Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 2 I have a bold idea

Chapter 2 I have a bold idea
After listening to Ye Hao's self-statement, Li Qingrang has basically sorted out the cause and effect of the matter:
I was lucky and met a suspected reborn person.

In the previous life, Ye Hao died in his hands.

So he was reborn and came back, wanting revenge and killing himself.

Then, although he has a huge amount of money, he claims that he can't drink alcohol. It seems that he has been insisting on acting as a character in his previous life.

So Ye Hao's goddess Chen Yu believed it, "drunk" him, and pushed him against it.

Ye Hao also believed it.

After rebirth, he still wanted to use this weakness to kill him.


Li Qingrang didn't even know how much he could drink.

as well as……

"Qing Rang, are you sober? Did you have a dream just now? What kind of goddess? Do you have a goddess?"

Ye Hao panicked a lot in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface.

It's a pity that the acting skills are too exaggerated, Li Qingrang can see through it at a glance.

"I've heard it all, don't pretend. Come, talk to me carefully about your goddess getting me drunk."

Ye Hao's expression gradually changed from innocent to ferocious.

Now that the matter has come to this point, of course he already knows that the matter has been completely revealed.

In addition to being shocked, Ye Hao was more angry.

He guessed one thing:

"Qingdi's only weakness is an alcohol allergy—this rumor is a lie."

Li Qingrang blinked.

It seems that the personality is really important.

No wonder the entertainment industry attaches so much importance to character design.

It can really save lives in critical times.

"Damn it, I was cheated by you for two lifetimes."

Realizing this, Ye Hao felt greatly insulted.

When people are extremely angry, it is easy to lose their minds, and their IQ drops linearly.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao is not exempt.

"Li Qingrang, do you think you can have the last laugh if you fooled me? Naive. Do you know why so many villains on TV have already died of talking too much, and I dare to talk to you so much? You Do you really think I'm stupid?"

Li Qingrang nodded sincerely.

"You guessed it, I just think you're stupid."

Ye Hao laughed back angrily: "Crazy enough, confident enough, worthy of being the Qing Emperor in the future, but do you think everything is under your control now? Even if your weakness is not alcohol, it's useless, to tell you the truth, just now I I have already poisoned your wine. I procrastinated until now just to wait for you to be poisoned. Don't worry, I have other means to deal with your funeral afterwards, and I will definitely not be implicated in me. In order to kill you, I have made enough preparations, you have no chance to counterattack."

As a reborn person, Ye Hao's huge information advantage is equivalent to opening a huge hang.

So he was full of confidence.

"So what about the Qing Emperor? Before he rose, he would still be played by me in the applause. Let's experience my feelings in the previous life."

Li Qingrang sighed lightly.

"Brother, you are too hasty. I wanted to tell you just now. In fact, the rumors are true. I really can't drink, so I didn't take a sip of the wine you persuaded me just now. I poured it all while you were not paying attention. So, I'm not poisoned."

Ye Hao felt like being struck by lightning.

Li Qingrang looked at this silly boy with pity.

Actually he drank it.

It was also the first time I noticed that there was poison in the wine.

It's a pity that when it comes to playing drugs, Ye Hao is not worthy of lifting his shoes.

And these are not important.

The important thing is that Li Qingrang kept a hand.

What if there is something weird about this guy, and he is reborn again?

The villain can talk a lot, but he can't tell the truth.

If Ye Hao believed what he said now and was reborn again, he would still think that Li Qingrang's weakness was alcohol, and then he would fall into Li Qingrang's hands again.

Although there is basically no such possibility, it is definitely not wrong to keep everything in one hand.

Ye Hao was nearly collapsed by Li Qingrang's blow.

But he held on.

"Qing Rang, would you believe me if I said that I was just talking nonsense and everything was just a joke?"

Li Qingrang smiled: "Silly boy, what do you think?"

Ye Hao clenched his fists: "Li Qingrang, you are too conceited. Forget it, since the previous design doesn't work, let me kill you myself. I have been reborn for three days, and I have already become a star-level I have never defeated you in the last life, but in this life you have not officially started to practice star skills, your glory will be in the future, so now you are doomed to be defeated by me."

Li Qingrang said with a smile: "Brother, you all know the reason why villains die because of talking too much, do you think I know?"

Ye Hao's expression changed suddenly.

Li Qingrang continued to ask leisurely: "Then why do you think I talk so much nonsense with you?"

As Li Qingrang's words fell, Ye Hao's body collapsed on the table, and he looked at Li Qingrang in horror.

"You drugged me?"

Li Qingrang shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Small means of self-defense are not worth mentioning, it's a joke."

Ye Hao couldn't laugh.

There were bursts of cold sweat on his forehead.

Feeling the approach of the Goddess of Death.

What kind of poison is this?

He is already a star warrior of the galaxy period, but he still can't resist.

Ye Hao panicked more and more.

"Qing Rang, we are brothers."

Li Qingrang: "But brother just wanted to kill me."

"It was all a misunderstanding."

"Then tell me carefully, how did the misunderstanding come about?"

Li Qingrang was not in a hurry to deal with Ye Hao.

He is still interested in digging deeper into some things.

"Based on what you said, we were lifelong enemies in the previous life? I suppressed you everywhere? Why do I not believe it?" Li Qingrang questioned: "With your ability, you are qualified to let me target you everywhere?"

He easily handles rebirth, wouldn't it be worse not to be reborn?
Li Qingrang didn't feel that such a person deserved to have anything to do with him.

"Are you qualified to be my enemy?" Li Qingrang asked.

Ye Hao: " are too much, you have to punish people for killing people."

Li Qingrang frowned, his face darkened: "Answer my question."

Ye Hao trembled in his heart, and immediately said: "I am not your enemy, you have never seen me in your eyes."

"That's pretty much the same, then why would I kill you?" Li Qingrang asked.

Ye Hao is just an orphan who grew up in an orphanage.

As far as Ye Hao's IQ is concerned, it is unlikely to be related to those terrible things he did.

Why did you kill him?

Ye Hao didn't want to answer.

But when Li Qingrang frowned again, he immediately thought from his heart: "Actually, you didn't kill me, it was when you and King Baqi were confronted, and the aftermath of the star technique affected me. From the beginning to the end, you didn't even know that I was killing me." Watch the battle."

Li Qingrang: "..."

In terms of feelings, you were watching the excitement and were killed by the aftermath.

Can this also be blamed on me?
Is labor and capital a backer?
Seeing Li Qingrang's anger, Ye Hao added: "What annoys me the most is that you don't even want to look at me. You killed me, but you don't even know I exist. Ignoring is the greatest humiliation." , Li Qingrang, you insulted me too much, that's why I did something stupid."

Li Qingrang: "..."

This guy has a serious brain disease.

It's not labor and management that let you watch the fun, I don't even know you're there, so it's none of my business.

A black pot out of thin air.

Li Qingrang was too lazy to entangle with Ye Hao, he asked the topic he cared about: "I started to rise after this?"

Ye Hao said: "Yes, after the war, your initial return was unremarkable, but you quickly shined in the Star Examination Competition, showing unparalleled talent, and then rose to the top step by step, and was called the 'Emperor Qing' by the people at the time. Until I was reborn, you hadn't advanced to the Star Emperor realm."

Li Qingrang was thoughtful.

"Do I have any enemies?"

"A lot, and it's strong."

Ye Hao looked at Li Qingrang with a strange look, he chose to tell the truth, because telling the truth would be more beneficial to his current situation.

"A lot of people are suppressing you. To be honest, you are going to be an enemy of the world. Not only are many big figures in Dagan secretly targeting you, but also many alien powers are also chasing and killing you. But at that time, my status was too low. , the specific inside story is not clear.”

Li Qingrang was not surprised.

On the contrary, there is a feeling that it is so.

It seems that his identity is still leaked.

"What have I done?"

Hearing Li Qingrang's question, Ye Hao's tone and eyes became very complicated.

"Brother, the reason why I want to kill you is not all for personal grievances, but also for the righteousness of the country."

Li Qingrang remained expressionless: "Go ahead."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, and said: "You will soon rise to the top, become famous all over the world, and then bring disaster to the country and the people, and eventually become a traitor in troubled times who will destroy Daqian."

For Ye Hao's answer, Li Qingrang was still not surprised.

He just sighed inwardly.

It seems that the water of Stargate Battle was deeper than he imagined.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have done such an absolute job.

Li Qing let know that although he killed and set fire, he is essentially a good person who loves peace.

To be able to get to that step, he must have been forced by others.

"Qing Rang, let me go. I know the history. If you let me go, I will help you seriously. With my help, you will achieve greater achievements than in your previous life and become a veritable Emperor Qing."

Ye Hao is trying to save himself.

But Li Qingrang didn't answer his words at all.

Ye Hao did not give up.

"Qing Rang, you have an unparalleled talent, and I have an information advantage that surpasses everyone else. Together, the two of us will definitely be able to dominate. Our future lies in the sea of ​​stars. You need my help, and I can help you A lot of work, believe me. By the way, money, Qing Rang, I can help you make a lot of money in no time."

Li Qing laughed: "Brother, was I short of money in my previous life?"

Ye Hao was speechless.

Of course, Emperor Qing would not be short of money.

Even without his help, Emperor Qing still reached the point where he almost swept the world.

But Li Qingrang's rejection of Ye Hao was not due to this reason.

Li Qingrang didn't mind taking a reborn person as his subordinate.


"Now the entire galaxy is looking for me, and the Star Emperor will come down and hunt me down personally. What I need most at this time is to keep a low profile, not to do things that may attract the attention of those people. Therefore, this reborn person is of little significance to me. .”

Li Qingrang clearly understood the role of the reborn, but he also knew that the benefits were not important, so he quickly made up his mind that this brother could not stay.

It's just that what Ye Hao revealed about his future gave Li Qingrang some ideas.

With normal camouflage, it's hard not to reveal your identity. After all, the enemy is too strong and there are too many resources that can be used.

Unless he is willing to disappear from the crowd and remain unknown all his life.

But how can he not avenge the bloody hatred?

It is impossible to escape, and it is impossible to escape in this life.

But he carries the hopes of many.

He has to live.

Therefore, he may need a more secure method to hide his true identity.

It is not in his character to be low-key, and his strength and what he has to do do not allow him to be low-key.

But a high profile would make it easy for those people to guess his identity.

Unless another identity can be used as a protective color, people will not be associated with his true identity.

Li Qingrang turned his attention back to Ye Hao, and his eyes gradually brightened up.

He had a bold idea.

"Brother, are you born again?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

Li Qingrang slapped it with a slap.

"You are an eggplant, I am the reborn."

Ye Hao: "???"

Li Qingrang smiled.

Ye Hao is a true brother.

Let him see a path he had never imagined.

"From now on, I am the reborn."

In the future, his extraordinary talent and his easy rise can all be attributed to his identity as a reborn person, and have nothing to do with his true identity.

Even if those people suspected him and went to investigate, Li Qingrang would only leave clues for them to investigate his identity as a reborn person, not his fatal true identity.

The problem now is only one thing:

What about playing as a Reborn?
Waiting online, very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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