Don't get me wrong, I really didn't mean to tease you

Chapter 275 I Wish We Were Not Siblings

This was probably the most peaceful and sweetest night Jia Yun slept during this period of time.

In the early morning of December, when there was no longer sunlight coming in through the window, Jia Yun faintly woke up but was squeezed awake by Jia Nuo.

Glancing at the phone next to the pillow, it was almost ten o'clock.

Jia Yun has never been in the habit of sleeping in late, but in the arms of his sister Xiang Nuan, Jia Yun had the idea of ​​staying in bed for the first time.


The elder sister leaning on her shoulder moaned, half awake, and said:

"Sleep a little longer~"

Jia Yun nodded with a smile, turned around, and hugged her sister too.

I don't know if it's because the silk quilt on the body is so effective in keeping warm. Jia Yun feels a little hot, but her sister who has been afraid of the cold since childhood doesn't seem to feel the heat. Not only does she hold Jia Yun more tightly in her arms A few minutes later, a pair of long white legs tightly wrapped around Jia Yun's legs like two snakes.

"Sister, where do you want to go today? I'll accompany you."

Hearing this, Jano opened his beautiful eyes and asked joyfully:
"Really? Aren't you going to class today?!"

"Go on."

Jia Yun said with a smile:
"But it's not as important as your sister in class, is it?"

"Ouch~ your mouth is so sweet~"

Jia Nuo smiled and pecked Jia Yun's face, and asked:

"How many classes are there today? Are there many main classes?"

Although Jia Nuo was very happy in her heart, it could be seen that she was more concerned about whether her brother's studies would be affected than whether she was happy or not.

"Well, there is an advanced math class in the morning, a physical education class, and ideological and political education, C language, and an elective class in the afternoon, which is vocal music."

Jano thought for a while and said:
"Then you should go back to class in the afternoon. It's okay to skip class once in a while, but it's too much to skip a whole day."

"Okay~ Sis, I have my own plan, what do you want for breakfast?"

After Jia Nuo heard that his younger brother was going to play with him today, he lost sleepiness, straightened up, stretched himself, and then smiled mysteriously at Jia Yun.

"Speaking of breakfast, hey, I'll show you something nice~"

As he said that, Jano, who was only wearing a sexy lace underwear, rolled over and got out of bed, found a pajamas to put on, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then went into the kitchen.

nice one?what good stuff?

Jia Yun was a little curious, got dressed and got out of bed.

After washing up, he went into the kitchen. Jia Yun saw an iron basin on the kitchen table, which was filled with water, and a white cylindrical thing soaked in the water.

"Hey! It's actually a piece of bait."

Jia Yun said in surprise.

"Well, Mom just sent it over."

While talking, Jano put on his gloves, fished the bait out of the water, and cut it into slices with a kitchen knife.

"Xiaoyun, there are sauces sent by my mother in the refrigerator, and the ham sausage I bought earlier, take it out and roast it."

If there is anything that has accompanied the siblings from childhood to adulthood, it is undoubtedly this bait.

Bait is a food material that people in Yunnan Province are familiar with. It is one of the specialties of Yunnan. It is made of high-quality rice. It looks like glutinous rice cakes. It is not sticky to the teeth, and there are many ways to do it, such as cutting long bait and frying it like noodles, or cutting it into thin slices and roasting it.

When I was a child, in the streets and alleys of Liangcheng, basically, anywhere, within 100 meters, there must be a bait shop. Burn the bait.

The siblings have grown up eating this stuff, and they never get tired of eating it.

The favorite way for the siblings to eat is to bake the thin sliced ​​bait and ham sausage on charcoal fire respectively, then spread the special sauce, roll the ham sausage with bait and eat it, similar to hot dogs .

Since there is no charcoal stove at home, Jano decided to use the upper layer of the heating stove to bake. Although the aroma of baking with a heating stove is not as good as that of a charcoal stove, it is not bad.

The siblings had a clear division of labor. After Jia Nuo cut the bait, Jia Yun put it on a plate, then carried it to the living room, turned on the heating stove, and spread the ham sausage and bait on the stove to bake.

Soon, the strong rice fragrance began to diffuse in the living room.

"Ah, the smell of nostalgia."

Jia Yun sniffed and said with emotion.

Jano made a cup of hot lemonade for the two, brought it to the tea table, turned the food on the oven with chopsticks, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Yun, do you still remember? I used to go to elementary school, especially in winter, if you couldn't get up in the morning, I would tell you that if you get up late, you won't be able to eat the roasted bait at the gate of our school." , as soon as you hear this, no matter how cold it is outside the bed, you will get up immediately, haha, you were really a greedy little cat at that time~"

The siblings just surrounded the heating stove, keeping warm while eating breakfast.

With her sister, no matter what she does, Jia Yun feels very warm. This kind of warmth does not come from the stove, but from her sister's smile.

The way my sister smiles is really beautiful, even if she just woke up, without makeup, with a plain face, even if there is still a little bit of sauce hanging from the corner of her mouth at the moment, it is only because of the satisfied smile after eating her favorite food , No girl can compare.

"Xiao Yun, didn't you say before that you plan to find a photographer to go out and take pictures of our autumn and winter uniforms? Why don't you just ask today if you have time for photography~"

"Yeah, I'm busy this time, I almost forgot."

My sister has always been thinking about going out to take pictures. Jia Yun quickly took out her mobile phone and called the photographer she had contacted before.

The other party said that she was free today, so Jia Yun made an appointment with the other party.

Jia Nuo hurriedly finished the food in front of him, wiped his mouth, stepped on the little cotton slippers, and ran into the bedroom to put on makeup.

"Xiaoyun, tell me, which uniform should I wear today?"

Whether it's putting on makeup or changing clothes, my sister never has the habit of closing the door in front of her, and Jia Yun has gradually adapted to this.

"It's all right. If you want to take more shots, you can bring a few more sets and put them in the trunk. You can change them in the car when the time comes."

"But remember to wear thicker socks. It's only ten degrees outside today."

While her sister was changing clothes, Jia Yun also entered the room and chose two sets of men's DK uniforms, one was a lapel suit and the other was a tunic with a stand collar.

After all, outdoor shooting is essentially the production of advertising materials. After the shooting is over, Jia Yun wants to use these photos to contribute to major magazines for publicity. He must take as many shots as possible.

Soon, Jano finished her makeup and put on her uniform. Today she chose a blue uniform, with a woolen suit jacket on the outside, a white shirt and tie on the inside, a sweater, and a white shirt on the lower body. The pleated plaid skirt is paired with black velvet pantyhose, and a pair of light brown uniform leather shoes are on the feet.

Jano straightened his hair in front of the mirror, packed a few more sets of uniforms, and walked out of the bedroom with a dark brown shoulder bag in satisfaction.

"Xiao Yun, are you alright?"

Just as Jano walked out of the bedroom, he froze.

What caught my eye was a boy who looked like he came out of a cartoon.

"That, sister, does it look good?"

Jia Yun asked a little unconfidently while arranging his tie.

Jano was stunned!



Jia Yun was a little strange, thinking that he hadn't dealt with it well, and asked:

"what happened?"

Jia Nuo didn't speak, took Jia Yun's hand, and pulled Jia Yun to the full-length mirror in the entrance.

In the mirror, there is a pair of boys and girls wearing student uniforms full of youthful campus atmosphere. They both have exactly the same beautiful facial features, as beautiful as the male and female protagonists in shoujo manga, and they wear clothes that look like couples.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my younger brother is so pretty~"

"My sister is also super beautiful!"

The siblings each carried a bag and went out, drove the car, first went to a place [-] kilometers away to pick up the photography, and then followed the instructions of the photography to find various good places suitable for taking pictures.

Jia Yunyue's photographer is a senior graduate student, a 22-year-old girl from Tianhai, who is short and fat, with a bob hair and a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses. Like the kind that do photography.

After she got in the car, she was shocked when she saw the siblings.

She has seen good-looking people before, but this is the first time she has seen such a good-looking person.

Originally, the photographer wanted to take the two siblings to find some Internet celebrities in Tianhai to check in and take pictures, but after seeing the two dressed in student uniforms, she resolutely gave up and took the two directly. I went to a middle school to take pictures.

Since today is the weekend and the middle school is on holiday, this school originally does not allow people from other schools to enter, but it seems that the mother who took the photo is a cadre of this school. After talking to the guard at the door, she opened the door to let Jia Yun's car went in.

Since it’s a student uniform, it’s best to shoot the theme of the campus. The environment of this school is good, with lush trees, gardens, and the teaching buildings are also very clean. The facilities are also better than the Liangcheng where the siblings studied before. No.[-] Middle School is much better.

"OK, pay attention to the camera, hold hands, smile, 123, let's go!"

The photographer's posture is still very professional. She bowed her waist and held the SLR in her hand, trying to find the best shot for the two of them.

Although it is December weather, the sun is not bad today. At [-] o'clock in the morning, Jia Yun and Jia Nuo held hands and walked sweetly along the campus path according to the password of the photographer.

After all, it is Tianhai's middle school, and the campus environment is really much better than Liangcheng No. [-] Middle School. Although Liangcheng No. [-] Middle School is a middle school with the highest teaching quality in the local area and even in the whole province, the campus environment is really average. That's the kind of typical exam-oriented education training base, from planning to environment, there is no sense of humanity and atmosphere.

But this school is different. Although Jia Yun doesn't know the quality of education in this school, but just looking at its appearance, it is a typical environment for campus youth idol dramas. Jia Yun even suspected that there were many youth idol dramas before. The filming work of the film was shot here.

December has just entered winter, and the leaves of the banyan trees on both sides of the road are still orange-yellow, and the fallen leaves will rustle when you step on the ground.

The golden sunlight passing through the gaps in the leaves overhead creates a beautiful Tyndall effect in the air.

Jia Nuo is holding the old textbook that photography found for her in one hand, and holding his younger brother in the other hand. The slender legs wrapped in black velvet pantyhose are taking light steps, and the small leather shoes on the feet are stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground.

Although she looked at the camera in front of her, she always unconsciously glanced at Jia Yun from the corner of her eyes.

The upper body of the boy next to him is the same blue suit jacket as himself, and the inside is also the same sweater vest with shirt and tie, and the lower body is a pair of straight dark checked pants with leather shoes.

The boy's side face has clear and sharp lines, his nose bridge is high, his skin is fair, his eyes are bright and deep, his temples are decorated with smooth black hair, and his skin is delicate and warm while holding his hand
In a trance, Jia Nuo had the illusion that he had traveled to those campus youth novels that he loved to read in high school in the past.

At this moment, Jia Nuo's mind was a little blank. Unconsciously, she put both hands around Jia Yun's arm, and half of her body leaned gently on Jia Yun's shoulder.

Seeing that Jia Nuo didn't follow her instructions, she wanted to say something, but she soon discovered that Jia Nuo was leaning on Jia Yun's shoulder, and the shooting effect was much better than walking hand in hand.

"Well, not bad!"

At the end of the first shooting, the photographer showed the two the results of the shooting just now.

"Okay, this doesn't really need post-editing."

The photographer looked at his work and said with satisfaction:

"Not bad, not bad, the taste of youthful campus love is full, you and your boyfriend are really photogenic!"

Facing the praise of the photographer, the siblings looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

After taking pictures of the clothes on their bodies, the two went to the car to change into the second and third sets.

The rear space of the BMW 760li is still very large, so changing clothes is not a problem.

The filming work lasted until one o'clock in the noon, and it was not over until all the clothes brought by the two were photographed.

The photographer is said to live nearby, so he didn't bother Jia Yun to send her back, but after the photographer left, Jia Nuo seemed a little unfulfilled.

"Xiao Yun, let me stroll around the campus~"

Jia Yun was originally a nostalgic person. When he was reborn, what he liked most was the teaching building and playground in this middle school.

To be precise, what he likes is not these cold buildings, but the memory of his lost youth through these buildings carrying the campus time.

The siblings, arm in arm, wandered aimlessly around the school, from the garden to the playground, and then to the empty teaching building.

"Ah! Youth is so beautiful."

Jia Nuo took Jia Yun's hand, walked to a stand on the playground, sat down, and said with emotion.

"Look at what you said, sister, aren't you still young now?"

Jia Yun laughed.

"It's different."

Jano smiled lightly and said:
"When I was in middle school, I never felt how beautiful youth is."

Hearing this, Jia Yun lowered her head silently and said softly:

"Sister, I'm sorry."

"At that time, I was so stupid that I always caused you trouble and made you and your parents worry."

"No, sister doesn't mean that."

Jia Nuo leaned slightly on Jia Yun's shoulder, facing the breeze at noon, and said softly:
"I was just thinking how nice it would be if we weren't siblings"

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