spy shadow

Chapter 469: Being Followed

Chapter 469: Being Followed
"Business, what is this?"

Chen Shu asked coldly, he was not very happy to protect the safety of everyone in the National Defense Agency. These uncles eat and have fun in the open, but his people have to work hard in the dark and dare not show their faces.

Once you show up, don't even think about lurking in the future.

"Station Master, I also found out that he is Chu Lingyun's classmate, and he has a very good relationship."

Feng Qun replied softly, and Chen Shu's eyes tightened suddenly: "Have you sent someone to watch?"

"No, our mission is to protect them, we dare not monitor them casually." Feng Qun immediately shook his head.

The rank of the people from the National Defense Agency this time is not low, and the leader is a general. Without an order, how could he dare to follow and monitor these uncles.

"Send someone to keep an eye on him and see what he does."

Chen Shu ordered, Feng Qun breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, I will arrange it right away."

He came to report to Lin Shi precisely because of the unusual relationship between Lin Shi and Chu Lingyun.

Loach responded with a smile, this little matter can't trouble him.

Ke Gong has a clear mind and strong analytical ability. He guessed the truth in a short period of time, but he has no evidence to prove it, but this possibility accounts for at least [-]%.

Not the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

The person in charge of this intelligence team is Chu Lingyun.

Ke Gong vetoed it again.

For him, it is best for Shi Yuanheng to keep making money, so that he can get more information. It is nothing if Shi Yuanheng does not make money alone. A few more reports can reduce a lot of losses.

"Lin Shi, why is he here?"

Who is following him?

It was easy to find out what Chu Lingyun had said publicly.

What exactly does Chen Shu want to do?
If Lin Shi was an ordinary person, he wouldn't care at all, but Lin Shi is a Red Party member, Chen Shu is not an idiot, his ability is not weak, if he really finds out Lin Shi's identity, Lin Shi will be in trouble.

Feng Qun asked the talkative buddy through shopping. The buddy didn't know much, but Feng Qun who could be detected had already been asked.

"Yes, that firm is not small. I went to inquire about it. The owner of that firm is called Ishihara Hiroshi. It is said that he is very energetic. He has a good relationship with a young master of a top aristocratic family in Japan, and he also has connections in the Japanese army. "

Fang Shiyi apologized again, both of them had good acting skills, and they didn't notice anything unusual about each other.

Chen Shu, the head of the Shanghai Station of the Military Intelligence Department, is a ruthless person and also capable. Could it be that he also had his eyes on Shiyuan Trading Company, and Lin Shi was also followed by him when he went to Shiyuan Trading Company?

Since it is not Japanese, is it Chinese?
Party Affairs Investigation Office?
Now Guohong is cooperating, but the Party Affairs Investigation Office has not given up on dealing with them, but if the Party Affairs Investigation Office focuses on Lin Shi, there is only one possibility, and that is that his identity has been exposed.

Secretary Wang personally went to the meeting place of the National Defense Department to investigate.

Secretary Wang was only investigating Lin Shi's situation and had no contact with him. It is not clear what happened.

"Boss Lin, I'm really sorry. Mr. Shi Yuan has an urgent matter today and cannot come here. Let me talk to you. Don't worry, Mr. Shi Yuan has ordered you to give you the lowest price for all the goods you want before leaving."

"It's not convenient for me to come forward, you find a chance to bring him out."

Fortunately, before going, he had to go back to his own firm to cover up. If he went directly to Mr. Ke, if someone really followed him, he would hurt Mr. Ke.

Military Intelligence.

Why did the people from the Military Intelligence Office monitor Lin Shi?
Mr. Ke lit a cigarette and thought slowly. He knew a little about the inside story of the Military Intelligence Department. Chen Shu was arrogant, but there was still an intelligence team of the Military Intelligence Department in Shanghai.

Today's negotiation ended, Lin Shi returned to the hotel with the people from the National Defense Department.

"Is it related to the Japanese military?"

Chu Lingyun pretended to frown. Niqiu knew about his relationship with Lin Shi. As long as Niqiu saw Lin Shi's name, he would definitely report to him.

Loach handed over the list of all the members of the National Defense Agency negotiating team, and indeed saw Lin Shi's name on it.

Chu Lingyun changed his appearance, now he looked like an ordinary person.

When he came out just now, he didn't find anything unusual.

He didn't know the details of Shiyuan Trading Company, but it was the location provided by Cyclonus No. 1, and there was Fang Shiyi inside.

Now he has reason to intervene.

If Chen Shu knew about the relationship between Lin Shi and Chu Lingyun, he might really follow him.

Sure enough, after hearing about the relationship between Lin Shi and Chu Lingyun, the station master responded immediately.

But he is not omnipotent, and he never thought that someone would use Lin Shi to attack Chu Lingyun.

"Keep staring at him."

Although he has done a lot of meritorious service, his qualifications are too shallow.

The main reason is that Lin Shi is going to study with Mr. Ke, and he is very careful every time he goes there. Mr. Ke's safety is very important.

"Let me think about it."

And the time when Lin Shi was pegged was probably today, not yesterday.

He knew that the team leader had a very good relationship with this classmate. They were best friends when they were in college. They were often together in Nanjing before, and they spent the year together last year.

It's not that he feels sorry for Ishihara Heng, the less the Japanese earn, the better, and it's better to lose it all, but once Ishi Yuanheng loses money, he can't continue to support Chi Zhouji.

Feng Qun took the order to leave, and Lin Shi stayed with the people from the National Defense Department all afternoon. Ke Gong did not arrive at the time he was supposed to arrive, so he immediately moved.

"Loach, have the people from the National Defense Agency left?"

The best classmate is a traitor, Virgo will definitely think too much.

After thinking for a while, Lin Shi put on his pistol and went straight out.

It is impossible for the Party Affairs Investigation Office to start investigating Lin Shi today.

"He went to a Japanese firm?"

Not long after, Niqiu came to Chu Lingyun's room: "Team leader, they haven't left yet. It is said that the negotiations have reached a stalemate. The great powers are willing to mediate, but the Japanese are coping on the surface, but they are still attacking in essence, and there is no effect."

He noticed that someone in front of him paused, looked back secretly and continued to move forward, and someone stopped far behind him.

They followed Lin Shi, while Chu Lingyun followed them and confirmed their identities. He saw Feng Qun.

"Lin Shi went back to the meeting?"

In fact, Chu Lingyun also went to the firm today. Previously, he judged that Lin Yizhi was Lin Shi based on Feng Yong's appearance. Today he went over to verify it himself.

"He is now the major and deputy director of the National Defense Agency. This time he came with him. Would you like to meet him?"

However, at this time Lin Shi probably had many agents from the Military Intelligence Department around him, and he had no way to send the information there safely.

Lin Shi's memory is very good, otherwise he would not be recognized by Ke as material for being a spy. It is normal for a person to appear twice, but in different places, even changing clothes, that is wrong.

Chen Shu's eyes widened immediately after receiving Feng Qun's report.

In that case, he couldn't forgive himself.

"For such a business, if your boss doesn't come forward in person, I doubt his sincerity."

Noticing that Lin Shi had been with the people from the National Defense Agency and did not go out, Chu Lingyun returned quietly.

Could it be Ishihara Trading Company?

In this case, he would also be exposed. When he moved, he made sure that no one was following him.

Feng Qun led the people by cross-tracking. Some people would run in front of Lin Shi. Just now, someone followed him twice.

"I understand, don't worry."

"You don't have to go in person, just find someone to spread the word, and bring him to see me when he arrives in the International Settlement."

Passing by a store, he stopped suddenly and bought two high-end cigarettes.

When he stopped, Lin Shi's heart suddenly sank.

He didn't even see the boss, so how could he understand observation.

When Nixiu was called, Chu Lingyun asked, but Nixiu didn't expect the group leader to ask this question, so he hurriedly replied: "I don't know, I'll ask right away."

He didn't pay attention when he went there, but when he came back, he found that someone had appeared in his field of vision twice and had changed his coat.

Although he changed his clothes, Lin Shi recorded his appearance.

In the afternoon, Lin Shi brought people to Shiyuan Commercial House, and Fang Shiyi had been waiting for him for a long time.


It was no secret in the Military Intelligence Department that Chen Shu and Chu Lingyun were fighting openly and secretly.

Not in one place, but far apart.

Lin Shi, who was received by Alchemist Yi, came up to apologize.

He taught it by himself. Although Lin Shi is still a little far from the ace agent, but after so much time training, he can already be regarded as a qualified agent.

Loach shook his head, and immediately said: "I inquired about the list of the Department of National Defense coming to Shanghai this time. There is someone in it that you must be interested in. You can take a look."

NiQiu said with a smile, the team leader doesn't have many friends, and even fewer can talk to each other, and Lin Shi is the only one.

Chen Shu at the Shanghai station couldn't compete with him head-on, so he actually wanted to use crooked methods.

Back at his firm, Lin Shi immediately looked out the window.

Lin Shi must be told the truth as soon as possible.

If it's just Virgo's trust, it's fine, he was promoted through meritorious service, and no one else will have any objections.

It has only been two years since I graduated, and I have only been in the military intelligence department for more than a year.

As expected, the business failed, Alchemist Yi sighed.

Japanese, or someone from Ishihara Trading Company?
If it was Ishihara Trading Company, then this firm must be a stronghold of Japanese agents. The people who followed him were very professional and far away. If he hadn't paid attention, he might not have found it.

Chu Lingyun shook his head again, and the loach couldn't go either. Both the Shanghai Station and the Japanese knew what a loach looked like.

"What time are they leaving?"

Without the relationship with Mr. Chi Zhou, he would not be able to obtain important information from the Ministry of Aviation.

Mr. Ke had already asked Secretary Wang to ask Xiao Fang that Lin Shi went to Shiyuan Trading Company today. He discovered the problem after leaving Shiyuan Trading Company, and a name immediately came to his mind.

Niach left, while Chu Lingyun was thinking.

Outside the hotel, Feng Qun was leading people to watch.

"I'm really sorry, our boss said that if you want, you only need to pay a [-]% deposit first, and we will send the goods to you immediately, and you will pay the balance when the goods arrive."

In the past few incidents, the wartime intelligence team has suppressed the Shanghai station.

Someone is following, both before and after.

After Lin Shi entered Shiyuan Commercial Firm, he noticed the follower.

When Ke Gong received the news, he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened to Lin Shi, Lin Shi is now with people from the National Defense Department, he must have sensed something was wrong, so he didn't come over.

Mr. Ke blamed himself a little, and shouldn't have allowed Lin Shi to have contact with Shiyuan Trading Company.

If there is a relationship, it is an opportunity for him. Although Lin Shi is not Chu Lingyun, but if Lin Shi Tongri is convicted of the crime again, Virgo's trust in Chu Lingyun will definitely not be so high.

He didn't go to Mr. Ke's side, but to the meeting place of the National Defense Department. The distance is not too far. He didn't call a rickshaw and walked slowly.

Niach was very good at this, he had a very wink, and he could immediately find out what Chu Lingyun asked.

No, Lin Shi didn't just go there today, he went there once yesterday.


But he stayed in Shanghai, and pushed them to the top of the Shanghai station everywhere. How could a person with such a strong heart accept it.

Like Lin Shi, Ke Gong first thought of the Japanese.

If he didn't go, Mr. Ke would have a way to investigate his situation. As long as he was with the people from the National Defense Department, Mr. Ke would understand that something happened on his side and he couldn't go there.

What Feng Qun didn't know was that there were a pair of eyes staring at them coldly from far away.

If it was Shiyuan Trading Company, Fang Shiyi would send out a reminder, besides, the people in the trading company were not secret agents, this had been confirmed before.

Chu Lingyun shook his head, he couldn't go to the National Defense Department to meet people, but he knew that Lin Shi was in Shanghai, so it didn't matter if he took the initiative to meet him.

"It is estimated that it will be soon. If there is no result, they will not stay here forever. This time it is not negotiating with Japan. They will be very dangerous."

Lin Shi didn't have any luck. After buying the cigarettes, he directly joined the people in the National Defense Department. He didn't go to Ke Gong's place, and he didn't even dare to send a signal.

Lin Shi cannot be brought here.

Chen Shu is thoughtful, does Lin Shi have anything to do with the Japanese?

He knew that the station master had great opinions on Chu Lingyun, and at such a young age, if it wasn't for the trust of the boss, how could he be in a high position.

"Yes, I will go tomorrow."

The meeting place can only be in the public concession, and it is a place like a teahouse or restaurant.

The corners of Lin Shi's eyebrows twitched. He went to Shiyuan Trading Company to get the goods, not only because the price here was low, but also to observe the situation of the firm.

As for why they monitored Lin Shi, Chu Lingyun understood after recognizing Feng Qun.

Lin Shi is very smart. He was a top student in the military academy, and his grades were even better than Chu Lingyun's.

If this is the truth, Lin Shi was implicated by Chu Lingyun, and he went to a Japanese firm, so it is completely normal for Chen Shu to stare at him.

Could it be that the Japanese were after him?
Soon, Mr. Ke shook his head. Lin Shi was not conspicuous among the negotiators this time.

Chen Shu instructed that he did not expect that there would be an unexpected harvest this time. If he could take the opportunity to hit Chu Lingyun, Chen Shu would be happier than killing many Japanese.

After carefully observing the outside of the window, Lin Shi did not find any difference.

Lin Shi didn't see Shi Yuanheng, and he didn't plan to do this business for the time being. He had to go back and report to Ke Gong.

It is true that Guohong has cooperated, but the two parties have agreed not to develop their own people among each other.

If Lin Shi's identity is exposed, they can easily make a fuss about it.

Lin Shi must not have any accidents, he must be protected, and he must be allowed to leave Shanghai as soon as possible. As for Chen Shu, since he took the initiative to provoke this time, it is impossible for Chu Lingyun to let it go.

 Yesterday's 8450 monthly ticket plus update, I overslept, and the update was a bit late.Special thanks to friend Yuyu for the reward of 10000 starting coins, Xiaoyu thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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