Grim Reaper: Studying Medicine Can't Save the World of Souls

Chapter 579 The courtyard prepared for me?

Chapter 579 The courtyard prepared for me?
The old man paused, looking at Huche Yuyin, who was wearing a short skirt but could hardly conceal his hot figure, his eyes dimly lit up, and he asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Kurosaki Makoto." Toru Yuto repeated again.

"Kurosaki what?"

"Makoto Kurosaki!"

"What's black?"

Just when Kotoru Yukon became more and more anxious, Unokurai stood in front of Kotoru Yukon.

And the old man looked at the even more beautiful Uo no Hanaretsu in front of him, his eyes were almost shining...

However, just when the old man seemed to be completely indulging in the beautiful appearance of Unotohana, a sharp wooden table leg hit the old man's abdomen.



Immediately, Uzhi Hualie had a smiling expression on his face, and asked back.

"Kurosaki what?"

The old man gave a jolt, his confused expression changed, and he replied without hesitation.

"Makoto Kurosaki."

"Then what?" Unohana asked calmly.

The old man spoke very fast and answered clearly. "About a week ago, the Kurosaki Flower Shop was hit by a large vehicle out of control, so the Kurosaki Flower Shop has moved out."

"Where is it placed?" Uzhihualie asked.

"I... I don't know..." the old man.

"Think about it again?" Unozhihualie narrowed his eyes and asked calmly.

"Yes... sorry, I really don't know."

At this moment, the old man was almost on the verge of crying, and felt that the extremely beautiful female high school student in front of him was simply a demon.

"Thank you for your answer."

Uozhihualie said something casually, and then moved away the sharp table legs that were pressing on the old man's abdomen.

And the old man who just looked at the old man just now disappeared in front of Unokanaretsu and Tiger Toru Yuyin almost at a brisk pace.

Seeing this, Huche Yongyin asked hesitantly. "Captain, isn't this bad for human behavior?"

"Thousands of years ago, Liuhun Street was very chaotic, and now the law and order of Liuhun Street is also very poor, and this world is also not a place where everyone is full of kindness, are too reserved and kind."

Uo no Hana Ryu casually educated Toru Isamune, and then walked back the way he had come without looking back.

Huche Yongyin thought for a while, and hurriedly chased after him and asked.

"Captain, where are you going now?"

Unokanaretsu didn't answer, and walked straight towards the Kurosaki Clinic not far away.

As the door of the Kurosaki Clinic sounded, Kurosaki, who was lazily sitting on a chair, said something casually.

"Welcome, may I ask if there is something uncomfortable... is it?"

When Kurosaki focused on seeing the appearance of Unokanaretsu who appeared in front of him, he jumped up subconsciously, and his voice sounded like a cassette.

Maozhihuali? ? ! !
Kurosaki Isshin, who almost thought he was dazzled, was stunned.

And Uo no Hana, who had already learned a lot of information from Senju Makoto, said with a blank face. "I'm very uncomfortable. I hope Dr. Kurosaki Isshin can help me solve my troubles."

"No, I dare not."

After reacting, Kurosaki responded wholeheartedly, quickly took off the white coat he was wearing and flung it towards the corner, and then carefully invited Unokanaretsu to sit down.

Although Kurosaki Isshin had no idea how Unokanaretsu discovered his identity, but Kurosaki Isshin had to treat Unokanaretsu with extreme caution.

After all, strictly speaking, Kurosaki Isshin's crimes are much more serious than that of Kuchiki Rukia.

Stripping away the power of the god of death without authorization, abandoning the responsibility of being the god of death, absconding from the world and marrying the Quincy, etc., to take out any one is a big taboo of the Goutei [-]th Division.

And with the decline of the Shiba family, and even the decline of the voice of the entire aristocratic class in Jinglingting, once Kurosaki Isshin's identity is exposed, it is entirely possible that the captain will directly order arrest and execution.


Kurosaki Isshin, who seemed to be a big man, could not help but burst into tears while serving tea to Unohanaretsu at this moment.

And in Kurosaki Isshin's mind, scenes of parting and dying with his family have already appeared.

'I'm sorry, Masaki, I can only ask you to raise the children from now on!I'm sorry, Ichigo, after all, I couldn't watch you get married and have children!I'm sorry, Yuzi, Xia Li, please forgive my father for not being able to watch you grow up...'

However, in the eyes of Huche Yuyin, seeing this weird scene in front of him, he just felt like he was going to grow his head in question marks.

'What's the matter with this uncle? !Why does it look like you want to kneel down to the captain? '

However, Unokanaretsu didn't directly expose Kurosaki Isshin's identity, he turned the teacup in his hand casually, and said casually.

"As the person in charge of the defense work in Karakura Town, I am here to find Mr. Kurosaki Makoto. Does Mr. Kurosaki Isshin know where Mr. Kurosaki Makoto is?"


Kurosaki Yishin betrayed Makoto Senju's information without any hesitation.

At this moment, in order to please Unokanaretsu and not report his whereabouts to the first team, Kurosaki Yixin behaved extremely positively.

Immediately, Kurosaki Yishin directly chose to go out of business, and then personally walked towards Senju Makoto's residence with Unokanaretsu and Torato Yuone.

However, what Kurosaki Isshin didn't know was that his attitude of betraying Senju Makoto without hesitation made Unokanaretsu look at Kurosaki Isshin's back a bit more unkindly.

'How could you choose to betray Cheng so easily? '

Unokana Reuna seemed to be responding to Kurosaki's single-minded flattery from time to time with a gentle expression, but she was already prepared in her heart to eliminate this insecure factor hidden beside Makoto Senju if she had a chance.

Soon, under the guidance of the leading party Kurosaki Isshin, Unokanaretsu and Toru Yune arrived at the flower exhibition hall.

"Captain Unohana, Kurosaki Makoto's new residence is in the courtyard behind the flower exhibition hall."

Kurosaki Isshin pointed his finger in the direction behind the flower exhibition hall, and said with a flattering expression.

"Well, I'm going to trouble Dr. Kurosaki Isshin this time." Unokanaretsu replied.

"Don't bother, don't bother, if you need help, Captain Unokana just ask..."

After a pause, Kurosaki rubbed his hands together and said. "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the clinic first."

Unokanaretsu nodded with a smile, watching Kurosaki Yixin leave.

"Captain, who is that Kurosaki Isshin?" Toru Yuto asked.

"A person not worth mentioning."

Unozhihualie responded casually, looking at the courtyard that was faintly visible behind the flower exhibition hall, and couldn't help showing a gentle and happy smile on his face again, thinking secretly.

'patio?Did this idiot Cheng prepare it for me?If this is the case, then I can barely forgive you...'

(End of this chapter)

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