spy shadow

Chapter 437: Folk Hero

Chapter 437: Folk Hero
"I know it's not easy for the comrades in the guerrillas. Return the money to them, and take the other money to them."

Secretary Wang not only confiscated the money, but also handed over [-] oceans to Lao Hu.

Five hundred oceans is a lot, but for so many comrades in the Rangers, it is not enough at all.

In the Rangers, there were students from the Youth Gang, students from Whampoa, and officers from various walks of life.

The Red Party members in the Rangers often did not receive their food and salaries, or were deducted.

But for the sake of resisting the Japanese, they put up with it. Even if it was not enough, the higher-ups would still give them some points. If they didn't give anything, there was no need for them to stay in the Rangers.

Their purpose is to fight the Japanese and overcome the difficulties themselves.

Five hundred oceans is not much, and it may solve their urgent needs.

"Secretary Wang, what is this?"

Lao Hu was shocked, and Secretary Wang shook his head slightly: "Don't ask so much, just take it away, but the lesson of this time must be learned."


Old Hu took the order and asked again: "The deputy inspector Ma Zhanlou who arrested two of our comrades yesterday was assassinated. Was it us who did it?"

Killing a police officer is no small matter, and if they believe it was done by the Red Party, it will only lead to crazy revenge.

At that time, their living environment in the concession will become more difficult.

"Did the policeman die? It wasn't our people who did it."

Secretary Wang was a little surprised. He was in the French Concession and didn't know what happened in the public concession.

"It's fine if it's not, Secretary Wang, tell the other comrades in the International Settlement to be careful recently, I'll go back first."

Lao Hu was relieved, he must not be caught by the police at this time.

But he was still worried that the police would suspect that they did it, after all they had just been beaten by Ma Zhanlou.

Twelve hundred oceans is enough to buy ten lives in Shanghai.

After Lao Hu left, Secretary Wang himself was meditating.

They were blackmailed before, and Ma Zhanlou was assassinated later. He didn't order anyone to do such a thing, but there is still a mysterious Hurricane No. 1 in Shanghai.

He also knew the situation of the two comrades and sent money.

Will it be him?

Secretary Wang didn't know that Cyclonus No. 1 belonged directly to his hometown, not Shanghai. Only Lao Zheng had seen this person, and the others didn't know anything about Cyclonus No. 1 at all.

After thinking about it, Secretary Wang decided to ask his hometown.

Last time, Mr. Ke only told him to keep it secret, without explaining to him, whether it was Miss Qiu or Cyclonus No. 1, even his hometown couldn't contact them proactively.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong received an inquiry message from Shanghai.

The patrol was killed, and Secretary Wang suspected that Cyclonus No. 1 did it.

Is this possible?

If Cyclonus No. 1 is jealous, it is indeed possible. He doesn't know much about Cyclonus No. 1, but if it is Miss Qiu, he will definitely not do this.

Ms. Qiu is courageous and resourceful, she is a trump card agent, and she will not kill people just because she is blackmailed.

Ke Gong guessed wrong again, it was really Chu Lingyun who did it.

But even if someone is killed, the patrol room will not suspect the Red Party, because the patrol room does not know that the two people arrested before are the Red Party.

Ma Zhanlou did these things secretly.

What's more, Ma Zhanlou has done many bad things and has many enemies. In just these two days, he blackmailed three more people.

Many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death. Ma Zhanlou has so many enemies, how can he be sure that the red party did it?
More importantly, Ma Zhanlou will soon be useless, and Ran Wu will take over for him, and then play down the impact of this matter. If not, Chu Lingyun would not kill people at this time.

Mr. Ke didn't know about Chu Lingyun's influence on the patrol room in the public concession, so he decided that it was impossible for Ms. Qiu to do such a thing.

Several people were surrounding Ran Wu in the patrol room and office on Xinzha Road.

"Fifth brother, congratulations."

"Fifth brother, the Chief Inspector came to announce the appointment in person, it's your face."

"Fifth brother, do you smoke?"

Ran Wu was surrounded by flatterers, and Tong Jiaxian even took out a cigarette and handed it to Ran Wu with a flattering smile.

But he forgot that Ran Wu didn't smoke, and he had never given Ran Wu a good look before.

When Ma Zhanlou was there, relying on Ma Zhanlou's relationship, Tong Jiaxian was very arrogant. Now that the backstage has collapsed, Ran Wu was promoted by the Chief Inspector to be the Deputy Inspector, and immediately joined him with pride.

He's just a little man, really a little man.

"I don't smoke."

Ran Wu shook his head, he knew about the promotion in advance, there was no accident.

There is nothing the boss can't do that he wants to do.

The deputy inspector is just the beginning, the inspector, the deputy chief inspector, and even the chief inspector, as long as their bosses are willing, they can put him up.

After taking over as deputy inspector, his task is to completely downplay Ma Zhanlou.

In this way, Ma Zhanlou's death will become a headless case, and gradually no one will care about it.

And Ran Wu's sudden promotion this time made everyone understand that Ran Wu's background is very strong.

The chief inspector came to appoint him personally, and the wise man immediately knew who Ran Wu's backer was.

Boss Gao was very concerned about Liu Chengzhu's hint.

After picking up the goods, he immediately came to his brother and told him the situation.

Gao Songjie knew Liu Chengzhu's energy very well, he was someone who could talk to Thomas directly, not to mention that the general manager of Liu Chengzhu's company was Thomas' niece.

He has always attached great importance to Liu Chengzhu, and this time he helped them make money again, and immediately promoted Ran Wu.

As long as Liu Chengzhu is willing, he can make Ran Wu the inspector in a short time.

"Let's get busy first, I'll treat everyone to a drink tonight."

Ran Wu beckoned and drove away the people around him. It was Liu Chengzhu's order to invite all colleagues to drink.

According to his temperament, he would be promoted if he was promoted, and he would not do it if he said anything. He could not understand these cunning and treacherous patrols.

However, the patrol room is still a bit of an honest person with a good conscience. This kind of person can be important in the future and help him do more things.

None of these people came just now.

"Thank you fifth brother."

Several people left happily. Ran Wu didn't come here for a long time, and he didn't have a confidant. If he took refuge earlier, he might be able to embrace this thigh and have a better development in the future.

"Ring bell bell."

The phone on the desk rang and someone answered it.

"What, the head is gone? There are still words left at the scene?"

The voice of the person who answered the phone suddenly became louder, and everyone looked at him.

"Fifth Brother, someone called the police. There was a murder case on Lotus Road. Two Japanese businessmen were beheaded and died at home."

Now the deputy inspector is Ran Wu, and his subordinates will naturally report to Ran Wu.

The inspector has his own separate office, and the inspector does not intervene in ordinary cases, but this kind of murder needs to be directed by the inspector himself.

"Go and inform Inspector Chen, we'll go there first."

Ran Wu got up immediately, the dead were Japanese, he was only happy, but he was on patrol now, so he had to do what he was supposed to do.

The lotus road is not far from the police house, and all the policemen rode bicycles and arrived there in 10 minutes.

There were many people at the scene, pointing at the house.

The policeman drove the man out, and Ran Wu went straight into the room.

This is a building, and the accident occurred on the second floor of the house. The house is not small, and the interior is well decorated.

Two men, one was lying on the ground and the other was lying on the bed. Their heads were all gone. The scene was bloody, with blood splattered everywhere.

It can be seen from the bloodstains that they were directly beheaded when they were alive.

"Fifth brother, look here."

A policeman pointed to the wall next to the door, on which there were several rows of large characters written in blood.

"It is everyone's responsibility to defend the land and fight against the Japanese. After investigation, the two are Japanese spies. They are hereby punished and killed, Rogue Yasen."

Ran Wu was excited, but his expression didn't change.

The rogue Yasen did a good job, unexpectedly he found out the Japanese spies and killed them both.

"Fifth brother."

The rest of the patrols searched the room and soon found two southern pistols and grenades.

"Keep searching and see if there is anything else."

Ran Wu ordered that more than a dozen policemen immediately carried out a carpet search of the house, and searched everything in a short while.

"Look at this."

A policeman found a box, opened it, and found several items from last year, as well as several photos.

In the photo is a young man, wearing a Japanese military uniform, with the Japanese military flag behind him, smiling brightly.

Without the head, it is currently impossible to determine whether the photo is a victim, but with the photo, it is not difficult to find out the identity of the person in the photo.

"Inspector, you are here."

A man in his 30s came in outside, holding his nose and looking inside.

"Ran Wu, what's the situation now?"

He is Chen Zhongshu, the inspector of the second patrol of Xinzha Road, and Ran Wu's boss.

"According to the message on the wall, it was a Japanese spy who died. So far they only found the pistol, the grenade and these few photos. It is not yet possible to confirm whether the message is true."

Ran Wu quickly replied, in fact, he had already approved the message in his heart, and the dead must be Japanese, and they were Japanese agents, whose identities were discovered by the rogue.

Being able to control the two agents and behead them alive, Ran Wu admired this grand thief very much.

"Since they are Japanese, tell them to come to identify him. Are there any other clues?"

Chen Zhongshu was still covering his nose. The smell of blood was too strong, and there was a big puddle of blood on the ground. He didn't want to come in, so he stood at the door and asked.

"Not yet, not even a single footprint has been found, the other party is a veteran."

After all, after working in the police station for several months, Ran Wu has handled many cases and knows what to pay attention to.

"If you don't, close the team and talk about it when you go back."

Chen Zhongshu shook his head. He saw the writing on the wall. With such writing, this case is not easy to handle.

Fortunately, it was the Japanese who died, and he didn't care no matter how many Japanese died.

Let the Japanese come to identify the corpse later. As for the investigation, Chen Zhongshu has no interest.

Such a case is not luscious, but dangerous, and he will not pay attention at all.


Ran Wu responded, took the body back to the police room, and asked a policeman to notify the Japanese to identify the body, and ignored the matter.

Before inviting everyone to drink in the evening, he found an opportunity to report on the incident.

"Rogue Arsen?"

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun thought about everything.

There is a French thief named Yasen, Yasen Luoping, who is the protagonist of the novel. He has been filmed in a movie, and the later generation Chu Lingyun has watched it, so he knows this person.

Yasen is obviously not a Chinese name. It is likely to be a folk anti-Japanese hero who likes this grand thief, so he came up with such a name.

I don't know if that novel has been translated into Chinese. If not, this person probably knows French and has a high level of education.

However, he can find out the identities of their agents, subdue the two spies alive, and chop off their heads. This rogue Yasen has two skills.

As for the photos, the public concession is not the territory of the Chinese. As long as the Japanese do not commit too serious crimes, they are fine. In the concession and the Japanese own territory, it is normal for them to carry photos.

"Pay attention to this matter and report any situation at any time."

Chu Lingyun sent back a telegram, and Liu Chengzhu conveyed the order to Ran Wu the next day.

Two days later, Cheng Yizhou finally made a move. The opponent's defense was obviously stronger than before. He sent more people out at the same time, and finally killed all three of them.

Three more died, and the concession was once again full of chicken feathers.

The Japanese were even more furious. Recently, those traitors have all kept a low profile a lot, for fear that they will be the next one to be sanctioned.

But when things happened in the concession, they had no choice but to keep putting pressure on the concession.

The high-level officials in Britain, France and the United States don’t care about these Japanese. If you don’t want your own people to have accidents, just pick them up and don’t stay in the concession.

These foreigners were also angry, fighting on my territory, causing me no peace, and dare to question my Xingshi?

"So many photos, when will I see them?"

Nanshi, Zhang Yile closed his eyes in pain.

He was originally from the third intelligence team, and he and Wu Shengcai were assigned to a ten-member latent team. After Wu Shengcai was arrested, he led people to arrest them.

He failed to resist the punishment and eventually surrendered.

Wu Shengcai's death made them worry for several days, but fortunately, it was all right. After the ban was lifted, the Japanese brought a large number of identity files and asked them to find someone.

After searching for several days, I did not see a familiar person.

Liao Wu's injury has healed, and he was flipping through the photos, but he secretly put one photo at the bottom.

He recognized it. This was a colleague of the second operation group. If he reported it to the Japanese, he would be rewarded with a gold bar.

He didn't care much about gold bars. The reason why he surrendered was that he couldn't bear the pain of the electric chair, and with Wu Shengcai's persuasion, he finally compromised.

But he was unwilling to do things for the Japanese in his heart. Fortunately, Wu Shengcai was not around. If Wu Shengcai saw this photo, that colleague might be doomed.

"Stop complaining, keep watching, it's best to find one, or the Japanese won't let us go."

Another person sighed. When the Japanese sent these photos, they said that if no one could be found, everyone would be punished.

Hasegawa didn't believe that there were no members of the Military Intelligence Service in these photos.

There are a number of photos. If they compare the photos and find that the number is wrong, they will not only be punished, but also interrogated. Therefore, Liao Wu did not dare to destroy the photos, but just hid them under the photos that have been seen.

"There is."

Zhang Yile's eyes lit up, he picked up a photo, and kept flipping through it, getting happier the more he looked at it.

He finally found one, he didn't have to be fined, and he was rewarded with gold bars. His luck was good today.

 The first change, thanks to the book friend 20220313161636348 for the 100 starting point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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