spy shadow

Chapter 486

Chapter 486
"Mr. Shuicheng, thank you for your trust in me. I have self-knowledge. I can help you and invest in you, but it is really impossible for me to be the leader of this group."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, Shui Chengjun's idea is good, it can really win over a group of Japanese, even if these Japanese are not so high level, they can still give him great help.

"You are too modest, I think it must be you."

Shui Chengjun still insisted that if the leading person is not Ishihara Heng, he may not be able to obtain the position he wants in this group.

"No, there is someone more suitable than me. I will ask his opinion to see if he is interested."

Chu Lingyun refused again, but Shui Chengjun's words are correct, once this organization is established, he must be the leader, and he will not help others to expand their power.

Shi Yuanheng's identity is not enough, so change it.

"Who are you talking about?" Shui Chengjun was a little confused.

"My classmate, Hosokawa Tomotaka."

Chu Lingyun replied that Shi Yuanheng was a businessman with congenital deficiencies, money and ability, but not enough influence.

"Thank you sir, I will definitely work harder."

Now Heng Ishihara has taken his place.

Ikegami bowed his head again. Applying does not mean that he will be promoted. There are many people who apply each time, and only a part of them can be promoted.

"Mr. Ikegami."

Chu Lingyun was flipping through the profiles of the eight people. Chishang had never seen Shui Chengjun before, so he nodded to Shui Chengjun and knelt down in front of the tea table.

Anyway, it's useless to put them here, and it still takes up space.

This lieutenant is 42 years old, not too young, because he has nothing to do with him, he doesn't know how to curry favor with others, and he has offended the chief once again. He has been in the position of lieutenant for eight years and has no hope of promotion.


Fortunately, the stationmaster of the Shanghai station is Wang Yuemin, and Ni Qiang and Shen Hanwen have also grown up. Giving them more burdens can save me some time.

After the establishment of the group, if Tomotaka Hosokawa was not the leader and organized by him, Jun Shuicheng would become the biggest threat in a few years, forcing him to get rid of this person.

"It's okay, I'll ask. If you don't agree, let him name it."


Inoue's rank is too low to be of much use. In other words, he is not qualified to join this group at present. There may be hope for him when he grows up in the future.

"Mr. Shuicheng, the eight people you selected are all good."

Today's Hosokawa family is even more prosperous. After uniting with the Konoe family, it can be called the number one family in Japan.

If Tomotaka Hosokawa disagrees and is not interested in participating, this organization will definitely be established, and Ishihara Toru will not be able to lead it if he wants to.

In less than half an hour, Chu Lingyun thought of a name, which was quite suitable.

Shui Chengjun said carefully, and Chu Lingyun glanced at him. Chu Lingyun had already guessed his little thoughts.

Chu Lingyun shook his head, he would not casually admit that he could find Tomotaka Hosokawa, otherwise the Hosokawa family would come to his door soon and force him to reveal the whereabouts of Tomotaka Hosokawa.

Ikegami was a captain before, so he was a bit unqualified to be a retainer.

If he is given time to train young people like Inoue, he will have the confidence to fully control the organization in 20 years.

Shui Chengjun has great ambitions, and he will not always be willing to be behind him.

When Chu Lingyun got up, Shui Chengjun knew that he was seeing off a guest, so he immediately bid farewell.

"Mr. Chishang, you are welcome. This is Jun Shaozuo Shuicheng. He is the teacher of the Empire at the Shanghai Military Academy and also the teacher of Inoue."

Chi Shang immediately nodded to Shui Chengjun, another major, and Inoue's teacher, he did not neglect.

Chishang said sincerely, Jun Shuicheng knew him, and Inoue mentioned it before.

"Yes, I will carefully screen and select four people who are really willing to walk with us."

"Mr. Shuicheng, go back and make a list to see who is suitable for us. The initial number should not be too many. I, Ikegami, Takemoto, and you, we already have four people. If Mr. Hosokawa agrees, it will be five people. Out of four, the initial number will be nine."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and looked at Shuicheng Jun again: "I didn't finish just now, Chi Shang-kun is a member of the Hosokawa family. After being promoted to the major this time, he will definitely become a retainer of the Hosokawa family."

Chu Lingyun is here, and Shuicheng Jun is also there.

"Mr. Chigami, General Matsumoto is not General Matsumoto. General Matsumoto has great influence in the military, while General Goto is a little weaker. Don't worry, I will find a way to clear the military and make your promotion safe."

Moreover, there are not many real retainers of the Hosokawa family, only more than 100 people, and they all enjoy the support and care given to them by the Hosokawa family.

Chu Lingyun shook his head with a smile, Shuicheng Jun was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Can you find Master Xichuan?"

Only Hosokawa Tomotaka can suppress him, not daring to let him have two hearts.

Whoever can find Tomotaka Hosokawa will be grateful to the Hosokawa family.

With Hosokawa Tomotaka here, he is not afraid of his ability, if he really has other thoughts, he can be eliminated at any time.

It will be of great help to him in the future.

"Congratulations to Mr. Chishang, your wish is finally coming true."

If Hosokawa Tomotaka is willing, he is indeed the most suitable character.

This is very important and the biggest benefit.

To him, this is not a small amount of money, and he can take it with peace of mind, without worrying about any problems.

Chu Lingyun took a deep look at Shui Chengjun. He didn't know about Shui Chengjun's ability, but it wouldn't be too bad to come up with such an idea.

Secondly, with the presence of Master Hosokawa, even in the early stages, ordinary people would not dare to deal with them, which would increase everyone's influence, including him.

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to say, Chishang was overjoyed, he came this time for this purpose.

If it was still Chen Shu, he would not be able to do this with peace of mind if he didn't get Chen Shu down.

It didn't take long for him to be promoted to captain, and it was all thanks to Shi Yuanheng that he was promoted to major so quickly.

He wanted to tell Shi Yuanheng the news as soon as possible, and let Shi Yuanheng help him think of a way to ensure that this promotion was foolproof.

Apart from him, Chu Lingyun selected three more major assistants.

Although the vassals carry the word "chen", they are really their own people.

They don’t have logistical support for things from the navy. The screws of these navy red deer are different from theirs. That is to say, if a screw is broken, it has to be customized. It’s no wonder they want such things.

Shui Chengjun was full of energy, and after he left, Chu Lingyun sat in the office, thinking about the pros and cons of this organization.

"Don't be so anxious, Shuicheng-kun, let me introduce you. This is Ikegami-kun. He is currently working in the Goto Regiment of the Aviation Department. His current position is captain, but he will be promoted to major soon."

After reading the information, Chu Lingyun found that the eight people were in different departments, and their ranks varied from high to low. The highest was the lieutenant, and the lowest was the captain.

In addition, the four people he found must be grateful to him because he introduced them.

A lieutenant sergeant turned out to be the captain of the guard, and was in charge of peripheral security, purely patrolling or security work.

"Just the four of them. Find a time and invite them over. I'll meet them."

It's true that he is a major, but it's a pity that he has no power and no money, and there is no way to compare with the captain Chi Shang.

The combination of Konoe Hosokawa cannot be shaken by ordinary people.

He works in the headquarters of the Shanghai Dispatched Army, and the unit is good, but the government office there is too big, and there are many generals, and he is not conspicuous as a lieutenant.

After Shui Chengjun went back to think about it, he finally selected the list, but it was not four people, but eight people.

In this way, Chishang is his person, helping his own people to promote, Chishang is sensible, has a wink, and can continue to get a lot of good things, so why not do it.

"Chishang-kun is here, sit down and wait for me for a while."

Once someone is born with ambition and wants to take his place, Ishihara Heng's identity cannot bring enough protection.

Now his greatest value to Chu Lingyun is his connections.

The combination of interests is the strongest, but also the most fragile.

Chu Lingyun introduced, Chi Shang hurriedly said: "Master Goto helped me apply today, I have done enough, I believe it will not take long to be promoted."

"Hi, Mr. Shuicheng."

Shui Chengjun understood that he could not change Shi Yuanheng's attitude.

Shuicheng Jun immediately agreed, and he noticed that Inoue was not on the list.

He can help some people and gain their trust and gratitude, but after a long time, he may not be able to suppress these people who have power.

"Also, don't look for people from one department, it's better to be someone with strong ability and potential, who has no chance to develop, such as you."

He came to the firm many times, and everyone here knew him, knowing that Shi Yuanheng was in the tea room, so he went directly upstairs, opened the door and entered the tea room.

"Well, I hope Master Hosokawa can agree. If he is willing to take the lead, I believe more people are willing to join us."

He quickly drove the car and headed straight for the International Settlement.

But he didn't have the time. The Anti-Japanese War only lasted eight years. It was destined that he couldn't choose people who were too low-level in the first place. Choosing them would be a waste of time.

"Ishihara-kun, Master Hosokawa is naturally the most suitable, but his status is too noble, so he may not agree."

It is not without advantages for Hosokawa Tomotaka to be the leading person. First of all, it will be more attractive. After all, the Hosokawa family has deep roots and leaves, and many people want to have a relationship with them.

He only handed in the list of four people, which will make Shi Yuanheng think that he has other ideas.

Goto Takeshi nodded with a smile. Ikegami is very obedient and understands what he wants, and he does things unambiguously. He did a good job last time when he went to rob the airport.

But if Hosokawa takes the lead, then the most important person in the group will be Ishihara Hiroshi, and his status will decline. He thinks that Ishihara Hiroshi is the leader and he is the assistant.

This lieutenant commander can stay, he has a rank, and the next step is the commander, and his arrogance has been worn away over the years, no matter who can help him, it is easy to get his gratitude.

"Tomotaka Hosokawa."

After Ikegami became the real retainer of the Hosokawa family, his identity and status would definitely be further improved.

He can't make all the decisions, let Shi Yuanheng make the choice.

The five old planes in the airport brought him an income of [-] yen.

Although his goal has not been fully achieved today, Ishihara Heng has promised to set up such an organization.

After the planes were sent out, he didn't pay any attention to them. These planes can be used for anything they want, even as toys.

Chu Lingyun said to Shui Chengjun, when Shui Chengjun saw the information of the four people, he immediately bowed his head and replied, "Yes, don't worry, I will notify them immediately."

But the captain was bought by him with his life, and he almost didn't die on the battlefield.

They have no shortage of aircraft, and such an old aircraft, and a navy aircraft, naturally look down on them.

He has done enough, but the shortcoming is that the captain's promotion time is a bit short.

"Thank you sir."

Ishihara-kun is right, General Matsumoto's rank is major general, but he has a strong relationship, and the military police supervises the military and police, and sees the rank of senior officer.

There must be benefits. If he can really win over a group of middle-level Japanese military officers, he can not only obtain information, but even to a certain extent, he can influence some of Japan's decision-making.

After all, his father is still there. If he is promoted to Major, has a very good position, and is accepted by the head of the family, he will have no problem becoming a real retainer.

Once cultivated, the battle is over.

"After the promotion, you come to take over the military department, and do a good job in the future."

"No, but I have a way to contact him."

He didn't want a captain, and he didn't have time to help another captain to be promoted. Chi Shang's promotion took a lot of his energy. From a lieutenant officer to a second officer is a hurdle in itself. Without credit and money, it is impossible to be promoted quickly.

Although it is only to find four people, these four people are very important. According to what Shi Yuanheng said, we must find four people who are capable but have no connections and development opportunities.

The disadvantage is that these people will involve a lot of his energy, money is secondary, he has enough money to open the way for these people, what he lacks is time.


"Ishihara-kun, without you, I'm afraid I'll be promoted to major when I retire."

Leaving the captain's office, Ikegami rushed out excitedly.

"Mr. Shuicheng, thank you for your hard work."

Shui Chengjun's heart tightened, he naturally knew this person, not long ago there was a lot of excitement about looking for the young master of the Hosokawa family.

In the second wing of the Ministry of Aviation, Ikegami bowed his head excitedly to Takeshi Goto. During this period of time, he has made a lot of military exploits. Takeshi Goto specially called him over today to help him apply for promotion to Major.

Shui Chengjun returned the gift, and Chi Shang and Ishi Yuan Heng had contacted earlier and had a closer relationship.

What is the name of this organization?
Jun Shuicheng wondered whether Zhitaka Hosokawa would agree, Chu Lingyun had already considered the name, whether Zhitaka Hosokawa agreed or not, it all depended on his mood.

Not big ones, but in this place of Shanghai, he definitely has a lot of say in some small things.

Inoue is very honest, what he said is not an exaggeration at all, Ishihara Toru really has such a big influence on Ikegami.

Goto Takeshi asked Chigami to leave. Chigami had no backer before, but now he is his backer.

Not to mention, soon Ikegami will become a major like him.

An ordinary second lieutenant can arrest a major, and a major can arrest a major general. General Matsumoto's power can be imagined.

As long as General Matsumoto is willing, there is no problem with Takemoto's promotion.

Goto Takeshi is far behind General Matsumoto, his application may be rejected, but now with Ishihara-kun's promise, Ikegami no longer has any worries.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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