spy shadow

Chapter 410

"You must take me away, Mr. Huang is too scary."

Lianhua packed the money and asked nervously, while Chu Lingyun gave her a guarantee.

"Mr. Huang is a Han woman.

The first sentence that Lianhua took the initiative to say made Chu Lingyun stunned. Does Lianhua know about this kind of thing?

"He told me that the Japanese promised him that he would take over China and give him a high-ranking official. He had a good relationship with the Japanese consul general named Mo Lang, and he also recruited many people to work with him as female officials. .”

Lianhua continued to speak, while the recorder sitting in the front row quickly wrote down every word she said.

These are important confessions.

"How do you know this?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"He can't do that, he can't stand up, and he asks me to help him every time. To save face, he brags a lot to me and says a lot."

"What did he say, tell me in detail.

"Okay, I'll tell you all.

Perhaps because of the money and Chu Lingyun's promise, the lotus flowers kept flowing, and she confessed Huang Xuan's matter.

Huang Yu had long served the Japanese. The Japanese Consul General Suma Taro was an alumnus of his when he was studying in Japan. The two had such a relationship. He was instigated very early and had provided a lot of useful information before.

It's just that the timeliness of the information provided this time is too strong, making the old man

It was discovered that there were internal female cadres among the high-level officials.

So did his son Huang Sheng. A lot of information was provided by Huang Sheng to Suma Taro. He was in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and had more convenient conditions.

Huang Xuan can't communicate with Suma Taro often, he is too conspicuous.

In addition to their father and son, there are also some people who are unsatisfactory in the military and government. There are only four people that Lianhua knows, and there may be more that she doesn't know.

As for Liao Yaquan, Lianhua didn't know her existence.

If you think about it, you can understand that even if Huang Xuan dared to say anything, he would never say anything about another woman in front of a woman.

To show off like that is pure stupidity.

"Section Chief, with Lianhua's confession, we can arrest people."

Zhu Qing said excitedly that after assigning the case this time, Zhu Qing wisely chose to stay with Nixie.

He doesn't team up with other people, he only recognizes loach.

Niqiu is Chu Lingyun's confidant, and the fourth team of operations is the direct descendant. If there is any chance, the section chief will definitely choose his own people first. This time, he was really right with Niqiu. He completed the task and caught the big fish.

Although there is no way for him to be promoted in the military rank, and there is no possibility of further advancement in his position in the Operations Section, but if this matter is done, his name will be remembered by the higher-ups, and the credit will be recorded.

If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely be promoted faster, leaving Liu Wannian and Wen Jitao behind.

"Think of a way to get Huang Xuan's family members away, search the house."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, Huang Yu is not an ordinary person, and now he only has witnesses. To be on the safe side, it is best to act after obtaining the physical evidence.

Huang Sheng can already be arrested, but in order not to leak the news, he will first stare at him and then arrest him together.


Zhu Qing and Ni Qiang took orders together, searched the house, and they were not far away from being arrested.

In the third and fourth groups, everyone was very motivated. Everyone knew that this was a big case that broke the sky, and the old man was watching it himself.

This case is done well, and the credit is greater than those spies caught before.

Huang Xuan also has a wife, child and a bodyguard at home.

It is not difficult to lure them out, and Lianhua can use it. Niqi pretends to be a car accident and asks the police to notify Huang Xuan's wife. When Huang Xuan's wife heard that Lianhua was hit by a car, she almost jumped up for joy.

She rushed to the hospital and took the child and bodyguards.Loach immediately led people into the house and searched carefully.

"Chief, look at this.

Not long after, Loach pulled out a large amount of gold bars and US dollars from the hidden compartment, as well as certificates of deposit, and share documents of various industries.

In addition, there are several top-secret documents.

There are also several books

The letter was written in Japanese, but Loach didn't understand it.

"Get ready for action."

After reading those letters, Chu Lingyun sneered, Huang Xuan dared to hide this kind of thing at home, he really didn't know what to do.

The letter was written to him by high-level Japanese officials, full of promises.

There is a handwritten letter written by Keiji Dohara, and one given to him by Suma Taro
Commitment letters, in addition, there are letters written to him by the former Prime Minister of Japan.

It promised that in the future when China is occupied, he will be made a minimum minister, and if he can pull the king into the sea, he will be given a higher position.

The wooing of Wang Jianhai by the Japanese started a long time ago.

The witnesses and material evidence are all there, so there is no need to wait any longer.

Chu Lingyun personally took people to the Executive Yuan, and brought the military police with him.

Niqiu went to the nursing home to arrest Liao Yaquan, Zhu Qing led people to arrest Huang Sheng, and the rest of the intelligence team were all transferred back by them to arrest them together.

The Virgo had given Chu Lingyun great authority before, and there was no need to report in advance when arranging these actions, the Virgo only wanted the results.

The Executive Yuan is very important, there are many guards here.

"Who are you?"

Two guards stepped forward to question. Apart from his own people, Chu Lingyun also had hundreds of gendarmes.

"Military Intelligence handles the case."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and the guards gave him a suspicious look. He knew that the Military Intelligence Department was mainly about counter-espionage and espionage, so what does it have to do with them?
The Military Intelligence Service supervises the military and police, but they cannot control the Executive Yuan.This is the highest administrative agency, and it is not comparable to the military intelligence department.

"Is there a procedure?"

The guard asked, Chu Lingyun was ordered to arrest people, and with the old man's permission, there would be no worries about it.

"The procedure will be delivered shortly.

"That won't work, you won't be allowed in without formalities. The guards shook their heads, they were very conscientious.

The procedures are not difficult, but the Japanese have penetrated deeply into the Chinese, and Chu Lingyun doesn't know if there are other Han women who have been instigated by the old man.

If the report goes through the formalities, this process is very troublesome, after all, it is the confidential secretary of the Executive Yuan who is being arrested.

If one is not careful, Huang Xuan may know in advance, so he can resist or find a way to escape.

"Sorry, I have to arrest someone today."

Chu Lingyun didn't talk nonsense with him, and let people directly control all the guards, while he led the people inside.

Seeing a large number of soldiers with guns coming in, many people were a little flustered. Chu Lingyun stopped one person, asked where Huang Xuan's office was, and walked over directly.

"Secretary Huang."

After entering, Chu Lingyun saw Huang Xuan in the office and greeted him with a smile.

"Who are you?"

When Huang Xuan saw the man with the gun, he stood up in shock. He would not be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if he didn't do anything wrong.

The people behind didn't care about him. Under Chu Lingyun's order, Wen Jitao and Liu Wannian took the lead and stepped forward to hold Huang Xuan down.

"What do you want to do? Do you know who I am? Who gave you the power to do this, you are so brave.

Huang Xuan was controlled and kept shouting. Many people had already gathered outside, looking this way.

There were quite a few people around, Chu Lingyun didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took people away, leaving Liu Wannian here to search Huang Xuan's office.

After all, this is the Executive Yuan, not an ordinary place.

In Tangshan Nursing Home, Liao Yaquan was chatting with several waiters.

She was born in Shanghai and speaks Chinese very well, especially the Shanghai dialect. No one would guess that she is Japanese.

"Leader, people are inside."

When the men came to report, Niach nodded: "Prepare to catch someone, remember, don't despise her just because she is a woman, treat her like a man."

When he was in Wuhan, Niqiu took the credit once, that was when he caught Abe Huako

At that time, he was guarding Huo Xiao's back door, and Anbe Huazi ran out and was captured by his men.

Even if it is a woman among the spies, she has good skills, and she almost didn't run away that time.


The subordinates took orders, this is not the Executive Yuan, there are no guards, only a dozen guards, these people can't stop the people brought by the loach.

A group of people rushed in, Nixiu already knew the target, and went straight to Liao Yaquan.

Liao Yaquan was still chatting, a group of people rushed in, held her down without any explanation, and searched her carefully.

Didn't miss a single bit, making sure she wasn't hiding a suicide kit.

Liao Yaquan did not resist, her face was full of shock and fear, pretending to be pitiful.

Niach took a careful look at Liao Yaquan, she was really pretty.

Liao Yaquan is 28 years old, not too young, but not too old, and she is very well maintained, she looks like 22 or three years old.

With smooth skin and pink face, it's no wonder that she can be fascinated by Huang Xuan, even if the war starts, she still runs to her.

"The Military Intelligence Office is handling the case, and the idlers are waiting to leave."

NiQiu shouted, hearing his words, Liao Yaquan's heart sank, she is no stranger to the Military Intelligence Department, she is the biggest enemy of their spy agency in China.

Especially in the past year, it is said that a powerful figure has emerged from the Military Intelligence Department, and they have suffered heavy losses.

"take away."

Seeing that everyone was scared away, Niu was very satisfied, he waved his hand and asked his subordinates to tie up Liao Yaquan and take her into the car, while he went to search her house.

Nothing was found in the residence, and Ni Qian was not in a hurry, so he left some people to guard and took Liao Yaquan back to the Military Intelligence Department first.

This is the farthest, and he was the last to arrive.

Zhu Qing had already caught Huang Sheng and brought him back, followed by Huang Xuan. The father and son had never met, and they didn't know they were arrested together.

The last one is Liao Yaquan.

As for the list provided by Lianhua, Chu Lingyun didn't move for the time being, and asked people to keep an eye on them first. Although those people were unsatisfactory, they couldn't be arrested based on Lianhua's accusation alone.

After Huang Xuan opened his mouth, it would not be too late to catch him.

The first person to be interrogated was Huang Xuan, and Chu Lingyun was not sitting in the main seat, but the chief sitting there.

Virgo must personally participate in the interrogation of people like Huang Xuan, and get the confession as soon as possible, so that he can claim credit for the old man.

"Secretary Huang, long time no see."

Looking at Huang Xuan, Virgo was in a very happy mood. Because of the relationship between Wang Jianhai and Mu Sen, Huang Xuan had always looked down on him, but this time he finally fell into his own hands.


Huang Xuan turned his head, snorted coldly, and did not speak.

He didn't know what went wrong, but he was brought here. He knew that this time it was not a small matter, and now he only hoped that the Military Intelligence Department didn't have his evidence. As long as there was no evidence, his backstage could rescue him.

Mu Sen and Wang Jianhai worked together, even the old man had to think carefully.

"It seems that you don't give up, look at this, do you know?"

Chu Zuo took out those letters and shook them in front of Huang Xuan. Huang Xuan's eyes narrowed. He hid these things very carefully. How did the Military Intelligence Department get them?
He hid really deep, not in the ground or on the roof, but in a hidden compartment inside the wall.

There are oil paintings hanging on the outside of the wall, and there are camouflage walls inside, so you can't see it unless you look carefully.

It's a pity that it was loach who searched his house.

No matter how clever the camouflage is, don't try to hide it from NiQiu's eyes.

"Would you like me to read it to you, what is promised to you in it?"

Chu Zuo said with a smile, he was not in a hurry, there were witnesses and physical evidence, plus the previous leaks, and Liao Yaquan's identity, Huang Xuan was dead this time.

Whether he opens his mouth or not is a result.

However, he also helped the Japanese instigate some important officials. These lists require him to confess on his own initiative, and he still needs to confess.

"I don't know what you're taking, and

I have nothing to do. "

If Huang Xuan didn't speak, he would die if he spoke. He knew this very well.

"Stubborn, use torture."

Chu Zuo said coldly, if he wants to torture Huang Xuan, he must be very courageous. Huang Xuan is not a small person. If Chu Lingyun interrogates, he will use some methods, but he will not use torture directly.

As long as it doesn't look like he is being punished from the outside, it's fine, the Virgo will end it directly.


Huang Xuan's screams continued to be heard in the torture room, and when he reached the tiger bench, he called.

He who has always been pampered, how could he bear such torture.If it wasn't for the desire to survive, he would have recruited from the very beginning.

After Huang Xuan made the confession, Chu Zuo was overjoyed and asked him to sign and postpone it. He immediately said to Chu Lingyun, "You continue the trial. I will report to the chairman. These people are all on the lookout and ready to strike at any time."

Huang Xuan confessed to many people who were instigated by him, a total of eight people, these people's dissatisfaction is only relative to ordinary people.

They are all in high positions, but they just don't get the power they want.

Niach's excited heart jumped out from behind, these are eight big men, how much money can they steal if they are caught?
Thinking about it is exciting and exciting.


Chu Lingyun took the order, and Chu Zuo left in a hurry. Huang Sheng was interrogated next. He was worse than his father, and he confessed after a few whips.

He is indeed a Han woman. Not only did he collect information and hand it over to the Japanese, but sometimes Huang Yuna's information was also passed on to Suma Taro by him.

He also has a dead mailbox, which is in a tree hole in the park. Both he and Huang Huan have the habit of going for a walk in the park.

After they arrive at the park, they will eat a candy. When they have information, the content is on the candy wrapper and thrown into the dead mailbox. When there is no information, the candy wrapper is thrown into the trash can.

Using this method, they passed on some unimportant small information, and the important information was passed on by Huang Sheng in person.

For important information, they need to make a price and let the Japanese give them more money.

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