Chapter 624 Unimaginable Gap

With this sound, Nilu's eyes couldn't help but widen, and she slowly turned her head to look behind her. Aizen Soyousuke, who was wearing Xuyegong's costume, suddenly appeared in Nilu's eyes.

"Lan... Master Ai Ran!"

Nilu swallowed her saliva, her expression showing a bit of horror.

After Senshou Makoto completed Nilu's treatment in the way of "two-stage returning to the blade", and Nilu performed returning to the blade for the first time, even though Nilu is in a loli body and loli thinking at this moment, she has already remembered A lot of past.

Including the long and empty past in the virtual circle, and being cut off by Aizen Soyousuke from the front and almost dying...

If it wasn't for her father's treatment and protection, Nilu believed that even if she didn't die, she might have become a relatively special Vastord experiment in Aizen Soyousuke's hands.

Seeing Nilu's reaction, Aizen Soyousuke didn't intend to directly execute Nilu who defected, but instead showed patience that made Nilu unexpected, and said in a calm tone.

"After being away for so long, it's almost time to go back, Nilu."

'Why would Aizen come to me in person? '

Even Nilu in loli form was stunned at the moment, then subconsciously took a step back, holding the Zanpakuto tightly with both hands, ready to "return to the blade" at any time, shook her head, Said.

"No! Ni...Nilu wants to stay in Karakura Town, Nilu doesn't want to go back to Xuye Palace..."

Knowing in her heart that Kurosaki Makoto is Asura Kennari's Nilu, and also aware of the conflict between Aizen Soyousuke and Asura Gennari, Nilu subconsciously concealed her name for Senju Makoto.

Moreover, the resolute resistance on Nilu's face is already ready to resist Aizen Soyousuke.

"This is not a request, but an order, Nilu." Aizen Soyousuke continued.

"Ni, Nilu is not important at all, and she doesn't know how to fight, and Nilu doesn't want the title of 'Ten Blades' anymore..." Nilu stammered, trying to lower her own value.

Or in other words, in the past few decades, Nilu's performance in Xuye Palace was indeed the same.

Mascot and troublemaker are synonymous with Nilu.

It's just that with the protection of Harribel and Grimmjow, Ten Blades and Broken Face, who are lower than Harribel and Grimmjow, dare not provoke Nilu.

As for the rest of the ten blades with higher ranks, who are afraid of the existence of "Asura Yancheng", they will not care about Nilu.

Even though once in a state of anger and crisis, Nilu briefly recovered the combat power of Valstord level, and was awarded the title of N0.5. No one will really include Nilu into the category of valuable combat power.

"Nilu, don't say that the title of 'Ten Blades' is your freedom..."

Aizen Soyousuke smiled and said.

"But do you think the mere 'Ten Blades' is worthy of my personal appearance? Nilu, I'm sorry for underestimating your value in the past, but after realizing that you are a family member, I have no choice but to bring you back to the Void Night Palace for protection. Woke up."

"Master Aizen, what are you talking about? I...we are not family at all, Nilu's family is only my father..." Nilu retorted.

"That's right, Nilu."

Aizen Soyousuke seemed to have a little more smile on his face, and even looked at Nilu much softer than usual when looking at the other ten blades, said.

"Whether you know it or not, it doesn't matter if you admit it or not, but that is the truth, come back with me, Nilu."

"No...I don't want it!"

However, these simple few words naturally could not shake Nilu's determination, her hands holding the Zanpakutō tightened, and she was about to return to the blade.

Aizen Soyousuke's eyes drooped slightly, taking a panoramic view of Nilu's subtle expression changes and movement trends, and said.

"Nilu, returning to the blade is meaningless. To me, you are a child with unique value, but resistance will not produce the rest of the future except for increasing punishment, and it will even cause this courtyard to fight. You don't want to be destroyed in the aftermath, do you?"

Immediately, this sentence shattered most of Nilu's determination.

As a Vastod-level broken face who was once killed by Aizen Soyousuke head-on, Nilu knew very well that even if that scene was repeated again, there would be no other results.

If she was facing other people, even the No. 1 Stark, Nilu would not feel that she would lose.

But the opponent was Aizen Soyousuke, and Nilu couldn't see the slightest possibility of winning against him.

'Go back... go back? ! '

Thinking of this result, Nilu's eye sockets became moist unconsciously.

Until then, the color of the virtual circle is dull and dull!
But after meeting her father and feeling the unprecedented care, doting and pity, Nilu knew that there was an irreplaceable light in her world.

Just when Nilu was caught in a dilemma, and it was difficult to make a choice with her innocent thinking...

"Who am I talking about? Isn't this Aizen Soyousuke? I haven't seen you for a while, and you have fallen to the point of sneaking into other people's homes and abducting children?"

And almost as the words fell, Yoichi Sifengin appeared behind Aizen Soyousuke.

"Instant coax!"

White lightning suddenly appeared, and a violent whip kicked towards Aizen Soyousuke's waist with lightning speed!
And the powerful spiritual pressure of Yoichi Sifengin also erupted undisguisedly, reverberating throughout the entire Karakura Town, in this way to warn the strong people in the entire Karakura Town...

More precisely, it is to warn Qian Shoucheng!

Nilu, who witnessed this scene, instinctively called out.


The next moment, Aizen Soyousuke, who was hit by Yoichi Sifengin's whip, turned into a faint afterimage, and Yeichi Sifengin's pupils shrank, but the whole person had no time to react.


A line of blood shot from Sifengyuan Yeyi's body!
'Damn it! '

At this moment, Yoichi Sifengin's heart was shrouded in a touch of despair...

Originally, after facing the "King Hua Sui Yue" imitated by Tsunayashiro Tokinada through the "Enora Mirror Code" last time, Yoichi Yoruichi of Sifengin secretly conducted a large number of targeted special training based on his combat experience. .

Originally, Ye Yi of Sifengyuan thought that he could faintly detect the flaws of "Flowers in the Mirror" at that time. After the targeted special training, it would be much easier to face "Flowers in the Mirror" again.

Even if there is no way to see through the many illusions in an instant, at least it can last for a while.

'I didn't expect...the same use of Mirror Flower and Water Moon, the gap is so big? '

(End of this chapter)

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