Chapter 636
However, what the Goutei [-]th Division did not know was that a large number of monitoring equipment had been deployed in Karakura more than ten years ago to monitor Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin, Urahara Kisuke, Senju Makoto and others. For Aizen Soyousuke.

Goniwa [-]th Division's every move in Karakura Town is almost all carried out under the nose of Aizen Soyousuke...

The surveillance screen that was transferred from the monitoring room to the throne was synchronized, and Aizen Soyousuke could even see every detail of Goutei [-]th Division's creation of the "Boundary Boundary Pillar".

And at this moment, Ichimaru Gin came out from the dark place beside Aizen Soyousuke, and said with squinted eyes.

"Master Aizen, don't you want to stop them? Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if Karakura Town is transferred to Soul Soul Realm?"

Aizen Soyousuke, who was sitting calmly on the throne, said in a flat tone.

"There is no need for that. This kind of meaningless trick can only prove the inner cowardice of the Gotei [-]th division team, and it will not have any impact on the result."

Ichimaru Gin showed a fox-like smile and complimented. "As expected of Master Aizen."

"Silver, you have worked so hard for me to monitor the movements of Kuza Town for me." Aizen Soyousuke said with a smile.

"It's all for Aizen-sama," Ichimaru Gin replied.

"But you came just in time, some invaders are about to enter the Void Night Palace, I want to hear your opinion."

Aizen Soyousuke said something, and then the surveillance screen in front of the throne changed, and the screen at the edge of Xuye Palace appeared instead.

Several figures in completely different costumes from Xuye Palace appeared on the surveillance screen...

Kurosaki Makoto, Unohana Retsu, Kuchiki Byakuya...and Matsumoto Rangiku!
When he clearly saw Matsumoto Rangiku's face, Ichimaru Gin's complexion couldn't help changing, and a moment of panic flashed in his heart.

'Why?Why did Luan Ju appear here?Why would they invade the Void Night Palace? '

Aizen Soyousuke, who was facing Ichimaru Gin sideways, looked at the surveillance screen with interest, and then said.

"Silver, what strategy do you think we should use to deal with these intruders? Summon the ten blades to quickly encircle and kill them, and then attack Karakura Town; or save some combat power to delay them, and we take the opportunity to launch a general attack on the Goute [-]th Division?"

Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin instinctively tightened his heart...

From a rational point of view, in the base camp of Xuye Palace, Ichimaru Gin has no doubt that he has the ability to siege and kill the group of people on the surveillance screen!

Even though that group of people has the top-level combat power of Kurosaki Makoto and Unokanaretsu, this is Xuyao ​​Palace!
However, maybe Ichimaru Gin may not care about the fate of the other gods of death, but Ichimaru Gin cannot turn a blind eye to Matsumoto Rangiku.

Once Aizen Soyousuke decides to siege, the situation of the weakest Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

But no matter how urgent and anxious his heart was, Gin Ichimaru still didn't show the slightest expression on his face, but said with a bit of playfulness instead.

"According to Aizen-sama's habit, perhaps the consideration is not which option is more beneficial, but which option will be more interesting?"

"Yin, sure enough, you are the person in this world who understands me best besides Mr. Cheng."

After Aizen Soyousuke sighed, his tone suddenly changed and he spoke. "However, this time it will be a special treatment."

For a moment, Ichimaru Gin's expression... faintly tightened.

But at this moment, Qian Shoucheng and his party on the monitoring screen had already entered the outermost area of ​​Xuye Palace, and moved quickly towards the deeper part.

The scale of Xuye Palace is not worse than that of Jingling Court, or even bigger.

In addition to many special and important areas in the Jinglingting area, the largest area is the team building of the [-]th Division of the Goutei.

And in Xuye Palace, every ten-blade also has his own corresponding palace, subordinate officials, servants, etc. An area for habitation or defense.

The entire Void Night Palace seems to be scattered, but in fact it is rigorous. Between the layers, it looks like some game maze with increasing difficulty.


Suddenly, several attacks landed in front of Qian Shoucheng and his party who were rushing quickly, causing Qian Shoucheng and his party to pause.

The next moment, three figures of different shapes, wearing the white clothes of Xuye Palace, stood in front of Qian Shoucheng and his party.

"Sorry, one side is allowed here."

"Death gods, you are too arrogant, where do you think this is?"

"It's a pity that you have broken into the area we are responsible for, and I can only announce that you will pay for your arrogance."

These three voices reached the ears of Qian Shoucheng and his party almost in no particular order.

Makoto Senshou looked up, but there were two male and one female Pomian standing in front of him, exuding a Yachukas-level Pomian on his body.

Matsumoto Rangiku, who was standing at the end of the line, said in a solemn tone. "Has our action been noticed? We have encountered the enemy so quickly."

One of them with a mustache can clearly see Matsumoto Rangiku, Ise Nanao, and Unohanaretsu's prettier appearances than the other. His eyes are almost visible to the naked eye, and they don't know where they changed. Three roses came out...

In the next moment, the mustache with a broken face and figure suddenly leaned directly in front of Senju Makoto and his party, and handed the roses in their hands to Matsumoto Rangiku, Ise Nanao, and Uno Hanaretsu respectively.

While Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao subconsciously took the roses, Unohana Retsu glanced at Senju Makoto intentionally or unintentionally, then took it with a smile on his face, and said.

"Thank you for the roses, I haven't received them for a long time."

Hearing the words, the little beard broke his face, and the whole thing was almost bloody. He quickly stepped back more than ten steps to show that he would not make a rash move, and then bowed like a gentleman, and introduced himself.

"Welcome three beautiful ladies to the Palace of the Void Night. Next is Dordoni Alessandro del Socaccio of NO.103. It is a great honor to have a beautiful event with these three beautiful ladies." Encounter."

However, under Unozhihualie's intentional or unintentional gaze, Senshou Makoto's expression did not produce the slightest irritation, but Suifeng's expression... It darkened visibly with the naked eye.

The so-called not suffering from poverty but suffering from inequality!

Originally, Broken Bee didn't care so much about her being "poor", but Dordoni didn't prepare roses for Broken Bee!
What is the difference between this kind of behavior and naked humiliation? !

Of course, even though the killing intent of Broken Bee staring at Dordoni was about to overflow, she still tried her best to make a disapproving expression.

(End of this chapter)

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