Chapter 618 Born in Rome

For example, "Second Returning Blade" should be the first time the blade becomes longer, and the second time the blade becomes thicker. This is a normal change.

However, the artificially created failure "Second Returning Blade" turned into the first time returning to the blade, only the skin became longer, and the second time returning to the blade, only the blood vessels became thicker, and the rest became messy growths .


fail! !Still fail! ! !

It was not until the experimental body was almost exhausted that Senju Makoto achieved the first success on Xiao Long Kufang, and then succeeded again on Di Roy.

Many experiments have also allowed Qian Shoucheng to sum up a lot of experience, and he has considerable confidence in completing the treatment of Nilu in one go.

Immediately, Makoto asked Inoue Hao to come in and clean up the operating room...

Or in other words, let Inoue Hao absorb these Daxu whose level is far higher than his own by devouring spirit seeds.

After all, although Inoue Hao has also broken his face, his real level is only an ordinary level, and even Kilian's level is far below.

This scene made Snopass, who secretly returned to "Cheng's Secret Garden", show a bit of envy in his eyes.

Although Snowpath's level no longer favors these Yachukas-level face-shattering corpses, even if Snopes swallowed these Yachukas-level face-shattering corpses, it would not have the slightest effect.

However, Snopes had evolved all the way from the ordinary to Achukas, and then experienced many dangers in the Achukas stage, but he didn't get a few Achukas-level trophies.

However, Inoue Hao in front of him didn't have to do anything, and he got all of this easily by relying on his sister Inoue Orihime's relationship.

Some people spend their lives not reaching Rome, but some were born in Rome...

After such a comparison, Snowpass looked at Hao Inoue with emotion and a little bit of envy.

However, Snowpass didn't have any complaints. Perhaps Inoue Hao didn't need to do anything, but Inoue Orihime was also injured and bled for her master.

But Inoue Hao just devoured the corpse of a subordinate official, and the spiritual pressure emanating from his body went straight to the level of Kirian in an instant.

However, because he has already broken his face, Inoue Hao, who was promoted to Killian, does not need to be transformed into that huge form of chaotic consciousness, and even his appearance has not changed in any way.

After Inoue Hao completely devoured the corpses of the five subordinate officials, Inoue Hao uncontrollably and automatically released the return blade to show his true posture as Xu, and his appearance began to undergo drastic changes.

Hao Inoue's figure kept expanding and shrinking, and his thinking also fell into a certain degree of confusion, his eyes were slack, and his mouth kept chanting inaudible words.

But for Inoue Hao's state, Snowpass was no doubt already familiar with it, and reminded him. "Don't think about the spirit body, always think about the most important memories..."

"Heavy...important memories..."

Hao Inoue murmured, and a warm picture emerged in his mind, which was constantly mixed with a lot of memories.

That was when Inoue Hao moved Inoue Orihime to Karakura Town. Although the daily work was hard and exhausting, when he returned home and opened the door, he could always see Orihime's smiling face.

"Welcome home, bro~"


Hao Inoue roared, and the spiritual pressure on his body suddenly rose, completely crossing to the level of Yachukas.

Witnessing this scene, Inoue Hao's concern and cherishment for Inoue Orihime made Senshou Makoto feel quite emotional again, and also understood why Jinglingting could only have a stocking attitude towards Xuquan.

Compared with the ten-year training cycle of the gods of death, Xu's evolution speed... is astonishing!
Once trying to control the virtual circle, Jinglingting is likely to be dragged into a long-term state of war, constantly arousing Xu to attack and kill the god of death.

After all, the spiritual body of the god of death is also extremely attractive to Xu.

Immediately, Makoto Senju asked Snowpass to leave with Hao Inoue, who had just been promoted to the level of Achukas, and taught Hao Inoue a little about his combat abilities and experience by the way.


And after Inoue Hao and Snowpass left.

Qian Shoucheng, who was sleeping in the courtyard room, patted Nilu's back with his palm, and Nilu disappeared into the courtyard in an instant.

However, when Nilu was directly teleported by Qian Shoucheng to the operating table in "Cheng's Secret Garden", she still looked like a drool-drooling idiot sleeping, which made Qian Shoucheng laugh a little.

Immediately, Qian Shoucheng couldn't help stretching out his hand to gently scratch Nilu's little nose, and then lightly tapped Nilu's forehead with his finger.

Immediately, Nilu, who had been in a drowsy sleep, completely fell into a coma, and even weakly spit out that tender little tongue.

Sensei Makoto's gaze became more focused and serious, and green light that belonged to the Dao emerged from both hands and enveloped Nilu, and began to treat Nilu.

Peel, heal, separate, reconstruct...

Compared with the experimental nature of those subordinate officials, Qian Shoucheng treated Nilu with extraordinary care and attention, and completed every step as perfectly as possible.

Time passed unknowingly...

When Qian Shoucheng finally took off the disposable gloves on his hands, Nilu lying on the operating bed had little change on the surface, only the missing part of the mask on the top of her head had been completely repaired and completed.

However, in essence, Nilu has become the second broken face in the entire virtual circle to have "Second Returning Blade" after Ulquiorra.

However, it is different from Ulquiorra's "Second Return to Blade" after being broken by Beng Yu, and then broke his face again on his own.

Nilu's "Second Returning Blade" was artificially created by Senju Makoto, so that even though Nilu maintains her loli body, she can still use the power of Valstord level freely.

Immediately afterwards, Makoto sent Nilu, who was still in a coma, back to the room in the courtyard, and Makoto's body also sat up.

After going through a full body operation, the clothes on Nilu's body were naturally cut off in advance in the operating room, so Nilu is now in a naked state.

However, as a qualified godfather, Qian Shoucheng also has clothes in his room that Nilu can change at any time.

Therefore, Makoto put Nilu who was still asleep on the quilt to continue sleeping, while he got up and rummaged through the clothes in the room, preparing to change Nilu.

"Well, this one doesn't look good... this one, or this one..."

Just as Qian Shoucheng was sitting in front of the closet, he picked out a set of small skirts without any haste, then got up, and met Nilu who was sitting in the quilt with round eyes and looked at him in some surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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