Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 231 Pingping: Rebirth Memories Show, Brothers and Sisters Don't Miss It

Chapter 231 Pingping: Rebirth Memories Show, Brothers and Sisters Don't Miss It
Regardless of his previous life or this life, as a genuine reborn person, Li Qingrang never minded letting others know that he was reborn.

This is the confidence of the genuine reborn, Ye Hao's kind of pirated goods will never learn.

However, Li Qingrang reflected on it. In his last life, he didn't provide enough future information to his brothers—after all, it was really hard to make up, ahem.

But this life is different.

Li Qingrang really has a lot of information from the future that he can share with his brothers.

It's too tiring to do everything by yourself.

He first shared the information with the ten kings, and then let his brothers and sisters take him to fly. This state is ideal.

So Pingping started distributing rebirth memories in a grand manner.

"Brother, you died a miserable death in your last life."

Overlord: "..."

"However, your foundation was finally taken over by Lord Wu'an. Later, when we sought revenge on the Astros, Lord Wu'an slaughtered the Baqi Legion and King Baqi, and succeeded in becoming king, which is regarded as revenge for you."

Overlord nodded slowly, looking at Pingping with complicated eyes.

In the memory of the Star Gate battle just now, Mr. Wu An was just a small person who was the queen of the Equal King, not a big boss.

Of course Li Qingrang didn't reveal his vest.

But Bawang knows the inside story.

"It's not easy for Mr. Wu An, and it's not easy for you, Pingping. I won't let that kind of thing happen again."

"Well, the Wu'an Legion also cherishes a little bit of use. In the previous life, the Wu'an Legion was wiped out in order to kill me."

The corners of Bawang's hard face trembled violently.

"It's my fault, I was too conceited."

He knows himself.

His biggest shortcoming is that he is easily conceited.

Born with supernatural power, brave and unparalleled.The young man became king and swept the world.

Overlord has come all the way, walking too smoothly.

Life is much smoother than Li Qing's life in which children from ordinary families grow up.

It was even much smoother than Yue Wang and Xiao Ming Wang, the second generation kings who had the same background as him.

Yue Wang's family is very complicated. There is an elder brother who has been eyeing him and trying to kill him.

Xiao Mingwang had a period of time when her father was in danger, and she was facing internal and external troubles.

Only the overlord, who took the initiative to raise troops and surrendered internally and externally, under his bravery, Chuzhou only obeyed the overlord's order.

Even the ten kings gathered together, the overlord was the well-deserved leader.

When a person wins all the time, if he loses once, he may lose his whole life.

If Li Qingrang and Bawang hadn't shared the memories of their previous lives, Bawang would definitely not be so easy to persuade.

But Pingping's memory is too real, after all, it is true.

Overlord also knows himself well enough.

That's definitely his style.


But do not shirk responsibility.

wrong king.

Wrong instruction.

Mistakenly rushed into the enemy's formation.

Gradually surrounded by the enemy.

Pride and faith turned to despair.

Desperate final battle.

There is a chance to escape from birth.

But resolutely gave up the opportunity to other brothers.

Choose to live and die with your soldiers.

In the end, the whole army was wiped out.

Draw the finish line for your own pride and conceit.

This style is very domineering.

This ending is also very overbearing.

"You are the oldest, don't let me worry so much in this life, okay?"

Pingping's eyes made Bawang's old face turn red.

Wuyan and Pingping looked at each other.

"Stop talking, save me some face."

At this moment, Bawang very much hoped that there would be a hole in the ground so that he could get in.

Li Qingrang did not continue to embarrass the Overlord.

Overlord is still very good to him.

Give it all.

The last order was also to help him break through and give him a break.

But Li Qingrang wanted more.

If one of the ten kings is missing, the others need to contribute more.

very tired.

Li Qingrang didn't like fighting for power.

The power of his brothers is his power, as long as his brothers and sisters are alive, he doesn't have to bear any obligations, just enjoy the power.

If the brothers are gone, he will have to shoulder the responsibility.

too tired.

After torturing the eldest brother online, Pingping began to torture the second brother again.

"Second brother, you're really awesome. During the first battle of the star gate, our escape route was the star gate. You arranged for the Shence Corps to garrison. We all thought that there must be no problem, but it turned out that there was a problem with you."

King Yue quickly understood Bawang's feeling just now.

Looking for a hole to dig into.

Pingping told him that you are not as good as the Overlord.

"Brother has always acted in a domineering manner. He is used to winning and has forgotten the possibility of losing. He obviously pinned his hopes on the young master. With the young master sitting in the rear, he obviously thought that there would be no problems."

Bawang and Mingming were incidentally tortured, and both of them felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, seeing King Yue was more uncomfortable, they felt better.

Discomfort doesn't go away, it just shifts.

"At that time, Qiqi and I thought you were the most sensible, and you would definitely not be as pushy as Big Brother and Mingming, but we never expected that you would vote for it. Of course, you think you are better than Big Brother and Mingming. Yes, because you left the Shence Legion behind, allowing us to advance, attack, retreat, and defend, which is inherently conducive to being invincible."

King Yue subconsciously nodded.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement.

It was impossible for them to think that the Heavenly Snake Emperor dared to break the rules and make a move.

On paper, in the face of the Seven Star Alliance, with their strength at that time, they had the power to fight.

And breaking out of the star gate is of great significance.

War is the continuation of politics.

Being able to drive the Seven Star Alliance out of the star gate, the political significance of this kind of war has gone beyond the war itself.

Therefore, King Yue, who has not been reborn, still feels that there is nothing wrong with the decision he made in Pingping's memory.

Until he heard the following passage from Pingping:

"Later, we were defeated in the Stargate battle. I, Yan Luo, Jiaoyang, Qiqi and you survived. Among them, you and Jiaoyang Qiqi were captured, and only Yan Luo and I were able to break through the siege."

Ruan Yanluo raised her neck proudly when she heard this.

Sure enough, Pingping and I are the best.

This is indeed.

Yama's position among the ten kings is sharp knives and weapons. She and Pingping are the two who are always online with force, and have never been held back.

Indeed something to be proud of.

"Yan Luo and I hid our identities and hibernated to investigate for half a year. Finally, we found out the truth behind the Star Gate War. We did not lose to foreign enemies in that battle, but to our own people. Second brother, guess what? Guess me Who did Yan Luo find out about?"

King Yue: "... Pingping, you have said that, it must be me."

Li Qing asked "approved" and said: "Second brother, you are really smart, you can guess right at the first guess."

King Yue: "..."

For the first time, I felt Pingping's yin and yang strangeness.

Although the words are still so nice.

"Brother is reckless, but he has no problem, and Chuzhou has no problem either."

Overlord relaxed.

"Although Mingming is stupid, she has no problem, and Mingzhou has no problem either."

Mingming, who was scolded for being stupid, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Even Xingjun's lineage may have problems, but I killed the late emperor in advance, so they didn't have time to attack.

"There is only one place where there is a real problem—the Prince Qin's Mansion.

"Second brother, you have a good old man and a good elder brother.

"They treated you well, detained the Shence Legion, and killed the brothers, but they still saved your life, and they were not willing to kill you.

"Blood ties are touching. Come on, second brother, give me your acceptance speech."

The second brother didn't want to give a speech.

The second brother wanted to die very much.

It's a pity that Pingping didn't give him a chance.

Li Qing held his breath for a lifetime.

Really a lifetime.

Now that he has a chance to vent, he doesn't care so much.

I am the youngest, and I still need to take care of your emotions?

You should take care of me.

The room was quiet.

No one dared to speak for King Yue.


Pingping began to get angry, and if they dared to speak up for King Yue, they would be burned.

Obviously Pingping is all right.

Except for the few who voted against, those who voted for did not dare to say a word.

But the few who voted against it will not say anything.

They are also angry.

One hundred percent on Pingping's side.

Second brother, you are asking for blessings.

All they can do is not add fuel to the fire.

cough cough.

Yama didn't even add fuel to the fire.

She began to intensify the torture.

"Pingping, did the two of us find out about this matter?"

"Well, four of the ten of us died at that time, and Chunguang was also dead, and then three were captured. Only the two of us can move freely."

Pingping's attitude towards Yama is still very good.

Yanluo, Qiqi and Jiaoyang are all on his side.

Basically did nothing wrong.

Ruan Yanluo began to perform tea art: "In that case, we both have to hide our identities, right?"

"of course."

"Hide your identity from being discovered, but also investigate the truth. Tsk tsk, that's not easy, the second brother must be helping us in secret, right?"

Yan Luowang looked at Pingping expectantly.

King Yue: "... Yan Luo, don't do this."

Ruan Yanluo ignored it directly.

Let you blame me for washing Pingping just now.

Is the old lady easy to bully?

Pingping shrugged: "Second brother was imprisoned in the Yuewang Mansion in Chang'an City at that time. He didn't leave the gate without leaving the second door. Even if he wanted to help us, he was powerless. Of course, we both found out the truth later and started revenge half a year later. As a result The second brother, who had been imprisoned that day, walked out of the Yuewang Mansion with ease, which shocked both of us. I thought we had to go to the rescue. After all, the second brother was a prisoner. Freedom of movement."

King Yue wanted to die even more.

King Yan Luo is definitely a master of flattery, she deliberately "whitewashed" King Yue and said: "Second brother must have difficulties, after all, King Qin is his father, and Qin Shenxuan is his elder brother. He is a brother, we are brothers. Those who are sworn brothers have no blood relationship, and the second brother is on the side of his father and elder brother, there is nothing wrong with it, we should understand. Pingping, you are good in everything, but it is too embarrassing for the second brother."

Li Qingrang nodded and "agreed": "Yan Luo, you are right, we should understand, understand long live. Second brother, I was wrong. I am sorry for you. I shouldn't make things difficult for you. I should stand more on your side Think about the problem, after all, you also have difficulties, I hope you can forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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