spy shadow

Chapter 449

Unbeknownst to Chu Lingyun, the code names he gave to the two Americans were the same as Lin Shi's.

"Team leader, Ishizawa Koyasu has recruited."

Two days later, some of the remaining three Japanese agents finally couldn't bear the torment of the punishment and chose to confess.

"Very well, let him sign the pledge and write a letter of allegiance. I will see him tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun nodded with a smile. Niachan is very good at punishing people. For the past two days, he has been torturing the remaining three Japanese agents who have not confessed. Finally, someone couldn't hold on.

With someone who confesses, his first step plan will be more complete.

In fact, no one can confess, but the effect is not as good as someone confessing.


Loach took the lead, and the letter of allegiance, signature, painting, and photo are very simple. With these things, it is the ironclad evidence that he has taken refuge in the Chinese.

In the extra-high class, the review of the four Hasegawas is over.

It hasn't been long, but everything that needs to be checked has been verified.

They were indeed captured by the Chinese in the afternoon, and they were sent to a warehouse where they were punished.

Because it is not a torture room, the torture tools in the warehouse are limited, and there is only one basic whip.

And it is a simple rope whip made of rope.

The effect of this kind of whip is far inferior to the barbed whip in the torture room.

The Chinese don't use whips, they directly use iron basins filled with fiery charcoal instead of irons for torture. Chinese people burn their feet and feel more pain.

The people sent by Mitsui Amu found the warehouse and found the iron basins used for torture. These things were discarded there by the Chinese.

The iron basin is not important, it just proves that Hasegawa and the others have been punished.

According to Hasegawa's confession, the Chinese did not continue to torture, mainly because the damage caused by the fire was also great, and they would not be able to support them if they continued, and even died.

If the entire pair of feet were cooked, the person would probably be gone.

During dinner, they stopped interrogating them and locked them together.

Perhaps the Chinese believed that their feet were severely burned and they would not be able to escape, so they were simply tied up.

Soon, Hasegawa and the others broke free from the rope when no one was around.

The rope left in the warehouse attests to this.

Only one person was left to guard, and the rest went to eat. They knocked the person unconscious. According to the description of the four, there were indeed traces of someone lying down at the scene, but it was not so clear.

This is understandable. They knocked out people but did not kill them. Whether the knocked out people wake up by themselves or are rescued by other Chinese, they will definitely get up in the end and make the traces on the ground irregular.

This trace was left by Hasegawa himself, and he knew that someone would come here to investigate.

After that, there are messy footprints on the wall. There are many footprints, very messy. It is hard to see how many people there are, but bloodstains can be found in them. They extracted these bloodstains, and after blood type identification, they did match Hasegawa and the others.

It has been less than ten years since the blood types were distinguished, but the Japanese are very obsessed with blood types, and often use blood types for identification on various occasions.

Hasegawa and the others ran out of four people, and all their blood types were found at the scene. It is very likely that they crawled out of the wall, and this conclusion can be established.

After they escaped, they robbed a car. Since the warehouse was relatively remote, no witnesses were found, but the owner of the car did call the police, and it was indeed parked there. stole.

Driving without a key is not difficult for an agent.

In the special high class, the four people were interrogated strictly, including Hasegawa.

The descriptions of the four people are the same, there is no major difference, and some small details are different, but they do not affect the verification of the entire incident. In the end, the person in charge of the review concluded that they were telling the truth and not lying.

The audit results soon reached Mitsui Amu's hands.

Seeing this result, he felt a little relaxed, but at the same time a little complicated.

Hasegawa is his absolute confidant, he naturally doesn't want any accidents, but Hasegawa, who was captured by the Chinese, has become a daughter-in-law who was dragged away by others in his heart.

Who knows if the daughter-in-law has been touched by others.

According to the result of the audit, it was not, but even so, Mitsui Amu was also very upset.

It's just that Hasegawa is still inseparable from the Shanghai Super High School, so he can only use it first, and carefully observe if there is any abnormality in the future.


"Team leader, there is news from the bridal sedan chair that their review has passed."

Two days later, Niqi came to give a report. The sedan chair was Hasegawa's code name, and it was made by Chen Lingyun.

Such a code name seems very elegant, but the real meaning is that each person's sedan chair can only be used once, and the fate of Hasegawa is also the same, Chu Lingyun only uses him once.

When his function is exhausted, it is time to be abandoned.

"The efficiency of the Japanese is quite fast."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, now that Hasegawa's review is over, he can proceed with his plan. The three Japanese soldiers stopped the interrogation and made preparations.

It is not necessary for all three to surrender, one is enough.

Ishizawa Koyasu, who confessed, has already got his assignment.

Hasegawa's surrender was in front of them, and all three Japanese agents saw it. All Ishizawa Koyasu had to do was to go back and identify Hasegawa, calling them traitors.

If the other two Japanese agents took the initiative to do so, he would cooperate; if they did not, he would propose it.

In order to appease Shi Zeguangtai, Chu Lingyun specially drew him a cake.

Hasegawa was not honest and obedient after returning, so he wanted to get rid of him, but it was a pity to let him die in vain, so he simply used Hasegawa's head as a weight for his promotion.

Hasegawa only wrote the letter of allegiance. Not only did he write the letter of allegiance, Chu Lingyun also let Shen Hanwen lead him to shoot and kill a single Japanese soldier outside the city, and took pictures of it.

Such a bondage is indeed more effective than a letter of allegiance.

Shi Zeguangtai had no way out, and with the power and money that Chu Lingyun gave him, he agreed to all the demands.

Money is easy to understand, how much to do, how much money to give him.

I gave Hasegawa twenty gold bars, and I will give him no less in the future.

The right is to help him, let him replace Hasegawa's position, and even help him to be promoted to section chief in the future.

With the help of the Chinese, if you give him credit for nothing, it will be easy to make meritorious service in the future, and it will not be difficult to get promoted.

On the one hand, there is no retreat, on the other hand, the future is bright.

Shi Zeguangtai chose to believe in Chu Lingyun.

What Chu Lingyun said is correct, he is better controlled than Hasegawa, and it is better to praise him than keep the disobedient Hasegawa.

Besides, he has no choice, no matter what he is asked to do, he can only do it.

"Team leader, shouldn't it be time to let them go?"

Loach asked, he is the only one who knows the team leader's plan, and the whole process so far is indeed exactly what the team leader said.

This also made Niach admire the team leader even more. In terms of insight into people's hearts, no one can compare with the team leader.

"Go ahead, do it naturally, don't be seen by others."

Chu Lingyun nodded, this kind of thing is the most suitable for Nixie, he has a way to let people go without being seen as having any problems.


Niqiu replied that the method of releasing people is not complicated, he will send people to escort the three spies to Wuhan, the three did not confess, and Shanghai is not their territory, it is too dangerous to stay here.

So send them to the rear and hand them over to the headquarters.

There was an accident during the escort, and they were discovered and rescued, so their departure was far more believable than Hasegawa's escape by himself.

Not long after, Niach came to Chu Lingyun's office.

"Team leader, it's done, the person was arrested and taken away."

Escort by land is not safe, and now the road from Shanghai to Nanjing is occupied by Japan, although Hangzhou has not yet fallen, but the Japanese are all around.

Japan is gathering a large army to attack Hangzhou. It is impossible for Hangzhou to defend, and it will be a matter of time before it falls.

As for the north, the road is even more impassable.

It is basically impossible to detain people by land. The best way is to transport them by water and send them away by ship.

The Japanese were very strict on the river, and the small boat was extremely unsafe. The loach used a foreign passenger ship, and ten people were responsible for escorting three Japanese agents, pretending to board the ship, and then controlling them on the ship.

This way is the safest.

However, in the case of intentional water release, it is very normal for mistakes to occur.

Shi Zeguangtai broke free when passing by the patrol, and then screamed, the patrol quickly assembled, and the ten escorted team members fled in panic, and the three fell into the hands of the patrol.

Although it is also a patrol, the meaning of taking the initiative to rescue and coming to the door by yourself is completely different.

"Nothing was seen?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"Absolutely not. The escort process was completely in accordance with the routine. Every Japanese had his hands tied up in his clothes and was held up by two guns at the same time. If he dared to make any changes, he would die. Moreover, they were wearing masks and their mouths were blocked. Can't speak."

NiQiu replied with a smile, Chu Lingyun can rest assured that he is in charge of the business, such an escort method can easily make people believe that they really want to send people to Wuhan by water.

It's just that I didn't expect that someone was not afraid of death, and dared to run away under the gun.

"Very well, just wait, the good show is about to begin."

Chu Lingyun nodded with a smile. The key to the first step of the plan is Shi Zeguangtai. He has the greatest effect, but unfortunately he is also a pawn.

The ultimate goal of this game of chess is Mitsui Amu, but the process is to revitalize the two key pieces, changing them from cannons or horses to chariots and soldiers. When the chariots and soldiers are not his own, Mitsui Amu, a veteran Let people figure it out.

"Leader, I'm looking forward to it."

Loach laughed and played with the biggest enemy, many high-level executives of the Shanghai Super High School, in the applause. The entire military intelligence department, except their team leader, who can do it?

Mitsui Amu hastily walked out of the Shanghai Super High School class.

Just now they received a call from the patrol room. Three of their arrested agents were intercepted by the dock patrol room during a secret transfer. He immediately sent Ishida Xiaoshan to pick them up.

Hasegawa was not allowed to go. These three people were the ones who had been arrested with Hasegawa before and did not escape. If Hasegawa lied before and let him pick them up, accidents might happen to the three of them.


Seeing Mitsui Amu, the three of them saluted together, with excitement on their faces, Ishizawa Koyasu even had tears in his eyes, and his expression was very proper.

"Bring them with me."

Mitsui Amu asked Ishida Koyama to take people outside. Hasegawa had already received the news, but unfortunately he was entangled by his secretary Ezaki Ka and had no time to deal with it.

Ezaki's appearance also made Hasegawa understand that the section chief no longer had the trust in him.

"What happened a few days ago, and how did you escape?"

When they came to a secret place, Amu Mitsui separated the three of them and asked them personally.

The first one he asked was not Ishizawa Koyasu, but the three of them had discussed before that if they escaped by chance this time, they must expose Hasegawa.

Such imperial scum cannot be allowed to remain in the super high school.

As the team members narrated, Mitsui Amu's expression became more and more serious. What this team member said was completely different from Hasegawa's explanation before.

The four of Hasegawa couldn't bear the punishment and all surrendered.

Even the Chinese, Chu Lingyun, gave Hasegawa twenty gold bars as a reward for his first confession.

Hasegawa promised to do things for the Chinese, the Chinese let them go, and then continued to torture and interrogate the three of them.

The three of them were covered with scars all over their bodies as proof.

Not only were they burned on their feet, but their bodies were even more horrible.

They couldn't ask anything, so the Chinese planned to escort them to Wuhan and hand them over to the headquarters for processing.

Because the land route was not safe, they decided to take the water route.

Mitsui Amu knew very well that compared with the land route, the water route was indeed much safer. As long as they could board the ship, they could watch the three of them and prevent them from contacting anyone, so as to send them safely to Wuhan.

The three living Japanese agents, no matter what the Military Intelligence Department does, can greatly improve their morale.

In this case, Shanghai will get the most credit.

Mitsui Amu asked very detailed about the whole escorting process.

The three were wearing cotton clothes, masks, hats, and scarves, and the escorts were also dressed in the same way. Their hands were tied to their bodies, and only their feet could walk.

It's winter, and this look won't draw attention to the transition.

Of the ten escorts, two were in charge of one, and the muzzles of their guns were on their bodies. If they dared to make any movement, they could be shot to death.

Before boarding the ship, Ishizawa Kotai made a sudden attack, knocked away the Chinese people around him, and ran to the nearest policeman.

He couldn't speak, couldn't move his hands, and if he ran out at this time, it could be said that he was close to death.

Fortunately, the patrols at the wharf were more responsible. When they found a problem, they immediately blew the whistle. Many patrols came. These patrols carried guns. The Chinese people who were escorted were afraid of being caught by the patrols, so they did not dare to shoot and fled quickly.

The three of them narrowly escaped their lives.

Ishida Koyama also confirmed from the patrol room that when they were found, their hands were indeed bound tightly, and the mouth under the mask was firmly stuck with tape, and at most they could make a low whining sound.

There is no problem with this method of escort, but the Chinese did not expect that the agents of the empire were not afraid of death, and would rather die than be escorted to Wuhan by them.

"You go out and rest first."

After detailed questioning, Mitsui Amu asked the team member to be sent out, and he carefully read his statement again.

The recorder took down every word he said, and after reading it, he had Ishizawa Kotai brought into the room.

The first update, the second update later.

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