Chapter 596 Beach Vacation
More importantly, Jingle Shunsui is actually very clear that Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's aging spiritual body is no longer suitable for serving as the captain for a long time.

In the past, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni specially promoted Hitsugaya Toshiro, who hadn't even fully grasped the swastika, to directly serve as the captain of the [-]th squad.

Apart from the fact that Hitsugaya Toshiro is indeed an out-and-out genius in his age group, more importantly, Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni may not have hoped that Hitsugaya Toshiro can grow up as soon as possible.

Then, let Hitsugaya Toshiro, as the holder of the strongest ice-type Zanpakuto, replace Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto as the captain.

However, compared with the "first Kenpachi" Uno Hanaretsu who seems to have left no trace in the spirit body for thousands of years, Toshirō Hitsugaya undoubtedly seems so immature and uncompetitive.

Moreover, in Jingle Chunshui's heart... it may be that he has no ambition for the captain.

However, if it is said that facing Toshiro Hitsugaya who has not grown up for a long time, Kyoraku Shunsui may still have some hope in his heart.

But compared with Unozhihuali, no matter in terms of prestige, qualifications, strength, etc., they are almost crushed and far surpassed Jingle Chunshui.

The most important thing is that the aristocratic class, who were extremely afraid of Unohanaretsu, has been unable to exert a final influence on the captain.

However, these are undoubtedly not the thoughts that Jingle Shunsui can appeal to. Seeing Sufeng, Hitsugaya Toshirō and many deputy captains proactively approached to communicate with Unohanaretsu, Jingle Shunsui's face also squeezed out The smile cares about Uozhihuali.

In any case, now Unohanaretsu has the command in Karakura Town, and it is undoubtedly quite worthy of celebration to see that Uinohanaretsu can take the initiative to control his fighting state.

And Uo no Hana Lie is as gentle and elegant as ever, communicating with the captain and vice-captains one by one...

In an instant, the traces of fear left in the hearts of the gods of death after Uzhihuarei liberated the swastika quickly melted away, and instead they felt that Uzhihuarei was extremely reliable.

In addition, Unohana's admirable awareness has also won a lot of admiration and admiration.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the black cat Yoruichi who was hugged by Inoue Orihime, the corners of the black cat Yoruichi pulled slightly, showing a bit of dissatisfaction. Qian Shoucheng covered by the light.

"Tsk, as expected of you, Mr. Cheng..."

Black Maoye subconsciously licked his paw, thinking silently.

As the instigator who led Uno Hana Retsu and Senju Makoto to meet, Black Cat Yoruichi knew very well that everything before that was an accident.

Makoto Senshou was also unprepared, and had to find a way to solve all kinds of speculation and troubles caused by Uno Hana Lie Swastika · All Extinction.

However, it was supposed to be the captains who rushed to pursue the troubles that Uzhihuaretsu solved, but under this series of guidance, it made Uzhihuaretsu's reputation further and made Uzhihuaretsu even more difficult. In the future, Hua Lie can draw his sword at will if necessary.

more importantly……

'In this way, Unokanaretsu really has the possibility to replace Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto as the captain. '

The black cat Yaichi's eyes narrowed. After knowing a lot of secrets about Senju Makoto, he undoubtedly had a fairly clear judgment on the current purpose of Senju Makoto and Unokanaretsu's actions.



In front of the many gods of death, the black cat Yoichi was like an ordinary pet black cat. It first jumped from Inoue Orihime's arms to the ground, and then nimbly jumped to Senju Makoto's shoulder.

This scene also attracted the attention of some gods of death, and Uzhi Huaretsu's seemingly gentle eyes narrowed slightly.

However, the reason why the arrogant black cat Yoichi did this was naturally to declare something to Unohanaretsu, so how could he give up under the eyes of Unohanaretsu?

Or in other words, the more obstructive Black Cat Yeichi's personality is, the more persistent and eager he is for something.

More importantly, under the gaze of so many gods of death, Unohana Ritsu, who is also doomed to maintain his image, has no chance to attack the black cat Yoichi.

Immediately, the black cat Yeyi lay on Qianshoucheng's shoulder, sticking out her pink and tender tongue like a pet that purely likes to act like a baby, and gently licked Qianshoucheng.

From the neck, to behind the ears, to the face...

It felt warm and warm, and the soft tongue combined with Heimaoye's barbs that had been deliberately restrained. The unique and comfortable feeling made Makoto Senshou's pores shrink unconsciously and strongly.

Of course, seeing this scene in the eyes of the gods of death who didn't know the identity of the black cat Yoichi, they didn't think there was any problem.

On the contrary, Ise Nanao and Matsumoto Rangiku, who had no resistance to cute cats, their eyes lit up unconsciously, and they praised.

"What a cute black cat..."

"Mr. Makoto Kurosaki, is this your pet? It's so cute and cute."

Unozhihualiu maintained that gentle and elegant look on his face, and there was no slight change on the surface, as if he didn't take black cat Yoichi in his eyes at all.

Immediately afterwards, Uzhi Hualiu said to the gods of death with a smile on his face.

"My rash behavior this time disrupted everyone's plans. Before the suitable skeleton is ready, in order to avoid the interference of the overly powerful spiritual pressure on the normal life of human beings, I am not used to staying in the air. Within the urban area of ​​Zamachi."

"Then let's go back to Jinglingting first?" Hitsugaya Toshiro said seriously.

"That's not necessary..."

Unozhihualie thought for a while, and from the corner of his eyes, he tilted the black cat Yeichi vaguely, and said.

"It's not as good as this. Mr. Makoto Kurosaki is on vacation at the beach, so we might as well stay on the beach for a while. This can prevent Reiatsu from disturbing the people in Karakuza Town, and we can also rush to Karakuza at any time. town."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of many death gods lit up obviously.

There is no beach in Jinglingting!

And if you really want to go to the beach for vacation, you have to go to this world.

It's just that according to Jinglingting's regulations, the god of death is not allowed to go to the world without a good reason.

Therefore, let alone a god of death like Toshiro Hitsugaya with less seniority, even a captain with nearly a thousand years of experience like Kyoraku Shunsui rarely has the opportunity to vacation on the beach.

Now that there is such a good reason, and the person who proposed it was Uno Hanauri, it undoubtedly made the captains and vice-captains present completely excited.

Soon, the gods of death present quickly changed their clothes and began to have a pleasant beach vacation...

And Uzhi Hualiu also put on a charming and dignified one-piece swimsuit, and then sat down beside Makoto Senshou, his eyes seemed to ignore the existence of the black cat Yoichi, and handed it to the girl. Qian Shoucheng said softly with a glass of orange juice.

"Cheng, it's great to be on a beach vacation with you in human form."

(End of this chapter)

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