spy shadow

Chapter 495 Tian Jun Inscription

Chapter 495 Tian Jun Inscription
"Without Chu Lingyun, will your operations department be unable to do things?"

Xu Yi joked that Chu Lingyun's absence is good for him, at least he won't be so hard pressed by the Operations Department. When Chu Lingyun was in the Operations Department, he was really under a lot of pressure.

If he hadn't succumbed in time and asked Chu Lingyun for help, the position of chief intelligence officer would have been gone long ago.

"Even if our operations department doesn't do anything, nothing will happen."

He Nian said unconvinced, he understood that Xu Yi was mocking him for not being able to leave Chu Lingyun.

That was the truth, he didn't deny it.

Xu Yi was choked up, the Operations Division had made too many contributions, and now the Military Intelligence Division's contribution is not enough, and more than [-]% of the credits come from the Operations Division.

The Department of Operations is a meritorious department, even if it fails to achieve results, the Virgo will not blame it.

But he can't do it. The intelligence department is mainly based on intelligence, and they didn't have so many dazzling achievements before. If they don't do things, they will definitely be punished.

The relationship between He Nian and Xu Yi is good, but the private competition has never stopped.

"Keep watching to see when he leaves the city, and follow him when he leaves the city."

As a result, the Japanese came.

He got where he is today by himself.

The people who celebrate the New Year are to check the whereabouts of these trucks.

Tian Junliu agreed without hesitation, the staff department was nothing more than Shimakura, even though he was a lieutenant commander, even if he entered the big office of the staff department, he was just as inconspicuous.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a moment, Tian Junliu asked, "What do you want to do?"

Wolf Seven came to a hotel and opened a room to stay.

Lang Qi didn't go out until evening.

Not long after they arrived near Wuhan, Lang Qi was more clever and was sent by Tan Wenbo to go to the city to purchase.

It can be said that it is the most important one among the contacts managed by Chu Lingyun and Shi Yuanheng.

Team Leader Huang frowned. People who want to buy arms are definitely not their targets. If the other party wants to buy arms, the possibility of Japanese spies is not very high, but bandits are very likely.

This should be investigated more carefully, can't he be a bandit too?

The team members took the lead, and the two team members followed each other and kept a close eye on Wolf Seven.

"Of course, very useful."

Hearing that Matsumoto from the Gendarmerie Command also joined in, Tian Junliu was a little surprised.

Xu Yi said quietly, and He Nian nodded: "You are right, a group of people I sent are coming back soon, I hope they can bring back good news."

It didn't work when he was escaping, but he was caught by the Japanese. In the end, Tan Wenbo gave up most of the people and fled to Hubei with the remaining elite soldiers.

Kill two birds with one stone.

After chatting for a long time, Chu Lingyun got up to say goodbye, Tian Junliu personally sent him out, but only to the door of the living room, Hosokawa Tomotaka's status was not enough for him to be sent outside the door.

As an illegitimate child, he can't inherit the title. If he doesn't work hard to create a world by himself, he can only become a vassal of the family in the future.

He knew this when he was in China before.

This time the special training class opened, Virgo originally wanted to host it in person, but unfortunately he couldn't get away now, so he could only go later.

"Suspected bandits, buying arms?"

Tian Junliu sat up straight, immediately took the documents in Hosokawa Tomotaka's hands, opened them and carefully looked at the contents of each document.

Chu Lingyun had investigated him specifically, so he could guess what he was thinking.

"Yes, definitely."

But Secretary Hao didn't say to stop the investigation, so they couldn't stop.

But he is no ordinary bandit.

Chu Lingyun prepared gifts and went to Tian Junliu's residence.

"Thank you very much. I will frame this picture properly and put it behind my office in the future."

In fact, these maps are of no use to him. He already has the ones drawn by Chu Lingyun, and Tongwen Academy has drawn more and more detailed ones than him.

"Thank you again for your support to me. In addition, I would like to ask you to write a subtitle for my literary agency. I will hang it up properly."

"General Matsumoto is the honorary president?"

Tian Junliu's background is not a real nobleman, he also has an older brother above him, and his older brother is his idol.

"Okay then, I'll write this word for you."

Tian Junliu is very smart. As soon as Chu Lingyun said it, he understood the real purpose of Wenshe.

"Tell me, why is it unusual?" Tian Junliu asked as expected.

"Where is it, let's go there."

Tian Junliu praised that this hand-painted map is really detailed.

Tian Junliu looked at the gift carefully, and he really liked it, but when he turned around, his expression became serious.

He focused on the truck.

Lang Qi is a bandit, a bandit of real value, and he now recognizes his identity.

In Wuhan, Team Leader Huang and his team failed to find the target in the end.

"Okay, I'll go get ready."

After being transferred to Chongqing, he will still be the Chief of the General Bureau. Chongqing is the future capital of the country, and the position of the Chief of Police there is equivalent to the position that Wang Sheng had before he was the Chief of the Branch Bureau in Nanjing.

Because of illness, sore throat, and being unable to speak, there can be a reason for keeping silent.


Tian Junliu took the initiative to ask, and Chu Lingyun drank his saliva, and told Tian Junliu the cause of the literary society, his thoughts, and the ultimate purpose in detail.

"You guys keep watching, I'll report it."

It's a pity that old ghost Xu was suspicious, nepotistic, and wronged them. Under the leadership of the team leader, they escaped from the prison together and successfully settled in Hui Province.

The reason why Chu Lingyun only came to see Tian Junliu today was that he was worried about this.

"Team leader, the target is not an ordinary person, he must be an agent."

Today he only talked about Shimakura, but did not mention Ishii Naoki.

"Thank you, Uncle Tian Jun, I still have a little something to ask for your help this time."

It can also help him gain a good impression on Tian Junliu.

"It's good that you're fine. I met Mr. Hosokawa last time when I returned to China. We had a very happy conversation. Mr. Hosokawa said in front of me that he didn't take good care of you since he was a child. He very much hopes to make up for it. If you're okay, It's better to go home as soon as possible."

If the top party members are more afraid of death, doctors can save lives, and good doctors will be transferred away by them.

Tian Junliu was stunned, although he refused, but there was a little eagerness in his expression.

Team leader Huang knows this, Jian Zhifang is from the party affairs department, will there be professional agents serving him?
This is possible, but very low.

What Chu Lingyun said made Tian Junliu laugh, but he could understand.

In this way, this goal has nothing to do with Jian Zhifang, and it is impossible for Jian Zhifang to collude with bandits.

Chu Lingyun lowered his head and said, the corners of Tian Junliu's eyebrows twitched immediately.

The team members nodded, Team Leader Huang was a little disappointed, since he was a bandit, it had nothing to do with their goal.

He was here to buy things. Not long after they settled down nearby, more than half of the thousands of brothers who had originally fought against the Japanese lost more than half of them.

"Buy arms?"

"Go to the black market?"

"Okay, I see, it didn't surprise anyone, did it?"

He hasn't made a final decision on where to go, but one thing is that he will not surrender to the Japanese as traitors.

He thought the same as Chu Lingyun. With so many things, Jian Zhifang's family couldn't move them and had to use a car. They didn't find out that Jian Zhifang changed the money into foreign exchange or bank notes at the bank, and Jian Zhifang didn't dare to do so.

Before coming here, Chu Lingyun made several plans, and finally confirmed that he could persuade Tian Junliu, and only then did he have today's meeting.

If these two hundred guns are taken down, their strength can be doubled. In this world, only guns in their hands can give them a sense of security.

Although Tan Wenbo trained them militarily, a group of bandits who were just for food had only a short training time, so how could they become real soldiers.

Position is not important, and Chu Lingyun doesn't have that time either.

After Shimakura joined the staff, his position will become more important in the future. The staff can learn a lot of important information about the movements of the Japanese army.

Niach said in a low voice, everyone in the Military Intelligence Department knows that everyone is imitating the old man, and this kind of place for training newcomers will never let go.

Team leader Huang took the order. Wolf Seven didn't know that he was being watched. He was an agent, but he was locked up for a few months, and then he became a bandit for so long.

In the past, how dare he think about that position.

Before the opening, Chu Lingyun only needed to make Shi Yuanheng look like he was sick, force him to attend while sick, and go back to rest immediately after the end.

Tian Junliu asked, and Chu Lingyun immediately replied: "Yes, my goal is to enter the House of Representatives first, then obtain a title by myself, and finally enter the House of Nobles."

His biggest wish now is to be the branch chief.

Chu Lingyun flattered him appropriately, and Tian Junliu laughed again.

As soon as Lang Qi entered the city, he was stared at. Team leader Huang looked at Lang Qi and nodded slightly: "Let comrades be careful, I would rather lose than wake up."


Chu Lingyun was also very happy to get the inscription, and chatted with Tian Junliu about other topics.


This goal is to enter the city from the south gate, which is currently in the south of the city.

At noon, Team Leader Huang received the news that the people they were following were [-] miles away from the city and went up the mountain. According to their inquiries, that mountain was a bandit den, and a new group of bandits had just arrived recently.

He rented three houses in Shanghai in the manner of Tomotaka Hosokawa, which can be used as his temporary foothold.

Chu Lingyun beckoned him to sit down, and then said, "Zhixiao visited General Tian Jun today and talked about you."

The main reason is that this task is too important. It is not to deal with the Guo Party, but to find out the big corrupt officials of the Guo Party and confiscate the money in his hands.


"As for the position, I don't need it for the time being. You Zhai Literature Society is enough. When I expand my influence, it will not be difficult to enter the House of Representatives."

The status of the cleaning team is not so high now, and there is no need for Tian Junliu to greet him in person. With this inscription, he can help Ishii fulfill his wish.

The last time he inspected the stations, Ni Qian made a lot of contributions, leaving Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan behind, and with the help of these contributions, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel early.

It was okay when they were on the mountain, they played defense and were very orderly.

Chu Lingyun refused again. Seeing the team leader's firm attitude, Nixiu knew that he couldn't keep up this time.

"What about people?"

"What about yourself, have you ever thought about finding a job for yourself and better development?"

"Nephew Zhixiao, it's good that you're fine."

He doesn't want to settle near Wuhan, but there is no suitable place for the time being.

He has cleared his grievances, but his position has not changed, and he has no connections. If he wants a better position, he must rely on Shi Yuanheng.

Some bandits surrendered to the Japanese, but they didn't. Anyway, they used to be bloody people, and Tan Wenbo was even more unwilling to give his life to the Japanese.

"Virgo attaches great importance to this special training class, and will definitely go to it in the future."

Tian Junliu believed in the spirit of bushido very much, such a gift was both appropriate and affordable.

"The members of the literary society are all warriors of the empire. I brought them together and let them help each other. With my help, many people have made progress. When the cultural society grows in the future, they will all become partners. A useful hero of the empire, dedicated all his contributions to the empire."

"Your inscription is an encouragement to me. I will use you as an idol to improve myself."


Otherwise, the literary agency will not be able to continue.

"Continue to keep an eye on him, no matter what his identity is, we must verify it clearly, and find another person as soon as possible."

How did he know that the map sent by Chu Lingyun was drawn by the account of the arrested Tongwen Academy agent.

Hearing that Tomotaka Hosokawa had come, Junroku Tian immediately met him in person.

Tan Wenbo was very decisive. He knew that he couldn't defend, so he found an opportunity to lead his troops to break through.

He is not disgusted by this. After all, this phenomenon is too common in Japan.

Team leader Huang hurried to the south of the city, only seeing his two subordinates.

Niach grinned, while Chu Lingyun glared at him: "What are you planning? You have to stay. You have to watch the renovation of the Wenshe. This time I will take Chu Yuan there, so you don't have to go."

There are no trucks in the city that disappear for no reason. Car rental companies and freight companies are their key inquiries. No matter who hired the truck, as long as they leave the city, they must investigate to the end.

Moreover, Tian Junliu is an elder and the highest commander in central China. If he forcibly sends him back to the country, Chu Lingyun has no ability to resist.

"Then go back."


Wolf Seven made an agreement with the other party that he would go out of the city to negotiate tomorrow, and return to the hotel by himself.

"It is indeed possible to have influence, yes, I support you."

If this information can be known in advance, great losses can be avoided.

"Let's keep an eye on them first, and inquire about the origins of this group of bandits."

But Secretary Hao thinks more. Jian Zhifang is rich and has been a high-ranking official. Could it be that he wants to build up his own armed forces to protect his money?

"As long as it is useful, then what I do is not useless." Chu Lingyun smiled.

The following team members almost failed to keep up. If it wasn't for good luck, they saw Wolf Seven in front of them again, so they would have lost track this time.

After arriving near Wuhan and successfully settling down, there were only more than 200 people left.

He is still willing to write an inscription for Tomotaka Hosokawa, and he can also gain the favor of Marquis Hosokawa for him.

Team leader Huang was very depressed. The two targets were both spies, so they were definitely not the people they were looking for.

As soon as Chu Lingyun returned to his residence, Ni Qian came to his office with a telegram in his hand.

It kind of surprised him.

That was seeking skin from a tiger, his money would be swallowed up by the bandits, and his family would be turned into corpses.

After so many years, the time finally turned and he had the opportunity to make meritorious service again.

This will not arouse suspicion from others.

Wolf Seven was very happy to complete the task, and rushed back to report the news, and left the city early in the morning.

In the end, they attracted the revenge of the Japanese. Relying on the favorable location and excellent command, they repelled several Japanese attacks, but their ammunition stocks declined rapidly.

His role is higher than Ikegami.

It's a troubled time right now, and the price of guns is already going up. Tan Wenbo has predicted this a long time ago, as long as he can buy it, it doesn't matter if it's not ridiculously expensive.

Secretary Hao quickly received the report from Team Leader Huang.

No matter who the opponent is, since it is an order from above, Team Leader Huang will execute it.

"I established a Youzhai Literature Society."

The good news is that they didn't lose another target, and they have followed it outside the city.

Tian Junliu advocated the spirit of Bushido, and this statement could impress him.

"I know, but without you, Master Hosokawa wouldn't help me. The one who is really willing to help me is you. I still didn't trust you at the beginning, it was too wrong."

Chen Shu is not an honest person.

It is not easy for ordinary people to get his inscriptions, and he is not someone who writes casually, but Hosokawa Tomotaka is different, he is Master Hosokawa's most beloved and guilty son.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun remakes up as Tomotaka Hosokawa.

Secretary Liang is also in Wuhan, but he will not stay here forever. Secretary Liang has already been ordered to withdraw to Chongqing in the near future.

"Literary Society?"

Fortunately, the original old brothers did not lose much, and most of the casualties were recruited later. They set up another small bandit den in Wuhan and recruited the bandits inside. Now there are almost 400 people.

Early the next morning, team leader Huang was monitoring Lang Qi, and the report from his subordinates shocked the team leader.

Wang Sheng followed the right person, and he followed the right Wang Sheng.

Tian Junliu's position is not low, but he also needs more friends.

He came to Wuhan City several times and finally completed the task.

The reason why they ignore it is related to their environment.

Chu Lingyun replied, Tian Junliu nodded in satisfaction, he had accomplished what Marquis Hosokawa had in mind, at least he could get Marquis Hosokawa's thanks.

Feng Yong still lives in the hotel, Kang Qiang got the promise of a transfer, and now he is full of energy.

The Wenshe needs Tian Junliu's support, and even if he doesn't support it, he can't veto it.

Bandits lack the most weapons, and they are also major customers of these arms dealers.

It's not that he wants to go out to relax, but it's always right to follow the team leader. Even if the team leader goes out, he may make meritorious service.

He is very supportive of Hosokawa Tomotaka's grand ideals.

He is from Tan Wenbo.

It is said to be a literary society, but it is actually a middle-level group.

Chu Lingyun nodded immediately, Tian Junliu thought for a while, and then said: "You have a good idea. If the people in your literary club can be twisted into a ball, it can indeed play a greater role. Zhixiao, you are very smart, and you know that you can't inherit it." Hosokawa-sama's title, now start to cultivate strength for yourself, I believe Hosokawa-sama will support you."

It's just that there are too few guns, only more than 100 shots.

"It's not me, it's you who helped Zhixiao."

"I want to do a career in China, and I don't want to go back like this. If I don't have any results, what can I do after I go back? I'm a member of the Hosokawa family, and I can't be ashamed for the family."

There are also radio stations, no matter how expensive you can buy them.

"Team leader, the target has appeared."

Changing to Shui Chengjun, even if he said so, it would be impossible to do it.

"Talk about the Wenshe business carefully."

"But if I go back to my country now, it's like a failed samurai. After I go back, I will immediately cut my belly."

When Nixiu heard this, Chu Lingyun shook his head again: "No, stay here, you still need to communicate with Shanghai Station."

His staff needs to be repaired, and he also needs to buy more supplies. Fortunately, he has saved a lot of money during this time. In addition, Tan Wenbo used to be the team leader and has a wider vision. transfer.

Shimakura's heart beat faster.

Team leader Huang is not very interested in bandits, but the task is still there, and he must find out the situation so that he can go back and explain.

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that this was the first time he saw Tian Junliu, and the gift he brought was very elegant, a samurai sword used by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

"Uncle Tian Jun, I am willing to go back to China."

The warriors of the empire should charge forward and expand the territory for the country.


"General Tian Jun agreed, and you will soon enter the staff department."

Which bandit den is so powerful and has so many agents?

He has a complete memory and is not afraid of cheating at all.

When Zhanshan was the queen, under the leadership of Tan Wenbo, they developed rapidly and grew rapidly. At the time of the largest number, they exceeded a thousand people and had more than 600 guns. They became the largest and most powerful bandits nearby at that time.

There were still anti-stalking actions. Team leader Huang knew that he was unusual, so he didn't dare to let people follow him too closely, so he sent more people, and finally he didn't lose him.

In fact, Zhao Zaili is also pursuing in this direction, and the truck is the target of their common concern.

It's not that there is no reason to refuse Chu Lingyun's orders from the chief, but it's just not necessary.

Team leader Huang was a little confused. He was the leader of the anti-rape team and knew what the mission was, but the other team members didn't know.

Those sent by the Japanese to persuade them to surrender were directly killed by them.

He Nian sent many people out from various city gates to investigate.

"Thank you Uncle Tian Jun. When I have achieved results, I can naturally return to China proudly. I don't have to be a child protected by my father like I am now."

Tian Junliu and Konoe Wumo are very close, they are natural allies.

Tian Junliu laughed, it is good to have ambition and goals, children of noble families have always been like this.

Tian Junliu was very surprised, while Chu Lingyun nodded slightly: "That's right, wherever I've been, I will observe carefully and write down useful information."

Team Leader Huang asked, and his subordinates immediately shook their heads: "No, I just lost track of him because I didn't dare to surprise him."

Team leader Huang scolded angrily, and one of them raised his head: "Team leader, we didn't dare to get too close. He walked left and right in an alley, and he threw us off after a while, but he is definitely not an ordinary person. His anti-tracking ability is very strong."

However, everyone has their own merits, and now the literary society also needs a panacea like Shui Chengjun, at least with him, there are many trivial matters that Chu Lingyun does not need to handle in person.

Chu Lingyun took out the bag he was carrying with him, and pulled out a document.

It is indeed a map, and it is very detailed.

"That's right, General Matsumoto has great support for the literary society."

Chu Lingyun took the opportunity to tell about Shimakura. Shimakura was the lieutenant, too far away from Tian Junliu, and he knew a little about the merit-robbing case investigated by General Matsumoto.

He used to be a very good agent.

The amount of money is very large and it is not suitable to divulge it.

Tian Junliu nodded with a smile, and did not mention the matter of sending him back to China.

They are in Wuhan and understand that Wuhan is heavily guarded. If they were to get so much money, they would definitely leave with the money as soon as possible, and it would be impossible to put it in the city.

"This is not an ordinary literary agency."

"Sit down, sit down and talk."

But soon this idea was rejected by him.

It happened that Chu Lingyun was also the deputy director of the special training class, so he asked Chu Lingyun to go there instead.

In troubled times, there are many bandits.

However, both he and Zhao Zaili overlooked one point. Money can be hidden. This amount of money is a lot, but it is not difficult to hide. You can dig a cellar in any house and put it away.

Shimakura got up excitedly, and bowed deeply to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun continued, Shimakura Toshiaki's eyes widened, and the eyes were a little moist.

"Team leader, the boss is calling."

Even he himself is a person around Konoe, and he also has their group.

The anti-rape team has received the most rigorous training. They are very capable of man-marking and anti-stalking, and their skills are good. Four people stare at one, even if he is a real spy.

Whether he can do it is one thing, but as long as he is willing to do it, there is hope.

What Jian Zhifang took was not ordinary money, not to mention that it is impossible to form a too powerful armed force with this money, even if it can be formed, it will be completely wiped out.

With the backing of Chief Chu, Wang Sheng will definitely become the director of the bureau in the future. It is definitely not a dream for him to be the director of the branch.

On Wolf Seven's side, Team Leader Huang left four people to continue watching, and went to another target by himself.

After returning, he immediately reported to Team Leader Huang.

Team leader Huang has people who have been in the black market under his command, and they took advantage of the crowds to join him.

"Don't talk about that, you know Virgo's mind, if you can catch Jian Zhifang this time, Virgo will definitely be very happy."

Secretary Liang's medical skills are very good, and he is the backbone of the hospital. People like him will not be randomly placed in the rear.

The tiger skin of the Hosokawa family is stronger than any position.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Shi Yuan, if you have an assignment in the future, you will die."

Wolf Seven was very vigilant and made an anti-stalking action.

Tian Junliu agreed, and immediately went to the study, laid out his pen and ink, and wrote an inscription for Youzhai Wenshe.

The newly promoted major general was not one of his staff, and he also couldn't understand taking credit from his subordinates, so he handed it over to the Gendarmerie Command.

It is impossible for him to give the Japanese a real map, and handing over what the Japanese already have has no effect.

Team leader Huang soon received the news that Wolf Seven had arrived at the black market, and he was very skilled in talking with people in the black market.

Tian Junliu smiled and nodded. Hosokawa Tomotaka still has such a heart, and he worked so hard to draw such a detailed map.

"Uncle Tian Jun, thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Chu Lingyun likes him the most. He is not as smooth and selfish as Shui Chengjun.

"Shimakura-kun, sit down."

It happened to bring a few more people over to watch over Chen Shu.

His ability has long since regressed.

"Haha, yes, yes, the ambition is great, maybe your Hosokawa family will become a prime minister in the future."

"Really a bandit?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised, the special training class was in Hunan, and the chief asked him to go back to Wuhan first, and then go to Hunan.

Chu Lingyun's information to Mr. Ke clearly stated that among the remaining two suspects, there was no one who resembled Jian Zhifang.

"Inscription, don't use it."

Tian Junliu is a powerful figure in the Japanese army. Such a person has a high status, and he cannot neglect it.

"Since he was wronged, there is no problem entering the staff department."

Matsumoto's rank is not high, but he has a lot of power, and he is the one he needs to win over.

Their boss was very dissatisfied with this, and asked him to go to the city to inquire about the situation on the black market, and try to find a way to buy a batch of arms. Not to mention that everyone has a gun, at least half of the people must have weapons in their hands, and guns and ammunition must not be missing.

Team leader Huang is the leader of the anti-rape team in Wuhan. After Ke Gong's order came, Secretary Hao from Wuhan immediately handed over the task to their anti-rape team.

Wolf Seven didn't bring much money, and they wanted a lot. After finding the right person, they went outside the city to talk in detail, and then they would get the money and the goods. In today's troubled times, no one dares to trust anyone.

If you can't buy it, find a way to get some accessories to assemble yourself. In short, you must have all these things.

Tian Junliu frowned again. Many people like to be arty, but in his eyes, these are all playthings.

"Including myself, Uncle Tian Jun, I have not been idle in China these years. I have gone to many places, broadened my horizons, and gained a detailed understanding of China. This is a map of part of China I drew. Now I put it Leave it to you, I believe it will be helpful to you."

When Toshiaki Shimakura came to Ishihara Firm, Chu Lingyun called him there.

"The renovation of the Wenshe can let Chu Yuan go, why don't I go back with you?"

Given time for Tan Wenbo, he can continue to grow.

Bringing Chu Yuan along, Chu Lingyun had another purpose.

With so much money, a car cannot pull it, so a truck must be used.

At the opening, both Ishihara Toru and Hosokawa Tomotaka will definitely be on the stage. Chu Lingyun can't be separated, so someone has to replace one.


"Did you draw all this yourself?"

Wolf Seven entered the city again.

The two lowered their heads and whispered. Team Leader Huang's eyes widened. Two professional people actually lost him?

"Team leader, another target has entered the city."

Chu Yuan was loyal to him and was the most suitable candidate.

Secretary Hao ordered that the identity of the target has not been determined yet, and he is not suitable for reporting.


When breaking through, the weaknesses of these bandits were undoubtedly exposed.

After finding out, Team Leader Huang immediately ordered that he needs to make a decision on this matter, and he cannot decide whether to kill or release this person.

Not only those of Wuhan, but also those near Wuhan, as well as some places in Anhui Province and Jiangsu.

Jian Zhifang stole so much money, he would not trust an agent.

"You guys, let me say how you are."

He has read books, received special training, good skills, good marksmanship, can drive and repair cars, can connect various wires, understands radio, and can make and defuse bombs.

"The special training class opens, let me go back?"

However, he was very satisfied with the results of inquiries on the black market. A dealer could give them [-] guns and [-] rounds of ammunition, but the asking price was a bit high.

From Hangzhou before to Hunan now, Virgo has always insisted on being the director himself.

"Yes, the painting is very good, it's rare that you have such a heart for the country."

Chu Yuan was the closest in stature to him, so it happened to give Chu Yuan a personality and let him imitate Shi Yuanheng.

Shimakura immediately replied that he had never met Tomotaka Hosokawa until now, and knew very well that it was impossible for him to help him in vain.

Ishihara Toru talked about Hosokawa Tomotaka, and he is what he is today.

"I'm very pleased that you can understand this. If you work hard in the future, even if you are a general in the future, we will have a chance."

What Chu Lingyun said made Shimakura's heart beat faster. Is this a disguised promise to help him be promoted to general in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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