Chapter 43
When Li Qingrang talked to Chen Yu, he was naturally not afraid of being overheard.

Li Qingrang turned on the sound-proof barrier early on and set up the shielding function.

Li Qingrang and Chen Yu that outsiders saw at this time actually had different mouth shapes.

To prevent the lip masters like him from paying attention.

Being cautious is a kind of cultivation that goes deep into the bone marrow.

As a person who died once and was reborn, Li Qingrang had to walk on thin ice and be careful.

Chen Yu was not as careful as Li Qingrang.

Her emotions are still in agitation.

Even holding Li Qingrang's hand, he couldn't bear to let it go.

Unexpectedly, Qing Rang and I would fight side by side.

Every time he thought of this, Chen Yu felt a little dry and hot on his body.

Of course, Chen Yu was also quickly adjusting his emotions.

Qing Rang is so good, I can't act too nymphet to lower my score.

"Qing Rang, are you also one of the tricksters?" Chen Yu asked.

Li Qingrang looked at his right hand which was tightly held by Chen Yu, and said with a light smile, "Can you let go of my hand before we talk."

"Ah? Sorry, sorry."

Chen Yu quickly let go of Li Qingrang's hand.

Then I heard Li Qingrang say: "I'm not Baigui, I'm the king of chess."

The teacher taught him to be honest.

He really isn't all tricks.

Of course you can't lie to Chen Yu.

Liu Li said that Li Qingrang has always been an honest and good boy.

Li Qingrang tried his best to prove to his mother that you are right.

Chen Yu was a little surprised when Li Qingrang said this, but not too surprised.

"It turns out that Qingrang you is the chess king. It seems that the ten kings really cooperate closely."

"Of course." Li Qing said: "If the ten kings still engage in internal strife, then they can surrender directly."

There are also contradictions among the Ten Kings.

For example, there is a confidante named "Ping Ping", which arouses jealousy among at least three of the ten kings.

But those are internal contradictions.

The brothers fought against the wall and defended against their insults.

In this regard, the ten kings have always been very clear.

Even the King of Scorching Sun and the King of Chess, who have the most conflicts, although they usually don't see each other, when they really need to join forces to fight against the enemy, they actually fight side by side.

Moreover, in the Star Gate battle, the King of Scorching Sun and the King of Chess were actually on the same side.

This fully shows that they are only treating people, not things.

Li Qingrang continued: "The King of Chess told me to pay attention to you. If you can pass the test and become a Baigui under the command of King Yama, then you are eligible to receive the support of the Ten Kings and get in touch with more core secrets. Of course, you have to implement it." A more difficult task. Power and duty are equal, I believe you should understand."

"A more core secret?"

"In addition to the resources you need to advance to the Xinghai Stage, Yan Luo Wang and Chess King are also going to give you a big gift to make up for the test that started without notice before." Li Qing gave way.

It is impossible to notify in advance of such a test.

Otherwise, you will not get the answer you want.

Therefore, "microservice visit" is the right choice.

But doing so violated Chen Yu's right to know.

Of course, in fact, the ten kings don't talk much about this.

But this didn't prevent Li Qingrang from talking about the scene.

"You really want to take revenge on that heartbroken man who failed your mother, don't you?"

With one word from Li Qing, Chen Yu clenched his fists instantly.

There was even a hint of murderous intent on him.

Li Qingrang raised his eyebrows.

It is indeed the blood of the Shangguan family.

Although Chen Yu is only a senior this year and is only 22 years old, according to his perception, the strength Chen Yu showed just now has faintly the might of a Xinghai week star warrior.

Earlier, Aunt Wang's bodyguard said that there was a reason for the rumor that "Zhuyeqing" was a Star Warrior.

It's really not that far off.

After becoming Baigui, Baigui has its own internal resources to support it. Of course, the ten kings will not only ask for but not pay for the soldiers under their command.

Before the Star Examination Competition, Li Qingrang confirmed that it was not a big problem for Chen Yu to become a Star Warrior of the Star Sea.

Of course, this is not what Chen Yu cares about now.

"Qing Rang, do you know who that man is?"

"I know, this is a gift from the Ten Kings." Li Qingrang said directly, "I hope you will like it."

"I like it, I like it very much."

Chen Yu started laughing.

It's just that the laughter is a little cold.

"My mother has suffered a huge trauma both physically and mentally because of him. She is dying. As a daughter, I should let them reunite underground."

Li Qing let her heart say that's fine.

I'm afraid you won't be able to do it.

Although according to his secret observations, Chen Yu didn't have any good feelings for Shangguan Zhengzheng, and he wanted to eat his flesh raw.

Li Qingrang completely understood.

In the past few years, Chen Yu and her mother have lived dependent on each other.

If it weren't for her talent in practicing star skills, it would be hard for her and her mother to say what kind of life they could live.

Li Qingrang didn't know how hard they had been.

But King Yan Luo told him from the very beginning that Chen Yu would definitely be willing to stand on our side in the matter of patricide.

Now it seems that Yan Luowang's judgment is very correct.

"Auntie, I'll go and have a look later. I have some medical skills. If Auntie's problem is not serious, I will try my best to help Auntie get back to health." Li Qing gave way.

Chen Yu looked at Li Qingrang gratefully, but actually didn't have much hope.

"My mother's illness didn't happen overnight, and she died because of her heart. Besides seeing that I have grown up and lost my obsessions, I'm afraid it can't be cured by medicine stones. Only by living well can I let her live in the rest Take your time with peace of mind."

She has accepted it.

And I am working hard to reassure my mother.

Li Qingrang frowned slightly.

It seems that Chen Yu's mother's illness is more serious than he expected.

If it was really not Yaoshi who could save her, then he could only let Chen's mother go away with peace of mind, and let the person who betrayed her go underground to apologize to her as soon as possible.

"Okay, let's not talk about my mother, and don't talk about that man first, let me stabilize my mood first." Chen Yu said.

What Li Qingrang said was too informative.

She can't digest it.

The more this kind of time, the more you can't rush.

Anyway, Qing Rang has been honest with her, and she should try to restore her calm now so that she can handle the situation better.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yu tried his best to think of some happy things to soothe his emotions and mentality.

"Qing Rang, tell me about Ma Zihao first, why did you follow him? Is it because of the Ma family?"

Li Qing let her heart say that it has nothing to do with the Ma family.

It's just this bastard.

I made fun of him.

Transferring him to you is your last test.

See how you handle this situation.

When Yama can't hide, Baigui has a lot of autonomy.

They must have sufficient judgment and self-preservation ability.

Majia is a good touchstone.

However, Li Qingrang said: "Of course, the Ma family is the second shareholder of Sunshine Group, and their true position needs to be clarified."

Chen Yu nodded.

Li Qingrang asked: "Why did you find a big guy in women's clothing to fool Ma Zihao? What if you get cheated?"

"It's just for dressing up." Chen Yu said.

Li Qingrang looked at Chen Yu suspiciously.

Chen Yu told the truth: "You transferred Ma Zihao's account to me, so I guessed that you were trying to cheat me or the Ma family. I investigated the information of the Ma family. The Ma family is the second shareholder of Sunshine Group, and their relationship in Alien is also complicated. It's definitely not something a cunning team can provoke, so I took the initiative to contact Ma Zihao and his mother, Mr. Wang."

Li Qingrang became interested.

"Go on."

"I don't want to offend the Ma family. I'm still young, and I still want to live a good life. But it's a pity to let a fat sheep like Ma Zihao go, so I thought of a way."

"any solution?"

"Talking about cooperation with Mr. Wang, I need money to maintain the operation of Huapigui's team, and I also need money for my mother to see a doctor. Mr. Wang and the Ma family are not short of money. What they need is an heir who has awakened and transformed. Therefore, I took the initiative to find Mr. Wang, told her that I was responsible for finding someone to let Ma Zihao grow up, to help Ma Zihao break through the relationship from now on, and abandon his love brain, and the reward was 100 million stars.

"The Ma family is really rich, and Mr. Wang is really bold. She gave me 200 million star coins, saying that if I can really make Ma Zihao sober, I will start to work hard from then on. Give me 300 million.

"So I just planned to learn from you to let the dog lick the dog, and then let Ma Zihao discover the chat history of the dog and let him wake up. But Mr. Wang gave too much, so I also used the big move and went straight to women's clothing Boss, you must let Ma Zihao feel the blow, and become a wise man who can break through the relationship."

"Drink in the face"!
"Exploring and Breaking the Passage of Love"!
It is true that Chen Yu has done his best with how much money he has spent in this wave.

What can Li Qingrang say?
He watched helplessly as Ma Zihao and his "sister tea" went to open the room.

His eyes were full of sympathy.

Aunt Wang, what a real mother.

Chen Yu is also really a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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