously showed fear, and while resisting instinctively, it was the first time that she felt that there seemed to be a much bigger gap between herself and Grimmjow than imagined.

End... Can't break free at all!

Moreover, the strong murderous intent in Grimmjow's eyes, the astonishing flash of spiritual pressure in his hand...

'This... This guy really wants to kill me? ! '

Ruby was startled, and shouted out of composure. "Grimmjow, what do you want to do? Kill your fellow Ten Blades? Lord Aizen will definitely punish you."

However, as Ruby's voice fell, the gleam of light became more dazzling, and it moved closer to Ruby, as if it would explode completely at any moment.

Moreover, Ruby turned her eyes and found that the other ten blades present did not intend to stop Grimmjow at all, and most of the eyes showed a light that seemed to be watching a show.

This also completely defeated Ruby's last reliance and psychological defense!
"I'm sorry!" Ruby gritted her teeth and said.


Grimmjow snorted coldly, forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​killing this idiot completely, turned his gaze to the group of subordinate officers standing behind Ten Blades and the others, and ordered to his own subordinate officers.

"You guys, no matter what method you use, you must find Nelu's whereabouts for me. If you don't find Nelu, don't come back to me."


Grimmjow's five subordinates had bitter expressions on their faces, but they still responded quickly.


And Nilu, who was worried by Grimmjow and Harribel.

At this moment, he got out from a corner of a house in Karakura Town, and looked at the closed black chamber above and the backs of the Masked Legion and others leaving, with an innocent smile on his face.

Although because of Qian Shoucheng's face and Grimmjow's protection, Nilu almost walked sideways in the entire Xuye Palace.

Except for some bad faces who have just joined Xuye Palace, anyone who has some experience in Xuye Palace will undoubtedly not dare to provoke Nilu easily.

But after staying in Xuye Palace for decades, Nilu has long been tired of playing, and she only thinks why her father hasn't come back yet...

Obviously, my lord father made an appointment and would come back.

When Nilu was a child, she had almost no complicated thoughts in her mind, but she couldn't help thinking about her father who hadn't returned for a long time.

However, even though Nilu had to give some face to Tōsenyo, Ichimaru Gin, and Bailegang in Xuye Palace, every time Nilu wanted to leave Xuye Palace to find her father, she would be punished by Greem. Joe and Hribel stop it on the grounds of protection.

Therefore, after arriving in the present world with Grimmjow this time.

Nilu took advantage of Grimmjow's fighting state and didn't notice her at all, and quietly hid in the house in Karakuza Town.

As for Master Aizen's orders, Nilu doesn't care...

'Finding my lord father is the most important thing! '

Thinking of this, Nilu clenched her small fists to cheer herself up, raised her pure and lovely lake-green eyes to look at the environment in Karakuma Town, which is completely different from the virtual circle, and murmured.

"This... is this world? Could it be that Father is here?"

Nilu's nose moved slightly, and she suddenly discerned an unusually subtle familiar smell in the air, her eyes lit up almost obviously.

Immediately, while Nilu kept moving her little nose, her body instinctively began to move in the direction of that smell.

And Nilu's spiritual pressure was weaker than ordinary Xu in her childhood state, and she didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Moreover, as the smell remaining in the air gradually became stronger, Nilu's face unconsciously revealed an excited look, and her footsteps also inadvertently became faster and faster, and she didn't even pay attention to the changes in the surrounding environment at all. Just go in the direction where the smell is more intense.

The next moment, Nilu's foot tripped over something, and she fell flat on the ground with a "plop".

"It hurts..."

Nilu sat up covering her face, feeling her face was burning, she turned her head and looked at the thing that tripped her.

A foot wearing clogs appeared in front of Nilu's eyes.

Immediately, Nilu looked up along the wooden clogs, the strange green and white clothes and the fisherman's hat that covered most of her face.

Urahara... Kisuke Urahara!
In an instant, Nilu's face changed!
Perhaps Nilu's character is pure and innocent, but it doesn't mean that Nilu is a complete idiot. At least Nilu can still recognize this enemy Urahara Kisuke who fought with Bailegang not long ago.

Kisuke Urahara's eyes could see the changes in Nilu's expression. He raised the cane in his hand and pointed its tail at Nilu who was sitting on the ground, and said in a cold tone.

"The clothes of the Xuye Palace, the spies left behind by the ten blades are broken? Then please reincarnate properly."

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