spy shadow

Chapter 446 let them go

The gold bars were not here. After Niqiu left, Chu Lingyun asked someone to build a temporary interrogation room.

Captured eight Japanese agents alive, including Hasegawa, the intelligence team leader of Shanghai Super High School.

Eight people interrogated at the same time, and Chu Lingyun personally interrogated Hasegawa.

The warehouse is not small, but it is impossible to completely separate the eight people so that they cannot hear other people's voices. Their mouths were gagged from the beginning of the torture.

With limited tools and not much time, all eight of them started from the brazier.

The brazier is easy to make, and eight of them can be made at one time.

And the pain of the brazier is far better than the whip.

"woo woo woo woo."

When he was about to press the foot of a Japanese agent for the seventh time, the agent finally couldn't hold back and kept nodding his head.

"Team leader, someone has recruited."

Shen Hanwen quickly came to report, Hasegawa was still supporting, but his heart sank when he heard such words.

He is very aware of the pain of the brazier. These Chinese people are too bad. The brazier seems simple, but the pain it brings is far better than that of a soldering iron.

The first time was okay, the burning of the red charcoal on both feet was just a sharp pain.

It can be performed with the brazier again and again, each time the original pain is increased, and the soles of the feet are sensitive parts of the human body, and the pain caused exceeds other parts of the body.

The ten fingers connect to the heart, and the toes are the same.

These Chinese even burned their toes on purpose. Hasegawa was so sweaty that he was almost unable to support himself, let alone other people.

"very good."

Chu Lingyun glanced at Hasegawa, got up and left.

The first Japanese agent to confess was Saito Kanhiro, who was originally from the Shanghai Special High School. After Hasegawa arrived, he quickly moved closer and was taken by Hasegawa's side.

All Japanese agents can speak Chinese, and many of them speak Chinese very well, so there is no problem in communicating.

According to his confession, the special high school has arrested or accepted more than a dozen Chinese people. He only knows the approximate number and has not seen all the Chinese people who were arrested.

Among those captured, there were ten agents belonging to the Military Intelligence Department. In addition to Wu Shengcai, there were four members of the Shanghai Station Intelligence Team.

The other three belonged to the Party Affairs Investigation Office, and he didn't know how many others were left. He only knew that after some people were captured, Mitsui Aki, the head of the special high school, sent Hasegawa to screen them, and selected a few more people.

After Wu Shengcai and the others were arrested, they did all confess.

But Liao Wu was the latest one, and he was punished for the longest time, and Liao Wu suffered the most serious injuries. It was not until the electric chair that Liao Wu couldn't hold on, and he was persuaded by Wu Shengcai.

Zhu Qing also drove here, and when he heard his confession, the circles of his eyes turned red again.

Liao Wu is not bad, he actually supported the electric chair, his final confession is indeed justifiable.

All the other colleagues who were arrested together were recruited, and he was the only one left. It doesn't make any sense to talk about it. When the pain can no longer be endured, it is absolutely excusable to confess.

Among all the people who were arrested, Hasegawa actually valued Liao Wu the most.

He believed that completely surrendering such a person would bring more rewards in the future. Hasegawa specially brought the five of them in this operation, just to make them irreversible.

Before, Hasegawa never expected to meet Zhu Qing today.

Not to mention that Liao Wu suddenly betrayed and killed other people, Zhu Qing was on guard again.

Stealing chickens without losing money is probably the best portrayal of Hasegawa.

At this time, Zhu Qing finally knew that the reason why Shen Hanwen could appear in time was because Niqian had detected the whereabouts of Hasegawa and the others before, and tracked them all the way here.

Inside the Military Intelligence Department, loach has always been very controversial.

Chu Lingyun was young, graduated from a military academy, and made countless contributions. Everyone was convinced of his promotion. The cases that Chu Lingyun did were really beautiful, leaving people speechless.

But Nixiu is a little bastard who has never been to a military academy. He used to be a member of the security department, but he just flattered and helped Chu Lingyun earn money. high.

In addition, Niqiu usually has no airs, and can talk to anyone, and has friends from all walks of life.

Many people looked down on him and regarded him as a courtier beside Chu Lingyun. He was promoted so quickly only by flattering him.

But Zhu Qing was different. Before that, his third and fourth teams worked on the first floor, so he knew a lot about the fourth team.

Loach is indeed very good at sycophancy, but his own ability is not bad at all.

In many cases, loach actually played a key role.

Especially this time, Loach found two suspicious points in advance, stared at each other, and discovered Hasegawa's appearance by tracking from a distance.

After that, I personally went to investigate and traced Hasegawa and others.

This is Loach's own ability, he can always find things that others can't find.

Loach was able to be promoted, definitely not because of flattery.

If he had no ability, Chu Lingyun would not have promoted him in this way.

As for Loach's ability to move, it was indeed appalling, but in the Operations Department, the most indispensable thing was a master of action. On the contrary, there were not many people who could investigate cases like Loach.

If possible, Zhu Qing is willing to exchange five masters of action for a person like Nixie.

No, he would like all ten.

"Send a report to headquarters immediately."

Chu Lingyun ordered that Niqiu had found the location, and now he confirmed it through the captured agent, and found out that the person locked up there was a colleague from the Shanghai Station.

The Shanghai Station had never told them that any intelligence personnel had been arrested.

This is very important and needs to be reminded in time.

Chu Lingyun would not send a report directly to Chen Shu, so as to save Chen Shu from thinking too much.

Just send a report to the headquarters and let the headquarters remind you.

In Wuhan, Secretary Qi quickly came to the offices of everyone with the telegram sent by Chu Lingyun.

Just now, he had come here once to report about Liao Wu.

Knowing that some of the captured agents had surrendered falsely, turned against the water at a critical moment, killed the real traitor, and was beaten to death by the Japanese himself, Virgo was very moved.

In the telegram, Chu Lingyun specifically requested that Liao Wu be revoked as a traitor, correct his identity as a traitor, and regard Liao Wu as a hero, and release his family.

Virgos all agreed, and immediately notified the local government to release them.

He was going to report Liao Wu's matter to the old man, ask for credit for Liao Wu, and carry out publicity. If there were more people like Liao Wu, the Japanese's trust in the traitors who surrendered to them would be greatly reduced.

Before Virgo left the house, Chu Lingyun's second telegram arrived.

"What did Chen Shu do? He lost four people and didn't report it?"

After reading the telegram, Virgo flew into a rage. Secretary Qi lowered his head and said nothing. Four agents were arrested.

They will wait for their own rescue or sanction before reporting this matter.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that you don't have to worry about the higher authorities imposing sanctions within a time limit, and they won't be punished so harshly.

Six members of Chu Lingyun's wartime intelligence team were arrested, and everyone knew about it.

The main reason was that it was still during the Great War in Shanghai, and the intelligence team was by Zuo Zuo's side, and everyone knew what happened.

"Send a report to Chen Shu and ask him to act immediately. If he is late, he will be transferred."

Virgo knew that now was not the time to pursue responsibility, and Chu Lingyun actually caught eight Japanese agents in the concession, including the big fish Hasegawa.

Since the start of the war, whether it is Shanghai or Nanjing, they have retreated steadily. This is the biggest achievement and the best harvest of their intelligence department.

"In addition, send a report to Chu Lingyun, Zhang Yile's crime is unforgivable, and he will be executed on the spot in the most severe way. After the execution, take a photo and publish it in the newspaper, so that those traitors can see the fate of their kind."

Virgo snorted again. When Chu Lingyun sent the report, he also reported Zhang Yile's situation, and the Japanese confession confirmed Liao Wu's performance.

People like Liao Wu are rare and need publicity, while Zhang Yile is a negative example and also needs publicity.

On Chu Lingyun's side, good news kept coming.

After the first confession, several Japanese agents confessed in a row, and Hasegawa was the fourth person to confess.

It doesn't make much sense whether the remaining people are recruited or not. Chu Lingyun already knows everything he wants to know.

Especially Hasegawa's confession.

A total of 16 people were arrested in the special high class, ten from the Military Intelligence Division, three from the Party Affairs Investigation Division, and the other three were from the military.

All three members of the party affairs investigation surrendered, and Hasegawa led them to destroy another stronghold of the party affairs investigation office. There were not many people in that stronghold, only two people.

One of the two was killed and the other escaped.

To be able to escape under the siege of the Japanese is also a talent.

Because of this incident, the three were not detained, and are currently leading other people to search the city for potential agents of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

Like the Military Intelligence Division, after the fall of Shanghai and Nanjing, the Party Affairs Investigation Division also deployed a lot of latent personnel.

Because of the special status of the other three in the army, Mitsui Amu finally ordered Hasegawa to release them after the three surrendered and wrote a letter of allegiance, lurking in the army as his own traitors.

Hasegawa confessed, and the three of them were completely useless.

"Team leader, gold bars."

When Loach came back, Chu Lingyun gathered all eight Japanese spies together, and the four who confessed were untied and brought to Chu Lingyun.

"I'm very happy. You are very knowledgeable about current affairs, especially Hasegawa. He performed the best. He was the first to confess. These twenty gold bars are his reward."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Chu Lingyun wanted the gold bars for Hase Chuan, and Hase Chuan was not the first to confess, but the last one.

Loach immediately opened the box containing the gold bars for everyone to see, including the four people who did not confess.

"You write the letter of loyalty, I will let you go back, arrange a liaison officer for you, and provide valuable information in the future, your rewards will never be less."

After taking out the gold bars, Chu Lingyun said something that shocked everyone.


Zhu Qing hurriedly said that these people are just confessing, and it is not certain that they are really willing to help him. Before there is enough evidence and certainty, they cannot be released.

What's more, there was a lot of noise in the fierce battle yesterday, and it is impossible for the Japanese not to know about it.

There's no point in putting them back like this.

"We'll talk about it later."

Chu Lingyun shook his head at Zhu Qing, Zhu Qing swallowed back the words he wanted to persuade.

He knew Chu Lingyun well. Although Chu Lingyun was much younger than himself, he was very assertive. Now that it was a public place, even if he didn't understand it, he couldn't refute Chu Lingyun's decision in public.

"Are you really going to let me go?"

Hasegawa was shocked, he finally saw Chu Lingyun himself, but he didn't expect that the other party would let him go.

This will make his heart pounding.

He made a confession, but making a confession does not mean he will survive, but he will suffer less. He knows his identity very well, and the Chinese cannot spare him.

Now he sees the hope of living.

No one wants to die, and he is no exception.

"That's right, but you have to understand that if I let you go, I can kill you."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and suddenly waved his hands. Shen Hanwen immediately came behind a Japanese agent who was tied up next to him.

The sharp dagger quickly cut the Japanese agent's throat, and blood continued to splash out.

After a while, the Japanese agent tilted his head and died completely.

Killing chickens to make an example to monkeys made Hasegawa feel cold.

"I will release all four of you. When you go back, you can think of a reason for yourself. Then Hasegawa is the team leader. The three of you must follow his orders and provide us with information."

Chu Lingyun continued, the three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and nodded together.

They were all Hasegawa's confidantes brought from the Northeast. Their master surrendered, and they had no psychological burden to surrender. They all wrote a letter of loyalty in public.

Chu Lingyun asked Nixiu to take them down, and Zhu Qing immediately leaned over.

"Come out and say."

Chu Lingyun took Zhu Qing to a place where no one was outside.

"Are you trying to say that they shouldn't be let go, they won't really do things for us?"

Before Zhu Qing could speak, Chu Lingyun asked first.

"That's right, team leader, as long as they go back, they will definitely rebel."

"That's because you don't know Mitsui Amu."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly, and continued: "They won't do things for us sincerely, but they will never dare to go back and admit that they were arrested. They will find ways to fabricate reasons to deceive Mitsui Amu."

Zhu Qing was puzzled: "Since they won't help us, why let them go?"

"They can help us, but not in terms of intelligence."

Chu Lingyun smiled again, and after capturing Hasegawa, a plan was born in Chu Lingyun's heart, a plan for Japanese special high school.

The super-high class is their biggest enemy at present. Mitsui Amu, the class leader, is very capable, and the two insiders he assigned to the super-high class can't play much role now.

If you want to reduce the persecution of them in the special high school, you must find a way to get rid of Mitsui Amu.

Before, Chu Lingyun didn't have a good solution, except for assassination.

But it is not so easy to assassinate Mitsui Amu, besides, Mitsui Amu lives in a shallow place, they have no such opportunity at all.

The appearance of Hasegawa, Mitsui Aki's number one henchman, gave him this opportunity.

"Not in terms of intelligence?"

Zhu Qing was very confused, Chu Lingyun shook his head again: "I will explain to you later, don't worry now."

In the plan to use Hasegawa, catfish or roses will be used, their existence is top secret, even if Zhu Qing is his deputy, without the consent of the chief, they cannot be disclosed.

Yesterday's guarantee is the second update, and today's update hasn't been updated yet.

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