spy shadow

Chapter 480 Code Name Fatty

Chapter 480 Codenamed Fatty

The Army does not want these five planes. If they are placed in the airport, they will become scrap iron sooner or later.

Bring them over, repaint them, and change their appearance. Even if they are old-fashioned aircraft, they can at least be used as trainers.

Chu Lingyun's first thought was to give these planes to the Red Party.

But it was quickly rejected by him.

The Red Party has no planes, lacks gasoline and other supplies, and has no airport. Even with these trainer planes, it cannot be used.

Once the old man knows that they have a plane, he will definitely come back.

Left unused, these planes will serve no purpose.

The Red Party will definitely have its own air force in the future, but not now.

But this matter can let Fang Shiyi know and report it to see their reaction. If he really wants to, Chu Lingyun will find a way to get the plane and hand it over to them.

After looking through the ledger, Wang Yuemin was also a little surprised. There are a total of twelve properties in the concession.

There must be someone watching by his side. Hayakawa is too shrewd to let him be independent.

The rest naturally fell into the hands of Wang Yuemin.

Chen Shu copied many people before, and made a lot of money.

Early the next morning, as soon as the chief entered the office and sat down, Secretary Qi handed over a telegram.

Chuanping this chess piece has been in his hands for a year and a half. Chu Lingyun caught him in Wuhan and decided to use it until today.

Although there was a little accident in the super high class right now, the direction was not deviated, and it was still the best result.

His wife became pregnant last month, which added another layer of restraint to Hayao Chuanping.

"Double happiness is coming to the door today. I will treat you to Inoue. Let's celebrate together."

"so much."

"That's right, don't even look at where this is."

Hayakawa Hei was different from Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Koyama.

Yagyu Taro, the name of Hayakawadaira's friend, Hayakawadaira knew him very well.

Full of wine and food, Chu Lingyun sent the three of them away, and returned to his residence by himself.

The seat immediately gave the order, and just after finishing speaking, he suddenly said: "Let Chu Lingyun ensure his own safety, the plane is important, and he is also important."

Back then, I had such talents under my command, why didn't I find out?
Wang Jialiang, the leader of the intelligence team, has already taken office, and has replaced all the original captains. Those who should be sent away will be sent away, and those who should be promoted will be promoted. It turned out that Chen Shu's people have undergone a big change.

All the things that Chen Shu didn't have time to digest fell into Wang Yuemin's hands.

The seat immediately took over the telegram, and Chu Lingyun usually only sent important information, or things that he was sure of. Before Shiyuan Trading Company was related to Japanese military officers, there was no report.

"It was sent by Chu Lingyun last night, Virgo, can you read it first?"

As for the individual, he has money now, so he doesn't care about these things.

Chu Lingyun called Chu Yuan, and ordered: "Give power to the seat immediately. The Japanese army detained five old navy aircraft. They are not interested in aircraft. Do you want to take these five aircraft?"

"No, I don't touch this kind of thing, it's easy to cause accidents."

"That's how it should be when dealing with navy red deer."

The plane is good, but it is not something they can use now. He has considered everything that Chu Lingyun thought about, and he also thought about what Chu Lingyun didn't expect.

At the beginning, the two talked about everything, but after Shen Hanwen left, he stayed in Wuhan. Now not only the gap has widened, but also the previous relationship has disappeared.

"Yeah, there are so many in the station, Chen Shu and the others must be more greedy, we shouldn't let them go, let them spit it out."

These freedoms mean that he wants to go to some places. After reporting, he can be allowed to go, but he must stay in the firm and do what he should do.

However, Chuanping Hayao had just arrived in Shanghai, so this task was a bit difficult.

Winning relationships and gathering intelligence are his main tasks.

Ishihara-kun is best if he is not interested, and these planes are not worth a lot of money.

"Chu Lingyun sent it?"

It's not just that the Red Party can't afford to use it, they also lack various follow-up conditions such as maintenance and repair.

This was the case with the special high class. Chu Lingyun had set up such a big game in the special high class. After he knew it, he was amazed. He had courage, courage, and wisdom.

If these five planes can be obtained, it will definitely be a great achievement and will make the old man very happy.

The two cooperated many times to capture the spies.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be sent to Shanghai. These houses could house his family first, and he would be assured of their safety.

The safe house is very important, even if Wang Jialiang is someone he trusts, he will not tell him all the places of these safe houses.

That's why he added this sentence, he believed that with Chu Lingyun's ability, he could not only kill himself, but also get the plane.

"Forget it, there are so many. If Virgo doesn't kill Chen Shu, we have nothing to do with him."

"Zhao San raised a lot of money before, and he didn't know what to do. He said it was your arrangement."

"Chu Yuan."

Zhong Hui continued to serve as the captain of the action team. For the past two days, he had been looking for an opportunity to invite Ni Qian and Shen Hanwen to dinner, but the two were very busy and failed to do so.

Virgo is very satisfied with this point, when other people do something a little bit, they wish to let him know how well they did, but in the end something happened later, which made him angry.

Shi Yuanheng's identity as a businessman cannot be lost. Chu Lingyun has just started operating and met two officers from the Ministry of Aviation and the Gendarmerie.

Yagyutaro is Hayakawadaira, this is his new identity, after his face was disfigured, Chu Lingyun sent people to Japan secretly, and took all his family members to China.

Takemoto affirmed Ikegami's behavior, tied them up, didn't give them food, and deliberately ate beside them, which was very relieved to hear.

In the current full-scale war of resistance, the Guodang Air Force has suffered heavy losses. If it were not for foreign support, I am afraid there would not be a single plane.

After smoking a cigarette, Ke Gong sighed.

The middle strategy is to let the Guodang Air Force find a way to buy these five aircraft.

This is very important information. The Red Party has no planes, and he knows this very well.

Wang Jialiang said regretfully that the wealth of the Shanghai station is ten times that of their Wuhan station.

If not, Chu Lingyun would rather kill him than use such a dangerous pawn.

After preparing the car and watching Chu Lingyun and the others leave, Fang Shiyi immediately found a street and left, and told the contact person the information.

Chu Yuan stood up straight, and just about to go out, Chu Lingyun stopped him again: "After sending the telegram, pack up, and leave for Wuhan tomorrow, and secretly escort Yagyutaro to Shanghai."

Chen Shu of these properties could not be used, so he sold some of them, but Chen Shu was removed before they were sold out.


Chu Lingyun quickly got a call back from the chief, and sure enough, the chief wanted these planes.

His wife also came back from Hong Kong to be with him.

Chu Yuan didn't ask anything, and followed Chu Lingyun's request.

Chu Lingyun never reported what he failed to accomplish.

But he understood that the real big head could be decided in the hands of Chen Shu and the others, and it was a pity that they took it away.

It had to be loach, if Wang Jialiang did it, it would definitely not be as good as loach.

Secretary Qi went to call back. This message is very important, but not so urgent. He didn't disturb the rest yesterday, and he made a report this morning.

Wang Jialiang asked in a low voice, and Wang Yuemin nodded lightly: "Yes, I arranged it, and you don't care about what he does."

Five planes, the temptation is indeed great.

Fang Shiyi's heart was shocked, airplane, what airplane?
Five planes, according to Ikegami, if Toru Ishihara wants these five planes, can he really help get them?

After they finished scolding the navy, Chu Lingyun immediately shouted, and called for Alchemist Yi to prepare the car.

There are also hundreds of various antiques, shares in several companies in the concession, and even stocks.

If there are less than two appointments, Zhong Hui will stop making appointments, and get to know the members of his team honestly, and strive to make more contributions in Shanghai so that he can be promoted as soon as possible.

Not to mention catching up with them, at least not too far behind.

The telegram soon reached Mr. Ke's hands, and Ishihara Heng actually hoped to get the Japanese Navy's planes, and five of them?
Ke Gong immediately lit a cigarette and thought quietly.

Except for those that fell into their private pockets, some of them went into the general affairs team of Shanghai Railway Station, including some antiques, real estate and so on.

Some, not all.

"But he really took a lot, do you want to check his account?"

These two officers are now obedient to him, and will have a great effect in the future.

However, even Mr. Ke had to report this matter. After all, it was not a trivial matter. He sent the information back to his hometown and waited for the instructions from above.

Wuhan can't hold it, he has plenty of places to go.

"Station Master, I didn't expect Shanghai Station to have so much money, much more than when we were in Wuhan."

The matter of the plane needs to be reported first, and then a decision can be made after seeing the instructions from above.

He took the initiative to ask, and Chu Lingyun reported it, saying that it was being planned, but it didn't play a real role, and he wanted to get the information before reporting.

Sitting in front of the table, Chu Lingyun thought carefully, how to get these planes safely?
If he wanted it, Chishang would give it to him, but the risk was extremely high, and it was a last resort. Chu Lingyun would rather not have these planes than put himself in danger.

The real estate cannot be taken back now, but the real estate in the concession can be.

So when Loach took the money, he didn't say what to do.

He is a shrewd businessman and an egoist. He is such a person to the extreme that he can give up everything, including his relatives.

If this matter can be done, he can be given some freedom.

"Mr. Chishang, can those five planes still fly?"

But this is not a small thing, but an airplane. Once it is known to the outside world, it will definitely be a big trouble, and he can't bear this trouble at all.

"Five planes?"

The liaison officer sends a report directly.

"What did I just say, repeat it for me?"

All lurking people are not allowed to bring their family members, including Wang Yuemin.


The same is true for the action group. All 60 people brought by Wang Yuemin have been arranged.

Fortunately, Hayao Chuanping revealed a secret himself. With this secret, he would never be able to return to the country, otherwise he would die.

After arriving in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun would give Zao Chuanping a code name. He had already thought of this code name, and he called him Fatty.

Wang Yuemin said with a chuckle, and reached out to take the account book. Chu Lingyun had told him earlier that after Chu Zuo dismissed Chen Shu, he immediately took people to Shanghai Station and sealed up the assets of Shanghai Station.

If there is no safety guarantee, using such an aircraft to train pilots is not learning, but murder.


Loach helped him find twenty safe houses, and he had seen them all, and was very satisfied with these safe houses.

Sure enough, what Chu Lingyun took the initiative to report was not a trivial matter. He was able to get the Japanese plane. Although it was an old navy plane, it was still a plane.

The sulfonamide that Chu Lingyun gave him made him a lot of money. He not only bought real estate in Wuhan, but also bought houses in Changsha, Guangzhou, Chongqing and other places.

Wang Jialiang felt a little distressed. Twenty safe houses were not so easy to find, and most of them were in the foreign concessions, so naturally they needed a lot of money.

But Chu Lingyun didn't know their abilities, so don't get the plane and fall into it by yourself.

The recent threat to them from the special high school has indeed been reduced to the minimum.

But after actually getting it, how should I use it?

"Call Chu Lingyun back, yes, we must get these five planes, and as soon as possible."

This is to prevent them from rebelling after being caught, and having family members behind them will at least give them an extra layer of worry.

He had a good relationship with Shen Hanwen before, and they were partners. In their team, Shen Hanwen had the strongest military ability, while Zhong Hui was the best.

If Chu Lingyun really wanted these planes, Chi You had a way to get them for him.

Wang Yuemin thinks very openly. With this money, his future work will be better developed.

Wang Jialiang brought the account book of the general affairs team to see Wang Yuemin, and said excitedly.

After reading the telegram, Virgo raised his head with surprise in his eyes.

Shanghai is the territory of the army, where should these navies go.

Even so, the Guodang is still at a huge disadvantage in the air force.

They can't have these five planes.

Chu Lingyun shook his head and said, while Chishang heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Yes, although we don't know how to use it, it's something from the Navy after all, and they might cause trouble."

The help that should be given to him will definitely be given.

The fat man Zao Chuanping and the little boy Bao Shengqun will be the two sharp knives in his hands.

Bao Shengqun mainly dealt with the Party Affairs Investigation Office to reduce the losses of the Red Party, while Fatty specifically targeted the Japanese, using the Japanese to deal with themselves, fighting poison with poison.

It was not convenient for Chu Lingyun to show up on the plane this time, so he just handed over the task to Hayao Chuanping to see how this shrewd businessman got the plane.

He has also seen the advice of the chief, and it is true that Ishihara Hiroshi cannot be used for this matter. Next, I will watch Hayakawadaira's performance, hoping not to disappoint him.

As for the best strategy, it is to obtain the plane through a third person. A plan was slowly formed in Chu Lingyun's mind.

The intelligence team and the action team are all from them. It's very refreshing to think about it. They can turn their opponents around, which ordinary people can't do.

When Alchemist Yi arrived, Chu Lingyun suddenly asked, and Chishang was a little surprised: "I don't know, we don't know how to use the navy's planes, Mr. Shi Yuan, are you interested in those five planes?"

At Shanghai Station, Wang Yuemin finally sorted out everything.

If these five planes can be obtained, the Red Party will make up for the lack of planes.

Wang Yuemin stared suddenly, Wang Jialiang was taken aback, and hurriedly replied: "I don't care about his affairs."

"This is Shanghai, not Wuhan. You have to be careful about everything in the enemy-occupied area. Put away your foolish temper and don't ask you to do anything. Just don't make trouble, otherwise I will drive you back immediately."

Wang Yuemin scolded, he knew his cousin's abilities, so he didn't expect anything from him, as long as he didn't make trouble.

 The third update is for the new leader Yuyu, and there is also a monthly ticket update, which will be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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