Smelting and Exploding the Heavens

Chapter 427 God Devouring Plan

Chapter 427 God Devouring Plan
When Fan Zhuoyuan appeared in the headquarters, everyone in the headquarters couldn't help but look up. His physique was so majestic that they had to bow their heads when entering every gate.

Facing a super strong man like him, even the commander-in-chief did not dare to have any pride, treated him with an equal attitude, and asked about Fan Zhuoyuan's past like a friend.

Just when the headquarters was in contact with Fan Zhuoyuan, the relevant information had been sent to the Nuwa core and handed over to several senior executives of the research institute.

Dr. Wei Zhe and others were very surprised when they heard about Fan Zhuoyuan's series of deeds.

"Grade-A mythical power, such a person... Except for Dr. Wei Zhe's son, it may be difficult to find another one in the whole world."

Hearing the exclamation of his colleagues, Wei Zhe was expressionless, and just opened the relevant video indifferently.

After reading it, he said: "This person's ability to absorb the life essence derived from Eve without any rejection reaction shows that his body must also have a mythical bloodline.

Moreover, after absorbing the essence of life, some kind of mutation must have occurred in his physique. If he only had the B-level mythical ability before, it is not a problem to speculate that he has the A-level mythical ability. "

A doctor at the side said: "The power that can be displayed is somewhat similar to Wei Yuan's. Unfortunately, it was only taken by a battlefield recorder, and there is no special energy particle detection equipment."

"This man is above Luanniao now, do you want to meet him? I heard that he is here to find you, Dr. Wei Zhe."

Wei Zhe didn't answer, but asked the assistant beside him, "Is Nuwa's shedding finished?"

The assistant quickly said: "It will probably take another two days."

"Well, as before, collecting the remains can help us create warriors with more powerful mythical powers.

Let the headquarters get ready. This time, the Iris family was severely damaged, and their only space carrier was destroyed.

I guess they are likely to use Eve's power directly. "

The people next to him were a little shocked, but there was no emotional ups and downs when they spoke.

"Using Eve's power directly will probably pay an unimaginable price. Although the space carrier is missing, as long as we return to the original Washington headquarters, it is still possible to manufacture another one within ten years. It is necessary to work hard with us. ?"

Wei Zhe said indifferently: "It has been decades since the age of mythology started, and the spheres of influence of the major gods have gradually become clear, but we humans are still wandering around.

They are the same as us, apart from quickly devouring other gods who created human beings and making their own gods climb to the top, otherwise they will only be eliminated in the more brutal competition in the future.

After Nuwa sheds her skin this time, Eve won't have any chance and can only be chased and killed by us until she is devoured by us. You say if you are standing on the side of the Iris family, how should you choose? "

The senior management of the research institute quickly reached a consensus, conveyed the order, and upgraded the original first-level combat preparation to another level. Even the mythical armor that was not used at the beginning has been tried to operate at this time.

Fan Zhuoyuan chatted happily with a group of people in the headquarters. Through the projection screen of Luanniao, he was slightly surprised to see the war preparations in various regions.

Conventional high-tech weapons are fine, the main reason is that he saw a strange creature with a human head and a bird body, black and gold all over its body, coming out of Nuwa's abdomen, and then rapidly expanding until its wingspan reached 50 meters and its length was [-] meters. Meters or so just stopped.

Obviously, there must be a force field that distorts space near Nuwa's body, which can shrink the creatures close to her. Otherwise, even if Nuwa is so huge, how could the research institute survive in her body.

This monster with the head of a man and the body of a bird grew two hands under its wings, holding a long dagger and hovering over the entire base.

Seeing that Fan Zhuoyuan was very curious, Commander Peng Yiwu explained: "This is Nuwa's disciple, who was born in Nuwa's womb, and was found in Nuwa's body when the research institute first discovered it.

You must have heard the name, it is Nine Heavens Profound Girl!Also known as Xuanniao, she is the number one Martial God under Nuwa, who is in charge of fighting with weapons, and the weapon in her hand is called Xuantian Ge.

According to the level of mythology, it belongs to the first-class mythical creature, and its complete strength is higher than that of the four holy beasts, and it will not be weaker than the candle dragon entrenched in the center of the North Pole. "

Fan Zhuoyuan was surprised: "Such a powerful mythical creature will obey your orders?"

Peng Yiwu smiled wryly: "That's because it, like Nuwa, is in a deep sleep state and is still sleepwalking."

This information made Fan Zhuoyuan even more puzzled, "Sleepwalking?"

"I don't know if you have heard of the concept of the sea of ​​collective consciousness of human beings. Nuwa's spirit is still immersed in the sea of ​​collective consciousness. Although the body appeared in the world due to the mythical spiritual power, the consciousness has not yet fully emerged.

If Nuwa is not inherently friendly to human beings, she would not be able to accept us. The same principle applies to the World Tree, the Tower of Babel, and Eve.

Nine Heavens Xuannv is the only one among Nuwa's several disciples who has not awakened, and it is also the final trump card when we are most vulnerable now. I don't know what kind of danger the research institute has foreseen, even such a trump card has been released in advance. "

Afterwards, Fan Zhuoyuan walked around the base under the leadership of the soldiers from the command headquarters, but he never received a reply from Wei Zhe. He neither refused nor agreed to his meeting request, and his attitude was very strange.

Until the next day, as expected by the research institute, all the military forces of the Iris family came to attack.

Countless fighter planes, early warning planes, and drones in the sky, hundreds of mechs on the ground, and three killing angels frantically attacked.

The entire battlefield is spread over hundreds of kilometers, and fighting is everywhere.

In the end, even the strategic-level nuclear weapons were directly bombarded on the top of Nuwa's head, but they were blown into outer space by the powerful spiritual force field of Jiutian Xuannv.

Now that nuclear weapons have been used, it means that the Iris family's menacing attack this time is completely desperate.

There was also real fire in the headquarters, and all kinds of nuclear weapons in reserve were slammed at the opponent.

The opponent's three Killing Angels used the joint force field to block part of the nuclear explosion, and the other part was launched by the mythical armor, broke through the force field, and directly inserted into the core of the enemy's troops.

It was about to detonate, causing tragic damage to the regular troops of the Iris family.

At this time, there was a violent fluctuation in the space in front of him, and a mental force field twisted out, wrapping all the nuclear bombs whose sub-warheads could not be intercepted, and then compressing them towards the center.

Until a dozen nuclear bombs were compressed into a circular space with a diameter of less than 50 meters, and then the nuclear bomb exploded violently!

The flames, thick smoke, and shock wave energy after the explosion were all compressed in this 50-meter-diameter ball, and they didn't spread out!
Then, that distorted mental force field violently threw the huge space ball into the sky above the ostrich.

Once the energy from the explosion of dozens of nuclear bombs inside the sphere spreads out, the ostrich will be reduced to powder, and the regular troops around will definitely suffer heavy casualties!
(End of this chapter)

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