spy shadow

Chapter 426 Promoted to Colonel

Niach didn't care about himself, he knew very well that as long as he kept up with the section chief, his rank would be promoted sooner or later.

But if the section chief is not promoted, there is no possibility of him being promoted.

"It's definitely possible. The section chief has been promoted to lieutenant colonel for a while. Afterwards, he has made great achievements in patrolling each station, caught so many spies, and added so much credit in Shanghai. The promotion to colonel is more than enough.

Shen Hanwen said with certainty that he, like Loach, very much hoped that Chu Lingyun could make further progress.

Chu Lingyun was not in the audience, but sat on the stage beside He Nian.

As the deputy chief of the operations department and the deputy chief of the inspection department, he has this qualification.

I don't know whether Virgo forgot or did it on purpose, until now he still hasn't dismissed his part-time job in the Supervision Section, which made Ning Wancai, the chief of the Supervision Section, very panicked.

He Nian and Xu Yi have a very high status in Virgo's heart. If Virgo wants to promote Chu Lingyun, it is inconvenient to grab the positions of these two, and the Supervision Section is obviously the most suitable place.

Chu Lingyun has become the chief of the inspection department, so where is he going?
Like his predecessor, he went to a big station to be the stationmaster, but the key is that the stationmasters of all major stations are now occupied, one carrot and one hole, and the stationmaster of any station is not comparable to him.

Beiping and Tianjin have fallen, and life is very hard now, and he is unwilling to let him go.

Shanghai is about to fall, and the rest are Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu and other stations.

The stationmaster of Wuhan station doesn't care about things, but Wang Yuemin, the deputy stationmaster, has long been eyeing him. Wang Yuemin has made so many contributions in Wuhan station, so it is impossible to give him the position of stationmaster.

As for the Guangzhou station, Xie Zhenyuan is an old fox, he has no confidence to fight against such a person.

"In view of the fact that we have made a lot of contributions this time and helped us achieve certain victories on the frontal battlefield, the chairman affirmed our achievements and gave us awards. Now I announce."

After the Virgo finished speaking, he looked towards the audience, and everyone looked at him eagerly, especially those who had made meritorious deeds recently.

They all hope that their names can appear, get promoted and get rich.

"Huang Yiwen and other 46 people were promoted to Second Lieutenant.

The seat read the names of a long list of people, including the operations department, the intelligence department and some other departments. This time, many people were promoted to officers, and Zhu Qing was the most excited. Among these people, many of them acted in the third group people.

The fourth group of operations has already been staffed by officers, but he has not yet.

After these people were promoted, only a few who didn't show up were still the top soldiers, and the number of officers in the three groups of his operations increased significantly.

There are also many people in the intelligence department, so many people have been promoted, and many people's palms are popular.

The second lieutenant was followed by the lieutenant, and Zhu Qing couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear again. Many people in his third action team were promoted. This time, he was right to follow Chu Lingyun. With so many promotions, he, as an officer, has done his duty.

After the lieutenant came the captain, and after the captain came the major.

Chu Yuan did meritorious deeds before, although Chu Lingyun did not lead him into hiding this time, and lost a lot of credit, but he was also promoted to major.

The three who followed Chu Lingyun to Nanjing first, Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan, all became majors.

If you still stay in Wuhan, this is simply impossible.

".In view of Zhao San's many meritorious service, this time, with the special approval of the chairman, he was rewarded and promoted to lieutenant colonel."

Niach was applauding, happy for Chu Yuan, but he didn't expect to hear his name next.

Hearing that he was promoted, Niach was dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that he could be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

The chief of the section is only a lieutenant colonel. He was promoted at this time? "Go up."

Shen Hanwen next to him was very envious. Seeing Nixiu in a daze, he hurriedly called him. Only one person was promoted to lieutenant colonel this time, and that was Nixiu.

Everyone looked at Loach, many with envy and jealousy.

Especially some people who look down on Niu. In terms of action ability, Niiu is not even as good as an ordinary team member. In terms of qualifications, he was born as a gangster and entered the Security Department. a general
through team members.

Such a person can actually become a lieutenant colonel.

If it weren't for Chu Lingyun's support, the lieutenant might be his final result.

Nixie quickly came to the stage, and the seat looked at him with a smile: "Good job, keep working hard, and make new achievements."

"Thank you for cultivating."

Niqiu's excited voice trembled a little. He was actually promoted this time, and he hadn't received any news before.

Virgo didn't pay much attention to Niach at first, and what Virgo valued most was Chu Lingyun, but he didn't think about taking Chu Lingyun under his command at first.

When Chu Lingyun was about to let Jiang Tengkong go, Chu Zuo even thought about getting rid of Niach to silence him, but fortunately he was persuaded by He Nian.

But as Chu Lingyun's position in his heart became more and more important later, he also had a more detailed understanding of the people around Chu Lingyun.

He found that Loach has many shortcomings, but this person is smart, capable of doing things, and has a strong talent in intelligence detection.

Including Chu Lingyun, many people made mistakes.

But Loach made the fewest mistakes, which is very rare. This is a person who is very self-aware and knows how to protect himself.

In some respects, Loach is somewhat similar to Virgo, knowing the current affairs, being devoted to the right person, and concentrating on doing things.

Gradually, Virgo also developed a liking for loach.

It can be said that among the three generals under Chu Lingyun's command, the one most admired by everyone is the loach.

What's wrong with the poor mobility? Doing intelligence work without rushing into battle, there are many people who want that kind of people. Their job is mainly to use their brains. As long as they can do things and know how to do things, they are better than many people.

Chu Lingyun can also be regarded as a discerning person, and he made full use of the strengths of the loach, while avoiding the shortcomings of the loach.

"Party-state cultivation."

Virgo smiled and said, after changing the military rank for Nixie, he took another picture
Pat him on the shoulder.

People before did not have such treatment.

"Yes, under the leadership of the section chief, I must make new achievements." Nixie replied loudly. Many people were shocked by his answer. Nixie has been promoted to lieutenant colonel, equal to Chu Lingyun.

When awarding the award, he even directly mentioned Chu Lingyun's name. Didn't he know that it was the virgin who conferred the title on him, not Chu Lingyun?
"very good."

Virgo is not only not dissatisfied at all, but even happier.

It's even better that Niqiu doesn't forget his roots, he never thought of taking Niqiu under his command, as long as Niqiu follows Chu Lingyun well.

Chu Lingyun is his man, so naturally Ni Qian is also his man.

This is the cleverness of Nixie. He understands his position, and by saying such words, he not only shows his loyalty to Chu Lingyun, but also won't make Virgo angry.

With the rank of lieutenant colonel, Niach stepped down from the stage in high spirits.

Shen Hanwen's eyes turned red with envy, but he understood that Niqiu had indeed made more contributions than him, and Niqiu was promoted less, and when he accumulated enough contributions, he would still be able to be promoted.

Next, he will work harder to catch up with the loach as soon as possible.

"Ling Yun, come here."

After awarding the title to Niach, Chu Zuo turned around and waved to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun was taken aback, he didn't expect that everyone would call him over.The general rewards are all read out, unless it is an award

Moreover, only the school ranks and lieutenant officers can be awarded titles by their own officers after they return home.He Nian is in the Operations Division, and Xu Yi is in the Intelligence Division.

Every time there is a large-scale award, there must be a celebration party for each subject afterwards. If there is no celebration party, it means that these awards have nothing to do with them.Chu Lingyun is already a lieutenant colonel, and was called over by the chief officer, does he really want to be promoted to colonel?

Many people secretly speculated in their hearts that Chu Lingyun is a colonel at such a young age, how will he be promoted in the future?

You know, Virgo is nothing more than a colonel now.

The Military Intelligence Department is a typical low-ranking unit with high authority, but it is a department-level unit, but it investigates and handles major and important cases, from generals to soldiers.
As long as they do something illegal, they have the right to take care of it.

Of course, a person with a high status must obtain the consent of the old man.

Even so, they still have great power, promoted to colonel, that is really the end.

However, with Chu Lingyun's merits, he is definitely enough to be promoted. If it wasn't for the fact that he was too junior and too young, he would have been promoted a long time ago if he was replaced by someone else, or if there was a gap of a few years.

".In view of Chu Lingyun's outstanding performance, with the special approval of the chairman, Chu Lingyun was awarded the fourth-class Baoding Medal."

Virgo took out a box, and he took out a bright and dazzling medal, and helped Chu Lingyun put it on himself.

"Thank you for cultivating."

Chu Lingyun stood up straight and saluted. Many people breathed a sigh of relief. It was fine if they were not promoted. The current Chu Lingyun has already put a lot of pressure on many people.
If you are promoted, the pressure will be even greater.

"It's your own effort, and you deserve it."

Virgo smiled and said, the answer to Chu Lingyun is different from that to Nixie, this is the attitude towards his confidant.

Chu Lingyun turned around and saluted everyone.

"and many more."

Seeing that Chu Lingyun was about to leave, Virgo stopped him again.

When Chu Lingyun turned around, many people were puzzled and looked at the stage.

". At the joint request of General Zhang, General Zhu, General Chen, and General Wen, with the approval of the chairman, Chu Lingyun was promoted to colonel. The commissioner personally said: I hope Colonel Chu Lingyun will take up the heavy responsibility and continue to fight against the Japanese invaders. The party-state has made new achievements.”

Virgo took out a new military rank and helped Chu Lingyun replace it with his own hands.Really promoted, everyone was shocked.

Not only awarded honors, but also promoted to colonel?
Chu Lingyun's promotion speed may be found in other places, but it is unique in the Military Intelligence Department. It has been less than two years since he joined the Military Intelligence Department.

It is unimaginable to be promoted from a second lieutenant to a colonel in such a short period of time.

"Thank you sir.

Chu Lingyun saluted again, and after he turned around and saluted the audience again, thunderous applause erupted immediately. Shen Hanwen patted the heaviest, his hands hurt, but he continued to pat again.

Especially Loach, he was deeply relieved.

Is that right? Even he has been promoted, so there is no reason for the section chief not to be promoted.

Upgrade, otherwise he will be really uncomfortable in the future.

He Nian looked at Chu Lingyun with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

This young man who was favored by him at the beginning and strongly requested to be brought here is not inferior to him now. Apart from his higher level than Chu Lingyun, he is really incomparable in other aspects.

In terms of the position in the heart of the seat, everyone knows, except Secretary Qi, who is next to Chu Lingyun.

Even if Secretary Qi can compare to Chu Lingyun, there are two things to say.

In terms of connections, let's see who Chu Lingyun is in contact with, the big bosses, this time the four military bigwigs invited him together, and you can see his relationship with the army.

In fact, it was also the case. Chu Lingyun made so many great achievements in a row. When the battle situation was unfavorable and few victories were won, what Chu Lingyun brought was all good news.

He didn't fight in person, but because of his intelligence, Chen Mutu stopped the Japanese army and won a big victory in a sneak attack, wiping out thousands of enemies.

His intelligence also helped the battle situation and reduced great losses.

Not to mention the arrest of Japanese spies. After arriving in Shanghai, the spies caught one after another.

After the chief reported his meritorious service, the chairman only wanted to make an exception and award the Baoding Medal.

After all, not just anyone can get the Baoding Medal, but Chu Lingyun does have this qualification, and he has done a good job.

After Chen Mutu, Wending and others heard about it, they immediately approached General Zhang and General Zhu. Both of them owed Chu Lingyun favors. Whether it was sulfonamide or intelligence, Chu Lingyun had helped them a lot.

The four of them proposed together, and even the old man had to consider their opinions.

Thinking that Chu Lingyun did perform well
Xiu, the most rare thing is that he didn't take the opportunity to make money this time, and still commented on providing sulfa. The soldiers saved by sulfa alone are a great merit.

After consideration, the old man decided to promote Chu Lingyun's military rank again.

In the military intelligence department, the colonel is very powerful, but in the eyes of the old man, the colonel is nothing more than a colonel. With so many generals, what is a colonel worth.

In this way, Chu Lingyun's military rank was successfully promoted to colonel, at the same level as Chu Zuo, Wang Yuemin and others, and he became the leader of the military intelligence department in terms of military rank.

Chu Lingyun returned to his seat, and this award was completely over.As for the rewards for Virgos, he didn't say here.

He was credited for forming the ranger, and Chu Lingyun had his share of the credits.

As for the military rank, Virgo didn't care that much. After all, they are still a department-level unit, and his military rank will naturally rise after expansion in the future.

There are many colonels in the Military Intelligence Department. If you care about this, he shouldn't do it.

"Han Wen, let me just say, the section chief will definitely be promoted."

Niach said excitedly, Shen Hanwen was also very excited, and kept nodding his head.

"Old Ning won't be able to sleep."

Xu Yi whispered something to He Nian, He Nian was a bit silly, this
What does it have to do with Lao Ning?
Ning Wancai was not in Shanghai, he stayed in Nanjing to assist Secretary Qi.

But very soon, probably in less than an hour, he would receive the news of today's award ceremony, and He Nianlu suddenly understood what Xu Yi meant.

He Nian is not stupid, he just didn't think about it just now.

Chu Lingyun was still the deputy section chief of the inspection department. He was promoted to colonel this time, so he was fully qualified to take over as the section chief. Yuan Shouwang's situation back then would probably fall on Ning Wancai.

Immediately, He Nian was furious and looked at Xu Yi who had already left.

What does Xu Yi mean, Lao Ning can't fall asleep, and he, Lao He, can fall asleep. Wouldn't it be better for Chu Lingyun to take over as the chief of the operations department?

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