Grim Reaper: Studying Medicine Can't Save the World of Souls

Chapter 587 The feeling of being cultivated

Chapter 587 The feeling of being cultivated
This sentence also made Qian Shoucheng speechless...

Perhaps, both Unozhihualie and Senshou Makoto deeply understand the importance of each other, but there are undoubtedly many kinds of importance.

In the heart of the other party, what kind of importance is he?

It is precisely because of this that both Makoto Senshou and Uinohana Retsu are subconsciously trying to maintain the existing relationship, and carefully testing each other from time to time, for fear that some excessive haste will cause the relationship between the two parties to go to the other side. an irreparable situation.

And this time, Uzhihua Lie ran away completely, and even took the initiative to appeal to her mouth. Nilu's stimulation is undoubtedly a very important driving force.

Now, the heart that seemed to be beating violently at the same frequency had undoubtedly told the other party some answers.

"Teacher, my answer has not changed from the beginning to the end." Qian Shoucheng responded gently.

Uzhi Hualie thought of something, raised his eyes and said. "So, when you first met me, you had some bad thoughts in your heart?"

In an instant, Qian Shoucheng was so questioned that he became speechless, and felt guilty for a while, and had no way to refute.

After all, Makoto Senshou was indeed unable to resist the charm of Unohana from the very beginning.

And Unozhihualie had undoubtedly learned the answer from Senshou Makoto's expression, the corner of his mouth was slightly curved, and he said angrily.

"So that's the case, Mr. Cheng is really a filial disciple. He has always harbored such bad thoughts. He is really an extremely evil person who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors."

Being ridiculed again and again by Uo no Hana Rie, Sensei Makoto raised his eyebrows and counterattacked.

"Mr. Unohana, don't forget who cultivated the disciple's mind, but wanted to obtain the joy from the disciple that could fill him up. Isn't the idea of ​​cultivating a person who can satisfy oneself also quite bad? ?”

Unozhihuali, who had been exposed to some thoughts, tried her best to maintain a gentle and elegant expression, but her face, neck, and ears appeared a little more rosy.

However, Uozhihualie's movements were too large, but it was unavoidable that the injury on his chest was slightly involved.

With his attention distracted, Uzhihuaretsu felt the sharp pain and almost subconsciously groaned.


When Qian Shoucheng heard the words, he felt his heart flutter, and quickly put his arms around Uozhihualie's waist, and said.

"Mr. Unokana, be patient a little bit."

Immediately, with a flick of Senshou Makoto's thought, everything in the universe dispersed into a spiritual state again and quickly dispersed, avoiding the secondary pain in Uozhihuali's wound.

And under the action of Jiejin Space and Uozhihualie's return path, the penetrating wound on Uozhihualie's chest was completely restored to its original state in just an instant.

On the contrary, it was the greasy whiteness in Qian Shoucheng's eyes exposed by the wound after recovery, which made Qian Shoucheng feel a burst of heat inexplicably.

And Senshou Makoto's fiery eyes, which were no longer as deliberately concealed as in the past, also made Unozhihuali feel a little shy inexplicably, and subconsciously covered his chest with his palms.

"Cough cough..."

Senshou Makoto, who had little resistance to Uzhi Huaretsu, finally reacted, coughed a few times to try to ease the embarrassment, and tried his best to move his eyes away from Uzhi Huaretsu's chest.


In the case of Uzhihualiu covered in blood, the deadly costume was tightly stuck to Uzhihuaretsu's body, and the eyes were slightly shifted from the center of the chest. The perfect and exaggerated arc and Uzhihua Qian Shoucheng's heart and mind almost fell under the violent palm movement.

But at the next moment, Qian Shoucheng suddenly thought of something and asked subconsciously. "Huh? Teacher Unohana, where is the scar on your chest?"

Uozhihuali gave Senshou Makoto a slight look, and with the gentlest movement, pulled out everything from Senshou Makoto's chest, and said.

"With the existence of you, a foolish disciple, is it necessary to keep that scar?"

After a pause, Uzhi Hualie seemed to be afraid of Qian Shoucheng's misunderstanding, and added.

"Originally, the scar there was just telling me that there was still an unfinished fight waiting for me that I could enjoy, but now only the fight with you can truly satisfy me."

"In contrast, fighting with that kind of beast with rough swordsmanship is undoubtedly boring and boring..."

As soon as this remark came out, Qian Shoucheng couldn't help feeling that he had been nurtured again.

Unable to find an existence that can truly satisfy his desire to fight, Uzhi Hualiel chose to embark on the road of no return to develop it after discovering Makoto Senshou, who also has a very high talent for returning to Dao and fighting instinct.


Senshou Makoto looked at the usual gentle and elegant Uozhihuaretsu, and for the first time explained with a little clumsiness, but the joy in his heart was almost hard to conceal.


Suddenly, Qian Shoucheng put his arms around Uozhihualie's waist, and said softly.

"Actually, sometimes it's okay to express your inner thoughts a little more bluntly. For example, say directly: Compared with my most important disciple, other things are insignificant."

Hearing this, Uzhihua Lie bit her lip slightly, as if she was still not used to such an intimate behavior of Senshou Makoto, and subconsciously wanted to push Senshou Makoto away, but the palm seemed so soft and weak.

"Cheng, I don't think that way. Don't be too complacent."

"Hmm, but..."

Qian Shoucheng couldn't help rubbing his cheeks against Uozhihualie lightly, and said.

"That's what I thought. Compared with my Unokana-sensei, everything else seems too insignificant."

"Mr. Unohana, since we have come to the present world this time, we will not be separated anymore... how about it? At that time, even if we have to return to Jinglingting, we will return to Jinglingting together in a fair manner."

As soon as this remark came out, Uzhi Hualie subconsciously wanted to push out the action of Senshou Makoto, and her beautiful and gentle eyes seemed to be blurred.


After a long time, Unohana Retsu made an extremely weak voice.

In an instant, Qian Shoucheng couldn't help showing a happy and satisfied smile on his face...

But in the next moment, following Uzhihualie's sullen voice, the smile on Qian Shoucheng's face suddenly froze.

"Wait, Cheng, you still have one very important thing that you haven't answered me. Which one actually conceived a child with you? I haven't thanked the other party properly, so I don't have to go through the pain of pregnancy." A daughter."


However, before Qian Shoucheng could open his mouth, Uzhi Hualie seemed to have thought of something, and gently stroked Qian Shoucheng's face with his palm, and said.

"Let me think about it, is it the one called 'Hribel' who fought with you in Karakura Town, and you secretly showed mercy?"

(End of this chapter)

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