spy shadow

Chapter 424

Ruan Shengyun, the Japanese agent, almost killed him.

Fortunately, the Military Intelligence Department found out his identity in time. If he really got important information from him, he might not be able to clear it up by jumping into the Yellow River.

The lightest is also a dereliction of duty.

Carefully recalling Xia Niqiu's explanation, Staff Officer Hou made tea as if nothing had happened. He likes to drink tea, no matter whether he is in the office or at home, he never leaves his body.


The seven-year-old son came out first, and when he saw Staff Officer Hou, he immediately ran over. A smile appeared on Staff Officer Hou's face. He was holding this son in his hand for fear of falling, and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting.

"Xiaojun, how did you learn today?"

"I've learned everything. Teacher Ruan taught me very well." The son replied earnestly, just as Ruan Shengyun came out of the room.

"Mr. Ruan, thank you very much."

Staff Officer Hou got up immediately, with a natural expression, this is Ni Qiang's repeated confession, he must behave the same as usual, and must not show the slightest abnormality.

"Mr. Hou, you are too polite, this is my job."

Takano Yokoo smiled slightly, but glanced unnaturally at the briefcase next to Staff Officer Hou.

Staff Hou usually rarely brings back a briefcase, but this time he did.
And it looks bulging, obviously there are a lot of things inside.

I just don't know if there is any important information.

"Teacher Ruan, stay and have dinner together."

Staff Officer Hou took the initiative to invite, Ruan Shengyun said politely, seeing that Staff Officer Hou insisted, he agreed.

How to get information without leaving behind, this is the best opportunity in a few days.

Inside the monitoring point, there was a slight smile on the corner of the loach's mouth.

Staff Officer Hou would take the initiative to bring out wine. It is normal to ask the teacher to drink, but Staff Officer Hou's drinking capacity is very average and he will get drunk soon.

However, there is also Staff Hou's brother-in-law at home. He has a good drinker's capacity and needs to be spent.

After a while, a phone call would come from home to call his brother-in-law away, so that only Staff Hou's wife and children were left at home.

And Staff Officer Hou drank too much, his wife must take care of him.

If Ruan Shengyun couldn't seize such an opportunity and got the information, then Niach simply arrested him and asked him where the radio station was.

If you can't grasp such a good opportunity for him, you must not be a qualified agent.

Such a person generally does not have a hard mouth.

Thinking of this, Niach admired Yoichi Yamada a little bit, and even Chu Lingyun didn't expect that Yoichi Yamada would carry it to this day without opening his mouth when he was arrested and confessed online.

In Chu Lingyun's absence, the chief interrogated him twice, tortured him to death, and used various methods, but Yamada Yoichi went crazy and did not confess.

Whether it is really crazy has not been determined, but the current state is very different from normal people.

His confession was unimportant, but not confessing was always a failure.

Among the Japanese, there are indeed some who can survive the punishment, first Keiko Chishima, later Hayakawa, Jiang Binghui and Liu Dazhuang, and now Yamada Yoichi.

Hayao Chuanping and Jiang Binghui confessed because they got their weaknesses, not punishment.

The remaining few, that are really die hard.

"Ring ring ring"

The phone rang at home, and Staff Officer Hou went to answer it, and quickly handed the receiver to his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, you can drink with Teacher Ruan, I'm going out for a while."

After answering the phone, my brother-in-law hurried out. He had a girlfriend, and the call was from his girlfriend. My brother-in-law liked this girlfriend very much, and went out without saying a word when the call came.

When his brother-in-law was away, Takano Yokoo took the opportunity to drink with Staff Hou, and Staff Hou got drunk after a while.

The progress of the matter was as Niqiu had expected. Staff Officer Hou was sent into the room by Mr. Ruan and his wife, and Staff Officer Hou's wife stayed to take care of him, while Ruan Shengyun took the opportunity to go outside.

The briefcase is still there, but at this point there is the child.

"Xiaojun, I suddenly remembered a question,

I'll tell you more.

After tricking Xiao Jun into the room and asking him to do the questions after a while, Takano Yokoo quickly went outside and took Staff Hou's bag to the bathroom.

There were a lot of things inside, and soon a top-secret document was noticed by him.

This was a troop dispatch order, and Takano Yokoo didn't read it immediately, but took out the information first, put the bag back, and quickly checked the information for the reason of the above toilet.

When he memorized the information, Officer Hou's wife was outside cleaning up the leftovers on the table.

"Sister-in-law, let me help you."

"No, no, Mr. Ruan, take a good rest."

Staff Officer Hou's wife hurriedly waved her hand. Parents and students in this era still respect teachers very much.

Staff Officer Hou returned to the room and continued to guide Xiao Jun. When Staff Officer Hou's wife went to clean up in the kitchen, he put the top-secret information back intact, exactly the same place as before.

After lurking for so long, he finally got an important piece of information, and he was very happy.

After teaching Xiaojun, Takano Yokoo left in a hurry.

Niach has been monitoring, and has heard the movement in the living room long ago, and understands that the spy has taken the bait and has already obtained the information.

Takano Yokoo, who left, did not return directly to his residence. Today's information is very important. He must report it as soon as possible to let the headquarters know so that they can respond to it.

"Boom boom."

Arriving at a secluded residence, Takano Yokoo carefully observed the surroundings and knocked lightly on the door.

His knock on the door was rhythmic, and the door opened after a while.


When the people inside saw him, they immediately yelled. Fortunately, the sound was not loud, but Takano Yokoo was still very dissatisfied.

When you are away from home, especially when you are lurking, you must never use your real name, especially such a name that is obviously Japanese. The ability of these students is really not flattering. You must talk to the dean about this after you go back.

Teach them more professional skills if possible, preferably like a special high-level class.

"I have important information, and I need to report it immediately."

"You come with me.

The student who opened the door responded immediately and led him inside. Not far outside, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Niach's mouth.

Today's Loach has been able to handle tasks on his own, and tasks such as catching spies are completely handled by himself.

But when he was just following Chu Lingyun back then, without Chu Lingyun following him, he had no confidence at all.

"Leader, when shall we do it?"

Asked by his subordinates, Loach shook his head slightly: "No hurry, keep watching, let them spread the information first."

This is false information, but it is very realistic. It was made with the help of Staff Officer Hou. The most important thing about this information is whether it is true or false.

What the Japanese can see from the outside is all true, and what they cannot see is all false.

They get the information, which can confuse their vision very well. If they really believe it and make arrangements, not only will it have no effect, but it will be harmful.

As for Ruan Shengyun and the radio station, there is no rush to close the network now.

According to Zhang Acheng's information, there are about six to eight people using one of their radio stations. There are only two people on Ruan Shengyun's side. There must be other Tongwen agents using this radio station together.

Just stare here, and you can catch them all in one go.

Behind, seeing the telegram just received, Virgo was stunned for a moment, then roared and cursed.

The telegram was sent by Secretary Qi, but Noriko Nanyun actually ran away.

Moreover, she escaped from the prison of the Military Intelligence Department. She raped a jailer, cooperated with the inside and outside, and escaped with the help of the jailer.

Secretary Qi has searched the whole city urgently, but has not been able to find her.

The fact that Noriko Nanyun was able to escape was due to the recent transfer of too many people from the Military Intelligence Department, including a lot of people from the Interrogation Department.

Originally thinking that there are not many prisoners now, it would be fine to transfer, but Kiko Nagumo took advantage of the loophole.

"Virgo, you are looking for me."

When Chu Lingyun came to the office, seeing his gloomy face, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Look at this first."

Chu Zuo handed the telegram to Chu Lingyun. After reading it, Chu Lingyun became shocked and ran away. The Japanese female spy escaped from the prison of the heavily guarded military intelligence department.

Simply unimaginable.

He understood why Virgo's complexion was so ugly, and there was anger in his heart at this moment.

The person who was finally caught, let her escape so easily.

"Virgo, since you ran away, it might not be easy to find him back."

Chu Lingyun said that Nanyun Noriko was very familiar with Nanjing, not to mention that someone helped her escape together, and after running all night, she was only discovered the next morning.

Such a long time is enough for her to make a lot of arrangements.

"I know, these trash, even a person can't stand it."

Virgo said bitterly, if it weren't for the wartime and the urgent shortage of manpower, he really wanted to execute all those jailers.

"Virgo, now is not the time to pursue this matter, I have also been negligent."

He was the one who arrested Nanyun Noriko. He knew that she was using a beauty trick, and it was indeed his mistake for not strictly exhorting her.

The main reason was that there was a big battle at that time, and Chu Lingyun was rushing to the battlefield, so there were fewer arrangements in the office.

"What does it have to do with you? It's because they don't live up to expectations."

Virgo snorted coldly, he felt a little regretful, he had executed Noriko Nagumo if he knew about it earlier, now running away has become a disgrace to their military intelligence department.

Things have already happened, it is useless to be angry, the most important thing right now is the great battle in Shanghai.

The situation is unfavorable, and many high-level officials, including Virgo, can't sleep at night. No one knows what the final result of this war will be.

Shanghai is so important, once it falls, it will do too much harm to the whole of China.

Especially Shanghai is so close to Nanjing, once Shanghai is gone,
Nanjing is equally dangerous.

If the capital also fell, the impact would be too great.

"Virgin, we have already spotted a spy radio station on our side."

Chu Lingyun took the opportunity to report the latest progress. This is good news. Let Virgo be happy first, and don't let him hold back his anger.

Sure enough, after hearing Chu Lingyun's report, a smile appeared on Virgo's face: "Fortunately, there are you, the spies are rampant, and you have sent so many spies. If you catch more spies, it will be the greatest support for the frontal battlefield."

It is really rare for Chu Lingyun to have such ability, winking, and non-competition subordinates.

If everyone here can be like Chu Lingyun, why not destroy the Japanese invaders?

Thinking of this, Virgo laughed again.

A person like Chu Lingyun may not be one in a million, let alone one in 10, but he greedily wants all of his subordinates to be like this. With so many elites under his command, I am afraid that the old man will not be able to sleep.

If that's the case, he will be finished sooner or later.

"All the lurking personnel are in place, and the distribution is very even. No matter where the enemy falls, they can carry out lurking work."

Zhu Qing led people to make arrangements, and the next step is to see the development of the battle.

Chu Lingyun knew that Shanghai was bound to fall, but he couldn't say such things. At this time, many people were still taking chances, thinking that they could mediate and restore the previous state.

Or keep the status quo, the Japanese do not occupy many places at this time.

It's a pity that it's all wishful thinking, forgetting the Japanese's greed for land and gambler's mind. The current situation is so beneficial to them, how can they give up, unless the powers of all countries send troops to help China.But that is simply impossible.

On the frontal battlefield, the battle is still going on fiercely.

Shui Zaobang has become a meat grinder, and the squadron is too densely arranged. With the support of Japanese machine guns and naval guns, the losses are huge.

The Sichuan Army, which arrived earlier, held on for seven days. The battalion commander and regiment commander suffered more than a dozen casualties, and the company platoon leader was close to 7000. They lost more than [-] soldiers.

almost be beaten.

The 26th Division also fought for seven days. Half of the four regiment commanders were killed, and thirteen of the fourteen battalion commanders were killed. Only one person was left unharmed. There were even more casualties below the platoon. The whole division had 5000 people, but only 600 people remained in the end, and most of them were injured. .

In a certain regiment's position, half of the battalion was destroyed in less than half a day, the battalion commander was killed, and a company that came to support was all killed within 10 minutes.

In this battle, many troops disappeared as an organization.Its tragedy is beyond imagination.

So much so that every time the battle damage was reported, the generals couldn't bear to read it, and only asked the people next to them to read it out. Every time a damage was read out, their bodies trembled.

It's too miserable, this battle shouldn't be fought like this, and it's completely refilled with human lives.

It may be good to fill in the victory, but there is no hope of winning at present.

At Tongbun Academy, Sansho Ouchi was very excited when he received the telegram from Yokoo Takano.

During this period of time, he had already received a lot of information about lurking personnel, but other information was not important, only this information was of the highest value, and all other information combined could not compare to this.

He immediately reported this information, and this information will become their Tongwen Academy's greatest contribution so far.

Loach has been following Ruan Shengyun's online for two days, and Staff Officer Hou cooperated very well. He didn't go home these two days because of his busy work.

"Team leader, something has happened." Telescope.

The new monitoring point, the subordinates quickly reported, and the loach immediately picked up the

Outside the house where the radio station was hidden, someone was looking around. After making sure that there was no one there, he came to the door of the room and began to knock on the door.

Another spy shows up.

"Keep an eye on him, find out where he lives and his identity, remember, rather than wake up."

Loach ordered, now that Ruan Shengyun's upline is being watched, none of these people can escape, so don't be in a hurry, the most important thing is to catch them all.

At the same time, Chu Lingyun received good news again.

"Section Chief, the preliminary results of the investigation have been obtained, more than 20 suspects have been found, and they have been pinned down."

Shen Hanwen came to report, he led the team to investigate these few days, he was only the deputy team leader in the department, He Xiangyang and Qiu Ruijie were both higher in rank than him.

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