spy shadow

Chapter 431 Sanctioning the Traitor

There are many people around Shenglan Hospital, so it is not easy to retreat.

Fortunately, it is in the concession, and the Japanese have very little control over it, making it easier to move.

There are advantages and disadvantages, for Chu Lingyun, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

At the bustling crossroads in the French Concession, Chu Lingyun came here with a loach in disguise, and the Shenglan Hospital was right next to it.

Niach went in to see a doctor on the grounds of a cold, while Chu Lingyun took the opportunity to observe the entire hospital.

Shenglan Hospital is a well-known hospital in the French Concession. Many people come here to see a doctor. In addition to the main entrance, the hospital also has a back entrance. The back entrance is not big and is often closed.

"Leader, I'm going to find a way to get the structure diagram of the hospital.

When taking the medicine, Loach whispered that with the structure diagram, it would be easier for them to move.

"Don't bother."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Now that he clearly knew the ward where Wu Shengcai was located, and had done a field investigation, he didn't need to investigate the structure of the hospital so clearly.

Wu Shengcai's injuries were not serious, and he might be discharged from the hospital at any time. The most important thing to do next is to punish him first and avenge his brother who died.

"Notify Chu Yuan and ask him to bring someone to the French Concession.

Leaving the hospital, Chu Lingyun ordered that the situation in the hospital was almost settled, the Japanese didn't pay much attention to Wu Sheng, and there were only two guards here.

After something like this happened, Wu Shengcai had no way out, and he wouldn't run away even if he had a chance.


In the afternoon, Chu Yuan arrived in the French Concession. Like Loach, he changed his name to Chu Lingyun as the team leader after the wartime intelligence team was formally established.

"This is the hospital structure diagram I drew. Wu Shengcai is in Ward 309 on the third floor of the Department of Surgery, which is the innermost ward. There are two Japanese soldiers guarding it. Take a few more people and kill Wu Shengcai tomorrow morning.

"Ni Qiang, you are in charge of receiving them. After Chu Yuan and the others succeed, you send them to the public concession, not to the city.

Chu Lingyun assigns tasks, the Japanese in the French Concession are indeed weak in control, but they are the same here.

It is very troublesome to be caught by the police after killing someone, but it is different in the public concession, not to mention impossible to be caught, even if caught, Chu Lingyun can still fish people out.


Chu Yuan and Ni Qiang took orders together.

Chu Yuan didn't deserve enough credit for being promoted to major this time. It was Chu Lingyun who helped him run the business, and the boss who helped him speak, and finally got promoted.

During the Shanghai War, many people were promoted due to meritorious service.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Chu Lingyun promoted Chu Yuan's military rank. Chu Yuan was younger than Chu Lingyun, the sooner he was promoted, the better it would be for his future development.

This mission gave Chu Yuan a chance to prove himself.

Even if the credit was not enough before, it will be enough if you make enough credit in the future.

It's the same, no one dares to gossip at that time.

Tongbun Academy and Ouchi Sanchang are holding a meeting.

Because Zhang Acheng is the deputy chief of the logistics department, he is eligible to attend the meeting.

"Everyone, there is good news. Konoe-sama has agreed to promote the academy to a university, and will personally report for us.

Ouchi Sanchang said happily that Tongwen Academy has been in operation for so many years and has always wanted to be promoted to a real university.

But because of their lack of students, they have not been able to do so.

After the start of the war, Tongwen Academy actively searched for information for the Japanese and sent people to lurk. Although they failed in the end, they did it after all and obtained some information.

After the war, Ouchi Sansho immediately applied again.

Prime Minister Konoe used to be the dean of the academy, and he valued the academy very much. This time he agreed to help them apply, which finally gave Ouchi Sansho hope.

"Dean, it's really good news, we have a lot of good news recently.

The vice president next to him applauded and laughed, it is good news to occupy Shanghai, and it is also good news that the empire is attacking Jiangyin and Suzhou, and they will be able to capture these two cities in a short time.

Occupying Jiangyin and opening up the Yangtze River waterway, their warships can directly reach Nanjing, threatening the capital of the Chinese.

The college is expected to be promoted to a university, which is the best news for them.

"That's right, everyone will continue to work hard in the future, our academy has a bright future.

Rong's history has provided the empire with a lot of important information. It is precisely because of our information that the warriors of the empire are now invincible and will definitely be able to occupy the entire China.

Ouchi Sanchang said with a smile that the greatest pride of the academy is the topographical maps of China drawn by generations of students who worked tirelessly.

When attacking Suzhou, the topographic maps they provided played a vital role.

The Japanese army used the map to attack by taking small paths and broke through the Chinese defense line. Even the Chinese themselves did not know that kind of path, but the Japanese knew it clearly.

For this reason, the Academy was awarded by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Zhang Acheng clapped his hands and agreed, but secretly hated him.

These hateful Japanese started planning decades ago, under the guise of traveling, they actually measured the land of China with their own feet.

The map they drew is naturally very clear about the road they have traveled by themselves.

It's a pity that no one discovered it before, but now the Japanese have a better understanding of China's terrain than many Chinese.

Everyone in Tongwen Academy deserves to die.

Ouchi Sanchang made the whole school work together to prepare the materials for upgrading the university. This time, the Prime Minister will personally help them apply, and the possibility of passing is very high.

After the Shanghai War, Konoe Takemo's reputation has improved a lot. Many people in Japan are optimistic about their young prime minister, believing that Konoe Takemo can lead Japan to glory.

After the meeting ended, Zhang Acheng wrote down the important content of today's meeting and quietly sent it to the dead mailbox.

Tongwen Academy attaches great importance to intelligence work. In addition to expanding the number of students and recruiting more Chinese students, they also need to send people from above to train their students as special agents.

They suffered a lot because they were unprofessional.

This time they attach great importance to the professional ability of the trainees. The trainees must at least reach a professional level, not to mention being comparable to those excellent agents.

In this way they can provide more useful intelligence to the empire.These are important situations that need to be reported.

After they recruit students, Zhang Acheng will get all the students' materials and report them to the team leader.

Zhang Acheng's relationship has also been transferred from the Operations Section to the Wartime Intelligence Team, which is under the direct control of Chu Lingyun.

His upline is Loach, and no one else knows that he is in Tongwen Academy.

It took more than half a year from the discovery of the spies in Tongwen Academy to Zhang Acheng's entry into Tongwen Academy. Now Zhang Acheng has gained a firm foothold in Tongwen Academy, and the previous arrangements have begun to pay off.

After Chu Yuan left, he didn't go back to rest.

He took people to the hospital to get acquainted with the environment, and he will do it tomorrow. Familiarizing with the environment in advance is conducive to the next action.

"Captain, in just one minute, we can finish off two Japanese soldiers and kill Wu Shengcai.

Talking to the team members beside Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

At present, Wu Shengcai's defense is not that strong. He is not an important figure in himself. If he is not valuable, the Japanese will not send someone to protect him.

He brought six people this time, six against three, and they were on the raid side, so it wasn't difficult to complete the mission.

The most important thing is to evacuate after completing the task. According to Chu Lingyun's instructions, they will leave through the back door. When they are in action, Niu will lead people to open the back door and drive the car to the door to wait for them.

There are too many people at the front gate, and once chaos is caused, it is easy to cause traffic jams.

The back door is a bit off, making it easier to escape.

The next morning, Chu Yuan got up early and wiped the pistol in his hand.

In fact, he prefers a long spear, but this time the task is to assassinate, and the long spear is not easy to carry, so he can only use a pistol.

To be on the safe side, each of the six people brought two pistols, four clips and two grenades.

Originally Chu Yuan asked to sew poison on his collar, but Chu Lingyun refused.

This is the French Concession, once it is
It is very troublesome to catch, but it is better than falling into the hands of the Japanese. Chu Lingyun has money, and if they have an accident, they can be thrown out with money.

"time to eat."

A Japanese soldier brought breakfast to Wu Shengcai, and Wu Shengcai lay on the bed nodding and bowing his thanks.

He is a dog, and he is his master. Even if it is an ordinary Japanese soldier, he dare not offend him.

Breakfast is very simple, steamed bread porridge pickles.

Japan also suffered a great loss in this war. The blood sucking has not been completed yet, and various supplies are in short supply. It is impossible to give Wu Sheng how good it is.

Wu Shengcai eats very well. He was shot in the leg. That shot was really dangerous. If he missed it a bit, he would become a eunuch.

After several days of treatment in the hospital, he is still unable to get out of bed and walk normally, but the injury has almost recovered, and he will be discharged from the hospital in two days and go back to recuperate.

Chu Yuan brought five team members to the hospital.

Five people went straight to the third floor, and one person stayed outside to watch. He had a whistle on his body, and different whistle sounds could give different reminders.

If there are a large number of Japanese patrolling alive, he will blow the most urgent whistle to remind Chu Yuan and them to evacuate immediately.

The two Japanese soldiers were chatting, and when they saw Chu Yuan and the others approaching quickly, they got up immediately.

Before they had time to ask, Chu Yuan and the others drew their pistols.

"Bang bang bang."

Three out of the five shot together, and the two Japanese soldiers were shot instantly, and blood spattered out of their bodies.

"Bang bang."

Chu Yuan refilled the gun again, and the three of them immediately changed their guns after firing the bullets, while the other two ran into the ward.

Wu Sheng had just had breakfast, and was taken aback when he heard the gunshots. He immediately understood that it was the Military Intelligence Department who came to sanction him.

After the betrayal, he thought that the people from the Military Intelligence Department would not let him go.

But he has no choice. In order to survive, he can only go to the dark one by one.

Wu Shengcai struggled to get up and came to the window.

This is the third floor. His leg was injured. Jumping down would definitely aggravate his injury.

But to stay is to die, Wu Shengcai was hesitating when the door was kicked open, and he saw two action members coming in.

Seeing Wu Shengcai in front of the window, the two immediately raised their guns.

Gritting his teeth, Wu Shengcai jumped down and let out a miserable howl as soon as he reached the ground. He jumped down from the third floor without any buffer. His leg broke directly and he could only crawl forward desperately.

Two team members chased to the window and shot Wu Shengcai below.

After the two-handed pistol was beaten, Wu Shengcai had a lot of blood holes on his body, and he lay on the ground without moving.

"Go, go down and have a look."

Chu Yuan went to the window, confirmed that Wu Sheng was shot, and immediately led everyone to evacuate.

Before leaving, they went to Wu Shengcai's side to make up a few more shots, took a quick photo and left.

Wu Shengcai was not dead when he was shot, he wanted to beg for mercy and live, but he was forced to help the Japanese.

Unfortunately, no one will listen to his explanation.

Even if he could explain it, he could not escape death in the end.


Ni Qian led people to open the back door, and two small trucks stopped at the door. When they saw Chu Yuan and others coming, they immediately waved to them.

The six people from Chu Yuan got into the car and immediately replaced the magazines to ensure that two pistols
All loaded.

The operations were successful, but they were not yet safe.

The gunfire just now caused chaos in the hospital. Many people ran around, some squatted in the corner, and some called the police station to call the police.

By the time the police arrived, NiQiu had brought Chu Yuan almost to the border of the French Concession.

They did not check in advance and needed to punch the card.

The people in the car set up two guns, one for each car.

The machine guns started sweeping before they reached the checkpoint, and the soldiers guarding the checkpoint immediately ran away, and the two vehicles rushed past smoothly and entered the public concession.

Arrived here, the loach loosened heavily

After Chu Lingyun said hello, no one made things difficult for them here, so Nixiu drove the car into a courtyard and quickly left with Chu Yuan and others.

There are several safe houses here, and they will first enter a safe house to wait for Chu Lingyun's order.

"Did you make it?"

After confirming that it was safe, Niach asked immediately, Chu Yuanyuan nodded, took out the camera, took out the film, and let Niach find a way to develop it.

The photo will be handed over to Nanjing, and Virgo is waiting for this photo.

With the photos, we can let those Han female cadres know that taking refuge in the Japanese does not mean that they can sit back and relax. As long as you dare to help the evildoers, you will also be sanctioned.


In the office, Hasegawa stood up immediately after receiving the call.

Wu Shengcai died and was killed in the hospital.

The two Japanese soldiers who were protecting him were killed before they even had time to fire.

Hasegawa rushed to the hospital angrily. He didn't care about Wu Shengcai's life or death, but Wu Shengcai was killed by the Chinese just as soon as he showed some usefulness, which was tantamount to slapping him in the face.

"Team leader, the murderer was very decisive. He shot immediately after rushing in. Wu Sheng jumped off the building when he heard the gunshot, but he still couldn't escape.

After the members of the intelligence team inspected the scene, they reported immediately.Both Japanese soldiers were shot multiple times and died on the spot.

The worst one was Wu Shengcai, who was shot more than a dozen times. It can be seen from the supplementary shots that the Chinese did not leave immediately after the murder, but came back to confirm Wu Shengcai's death.

The Chinese are bound to get rid of Wu Shengcai, otherwise they won't come here to fill up the guns.


Hasegawa cursed angrily, and asked again: "Did the police in the French Concession catch anyone?"

In fact, he knew very well that the other party was prepared, and it was impossible not to escape. He asked only in the last hope.

The subordinate shook his head: "No, they left the French Concession, and they used machine guns when punching the card, but they didn't hurt anyone, probably because they didn't want to offend the French too much.

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