Chapter 634 The Eyes Across the Distance

virtual circle.

When Qian Shoucheng once again set foot on the sand in the empty circle, a flash of reminiscence flashed unconsciously in his eyes.

And as Shinigami following Senshou Makoto and Uzhi Hanaretsu also entered this barren world, Suifeng looked around vigilantly and subconsciously said.

"Is this the virtual circle?"

The rest of the gods of death also showed vigilance, observing their surroundings to guard against possible attacks, while quickly adapting to the environment.

"That's right, this is the virtual circle."

Qian Shoucheng replied, and glanced at the gods of death behind him.

Unohanaretsu, Suho, Kuchiki Byakuya, Hisagi Shuhei, Ise Nanao, Matsumoto Rangiku...

The lineup of four captains and two vice-captains is luxurious, even accounting for more than one-third of the combat power of the thirteenth division of Goutei.

However, among them, Nanao Ise was the only one who participated in the expeditionary army's arrival in the virtual circle to fight, and the rest of the Shinigami's understanding of the virtual circle was only based on intelligence and various descriptions.

Immediately, Qian Shoucheng spoke in a calm tone. "However, there is still some distance from Xuye Palace, so don't be too nervous."

After hearing the words, Kuchiki Byakuya realized something and asked. "Mr. Makoto Kurosaki is familiar with the virtual circle?"

"I'm not familiar with it, but since I arrived in the virtual circle a few years ago, I still have a good understanding of the basic situation of the virtual circle."

Qian Shoucheng responded impeccably, and then identified the direction, pointing his fingers in the direction of the northwest, and said.

"It is rumored that the Xuye Palace where King Xu lived is in that direction. Since Nilu was brought back to Xuquan by Aizen Soyousuke, Nilu should be in Xuye Palace."

These words also made the gods of death all look towards the northwest side in unison, their eyes are all shining...

For them, the goal of stepping into the virtual circle is very simple, that is to determine a certain hope!
However, just as Qian Shoucheng moved his footsteps, he was about to lead his team towards Xuye Palace.


A cold light flashed across Qian Shoucheng's face, and then stopped in front of him.

Hisagi Shuhei, who was wearing a haori, the captain of the [-]th division, appeared in front of Senju Makoto with a calm and indifferent face, staring sharply at Senju Makoto.

"What's wrong?" Chizuru asked.

"Mr. Makoto Kurosaki, everything is too hasty, I don't have time to discern whether this is the truth of a coincidence or a false lie..."

Hisagi Shuhei said in a deep voice.

"However, if you simply want to use our power to help you save that little Pomian named Nilu, then I will never forgive you for teasing me and fabricating information about Master Qianshou, and I will definitely detain you as well." Cut it under the knife!"

Senju Makoto raised his eyebrows, and in Hisagi Shuhei's sharp and firm eyes, he seemed to see the shadow of the thin little ghost who dared to stand in front of him in Ruukon Street.

"Xiu Bing has grown a lot without knowing it..."

The question raised by Hisagi Shuhei also caused the gods of death present to cast a somewhat suspicious look at Makoto Senju.

Since the speculation put forward by Makoto Senshou is both bold and reasonable, and with the testimony of Sui Feng, Uno Hana Ritsu's intentional or unintentional platform made the gods of death subconsciously believe that there is such a possibility.

However, Hisagi Shuhei's suspicion is not completely impossible, and this is what the Shinigami present are most worried about!

After Qian Shoucheng was silent for a while, he said in a calm tone.

"All of this is just my discovery and speculation. It's up to you to believe it or not. If you hesitate, it's okay for you to stay here. Even if I'm alone, I may not be unable to save Nilu."

However, Hisagi Shuhei still did not back down, but continued to ask questions with burning eyes.

"No, I'm not questioning Mr. Kurosaki Makoto, I just want to confirm the news further. If you can really regain Senju-sama's soul, Mr. Kurosaki Makoto will be my lifelong benefactor."

After a pause, Hisagi Shuhei continued to ask.

"Also, if part of Senshou-sama's soul is on Nilu's body, is Mr. Makoto Kurosaki willing to let us strip Senshou-sama's soul from Nilu's body?"

It has to be said that Makoto Senju was a little surprised by Hisagi Shuhei's level of caution and calmness. In a certain sense, this issue can be regarded as the ultimate point of contradiction between the two sides' apparent goals.

If there are any flaws in Senju Makoto's answer, it is even enough for Hisagi Shuhei and others to judge the authenticity of what Senju Makoto said.

However, Senshou Makoto raised his head and glanced at Uzhi Huaretsu, who understood Uzhi Huaretsu and said directly.

"There is no need to worry about this. I have already performed a simulation based on Mr. Makoto Kurosaki's description. It is not difficult to use my ability to peel off part of the soul without hurting Nilu."

With Unokanaretsu, who is almost considered to be the authority of Seireitei in terms of medical skills, speaking, Hisagi Shuhei's doubts disappeared almost instantly.

"Okay, everyone, please stop wasting time..."

Qian Shoucheng's tone became a little more serious, and he took the initiative of the team without hesitation, and said.

"The situation in the virtual circle is unknown and dangerous, and maybe Aizen Soyousuke has already known about our arrival, so there is not much time and opportunities left for us."

"Whether Aizen Soyousuke takes this opportunity to siege us or attack Karakura Town, our only way is to quickly arrive at Xuye Palace to find Nilu."

Integrating a team isn't difficult when the team has established a goal they both aspire to accomplish.

Immediately, while Qian Shoucheng led the rest of the death gods towards Xuye Palace, he reminded all the attention matters in Xuye from time to time.

And along the way, apart from encountering a few short-sighted Da Xu who bumped into him occasionally, he didn't encounter any long-planned attacks.

However, in the open desert terrain on the surface of the virtual circle, with the strong combat power of Senju Makoto's team, even if Aizen Soyousuke leads the ten blades to personally dispatch, it may not be able to trap and kill successfully.


"Aizen, are you waiting for me in the Xuye Palace?" '

As the journey continued, the huge silhouette of the Xuye Palace standing above the desert had faintly appeared at the end of Qian Shoucheng's sight, and Qian Shoucheng said silently in his heart, as if spanning a long distance Watching Aizen Soyousuke.

Or in other words, Makoto Senju is indeed watching Aizen Soyousuke who is resting on the throne with his eyes closed in Xuye Palace through the unique spiritual perspective of "spiritual control".

And Aizen Soyousuke also seemed to feel something in his heart, raised his eyelids, turned his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of Senju Makoto and his party, as if they were looking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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