super species player.

Chapter 133 "Children's Paradise" is Dawn

Chapter 133 "Children's Paradise" is Dawn
At the moment when the gate of life was slowly choked, Lu Fanni's whole body tensed up, even her breathing stopped!
The only thing that can keep her a little confident now is the "weird force absorption bracelet" on her hand.

That is her defensive prop, which can absorb external physical attacks.Every time a certain limit is reached, one of the beads on the bracelet will burst, and now there are six beads left on the bracelet.

Is Mr. A Qian's judgment accurate?

Lu Fanni silently recited Jiang Qian's advice on the note paper: don't speak, don't move, don't open your eyes...

But she is being pinched by the throat now!

If you don't resist now...

"Crack——" The cracking sound of the beads on the bracelet came clearly, and Lu Fanni felt his wrist hurt from the shock!

Thousands of thoughts that arise in a flash of thought finally form a "ray of dream" that gathers and rises from the center of Lu Fanni's eyebrows, and passes through the darkness until it covers the bunk where Jiang Qian is!

She activated the identity card skill "Entering the Dream": she can meet and communicate with the person she wants in the dream.

And the two parties in the dream this time are she and Jiang Qian.

Lu Fanni was very apprehensive after making this action.

The limitation of this skill is the time limit and distance limit, so it is not suitable for long-distance and long-term connections.

Although the dream scenes are all created by the dreamer, the major shortcoming of this skill is: once the other party finds that the place he is in is a dream and destroys the dream scene, the damage suffered in the scene will be fed back to the dreamer. body.

So again, a pretty high-risk activity!If it wasn't for a trustworthy person, Lu Fanni would generally not use this skill easily.

The dream turned around, and Lu Fanni pulled Jiang Qian into her domain as quickly as possible, before the surrounding landscape became real, she saw Jiang Qian's figure moving from far to near.

"Teacher A Qian! There seems to be a fight near my bunk, and someone is attacking me!"

Lu Fanni approached Jiang Qian in a hurry, explaining the situation quickly while walking, but the other party calmly and steadily reminded him:

"Don't move."

Jiang Qian's appearance and expression really emerged in the dream created by Lu Fanni. His face was as calm as a waveless lake, and his condensed eyes were hot and sharp, more aggressive than usual.

Said to Lu Fanni with a firm tone: "You are fine."

Lu Fanni was stunned, and at the same time stopped the pace of approaching.

Jiang Qian quickly answered her troubles. To be precise, he actively shared his vision with her on the basis of recognizing Lu Fanni's ability.

The reason why Lu Fanni stopped was because of the picture she saw, which made her expression change unbelievably: from bewilderment, to surprise, then to astonishment, and finally to the lingering fear...

The vision that Jiang Qian shared with her was the bird's-eye view of the dormitory.

The strange thing is that there is no "living person" staying or walking around all the beds and aisles in the picture!

All the surviving players lay peacefully on their bunks, without getting off the ground, fighting, making noise or other incidents...


Almost everyone had expressions of pain and struggle on their faces!

Some people curled up together, as if enduring some unknown pain; some lost control of their bodies, clutching the quilt desperately, as if they were wrestling with some invisible force!
Some people fell off the bed due to excessive struggle and died.

Some people suddenly covered their eyes and fell down under the bed, and there was also no movement...

Everyone seemed to be strangled by a pair of invisible hands!

It is an invisible force that secretly promotes this thrilling game under the night.

"See clearly?" Jiang Qian said calmly.

"I see clearly, but..." Lu Fanni swallowed carefully, and asked cautiously, "How did you know, and how did you see it?"

"The lights-out rule is pretty clear."

Jiang Qian saw that Lu Fanni had calmed down, and at the same time eased his expression, so he sat down on the floor in this pink dream space:

"'Sleep with peace of mind, no slapstick': Players just need to sleep with peace of mind, and don't make trouble tonight, otherwise they will be punished. Other descriptions are supplementary explanations around this logic. You can try to reason and see if the player has any An opportunity to play tricks on other people."

"As long as he makes moves, it can be classified as 'slapstick', and he will be punished for violations, but I guess passive slapstick will not exempt him from liability, so I remind you not to move."

"As for my observation method, it is a prop. This dormitory just provides me with the convenience of observation."

After listening to Jiang Qian's explanation, Lu Fanni suddenly understood!
Indeed, after the purge of 60% of the "Fruit Man" players, the remaining players are more or less intellectual and dependent.

Most of them can see that they should try their best to comply with the requirements of the lights-out agreement. Failure to comply may have serious consequences, such as: don’t get out of bed after the lights are black, and don’t make noise and fight.

So even the most dangerous mutants are mostly prepared to be as quiet as chickens this night.

But it is still too challenging to close your eyes and sleep peacefully.

When vision is blocked, facing unknown fear and anxiety will make many people's judgments inaccurate. At this time, when encountering an unknown attack, everyone's first reaction is to choose to believe, and actively resist or pull.

Before I knew it, I had slipped to the verge of violating the lights-off rule, and I found my own way out.

So the makers of all these crises are not the players themselves, but the dungeons!

Lu Fanni felt a chill because he had figured this out.

"Telling us to sleep peacefully while creating nightmares to force fouls is so cunning."

"Yeah, this dungeon is like a naughty child, thinking of 180 ways to deal with us players who have gone astray."

Jiang Qian smiled and reminded Lu Fanni:
"It's almost time, don't waste your energy, go back and lie down."

"I see, thank you..."

"Nice dream."

Dream cut off.

Lu Fanni suddenly returned to the bed, and the hand on her neck was nowhere to be seen...

She quickly touched her right wrist with her left hand to confirm the consumption of the strange power to absorb the bracelet, and found that the remaining Liu Mei beads on the bracelet were actually there!
Not one wasted!
Therefore, as Jiang Qian deduced, the cries for help she heard, the touch she felt, including the vibration of the broken bracelet, were not real, but illusions created by the copy.

She was very glad that she followed Jiang Qian's instructions from beginning to end and was not killed by instinct.

That night, Lu Fanni did not really fall asleep.

Many people don't really fall asleep, but they are the luckiest.

Because some people have been asleep forever and never have the chance to see the morning of the next day.

With the sound of crisp and pleasant morning exercise music, the familiar voice of the children's program sounded again from the loudspeakers in all directions in the dormitory:
"Good morning, dear children~"

"Did you sleep well last night? Quickly open your eyes and see how bright the sun is today!"

Following the clear "open eyes" prompt, the surviving players opened their eyes one after another and got up from their bunks...

As a result, someone soon discovered that some of the bunks around them where players had slept peacefully were suddenly empty, but there was no trace left.

Fear, vigilance, exhaustion, and even despair flashed across the faces of all the players.



The typo is corrected first and then corrected!

(End of this chapter)

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