Chapter 608 Hair Removal Surgery
at the same time.

The figures of Black Cat Yaichi and Uno Hanaretsu quickly passed by while chasing in Karakura Town.

Unohana Retsu, who had recovered his spiritual body, was not in a hurry to catch up with Yoruichi Kuroneko, but kept a short distance from Yoichi Kuroneko, and intentionally sent Yoruichi Kuroneko towards Karakura Town. Drive away in the direction of the suburbs.

For ordinary human beings, once Unohanaretsu does not deliberately restrain the spiritual pressure, the aftermath of the spiritual pressure is undoubtedly fatal.

Therefore, Unohanaretsu is like a cat teasing a mouse, constantly putting pressure on the black cat Yoruichi, and drives the black cat Yoruichi to the outskirts of Karakuma Town.

The black cat Yoichi's performance also seems to be aware of the seriousness of provoking Unohanaretsu, and along the way, he keeps trying to use the complex terrain of the houses in Karakura Town to get rid of Unohanaretsu behind him.

However, the seemingly harmless Unohana Retsu Shunpo is also at the top level of Jinglingting!
Compared with another Aizen Soyousuke who claims to have reached the limit of the god of death for "Zhanquan Zougui", Unokanaretsu is only slightly inferior in "White Fighting".

And while maintaining the form of a black cat, Ye Yi couldn't get rid of Unozhihuali at all.

For a moment, the black cat Yoichi seemed to be driven, chased, and forced to keep heading towards the empty suburbs of Karakura Town...

at last!


A cold light flashed across the top of the black cat Yeyi's head, and a large bunch of hair slowly fell from the top of the black cat Yeyi's head.

This also made the black cat Yoruichi's movements pause, and he looked at Unohanaretsu who was holding the Zanpakuto and smiling in front of him like he was furious.

"Yeyi, it's almost done here, it's impolite to run away."

The black cat Yeliu showed a human twitching expression, raised his paw and touched the top of his head, his face darkened in a human way.


And Uzhi Hualiu said with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry to grieve over this little hair, the real punishment has not yet begun. I remember Ye Yi, you have a nudist in the first place, right?"

"While maintaining this special form, isn't Ye Yi just able to satisfy the hobby of nudism? As a doctor, I'd be happy to help Ye Yi perfectly remove the hair on his body..."

When he said this, Uzhi Hualie's gentle and gentle expression suddenly changed, appearing black-bellied and terrifying.

"I promise...not a single hair will be left for Ye Yi."

As soon as these words came out, even Heimao Yeyi couldn't help but feel trembling all over...

What a black-bellied and vicious speech? !
Even the black cat Yoichi knew how dark and terrifying Unohanaretsu was, but he never expected that Unotohanaretsu would have such evil thoughts.

"How dare you?!" Black Cat Ye Yi shouted.

However, what responded to the black cat Yeichi was a flash of coldness!
One thing, in fact, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's judgment was not wrong.

Compared with the uncontrollable state when he held the sword thousands of years ago, Uzhihuaretsu is actually able to maintain his sanity even if he draws the sword.

Of course, this state has not been mastered in the near future, but has gradually become controllable in the continuous exchanges with Sensei Makoto for more than a hundred years.

Because, only Qian Shoucheng!

Unohana was unwilling to take the life of Makoto Senshou, so he forced himself to learn to maintain reason in battle after battle.

And this knife, Unoka didn't go straight to the black cat's vital point, but...

At this moment, Heimao Yeyi felt a coolness flashed by his side, and then saw a large piece of cat fur flying up.

Horror flashed through the black cat's eyes, and his figure subconsciously retreated towards the rear, trying to create a sufficient distance from Unohana Retsu.

However, beyond the hilt, within the blade... is the scope of kendo.

While maintaining the form of the black cat, the black cat Yoichi couldn't even see the speed at which Uno Hanaretsu's sword was drawn, and only felt that a large swath of light surrounded him.

At this moment, the black cat Yeyi seemed to have turned into a dandelion fur ball, but the cat fur on his body seemed to have turned into blossoming dandelions...

The light of the knife passed by like a gust of wind, and the cat hairs began to separate from the black cat Yeichi's body automatically.

After the black cat Yeyi jumped up and landed again, the ground he stepped on was already covered with cat fur, but the black cat Yeyi didn't even have a single extra cat hair on his body. Yi's expression darkened almost visible to the naked eye.


Uozhihualie slowly retracted the knife and put it back into its sheath, looking at the new appearance of the black cat Yeyi, with satisfaction and gentleness in his eyes, said.

"Yeyi, look how good this is. In this way, cat fur will not fall everywhere in the courtyard, causing the courtyard to always have a cat smell."


Black Maoye twitched violently at the corner of his eyes, and said. "It's absolutely impossible for you to do it temporarily. Have you been preparing for it for a while?"

"Ah, have you been discovered? You are indeed the former commander-in-chief of covert maneuvers."

Unozhihualie raised his hand and covered his mouth lightly, and said with a smile.

"Yes, as a professional doctor, he will naturally make preparations in advance before operating on patients."

After a pause, Uzhi Hualie opened his eyes a little more, and said.

"When I was on the beach, I kept observing the various details of Ye Yi's black cat form, and secretly simulated it a few times. Now it seems that the hair removal operation is still very successful. At least I didn't cut off any other things. .”

However, Heimao Yeyi faintly heard a sense of regret from it.

This made the black cat Yeyi gnash his teeth even more, she was indeed a vicious and extremely black-bellied woman!

However, under Unozhihualie's slightly puzzled eyes, the black cat Yeichi said with a smile on his originally angry face.

"Captain Unohana, have you actually thought about it?"

"What?" Uzhihualie asked with great interest.

"The relationship between you and Mr. Cheng is based on the wrong thing born of unfairness..."

After a pause, the black cat Yeichi continued to speak with a serious expression.

"You as a teacher and Mr. Cheng as a student, the relationship between the two parties is inherently unequal. How can an equal relationship develop in an unequal relationship?"

Unozhihuali frowned subconsciously, and retorted. "That's just the past. Today's Chengjun is not weaker than me, and to me, he has always been equal."

Black Cat Yeyi said with a humanized playful smile.

"However, it was born on the basis of inequality in the first place, wasn't it? And I just happened to know about Cheng Jun's other bond based on equality."

"When Makoto-kun truly feels the feelings of equality, maybe he will re-examine his relationship with Captain Unokana."

(End of this chapter)

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