Started with a full-level header, the whole network begs me not to return to the national football t

Chapter 170 Europa League Champion!The Birth of a World Famous Painting!Lion King Road Morning Breez

Chapter 170 Europa League Champion!The Birth of a World Famous Painting!Lion King Road Morning Breeze!
"Beep! Beep! Beep——!"

After another ten thrilling minutes, the famous referee who was the referee of the UEFA Europa League final, Corey Mir.

Putting the whistle in his mouth, he also raised his hands high, pointing to the arc in the middle circle.

Three long whistles sounded, officially announcing the end of the Tianwangshan battle.

The second half of the game can be described as flat as water, but at this time, this flatness is like a stream that has accumulated for a while and then all spewed out, turning into a holy place for carnival.



Manchester United fans shouted at the top of their lungs and stood up from their seats.

They excitedly hug everyone around them, even if most of them don't know each other.

"Champion! Champion! European Champion!"

"It's been years, years! Who would have thought we'd win this trophy before the end of the season?!"

"I really have nothing to say, I can't describe my current mood! Mourinho is a god!"

"Lu Chenfeng, Lu Chenfeng, you are my idol for the next few decades in my life!"

"Thank you to them, thank you to everyone at Manchester United!"

"Ah, I really can't hold back the tears in my own eyes. Quadruple! This is the season of Manchester United's renaissance!"

"It has been many years without a championship. After Mourinho and Lu Chenfeng came this season, they achieved so many championships at once. It is really a legend!"

"The player I expected the most before the season was the most expensive Pogba, but I didn't expect that Lu Chenfeng, who cost 500 million euros, gave us the biggest surprise!"

"His name will be forever engraved in the history of this club!"


The faces of many Manchester United fans have been distorted at this time.

Their faces were rosy and full of tears, and what was accumulated on them was the excitement of finally seeing Lang Ri after many years of trials and hardships.

All the accumulated disappointment, all the accumulated gaps, all ushered in to make up at this moment.

They can have more confidence in the future of this club and have more desire to watch the game!

They want to see this undefeated team leave an even brighter mark in the history of world football!
Many fans picked up their mobile phones and happily made video calls with their family members, sharing the joy together.

Many fans also took out the photo frames that had been prepared a long time ago, held them up high, and looked up to the sky and shed tears.

Most of the people in these photo frames are their relatives who have passed away.

If it is said that the time when these people died was Manchester United during Sir Alex Ferguson's period, it might be better, because they have witnessed the club's brightest moment and closed their eyes at the peak moment.

But if they died in the last few years, it must be hard.

From a top wealthy club to a mid-range team in the sunset, the sense of gap in my heart is huge.

They may have a bad heart until they die.

"Dad, did you see that Manchester United is about to revive."

Some old fans in their 60s held a photo frame and wept aloud.

Sometimes the emotions come so wonderfully, he can explode many times in a year because of the same form.

Moreover, this kind of emotion will not explode after the goal is determined and achieved.

It will only accumulate when it is accumulated until the moment it is achieved.

"Grandpa, you failed to see this scene, I saw it for you."

There are also fans holding a photo frame of their grandfather, sitting on the spot and chanting silently.

The high-definition cameras in the Istanbul stadium passed over the faces of these people, and they saw the excitement of their wishes being fulfilled.

And the satisfaction of making up for the greatest regret of a deceased relative.

This kind of emotion may be the same as when Messi knew that he was about to win the World Cup, he stood near the arc of the middle circle and said silently, "Grandma, it may be today."

He represents the expectations of the family, and the late ancestors have the most sustenance for the team.

Today, they're all done!

This is destined to be a day that will be recorded in history. A new era for Manchester United, a new dynasty, will begin today.


On the court, the players have also dispersed at this moment.

All the substitute players wearing substitute vests on the sidelines rushed into the court, hugged and celebrated with the starters who were slumped on the ground or lying on the ground.

The coaching team, dressed in formal attire and expensive suits, also ignored their image at this moment and rushed into the field roaring, as if they were celebrating the victory of a battle!

There are two people who are in different moods at the moment.

They are Mourinho and Lu Chenfeng.

The two left the Volkswagen team at this moment, recalling everything this season and the great contributions they have made to the team, the sense of accomplishment and pride in their hearts is very sufficient.

Mourinho tugged at his tie, showing a rebellious smile on his face, which is his signature expression.

He put his right hand next to his ear, stepped on the soft grass, and walked along the edge of the field.

It seems to be saying, keep shouting, the voice is not loud enough!

The photographers on the sidelines immediately followed the footsteps of this famous marshal, capturing all his actions vividly.

The cameras were able to capture the emotions on the faces of every Sevilla fan as they passed through the Sevilla supporters' area.

It was not only a kind of loss and sadness, but also a kind of complexity and admiration for the famous coach Mourinho.

Yes, a coach with a strong personality like Mourinho is easy to be liked by opponent fans.

It goes without saying that Manchester United fans were excited when passing by the Manchester United fan area.

Many famous scenes are born at this moment, which may become the material that will be frantically edited by those bloggers on social media in the next ten days.

The emotion in the footage speaks volumes for what Manchester United have achieved this season.

the other side.

Lu Chenfeng couldn't help waving his arms at this moment, and walked along the sidelines to celebrate.

Hat-trick, helping the team win the fourth championship of the season and ending the last game, this is also an unparalleled day for him.

A magnificent season is finally over, and the body can finally relax.

Now he wants to bring these achievements and his dream-fulfilled body back to his country, and participate in some celebrations after being successful.

It is an honor to return home!

After completing those, he will return to Europe without hesitation, continue to stick to his dream, and with Manchester United, a team that is improving day by day, he will hit the highest honor in his heart.

Seven crowns!
European Golden Boot!
Golden Globes!
World Footballer!

"Clap clap clap clap..."

At this moment, Lu Chenfeng, who was passing by the Sevilla fans area, suddenly heard a burst of prolonged applause from the sidelines.

Looking up, those Sevilla fans applauded him with complicated expressions and a little admiration.

This is the best way to reward opponent players.

At this moment of losing the final, the fact that the Sevilla fans were able to make such a move proved their deep admiration for Lu Chenfeng.

In the history of football, this kind of scene is also rarely seen.

"Card wipe!"

A photographer standing behind Lu Chenfeng took a camera to find a good angle, and immediately snapped a picture behind Lu Chenfeng.

Excited, he hurriedly looked at this photo, wanting to see the effect.

Looking around, Manchester United's No. [-], wearing a red jersey, raised his hands high at the moment, as if the king returned from victory, overlooking their people and the hope of their country.

At this time, his body was already stained with dirt and turf, but his tall and straight figure turned these things into honor scars, showing what kind of honor he had won.

But in contrast to this figure, those people in the stands were wearing the clothes of the enemy camp, and there was no trace of excitement in their expressions.

Under these great contrasts, the figure of Number Seven looks a bit lonely, and also looks like a lion king who is facing all difficulties alone.

In front of him, even opponents with tens of thousands of times his number are deeply impressed by him at this moment.

"Perfect! This will be a new world famous painting."

The reporter carefully protected his camera, thinking that he must print out a few after he went back, and keep the first video of this photo in his home first, as a souvenir.

He also had a hunch that this photo would hit the headlines of various social media!

His existence even surpassed the photo of Wenger's reign in the world!

In front of this reporter, Lu Chenfeng didn't know all this at the moment.

After seeing these reactions from the Sevilla fans, he was in a good mood and pretended to have a hat on his head, took it off and put it on his chest, and at the same time left leg Backwards, the body sank slightly.

This is a gentleman's gift.

At this moment in this situation, no one would feel that this way of expression is a bit awkward, on the contrary, they would feel that it is just a bit appropriate.

People on both sides of the battle line expressed high respect to each other, which is the original intention of football.

"Card wipe!"

The reporter following Lu Chenfeng immediately pressed the shutter button again and took this photo.

After watching it, he exclaimed again, "It's even more perfect! This fucking is a famous painting in the universe!"

The reporter got a greater satisfaction in his heart.

In today's moment of celebration, we are not only at the scene of a club's changing era.

He has fulfilled his greatest ambition as a reporter.

This must be a perfect day for him.

After all, sometimes for a photographer, work is just about making money.

The real heart satisfaction still benefits from taking the few photos that I am most satisfied with.

Even if they leave this world in the future, those photos will remain in this world forever.

Manchester United's carnival continues.

The Sevilla players left the field silently with their heads down.

Before the game, many people still paid some attention to Lu Chenfeng, knowing that he would gradually become the third pole in world football.

They also want to exchange jerseys or contact information with this outstanding player to get to know each other.

But now, this huge sense of loss and guilt after failure makes them feel no mood to do these things again.

The head coach bit his lip and stood on the sidelines, hugging and comforting every player who left the field.

The matter has come to this point, he can only use his meager strength to ease the mood of the players.

He also doesn't want these favorite players, because the last game of this season, he will not have a good summer offseason.

In that case, he will also feel very uncomfortable.

"Well done boys, at least we persisted until the last moment and did not give up the game."

"Life is a series of setbacks and experiences. The number of times you fail is far greater than the number of successes."

"Just like the famous saying, in life, success is only temporary, and failure is the main theme, but how to face failure divides people into two types."

"I hope you will be good, keep going."

Having said that, the head coach of Sevilla also set his sights on the celebrating Manchester United team.

There was some exclamation in his eyes, and he continued: "You didn't lose to a weak team."

"You lost to the best and strongest team in football this season."

"Other teams should be thankful that this team is participating in the Europa League, otherwise most of them will lose their competitiveness in the Champions League."

"Their ability is the strongest in the world, and their stable season performance is enough to illustrate this point."

"Mourinho is my idol, and Lu Chenfeng is also a striker I like and admire very much."

"It's not ashamed to lose to them."

Hearing the coach's comfort, these Sevilla players felt a little better, but they still walked out of the field with their heads down.

After they all left, this grand Istanbul stadium was completely reduced to a sea of ​​joy for a Manchester United team.

The achievement of the four crowns can also be called a great achievement when looking at the entire historical football world.

Such an excellent state can be guaranteed under multi-line combat, which represents Manchester United's well-deserved dominance this season.

They have the best physical therapists, fitness coaches, enough to ensure that the players are in good condition.

They also have the best coach, the best striker, and the best team, enough to allow them to beat any strong opponent.

"The game is over."

"Huaxia fans can enter the carnival at the end of the season ahead of time. Everything in the 1617 season has come to an end."

"Manchester United finally won a big victory. With a final score of [-] to [-], they defeated Sevilla and won the Europa League championship."

"It's their fourth title of the season and it means a lot."

"Although as a commentator, I usually deliberately control my emotions, keep as stable as possible, and quote some classic quotes, so that everyone feels that I am very professional and respect my work."

"But right now, in this moment of celebration, allow me to say something."

"Manchester United, awesome!"

"Lu Chenfeng, awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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