Chapter 640 Rumored NO.0
Immediately, without waiting for Senshou Makoto and others to react, Unozhihuaretsu led Tiruti towards a corner away from everyone with a gentle smile on his face.

After a while...


There was an unprecedented scream, and the sternness made everyone, including Makoto Qianshou, stand on end!
However, the next moment, the scream stopped abruptly.

It wasn't that Tiruti fell into a coma, but that Unohanaretsu's voice was obviously cut off in some way.

Another moment of effort.

After Unozhihuali came out from the corner with Tiruti, Tiruti's attitude obviously changed drastically. Instead of the previous appearance of preferring death to submission, he followed Uo with his head down and brows pleasing to the eye. Behind Zhihua Lie, she is full of obedience.

"Live up to everyone's expectations. Under my persuasion, Ms. Tiruti finally understands the harm Aizen Soyousuke has caused to the world, and she is willing to turn to the light to help us find Nilu."

After a pause, Uzhihuaretsu turned slightly sideways, and gestured gently towards Tiruti. "Miss Tiruti, please tell me some information about the Void Night Palace that you know, thank you."

This "thank you" made Tiruti tremble visibly, with a forced smile that was more desperate than despair, and said.

"I am Tiruti Sandaviki of NO.105. After being given power by Master Aizen, because I failed to meet the expectations of Master Aizen, the area I am responsible for guarding is this Void Night Palace. peripheral."

"As for the adults of Ten Blades, they each have their own palaces in the Xuye Palace to live in, and they guard and support the Xuye Palace like eleven pillars."

"and many more!"

When Kuchiki Byakuya heard this, he frowned and asked. "Eleven pillars? Isn't it ten blades?"

"There are eleven adults in Ten Blades, isn't this common sense?" Tiruti asked subconsciously.

"What kind of common sense is this?"

Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't help complaining, and said suspiciously. "You guys... are you talking about false information? And the members of the Ten Blades, we all know about them."

And Uzhihuaretsu raised his eyebrows slightly, and while bending over, a gentle face appeared in front of Tiruti, reminding him. "Miss Tiruti, if you lie, I can only talk to you again!"

In an instant, Tiruti's face was visibly pale, and he said hastily.

"No! I didn't lie! There are indeed eleven adults in the ten blades, and the one you Shinigami don't know should be the one who is No. 0!"

"NO.0? Among the broken faces that have appeared, there seems to be no such number. Is this the first broken face created by Aizen?" Broken Bee frowned, subconsciously said.

As the commander-in-chief of covert maneuvers, both Suifeng and Jingle Shunsui are responsible for collecting a large amount of information, so there is no doubt that such a number one person does not exist among the exposed information.

"No, no..."

Tiruti shook his head hastily, and then spoke. "Actually, I have never seen Master No.0, and Master No.0 has never shown his face in Xuye Palace."

"Then how are you sure that NO.0 exists?" Byakuya Kuchiki asked.

Tiruti couldn't help but say with a bit of reverence in his gaze.

"Because among the palaces of Lord Ten Blades in Xuye Palace, only Lord No.0's palace is placed in the center of Xuye Palace alongside the palace where Lord Aizen lives, which symbolizes that Lord Aizen and Lord No.0 share The status of the king of the virtual circle."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the gods of death present could not help but change slightly.

The king of the virtual circle is actually two people? !

Among the ten blades, there is also NO.0, which is extremely mysterious and far surpasses the rest?

The same status as Aizen all shows how terrifying this mysterious existence is, which is undoubtedly extremely bad news for the Goutei [-]th Division.

Only Qian Shoucheng's expression seemed shocked, but there was a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

This name was used to fool Balegon and Harribel back then, purely to destroy Aizen Soyousuke's conspiracy to secretly control the virtual circle and to attack him, but he did not expect that this name would be given to him by accident. The number has been circulated in virtual circles to this day.

This feeling is very similar to watching a stranger in front of himself and a group of relatives and friends, frantically touting how wonderful the book written by his author is, how fast the AE86 is, and sweeping through the Nanshan Nursing Home in a while, After a while, I will play Beihai Kindergarten...

Seeing that Tiruti is already telling impassionedly, the rumor about how the rumored No. 0 lord and Aizen Soyousuke will divide the virtual circle equally and rule the virtual night palace together, only subconsciously sprouted in Makoto Sensue's mind with.

'Don't dare to admit it, dare not admit it! '

'What about Asura Yancheng? If you're not familiar with it, don't get involved! '

However, under Tiruti's remark, the expressions of the gods of death, including Unohanaretsu, were completely solemn.

That spiritual pressure is enough to rival Aizen Soyousuke, and his origin seems to be a self-reliant Pomaskwastod level Daxu in ancient times. It sounds undoubtedly the existence of a born king.

Even Uzhi Huaretsu was subconsciously and thoroughly led into the pit by Tiruti's completely unfalsified description.

Immediately, Uo no Hana Lie's gentle eyes gave Makoto Sensue a few more solemn gestures, worrying whether the rumored No.0 would have any unforeseen effects on Makoto Senshou's plan Impact.

As for Qian Shoucheng, his brows were tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, and then he seemed to grasp some blind spot, and said.

"Hasn't that NO.0 not shown up for decades? Maybe Aizen Soyousuke secretly killed him long ago?"

"You are not allowed to slander Lord Aizen!" Tiruti subconsciously retorted.

"This is not slander. With Aizen Soyousuke's character, how could he allow an existence more terrifying than him to appear in Xuye Palace?"

Qian Shoucheng stretched his eyebrows, and said with certainty. "Therefore, perhaps we can conclude that NO.0 no longer exists, and was killed by Aizen Soyousuke in a secret attack."

"No, absolutely impossible, Master NO.0 definitely still exists!" Tiruti retorted again.

"It's gone, it's gone a long time ago, otherwise, why hasn't he appeared for decades?" Qian Shoucheng said indifferently.

"It must still exist..."

However, before Tiruti could finish speaking, Unohanaretsu's palm gently rested on Tiruti's shoulder, causing Tiruti's voice to stop abruptly.

Uozhihuaretsu reminded gently.

"We'll talk about that kind of argument later, how about asking Miss Tiruti to take us to the palace where Nilu is?"

(End of this chapter)

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