Chapter 574

Immediately, Senju Makoto finally released Nilu, who was entangled like an octopus and didn't want to let go, and let her get acquainted with Kurosaki Ichigo and others by herself.

Senju Makoto walked towards Urahara Kisuke, the two sides briefly exchanged the status quo, and then reached some consensus.

Nominally, Senju Makoto, Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ishida Uryu went to support Seireitei entirely based on the request and invitation of Urahara Kisuke.

And in this case, the flower shop was razed, and Kisuke Urahara naturally had to compensate Makoto Senju.

As for compensation content...

When Makoto Senju said goodbye to Kisuke Urahara, he had a warm expression on his face, as if he was in the spring breeze.

Although Makoto Senju has a lot of savings even in this world, it is naturally worth being happy to be able to take advantage of Kisuke Urahara, a guy who always likes to hide behind his back and do all kinds of calculations.

And Urahara Kisuke's compensation was also quickly in place, providing Makoto Senju with a land about the size of a football field in Karakura Town, and using the special props he developed to build a land within a few days. A very large oversized flower shop.

No, to be more precise, this is completely a flower exhibition hall.

Moreover, Kisuke Urahara has created a space that is comparable to the underground space of Urahara grocery store in the basement of this flower exhibition hall.

In the past few days, Makoto Qianshou has also been busy taking his clerks to move the usable things from the ruined flower shop and arrange them in this flower exhibition hall.

As for the private living spaces of Senshou Makoto, Snowpass, and Nie Yinwu, a space was left behind the flower exhibition hall to build a classical Japanese-style courtyard similar to Jinglingting.

Of course, this classical Japanese-style courtyard was built by Makoto Senshou himself, and the builder was a construction company under the name of the Ishida family.


At the same time, within the Jingling Court.

Compared with the scene where almost half of it was turned into ruins a week ago, the Jingling Court is now undergoing repair work in full swing in various team buildings.

On the contrary, it makes the Jingling Court, which seems to have remained unchanged for a thousand years, seem to have more vigor and vitality that it did not have in the past.

Moreover, due to the huge changes in the present world over the past thousand years, this time the large-scale repairs of the various teams of Jinglingting were also under the auspices of some vice-captains and chief executives who have accepted the trendy things, and the style has increased a lot The change.

"Recently, the Jingling Court seems to have undergone many changes invisibly..."

Risa Aoki, who followed Unokanaretsu's side to temporarily act as the deputy captain, followed to participate in the captain's meeting, let out an inexplicable exclamation.


Uozhihualie looked sideways slightly and asked.

Risa Aoki thought for a while and replied. "I can't say it, but I always feel that Jinglingting seems to be different from before in some aspects."

Isamu Toru, who was following on the other side behind Unohana Retsu, nodded a little bluntly and agreed. " seems to be the same. Could it be due to the change of architectural style?"

"No, it always feels like something else..."

"Really? After being said that, I also have this feeling, but I can't tell what the specific changes are."

Listening to the whispering between Aoki Lisa and Huche Yuon behind him, Unozhihuaretsu didn't speak, but he knew the reason very well in his heart.

The destruction of Central Room 46 and the destruction of Noble Street undoubtedly completely changed the power structure of Jingling Court over the past thousand years.

In the tragic war triggered by the "Wang Yin" incident a week ago, perhaps the captain and vice-captain did not die because of it.

However, the defeat of captains such as Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni, Kyoraku Shunsui, and Ukitake Jushiro further shook the prestige of Yamamoto's captain, Kyoraku Shunsui, and Ukitake Shishiro.

Therefore, Goutei [-]th Squad is compared to the overall atmosphere where everything was dead in the past.

On the one hand, the status of the Goutei thirteen divisions has been rapidly elevated, completely replacing the noble class in the past as the top class. On the other hand, the prestige of the high-level leaders such as Captain Yamamoto has been damaged. The vibration.


Unohana's gentle eyes opened slightly.

In fact, the overall change in the overall atmosphere of Goutei [-]th Division is secretly guided by Unohana Retsu with the help of the Women's Shinigami Association.

After nearly a hundred years of operation, the influence of the Women's Death Association is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

Today, more than [-]% of the female gods of death are members of the association of female gods of death, and the association of female gods of death has already grasped a considerable part of the real power without knowing it.

Even the Female Death Association is in charge of the allocation of funds for all associations in Jinglingting, and various other associations, such as the Male Death Association, Tea Art Association, Flower Arrangement Association, etc., are managed by the Female Death Association.

In a sense, the true influence of the Women's Death Association has covered all aspects of the Godei [-]th Division.

Of course, the influence of the Women's Death Association was far from being able to shake Captain Yamamoto's prestige, nor could it really affect the decisions made at the captain's meeting.

However, when the prestige of Captain Yamamoto, Kyoraku Shusui, and Ukitake Shishiro was damaged, the influence of the Women's Death Association has been further highlighted unconsciously.

"The people's hearts that are gradually floating will become a force that can be used at a certain moment after continuous savings..."

Unokanaretsu's gentle expression remained the same, and then she took Risa Aoki and Isao Toru into the first team's team building to attend the captain's meeting.

And after nearly a week of treatment and recuperation, many captains who were injured before also attended this meeting, and even Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto did not see the slightest abnormality at all.

With the door of the captain's meeting room closed, this time the captain's meeting was announced to start again.

"First of all, the first item of this captain's meeting was unanimously recommended by Captain Unohana, Captain Suihou and Captain Kuchiki. I personally assessed and confirmed that the former vice-captain of the [-]th Division Hisagi Shuhei is fully equipped. The ability and conditions of being a captain."

"In other words, Hisagi Shuhei has been promoted to the captain of the ninth squad!"

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of many captains, Hisagi Shuhei, wearing a haori as the captain of the [-]th Division, walked into the captain's meeting and formally accepted the appointment.

"Captain Hisagi, from now on, the ninth squad will be handed over to you." Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni said encouragingly.


With a conspicuous tattoo of the word "sincerity" on his face, Hisagi Shuhei with a calm and calm face responded, and then walked to the seat of the captain of the ninth division.

(End of this chapter)

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