spy shadow

Chapter 489

"Lieutenant Shimakura."

The officer of the gendarmerie came to the headquarters again, and Shimakura stood up immediately.

"After our detailed investigation, you are indeed wronged. We have reported this matter to the military department and your headquarters. You come to sign. Regarding your credit, your headquarters will compensate you in the future."

Da Zuo took out a document, and Shimakura looked at it carefully, and it was indeed the content of redressing his grievances.

Excited Shimakura, his hands were shaking violently when he signed.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, where is my original captain?"

"Removal and investigation."

Da Zuo said coldly, the new major general's background is not so strong, General Matsumoto wants to punish him severely, he can only save his life at most.

"Thank you, thank you Your Excellency, thank you General Matsumoto."

Shimakura kept thanking him, and the Colonel left after finishing his official business. The gendarmerie was only responsible for investigating the case. As for how to compensate Shimakura, that was not within their scope of work.

Shui Chengjun took Chu Lingyun to see the place he chose. The place was not too big, but the surrounding environment was good, but it was a bit depressed after the war, especially because many places were bombed.

When he went back to help him run the position of the staff department, Chu Lingyun would let him know that this position cost a lot of money.

Chu Lingyun said slowly, Jun Shuicheng's heart beat faster, Zhixiao Hosokawa really agreed?

"Shui Chengjun, find a few suitable places. After I confirm, you will make the layout and prepare for the establishment of the meeting."

"Great, Ishihara-kun, is there anything I can do?"

It was Ishihara-kun who helped Shimakura, but without him, Shimakura would have no chance to know Ishihara-kun, and it would be impossible to redress his wrongdoing.

Shimakura stayed there, no wonder General Matsumoto would personally pay attention to his affairs, it turned out that Toru Ishihara still had this relationship with them.

This time Chu Lingyun did not refuse. Some people don't need to accept gifts, while others do.

The closest ones are Ikegami and Takemoto. They first established a relationship with Chu Lingyun and know them well enough.

The honorary president is also the president.

"Shimakura-kun, Shuicheng-kun gave me a very good suggestion, let me form a group, people in this group, everyone helps each other, I agree very much, after telling my classmate Hosokawa Tomotaka, He is also very interested and willing to serve as the president of this group."

Chu Lingyun made the decision and decided on the location.

Chu Lingyun didn't plan to put Youzhai Wenshe in the concession, it was a literary group, and it was all composed of Japanese, unlike his business firm, it was no problem to put it in the concession.

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, I will definitely choose someone who satisfies you."

He is a member of the literary society, and General Matsumoto is their president.

Ishihara Heng is rich and doesn't care about this.

For the members, Chu Lingyun made plans and arrangements.

Then become No. 1. In short, he will become No. [-] besides Tomotaka Hosokawa, General Matsumoto, and Ishihara Toru.

"So fast, okay, I'll contact Shi Yuan-kun right away."

"The other side is a former magazine in China. It was bombed and returned to the cleaning team. There is currently no one there."

Naturally, Hiroshi Ishihara paid for the purchase of the magazine, he didn't have that much money.

Chu Lingyun nodded and said, Shui Chengjun immediately replied: "I have inquired about it next to it, and the bigger one is said to be a new newspaper office, which belongs to the consulate. I don't know what newspaper office occupies such a large space."

Ishihara Hiroshi accepted the money, and Shimakura felt relieved a lot. If he really didn't accept it, he would think that Ishihara Hiroshi still had opinions on him and was unwilling to forgive him.

The place Shui Chengjun mentioned has several buildings, and it is indeed very large. What their literary club wants is low-key, and such a large place is really not needed.

He didn't know what was inside, but no matter what it was, the value wouldn't be too high. Shimakura's strength was there, so he couldn't bring out too expensive gifts.

Shimakura was also extremely shocked. He knew that Ishihara Toru and Hosokawa Tomotaka were classmates, but he didn't know that their relationship was so good.

It can't be number two, not even number three, but General Matsumoto is in it.

Those who can't meet Chu Lingyun's requirements, no matter how high their positions are, they won't be hired.

"Shimakura-kun, you're too polite, sit down, sit down and talk."

Wenshe only recruits those who are truly grateful.

At the beginning of March, Chi Shang finally fulfilled his wish and was promoted to Major. This Major, Chu Lingyun, gave out another [-] yen in the military to help him secure his promotion.

"Very good. Regarding the establishment of the literary society, I will finish it as soon as possible. In addition, I will tell you good news. General Matsumoto of the Gendarmerie Command has agreed to be our honorary president."

The so-called literary society is of course a cover, except for Hosokawa Tomotaka and Matsumoto, there are not many people who really like literature, but Chu Lingyun believes that after the establishment of the literary society, these people will definitely study literature.

"Let it go."

Chu Lingyun's purpose is to integrate these Japanese military officers and obtain important information from them. If someone with a high rank and who doesn't fit in with the group comes, it will only cause bad things.

"No, let's go directly, I will prepare a gift, if Mr. Shi Yuan doesn't want to see me, I will make a serious apology."

This is also the third place Shuicheng Jun took Chu Lingyun to see.

"Okay, after buying it, find a designer to redesign it, and build and decorate it earlier."

Those who join later must be introduced by the original members, and the review is extremely strict.

Ishihara Heng's ability is really too strong.

He is a soldier, and he will repay those who treat him well with his life.

As long as there is a task, it will not be marginalized. In fact, his effect on Shi Yuanheng is not that great, and he knows this well.

Chu Lingyun said slowly, ten people are definitely not enough, these ten are only the first elders.

Now he no longer has any doubts about Shi Yuanheng, even the major general can investigate and deal with it. Shi Yuanheng's energy is definitely much greater than he imagined.

Magazine, you can ask for this.

From now on, Ishihara Heng is his biggest benefactor.

So what if you don't want it, even if you go to the emperor to file a complaint, it's useless.

Shimakura shook his head. He couldn't say anything because he didn't get things done last time. Now that they have helped him so much, he can no longer ask by phone.

This matter was implemented by the Shanghai Dispatch Army Headquarters, and Shimakura was one of their people.

Followed by Jun Shuicheng, Shimada.

Shui Chengjun was the first to state that the more people he wins over, the higher his status will be.

"That's right, when I choose a place, General Matsumoto will attend our founding meeting."

The other three people's affairs, Chu Lingyun has almost done, and he does not need to come forward to do things that can be done with money, but it is not so easy for Ishii Naoki's cleaning team to be transferred.

"Ishihara-kun, I solemnly apologize to you for what happened last time."

It is only natural to stand up for one's own people.

"It's a good place, but it's a little small. What's next to it?"

Shui Chengjun was very attentive and knew every place clearly.

"Master Hosokawa?"

It would be great if I could meet Ishihara Heng six years ago.

Just use him and let him do anything.

When they came to Shiyuan Commercial Firm, Shuicheng and Shimadura were quickly received by Chu Lingyun. Seeing Chu Lingyun, Shimakura Toshiaki immediately bowed at ninety degrees, and he didn't get up before Chu Lingyun said anything.

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, the three of them knelt and sat in front of the tea table, Shui Chengjun grabbed the teapot and took the initiative to make tea.

It is best for such a group to be in the territory of the Japanese themselves.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

I don't understand at all, how to integrate?
The members of the club are all military officers, and they are all college graduates. It is not difficult to study, and even if they are not interested, they will pick up a few books and read them.

He will not recruit blindly. He will not take those who only want to benefit and don't know how to give. If such people appear among the existing people, he will kick them out and take back what was given to them.

Hosokawa Tomotaka came to be the president, which gave them this confidence.

"Ishihara-kun, what do you think of this place?"

That way he'll be more grateful.

Back in the office, Shimakura sat down on the chair, and he was finally dismissed, six years, a full six years.

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Shui Chengjun was very excited: "Hayi, don't worry, Mr. Shi Yuan, I will definitely do it beautifully."

"Okay, let's meet at Shiyuan Trading Company."

Takemoto has already agreed to become a new member, Ishii, Yamamoto and Kobayashi have also agreed, the club has not yet been established, and all members have been in place.

This courtyard is located on Baoshan Road in Zhabei, which was a cultural resort before the Great War, and there were many libraries and newspaper offices here.

Besides, organizing a literary society is not a trivial matter.

"General Matsumoto also joined?"

"Yes, I will."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly, and the two hurriedly got up to leave.

Shimakura Toshiaki picked up the phone, called Shuicheng, and said excitedly, even addressing Ishihara Hiroshi as an adult.

Shimakura nodded frantically, not to mention letting him join the literary club, now Ishihara Toru asked him to do anything, even if it was dangerous.

The commander of the dispatched army is Tian Junliu, who is also the supreme commander of the Central China Front Army. He has just taken over, but his rank is very high.

"That's right, with Zhixiao's consent, our small group is officially named Youzhai Wenshe, a society established in the name of exploring literature, Shimakura-kun, would you like to join?"

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry, he shouldn't be the one who was in a hurry.

No matter how small it is, it can at least prove that he has a place in Ishihara Toru's heart. He doesn't know Hosokawa Tomotaka, let alone talk to a big man like General Matsumoto. He can only please Ishihara Toru to improve his status.

Chu Lingyun nodded with a smile, and threw another bomb at them.

Shui Chengjun was stunned. The group was formed successfully, but the result was completely beyond his expectation.

The president is Tomotaka Hosokawa, unless he has no brains, he would not dare to come to the literary agency to find work.

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed. Six years ago, Shi Yuanheng was only a little old, so even if he knew him, it was useless.

The magazine office is not big, so it is a very good place to build a new building here, leave a few houses here, and add the decoration of the yard.

"What are you doing, Shimakura-kun, get up quickly."

Then there are the remaining three people, Chu Lingyun will slowly investigate them, keep those who are suitable, and kick out those who are not suitable.

However, he has a good relationship with Jinwei Wumo, who belongs to the Jinwei faction.

"Without you, I would bear this punishment for the rest of my life. It was you who cleared me of my grievances. It can be said that you gave me a chance to be born again. I should be grateful."

Chu Lingyun went over to pull him up. General Matsumoto handled this matter very quickly and lived up to his expectations.

Jun Shuicheng said hurriedly, Ishihara Heng is not the president, he cannot become the number two person in the literary society, he must hurry up and keep up with Ishi Yuanheng.

Not much, his position is not lucrative, and it is not easy to save money. This is his savings accumulated over a long period of time.

"About the literary society, don't tell outsiders. We are not many people, and we should keep a low profile at the moment. However, if you have suitable people around you, you can bring them in. But there is one thing, this person must be open-minded and grateful. We don't A person who pretends to be a fool."

"Shimakura-kun, I will continue to help you with your wish to enter the staff department. Don't worry, the obstacles for you to enter the staff department have been cleared. I believe you will be able to do so soon."

Although Naoki Ishii couldn't make much money in the cleaning team, he was the section chief of the communication department after all. With him as the lead, the magazine office was quickly bought.

That's all he can do now.

"You ask Ishii Naoki to help you get in touch and take down this magazine, and this yard is just right."

Jun Shuicheng was very happy when the place was chosen, which showed that Mr. Ishihara recognized his work.

The cleaning team sounds ugly, but it is directly under the management of the base camp and managed by the headquarters of the Shanghai Dispatch Army.

Shimakura is grateful to him now, and will definitely support him in the future.

Not only the president is Tomotaka Hosokawa, but also General Matsumoto.

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. With Matsumoto's tiger skin, this literary society will be stronger in the future. It's no secret that Matsumoto likes literature. It's normal for him to join such a literary society.

It was the end of February, and the Japanese army was still advancing, but the progress was much slower than before.

The literary society is a membership system, and if you are not a member of them, you cannot get in here.

So disingenuous.

Besides, the members of the club are not ordinary people, all of them are military officers above rank and file. In the future, when others know about this organization, they will only lament the strength of this organization.

Shimakura took out his gift box, which contained five gold bars.

The influence of this literary club is definitely much stronger than what he imagined at the beginning, even if he does not have enough influence in the literary club, as long as he becomes a member of the club, he can be superior to others.

"Okay, you guys go back, I'm a little busy recently, so I won't let you have dinner together."

Jun Shuicheng agreed, and Shimakura's attitude was very sincere, and it would be better not to contact in advance.

"Mr. Shuicheng, I have redressed my grievances. I have to see Mr. Ishihara no matter what. I want to thank him personally and apologize for my impoliteness last time."

It made him even happier that the person who wronged him was investigated, and it was considered revenge for him.

"It's too big, we don't need it, what about the other side?"

Shui Chengjun didn't delay a day. Before the magazine was purchased, he led people into the yard next to it to start construction. The sooner it is completed, the sooner the magazine can be established.

Even these ten people are far and near.

Shimakura bowed again, full of sincerity.

"I believe, thank you very much, this is my gift, please accept it."

He is looking forward to the day when the literary society is established.

"Who is there, what are they doing?"

Yuan Yida stood on the corridor, looked at the busy construction site next door, and asked Teacher Weng beside him.

"I don't know yet, I'll ask." Teacher Weng shook his head.

The fourth update, thanks to the leader Ling Shuang Y for his support, and the leader of the fourth chapter added updates to show his gratitude.

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