Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 246 1 Fish, 2 Eats

A good brother will never let Li Qing down.

Even if the good brother is now a different person.

Still the original intention does not change.

After watching Li Qingrang drink the wine, "Ye Hao" breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, Qingdi's alcohol allergy is a high probability event.

Who would be sick enough to cheat a dead man when the winning ticket is in his hands?
Guangwu Xingjun thinks that he is already a particularly stable and strong man, but he will not do that kind of useless work.

Therefore, he never believed that what Qingdi said before Ye Hao's death was false.

Moreover, Guangwu Xingjun has rich experience and has seen many strange and powerful people.

He even saw a star emperor who just ate an oyster and died tragically on the spot.

He was there at the time, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Totally don't understand what's going on.

It was only after a professional medical autopsy review later that he understood the reason.

It turned out that the Star Emperor practiced Yin-Yang Tai Chi, focusing on internal balance.

But that Star Emperor had been abstinent for too long, and had accumulated too much yang energy in his body.And because he has already been promoted to the Star Emperor realm, he has already been clean and flawless.Therefore, the balance in that star emperor's body was broken.

And the oysters increased the yang energy in his body.

So the strong man died tragically on the spot.

Before that, no one thought that Star Emperor could die so easily.

But after that, Guangwu Xingjun understood that there are all kinds of strange things in this world, there are only things that have not happened, and there is no absolutely impossible thing.

Even if he is as strong as the Star Emperor, he doesn't necessarily know himself very well, that's why astrologers have the value of existence.

Qingdi's alcohol allergy seems very funny, but in Guangwu Xingjun's rich life experience, it is not worth mentioning at all.

He also has his own shortcomings, which are difficult for outsiders to understand-he is afraid of water.

Although he wasn't afraid of being drowned by water, as long as he entered the water, his strength could be suppressed by [-]%.

Even in his peak period, Guangwu Xingjun did not solve this problem.

Moreover, Guangwu Xingjun consulted the classics and found that Dou Zhan Buddha, who had the highest combat power in Buddhism in the era of the saints 500 years ago, was also afraid of water like him, and would be suppressed in water.

People live for a long time and have experienced many things, and many things will become familiar to them.

Even so, Guangwu Xingjun did not immediately reveal himself.

He chose to continue making false promises with Emperor Qing.

Although Qingdi is allergic to alcohol, he can be divided into big drunkenness and minor drunkenness.

He hoped that Emperor Qing would be so drunk that he would lose consciousness.

Like Emperor Qing, Guangwu Xingjun is also very stable.

He's just getting too much wrong information.

The crime of non-war is that the good brother and the supreme want to kill him.

Taking the initiative to clink glasses with Li Qingrang, "Ye Hao" drank it all in one gulp, and then heaved a long sigh.

"Qing Rang, it's not all because I'm broken-hearted. I'm panicking. Do you think we really don't have the strength to fight against the Seven Star Alliance? Ten kings defeated the strong with the weak and rose all the way. What is the court doing? ? Xingjun has a century-old heritage, so far I can’t see the slightest. This world is really rotten, and I can’t see any hope.”

Li Qingrang was silent for a moment, then clinked glasses with "Ye Hao" again.

After drinking it all in one gulp, Li Qingrang said: "If you want to blame it, blame that old bastard Guangwu Xingjun."

Guangwu Xingjun: "..."

Li Qingrang continued: "The group of people who really had backbone in Dagan were killed by Guangwu Xingjun back then, or they were driven to alien planets. In these years, how can Dagan still have backbone? How can he have chivalry? It was the evil done by that old Guangwu Xingjun, he should be crushed and his body should be smashed into pieces."

Guangwu Xingjun's mood is extremely complicated.

Reason told him that Li Qingrang was right.

Emotions told him he didn't want to hear it.

Fortunately, Li Qingrang didn't continue talking.

Down two glasses of wine.

According to Emperor Qing's personality, he should have fallen.

So Li Qingrang was really drunk.

Seeing Li Qingrang lying on the table in a deep sleep, Guangwu Xingjun didn't talk nonsense like a good brother.

He just had a cold look in his eyes.

Then start decorating the room.


Zen stick.



and an unassuming little clock.

Li Qingrang didn't open his eyes.

But the king and the strong can sense it by themselves.

Seeing these things prepared by Guangwu Xingjun, Li Qing's heart sank, and he was very grateful.

But if Ruan Yanluo came to kill Guangwu today, he would really capsize in the gutter.

It is difficult to overcome the above, but in front of the reborn or Guangwu Xingjun, everything is possible.

Yan Luowang's star skills are indeed flawed.

Li Qingrang has always been aware of this, and he has been seeing the doctor of Yama.

And the things that Guangwu Xingjun is preparing now are all aimed at the flaws in King Yama's skills.

If King Yama was deeply involved at this moment, the karma in her body would immediately backfire, and she would go crazy.

Thinking of this, Li Qingrang immediately let out a muffled snort, and blood naturally overflowed from his mouth.

Guangwu Xingjun has been observing Li Qingrang.

Seeing that Li Qingrang really lost his temper, his face was pale, and his breath was stagnant, he completely relaxed.

Everything is under control.

It's that stable.

"Emperor Qing, an outstanding person of a generation. If it weren't for the fact that my current strength is no longer what it used to be, I really want to fight you at the top, which is a pity."

Guangwu Xingjun is really a pity.

Seeing Qingdi's actions from Ye Hao's memory, he felt a little admiration in his heart.

From the sympathy between the strong.

But when it's time to kill the killer, it's still time to kill the killer.

Guangwu Xingjun raised his hand.

Li Qingrang was a little disappointed.

Guangwu, you are not as good as a good brother.

Should talk nonsense for a while.

Just a few words of nonsense, I got very little information.

"Hey, I still have to do it myself."

Li Qingrang shook his head, and then slapped him.

"Let me see what's going on in the little cutie's mind."

Soul search!

Guangwu Xingjun's pupils dilated instantly.

"You are not Yan..."

The good brother's head was torn apart.

Li Qingrang frowned.

Guangwu Xingjun did his tricks in advance.

He didn't find anything.

You are not Yan...

It seems that he really recognized himself as King Yama.

Unfortunately, no more useful information was obtained.

But it's better than nothing.

Li Qingrang recalled the face of his good brother, and then pinched his face.

After a moment.

"Ye Hao" appeared again.

"There are still some flaws, and I have to go to the laboratory to do some fine-tuning."

"Ye Hao" said to himself.

Then sent a message to the dragon girl:
"Sister Long Nu, you can promise Long Gui to marry the protagonist of Destiny."

Dragon Girl: "?"

Pingping: "Not surprisingly, Dragon Turtle will soon calculate the location of the protagonist of Destiny."

It was like that in the past.

Before Ye Hao died, the secrets of heaven were chaotic.

Ye Hao died, and Long Gui saw everything clearly.

Precisely locked - Ye Hao's grave.

In this life, good brothers will not have graves.

He will always be alive.

Live to receive help from Draco.

Sky machine.


All secrets can be created artificially.

I am Tianji.


The Dragon Girl soon saw the Dragon Turtle who was screaming up to the sky until tears streaming down his face.

"The heavens have not failed me, the secrets of the heavens have finally become a little clearer, and the old man has reached the position of the protagonist of destiny."

Dragon Turtle really wants to sing a song now: I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up.

Dragon Girl: "...Pingping, what's going on?"

Li Qingrang smiled: "I am the protagonist of Destiny."

In his previous life, he borrowed the identity of a good brother who was reborn.

Change the method of borrowing in this life.

Borrowing the identity of the protagonist of Brother Destiny.

To be promoted to Star Emperor quickly, you can count on Dragon Turtle.

Li Qingrang bowed to the corpse of his good brother.

Then he said to himself: "Actually, the rumors are true. I really can't drink, so I didn't take a sip of the wine you persuaded me just now. I poured it all when you weren't paying attention. So, I didn't get poisoned."

No matter whether people believe it or not, Qingdi's main goal is not to forget the original intention!
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