Chapter 63 Tianjie is full of public servants, and the gates are full of dignitaries (end of this volume)
The blood and tears of Xingjun and Shaojun flowed sideways, and the pain in the heart caused countless people to be silent.

But the people of the ten kings line all showed satisfaction.

This is why they are willing to follow the Ten Kings.

Even in the face of the invincible ruler on this planet, the ten kings will firmly stand by brother Paoze.

All those who betrayed them, the ten kings will not let go.

No matter how powerful the enemy is.

Even if they risk their lives, they are willing to follow such a boss to do things.

After seeing the scene of the five kings who died in battle, many people also shed tears.

Chuzhou, Fozhou, Mingzhou, Qinzhou... all over the world, after the death of the Queen of Stars, firecrackers started to be set off in many places.

The hearts of the people in the world can be known without asking.

In the end, Xing Jun couldn't bear this kind of heart-pounding pain.

He disappeared quickly.

Go back to the star palace and start licking your own wounds.

Seeing him leaving in a hurry, the eyes of the five kings who were still alive were still full of murderous aura.

King Yan Luo spoke again, his voice still full of murderous intent: "This king still can't figure it out, what kind of smart extinguishing operation is he closing the star gate? Isn't it better for him if we win the battle?"

The Chess King sneered and said: "Mr. Xing may not think so. After all, the merits are overwhelming. We won the battle. Where should we put the face of Mr. Xing who showed his hips in this battle? We won, if we support him Shaojun will replace him, isn't he afraid?"

Li Qingrang also said indifferently: "There's nothing you can't figure out, Yan Luo, if you look through the history of thousands of years, you will find that everything can find its prototype. What's the meaning of 'to fight against the outside world, you must first settle the inside', 'Ning and aliens, don't "With domestic slaves", "father and son cannibalism", "self-destruction of arms", the so-called "emperor's mind, check and balance each other", nothing more."

Li Qing gave way to the Chess King to completely strip Xing Jun's little heart of a villain with his lips and swords, and put the darkness in it under the scrutiny of the world.

King Yan Luo said coldly: "It's not that I don't understand the truth, but it really happened to our brothers, and I still can't accept it. It's really stupid. Because of this stupidity, we have killed so many brothers. Every time I think of this, I They all want to kill Xingjun."

Expressing his heart and soul, Yan Luowang once again consolidated his murderous personality.

It made many listeners feel apprehensive.

But Li Qing made them get used to it.

Li Qingrang said calmly: "It's not that I didn't guard against Xingjun, but the lineage of Xingjun after Guangwu Star Emperor did have too much innate advantage. We can't kill Xingjun who hasn't abdicated yet. And half of the brothers believed him at that time. There is no problem with Shaojun's position and attitude. Too many brothers had fantasies before, this is unavoidable. Even our invincible second brother chose the main battle at that time, we can't just watch them go Send to death."

Being suddenly cueed to Yue Wang, he could only lie flat and admit to being ridiculed.

"This is my fault. I also guarded against Xingjun, so the task of the Shence Army is to station at the Stargate. If anything happens, at least the brothers have a way out, and they won't really face a desperate situation." Yue Wang smiled wryly. : "I didn't expect to guard Xingjun, and it turned out that Qinzhou, which shouldn't have a problem the most, had a problem."

King Yue used his troops like a god, and he was also the main fighter when he broke out of the Star Gate, but it is impossible for him not to consider the threat of Star Lord.

So he has defenses and backhands.

The Shence Legion led by Qin Shence is his back-up.

Qin Shence's state has come, even the king of the king is capable of one or two.

Coupled with the Shence Army, the Huganxing Army, it can be called the number one army in the world.

These forces are stationed at the star gate, in King Yue's opinion, it is enough to protect their escape route.

Even if something unexpected happens after breaking out of the star gate, they can retreat back in time.

In King Yue's plan, the ten kings were invincible at the beginning.Even if you can't win a big victory, you will never lose a big one.

Moreover, they had been sticking to the homeland to counterattack before. Even if the counterattack was successful and repelled the foreign enemies, it was ultimately a conquest within their own star gate.

If you really want to boost the morale of the people, you still have to keep the enemy out of the country.

If you don't kill the star gate, how can you talk about victory?

Therefore, Yue Wang was the main combat faction at the beginning.

Moreover, he thinks that he has considered it very well.

The plan is perfect.

There is no problem with logic.

If the Shence Army can really be in place, even if Xingjun orders the star gate to be closed, the Shence Army can hold on for a while, then the Ten Kings will have time to come back.

At that time, even if King Xing has the advantage of home court, unless he wants to burn everything together, otherwise the army of ten kings and ten uncontrolled strong kings will retaliate wildly, and Huoganxing will fall apart immediately.

Xingjun would never dare to take such a risk.

Yue Wang believes that this whole set of logic is in order.

But the Shence Army was not in place on time.

He guarded Xingjun.

Didn't guard against... his own father.

Everyone, including himself, thought that Qinzhou was King Yue's back garden.

However, the most ruthless betrayal often comes from the closest relatives.

The eyes of Li Qingrang, Scorching Sun, Chess King and King Yama all turned to King Yue.

Scorching Sun said indifferently: "Second brother, in the first battle of the star gate, all four of us voted against it. Of the five who survived, you were the only one who led the battle. You need to give an explanation to the brothers, not a simple sentence. Verbal confession."

King Yan Luo also said indifferently: "It doesn't matter what the deeds are, if you are wrong, you are wrong. Of course the enemy will kill so many brothers, but they must also be held accountable internally. Otherwise, the brothers who died in the star gate will not die. Not reconciled either. Second Brother, Overlord and King Xiaoming both died in battle and gave an explanation to the brothers, what about your explanation?"

Li Qingrang and the Chess King were indifferent, but it was obvious that they were on the side of King Scorching Sun and King Yama.

None of them are magnanimous people.

The truly magnanimous kings...are dead.

The wheel-running king is the most merciful.

Xiao Ming Wang is the best to speak.

Bawang has always treated his brothers preferentially.

But although the Scorching Sun King acted in a grand and upright manner, he was ruthless towards his enemies like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

King Yama killed people like hemp, so there is no need to say more.

The chess king also has a fierce reputation, even his own people are afraid of him.

And the mysterious King of Equality has never been a benevolent person.

Therefore, Shaojun's attitude and standpoint were obviously fine, and they were doing their best to serve the Ten Kings, but they still made Shaojun pay the price for his mistakes without hesitation.

Because of the Star Gate battle, Shaojun contributed too much to fuel the flames, and his efforts were too great.

They can't ignore it.

Must be held accountable.

King Yue... is the same.

Brotherhood is real.

Wrong is also true.

Yue Wang's old department, seeing this, some people wanted to defend, but more people bowed their heads sadly.

In the battle of Star Gate, King Yue led his troops to kill the enemy on the frontal battlefield and still showed no mercy.

Except for the Shence Army, Yue Wang's former troops still performed well in the Star Gate Battle.

But the matter has come to this point, and everything is clear.

Even those who are loyal to King Yue have realized the reality:

The battle of the star gate was defeated by the civil strife in Qinzhou.

And Qinzhou is a problem that they, the old men of Yue Wang, should solve.

Except for King Equality, who traveled alone for thousands of miles, the other nine kings made mistakes in judgment, but there were no major internal problems among them, and they did not hinder the entire battle situation.

It was Yue Wang's old department and the rear that had problems.

Everyone is aware of this.

Qin Shence's tears that he had been accumulating today finally succeeded.

She cried and said loudly: "Don't blame my second brother, it's all my fault. It's me who trusts others. I will take responsibility. Don't blame my second brother."

Li Qing glanced at Qin Shence, and said in a cold voice with King Equality's vest: "Of course you are responsible. The Wu'an Legion and the Shence Legion are both famous in the world. In the battle of Star Gate, the entire Wu'an Legion was wiped out, and the glory is eternal." The reason why the Shence Army has been humiliated so far is because of you. Do you think you are acting in an idol drama? You can solve the problem by shedding a few tears? Shut up, and stop embarrassing the Shence Army."

Qin Shence's tears became more and more violent, but he didn't dare to speak again.

The master of magic tricks is naturally not stupid.

Just caring is messy.

Moreover, Shi Wang seems to be liquidating her second brother.

She was afraid.

Not only her, but many people also became refreshed in an instant.

Is this... internal strife within the Ten Kings?
Will this happen again?
For Li Qingrang's accusations, King Yue...accepted them all.

"Don't worry, I won't shirk my responsibility."

King Yue took a deep breath, and his expression became solemn: "Ba Wang and King Xiao Ming left too decisively, so I survived. There must be someone who can lead the army, and the four of you can't let the four of you fight alone for revenge. The moment I came back alive from the star gate, there was only one thing left for me—to give my brothers an explanation."

The Chess King said, "So, what about the explanation?"

At this moment, King Yue's real body had already walked from King Yue's mansion to the live broadcast of the Shangguan family.

He put his eyes on his own brother Qin Shenxuan.


Qin Shenxuan... his body began to tremble.

The prince of Qin Wangfu, who was majestic before, was frightened by the current scene.

Didn't you agree to give the Shangguan family a platform?
He came and stood too.

Everything was fine.

Also got the situation under control.

He also frightened Qin Shence.

Everything is under control.

If the normal situation continues, today should have been a day for him to win a big victory.

His name, Qin Shenxuan, will also spread throughout the world.Let the world know that Qin Shenxuan is the heir to the Qin Palace, and he is no worse than Yue Wang.

But all of this changed after that Mr. Yao stepped forward.

The situation started to escalate.

The lineup of "guests" who appeared on the stage became more and more fantastic.

In the end, he, the son of Prince Qin's mansion, became more and more marginalized.

Even he himself wanted to disappear from the scene.

The queens are all dead.

He really didn't want to stay.

It is a pity.

No one will ever forget him.

Not even his dear brother.

"Second...Second Brother, I am your brother, your own brother." Qin Shenxuan's voice began to tremble.

Although the people in black are still loyal and supportive.

But in the face of Yue Wang, who has made great achievements on the battlefield, Qin Shenxuan did not have the slightest sense of security.

Especially... He didn't see his father.

Where's dad?
Where is our dear father?

Brother, are you being so ruthless?

At this moment, Qin Shenxuan almost empathized with Qin Shence.

He also wanted to cry.

But he tried his best to hold back.

After all, he didn't practice the Tears Sword.

It's no use crying.

"Second brother, I can explain the matter of the Star Gate." Qin Shenxuan struggled hard: "Second brother, you know me well. Even if I want to harm you, I'm not high enough."

King Yue's expression was very complicated.

"Brother, since you were young, you are inferior to me in everything. I told you, I won't argue with you, I told you many times, why don't you always listen?"

Yue Wang's voice became more and more serious: "I said that I will not inherit the foundation of the Qin Palace. I will follow the example of the saints and go to the alien world to work hard. When I was young, we used to have such a good relationship. You taught me archery , riding a horse, climbing a tree... Brother, why do you insist on forcing me to kill you? Why? Say it!"

At the end of Yue Wang's speech, he was so angry that Qin Shenxuan's emotions were instantly ignited.

Qin Shenxuan said loudly: "Who knows if what you said is true or not? If you want to fight for the foundation of Prince Qin's Mansion, how can I fight with you? Am I betting on your character?"

The audience was speechless.

Only King Yue's sneer echoed in the air.

"Everyone who says it is sincere."

"But people who listen to it don't always believe it."

"Whether the ten kings will rebel has never been the root cause."

"The ten kings have the ability to rebel at any time, that's why you did it."

"Xing Jun is like this, father is like this, big brother is like this, you are also like this."

"I have publicly stated my position so many times, but I still cannot dispel your doubts."

"You insist on forcing me to rebel."

"In that case, I'm going against it."

When Yue Wang said this, his face was sarcasm, and his words were like a knife: "What do you do to stop me from being forced to this point? Brother, you are right, as long as I want it, why do you fight with me?"

Qin Shenxuan's lips were pale, and his legs were trembling.

Looking at his second brother who no longer concealed his edge and no longer respected him, he felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"Second, I trust you now. I believe that you really don't care about your ancestor's foundation." Qin Shenxuan said, "Let's shake hands and make peace. We will still be a family in the future. I promise that I will never hold you back."

"It's late." Yue Wang's eyes were very sad: "You have pushed me to this point, and there is no turning back. Otherwise, how can I face the brother who died in the Star Gate?"

If there is no way, who would want to kill each other?

When he was young, Qin Shenxuan was really not bad to him.

If there is something delicious, always remember to leave it to him.

If it's fun, always let him play first.

When there were people who bullied him, Qin Shenxuan would always help him out.

King Yue remembered all these.

Since when did the relationship between the brothers deteriorate?

King Yue thought of the admission letter from Zhanzheng College.

That was the college my eldest brother had applied for for three years.

But the War College only sent him an admission letter.

Since then, the way the elder brother looks at him has changed.

"I'm afraid you won't believe what I said." Yue Wang said quietly: "When I dropped out of Zhanzheng College, I wanted to return to Huoganxing, but also to make up for the relationship between our brothers. I took the initiative to leave the Qin Palace, Giving up the right to inherit the Prince Qin's mansion and rushing into the battlefield, of course, I want to do something for the elders of Qinzhou, but I am also thinking, if I do this, the eldest brother should be at ease. If I die on the battlefield, the eldest brother should not doubt it I'll still covet his position."

Yue Wang, began to punish his heart.

Qin Shenxuan's body trembled more and more.

"You lied to me, you must have lied to me, you are absolutely sure, that's why you chose to fight to become famous."

Yue Wang's words were like knives, cutting Qin Shenxuan's heart: "On the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes, who can be invincible? Which general who always wins didn't climb out of the dead? How many times have I almost died? Still alive, brother, don’t you understand? At least half of the way I’ve come to this point is due to luck, brother, don’t you understand?”

Qin Shenxuan was struck by lightning.

He really knows.

He really paid too much attention to his second brother.

Therefore, he knew better than others how much risk Yue Wang had taken along the way.

When King Yue first joined the battle, he was still very young.

Moreover, at that time King Yue's own strength was nothing more than an ordinary star sea stage.

To put it bluntly, at that time, if the seven aliens could pull down their faces to execute the beheading tactics and send a few expert assassins, the then King Yue died.

In fact, Yue Wang was indeed assassinated successively later.

On the battlefield, in the military tent, and even in the city.

King Pingping saved Yue Wang's life.

King Yama saved the life of King Yue.

Chess King also saved Yue Wang's life.

War is always about death.

The ten kings were all killed from the dead.

Yue Wang encountered many dangers in particular.

Because King Yue is handsome, his real threat lies in the battlefield.

In terms of individual combat power, fighting alone, King Yue is only at the average level of a strong king even now.

Compared with the other brothers, it is far inferior.

After all, it is also in the realm of being a king, and King Equality almost killed the Heavenly Snake Emperor one-on-one.

In comparison, King Yue's individual combat power was far behind.

Therefore, in a sense, King Yue is the one who is the easiest to kill and the one who is most likely to encounter danger.

In the past few years, Qin Shenxuan knew very well how many dangers King Yue had encountered.

Several times, even on the battlefield, he felt that his second brother was doomed.

But the second brother seems to have God's help.

Always miraculously survived.

Yue Wang said that it was luck, and since ancient times, it takes a bit of luck to achieve great things.

Qin Shenxuan thought that it was King Yue who was scheming.

But now, King Yue seemed to have no reason to lie to him.

Moreover, Qin Shenxuan himself has read a lot of poetry and books.

All the great people in history have achieved great things... Indeed, they always seem to be lucky, and the luck is often ridiculously good.

Guangwu Xingdi is a typical representative of them.

It's hard to say that when they first made up their minds to take that path, they were absolutely sure of success.

King Yue's words were like knives, piercing Qin Shenxuan's heart.

Qin Shenxuan's complexion turned pale, and he was too regretful.

It was another tragedy of brothers fighting against each other.

But this kind of thing seems to happen a lot today.

So, a lot of people are used to it.

Yan Luowang said indifferently: "Second brother, if this is your confession, I will be very disappointed."

Chess King silently +1: "A mere Qin Shenxuan can't move the Shence Army."

Li Qingrang also opened his mouth slowly, and Tuqiong saw: "Jun Xing can't kill it for now, let's wait and process it slowly, but King Qin must die. Second brother can't do it, we can do it for you."

A prince of the Qin Palace is not enough to appease them.

It is also impossible to explain to the brothers who died in battle.

King Yue withdrew his gaze from Qin Shenxuan, and said in a deep voice: "The culprit is indeed not Qin Shenxuan, he doesn't have that much energy. However, from my father... from King Qin, I learned some insider secrets .These things, I’m thinking whether to sort them out thoroughly today, or whether we’ll settle them slowly afterwards.”

Jiao Yang calmly said: "Let's figure it out thoroughly, second brother, others have already killed us. Even if we want to take it easy, will they give us a chance?"

King Yue exhaled and said, "That's the truth, but the enemy is stronger than we expected. Brothers, you must be mentally prepared."

Li Qingrang said quietly: "Second brother, there is no secret that can be kept from the smart people in the world. The appearance of the Heavenly Snake Emperor in the Star Gate Battle broke the rule of the Zodiac that the Star Emperor should not go off in person. Afterwards, the Zodiac Gong did not pursue any responsibility, and the truth is clear at a glance."

When King Equality said this, the galaxy was in an uproar.

Even the high-level joint meeting of the zodiac signs became silent.

It seems... the water of Stargate War was deeper than expected.

King Yue's face became more and more serious.

"Then let's figure it out thoroughly and expose the conspiracy to the sun. No matter what, we will carry it together."

King Yue raised his hand.

After a while.

Mr. Fang "supported" King Qin with his own hands and appeared in the arena.

The body has always been strong, old and firm, the energetic King Qin who just showed up before going to Yue Wang's mansion in the live broadcast, now seems to have aged 20 years in an instant.

His body was hunched, his eyes were slack, and he couldn't even maintain his body.

If it weren't for Mr. Fang's "support", the world would be very worried that King Qin would lie directly on the ground.

Seeing the appearance of his always mighty and domineering father, Qin Shence shed more tears.

Qin Shenxuan almost cried in fright.

"Father, are you okay?"

King Qin: "..."

I really want to say it's okay.

But this answer is a bit of an insult to the IQ of the world.

He can only shut up.

Qin Shenxuan was surprised and angry: "Second brother, this is the father, and also your biological father."

King Yue's mood seemed to have completely calmed down.

He said lightly: "Shut up, Shizi."

The man in black beside Qin Shenxuan immediately acted, sealing off all of Qin Shenxuan's ability to move and speak.

Qin Shenxuan: "..."

He widened his eyes and looked at the man in black beside him.

Aren't you the father's people?
Aren't you loyal to the Qin kings of all dynasties?
Aren't you my bodyguards?
The people in black didn't even intend to explain to Qin Shenxuan.

Silently carry out Yue Wang's order.

Then continue to lurk silently into the darkness.

After King Qin saw this scene, his somewhat lax eyes began to gather.

He spoke slowly, with a hoarse voice: "Second brother, have you even controlled the man in black?"

King Yue said calmly: "I've been imprisoned for half a year, so I can't cry every day, right? No matter how I explain it, you don't believe that I don't have ambitions. If that's the case, then I can only let you understand that if I really have ambitions , Let alone big brother, what can you do, father? Do you really think you can stop me?"

When Yue Wang said this, he sneered again and again: "The so-called hereditary kings and grandsons who inherited the shadow of their ancestors, they want to provoke the first generation of kings who killed the king from the battlefield. Father, brother, I really admire your courage. So there is a big reason why you make mistakes in judgment because you overestimated your IQ."

He doesn't understand.

His achievements have long been higher than that of the Qin kings of all dynasties.

How did these people assume that he would definitely miss the foundation of Prince Qin's Mansion?
How dare you stab him in the back?
King Qin's face was ashen and defeated.

"The victor is not to be blamed. You win and you can say whatever you want. But my father doesn't want to harm you, otherwise you would have died long ago, and there is nothing I can do about it."

King Yue's face remained unchanged, and his tone became dull: "Go on, repeat what you said to me in Prince Yue's mansion, including the video that you showed me."

King Qin smiled wryly: "You just let it go."

King Yue looked aside.

Immediately someone played a video.

In the video, a middle-aged man with snakes embroidered on his sleeve is talking to King Qin:

"My lord entrusted me with a message that as long as the Shence Army does not show up, King Qin will gain our friendship."

King Qin, as a king of different surnames who has been hereditary in Daqian, even if he meets King Xing in Dagan, he doesn't need to bow his knees.

However, when meeting this person at Prince Qin's mansion, King Qin sat down.

Moreover, the posture is ridiculously low, and the tone is also extremely respectful:
"Is the adult behind the Sky Snake supporting you?"

The middle-aged man nodded proudly, and said: "So, the ten kings will lose at the Star Gate. I hope King Qin can stand on the side of the winner."

King Qin: "That Shenyue..."

The middle-aged man said: "If King Qin can control the Shence Army and Qinzhou, King Yue can return afterward, but he can only be imprisoned in the mansion, so as not to disturb your lord's pleasure."

King Qin: "Understood, but let's not hide the truth from the envoy. The Shence Army is not under the command of the Qinzhou Army, and it is not easy for me to give orders directly. Moreover, the Shence Army does not obey my orders."

The middle-aged man handed him a note, and said: "You can contact the person on the note at will, and I have my own envoy to help you out. In addition, if King Qin performed well this time, my lord said that in the future, he might give it to someone else." Qin Wangfu is an unowned planet."

King Qin's breathing became rapid in an instant.

The recording ends here.

The barrage... all disappeared.

Sand sculpture netizens dare not discuss it anymore.

It's not because they are afraid of King Qin.

It was because the sand sculpture netizens recognized the middle-aged man who was talking to King Qin and the snake logo on the middle-aged man's clothes.

After this video was played, King Qin slowly said: "Second brother, if the envoy hadn't stepped forward, I would never hold you back, and I would never let anyone attack the Shence Army. Shenyue, everything is in time, even if You can fight against the Snake, but you can't fight against the envoy. Give up, our Qin family can leave Huoganxing in the future, and we can have an ownerless planet."

King Yue waved his hand and said, "Tell King Qin to shut up too."

Mr. Fang smiled slightly, and lightly "supported" King Qin again.

In an instant, King Qin's mouth could no longer be opened.

King Yue looked at the other four kings, and said in a deep voice: "After the defeat of the Star Gate, I realized that Qinzhou had a problem. I don't believe that there is a problem with Shence, nor do I believe that there is a problem with Shence Army. Therefore, the problem is only It can be on my elder brother and father. My elder brother's strength is limited, even if he wants to hold back, he doesn't have that ability."

Qin Shenxuan: "..."

Speak as you speak.

Why is it still insulting?
King Yue obviously ignored Qin Shenxuan's inner feelings, and continued: "As for King's ridiculous to say, I always feel that he still has a bit of father-son affection for me, and he should also know that if the Xingmen World War broke out. Sheng, for me, the sky is high and the sea is wide. Therefore, I don't think he will be my problem. I even thought that even if King Xing came forward, King Qin would not compromise. After all, I am his own son, he can't Watch me ruin and even die.

"So I think there are no worries in the rear, and our rear is stable.

"Ophiuchus will intervene, completely out of my plan.

"The twelve signs of the zodiac, the overlords in the galaxy, maintain the existence of order. I didn't expect that Ophiuchus would end up against us. Ophiuchus violated the rules they made themselves."

Ophiuchus, the dominant constellation of the zodiac, is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The middle-aged man in the video recording is the Ophiuchus resident Firegan star master.

His status is far above Fu Yanrong, the Cassiopeia resident fire star master.

What he represents is a zodiac overlord constellation.

Behind the star gate battle, the zodiac overlord Constellation intervened.

This fact weighed heavily on the hearts of many people in Huoganxing.

King Yue knew that if he said it, this would be the consequence.

But other brothers asked him to speak out, and he could only do so.

Moreover, he did think that it was useless to be an ostrich.

Ophiuchus who can deal with them once can deal with them a second time.

Running away won't solve the problem.

The appearance of Ophiuchus, the overlord of the zodiac, obviously exceeded many people's expectations.

But Li Qing made the four of them not surprised.

Because after the Snake Emperor appeared on the battlefield that day, they guessed this possibility.

According to the rules set by the twelve signs of the zodiac, the equatorial constellations absolutely dare not touch them lightly.

As a result, the Heavenly Snake Emperor broke the rules of the zodiac, so there are only two possibilities:

First, the Heavenly Snake Emperor is a fool.

Second, the Heavenly Snake Emperor is backed by the people of the zodiac.

Obviously, although the Heavenly Snake Emperor's strength was mediocre, he was almost single-handedly killed by King Equality.

But he's certainly not a fool.

Therefore, there are people of the zodiac behind him.

The video recording that Yue Wang took out only proved their guess.

They are not surprised, on the contrary, there is a feeling that it is so.

The Chess King frowned and asked, "Who from the Ophiuchus made the move?"

King Yue shook his head and said, "King Qin didn't know either, he didn't dare to ask. However, if he can drive the Ophiuchus to reside in Huoganxing Master, he can make the Heavenly Snake Emperor personally intercept and kill him, and he can also give a planet as a bargaining chip. Snake Although Huo is a zodiac sign, there should not be many people who can achieve the above three points."

Murderous intent flashed in Chess King's eyes.

Li Qingrang suddenly said: "This matter, the Ophiuchus will give us an explanation, and the zodiac will also give us an explanation. Are the rules set by the zodiac just toilet paper? Interfering in the internal affairs of other planets?"

Speaking of this, King Equality showed sarcasm.

"Of course, this king also knows that the zodiac has always been domineering, and the galaxy has never been fair. But there are 88 constellations in the galaxy, and there are thousands of livable planets. What happened to Huoganxing today, how can we know in the future? Disaster upon oneself? If the zodiac signs don’t give us an explanation, I’m afraid everyone in the galaxy will be in danger.”

The Joint Conference of the Zodiac...has not responded to the King of Equality's provocation.

Because what King Equality said was right.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Zodiac signs can certainly bully.

The premise is to do things beautifully.

Now, the ten kings have put everything on the bright side.

Unless the zodiac signs don't want any face.

Otherwise, they must maintain the order they themselves instituted.

Of course, this does not mean that they are willing to admit their mistakes.


This time Ophiuchus provoked five young people.

Young people are immature.

They suffered a loss, and they didn't think it would be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

What they want is an eye for an eye, blood for blood.

The King of Equality smiled: "In a month, if the zodiac signs don't give us an explanation, this king will disappear completely, and will reappear after he becomes emperor. At that time, this king will definitely wash the Ophiuchus with blood and overthrow the zodiac. Palace. This oath is for the whole world to learn from. If you violate this oath, heaven and earth will perish. You can take a bet, whether you can kill me before I become emperor, or I will kill you first after I become emperor."

Ophiuchus up and down... startled and angry.

How dare you provoke them when you are only crowned king?

But the King of Equality... the legendary King of Equality who had a [-]/[-] split with the Heavenly Snake Emperor in the realm of the king seems to really have this qualification.

If the King of Equality really becomes No. 1 in the galaxy, the zodiac constellations will also be on the verge of collapse.

Mr. Lu Yuanhao, No. 1 in the last millennium, destroyed more than one zodiac constellation.

Yan Luowang added indifference: "One month later, this king will also travel to Ophiuchus. The Star Emperor can't kill him. It shouldn't be a problem to slaughter a few cities and kill a few kings."

Ophiuchus up and down, suddenly shocked and angry again.

These words did not have such a deterrent effect for Yue Wang or Scorching Sun King.

But in the legend, the mysterious and unpredictable King of Equality who can split [-]-[-] with the Heavenly Snake Emperor in the realm of the king, plus the always murderous King Yama to threaten Ophiuchus, really makes the zodiac constellations feel like a light on their backs .

Now, even the chairman of the Zodiac Joint Conference, the nominally highest institution in the galaxy, couldn't sit still, and quickly appeared from the joint conference headquarters to communicate urgently with the Ten Kings.

"King Equality, King Yama, please be safe and don't be impatient. This must be a misunderstanding. The joint meeting is responsible for stabilizing the order of the galaxy. We will set up a special investigation team on this matter, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

That's what the Zodiac Joint Conference theoretically does.

It is not surprising that the Speaker came forward to make peace.

What is surprising is the strength of the five young kings who are alive on Huoganxing.

Facing Galaxy No.1, which is nominally the most powerful, King Equality said indifferently: "The Heavenly Snake Emperor showed up at the Star Gate half a year ago, and now the Speaker has decided to investigate. What is the joint meeting for?"


Hit people without hitting them in the face.

Don't tell me you don't know that the joint meeting of the zodiac is just a show.

His so-called Galaxy No. 1 is not taken seriously at all.

The person with the greatest real power in the galaxy is naturally the lord of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The joint meeting... is a puppet organization co-funded by the zodiac signs.

Sounds like it can override the signs of the zodiac.

But in fact, none of the twelve rogues of the zodiac really pays attention to them.

Still, the Speaker is the Speaker.

If the speaker came to Huoganxing, Mr. Xing would also kneel and lick.

So seeing King Equality's attitude, the speaker was naturally a little unhappy.

"King of Equality, don't be so aggressive, and our joint meeting can't just listen to your side. And using violence to control violence can't solve the problem, it can only hurt each other. Don't forget, you can threaten Ophiuchus, Ophiuchus The strong can also threaten Firegan Planet."

King Equality sneered: "Trying to contain us by hurting each other? Dear Speaker, you forgot one thing."

The Speaker frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yan Luowang answered the question for Pingping: "The constellation Ophiuchus belongs to the constellation Ophiuchus. Huoganxing does not belong to us."

The speaker's heart sank.

Li Qingrang made another stab: "It's a pity that the zodiac signs don't know enough about the five of us who survived. The stupid Ophiuchus can really hurt each other, use the righteousness of the world, and use fire to dry out peace." Contain us. It's a pity that they killed all the people who could really be restrained. The ten kings gathered together, and the five people who truly cared about the world and had compassion in mind all died. Those who survived were all unscrupulous avengers."

Seeing the speaker with a stiff expression, Li Qingrang's smile became even colder.

"The five kings of the lawful and justice camp are all dead, which one did you choose, Ophiuchus!"

At this moment, countless people in the top ranks of Ophiuchus turned into desktop cleaning masters.

They really feel the fear.

Because, they realized one thing:

The King of Equality didn't lie to them!
Those who were originally enemies of the ten kings thought that more than half of the ten kings died in battle must be a major blow to the ten kings.

Until today, until now, many people have recognized a reality:
The conscience of the ten kings—all gone.

Of the five people who survived, Yue Wang was on the road of killing his father and brother.

The Sun King is in business, and behind the accumulation of wealth is all blood.

Yama is the biggest terrorist in the galaxy, bar none.

Wherever the chess king goes, not a single blade of grass grows.

The Equality King... travels alone for thousands of miles, mysterious and unpredictable, and his talent is too strong.

If the benevolent wheel-turning king is still alive, he can influence these five people with Dharma.

If Xiao Ming Wang, who is a bit in love, is still alive, she will also make her brother restrain himself for the sake of Shaojun.

If the oldest overlord is still alive, then the hot-blooded overlord is probably the best fool.

If... but unfortunately no if.

The five people who survived were neither easy to cheat nor kill.

Also, it seems that there are no good people.

The speaker's heart kept sinking.

As the chairman of the Zodiac Joint Conference, he was born to be the leader of the lawful camp, so now, Li Qing let them be a huge threat to him.

"King of Equality, don't stop here, we should value peace."

A smile appeared on the speaker's face.

During his tenure, if the galaxy is in chaos, he, the speaker, may be impeached and stepped down in advance.

He is really scared now.

Li Qingrang first gave the speaker a gentle smile.

Then he said calmly: "It's a lie to just talk without practicing. Many people probably thought we were bragging about what we said just now. Brothers, be serious and show Ophiuchus and the zodiac signs. We If we don’t show our swords, they will really treat us like persimmons.”

After King Equality's words fell, the other four kings started to act one after another.

Don't ask why the King of Equality didn't act.

As we all know, King Equality, who has traveled alone for thousands of miles, has no power at all.

Moreover, as long as King Equality is alive, it will be the greatest help to the ten kings.

The chess king began to make calls calmly.

No one knows who the chess king is calling.

But every time the king of chess makes a phone call, many people's hearts tremble.

Sun King began to withdraw funds on a large scale.

"Boss, what are we doing?"

The King of the Sun said indifferently: "We will soon take the initiative to declare war on the Sky Snake, and try our best to short the stock market of the Sky Snake, so as to earn military expenses for our brothers."

Scorching Sun Group is fully fired.

King Yan Luo... came to the door of the Ophiuchus Grandmaster's Hall in Huoganxing.

At this time, many people from Qianjing City had gathered around the Ophiuchus Master Hall.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the big event that was about to happen.

King Yan Luo did not disappoint them.

The bloody long sword was raised high.

After a while.

A simple "strike the mountain with force".

Ophiuchus was stationed in Huoganxing Master Hall, and disappeared in smoke.

At the same time, the voice of King Yan Luo spread everywhere: "The two armies are at war, do not beheaded. Therefore, other personnel stationed in Ophiuchus on Huoganxing can go back to Ophiuchus. The master stays, and this king will kill yourself Opportunity."

After a while.

The Ophiuchus stationed on Huoganxing held a head and gave it to King Yama respectfully.

When the speaker saw this scene, his face had already turned pale.

"It's over, it's really over."

Li Qingrang said calmly: "Lord Speaker, please be safe, and what's more, the main event is about to begin."

After all, this is Qinzhou.

The final highlight, of course, must be reserved for Yue Wang.

Accompanied by the military orders issued by King Yue.

All over Qinzhou, wars are everywhere.

But no panic.

There is no war.

Yes, it's just the enforcement of orders and prohibitions.

And, solemn and silent - bloodbath!
King Yue's men were in action.

Yue Wang himself is also acting.

He walked up to Qin Shenxuan, and said slowly: "For the past six months, I have been making a hypothesis. Could it be that we killed too few people in Qianjing, so we gave you people the courage to betray? Even, afterwards Those who dare to hunt and kill us."

Qin Shenxuan desperately shook his head.

A smile appeared on King Yue's face.

"In Qinzhou's troubled times, I stood up and repelled the foreign enemies. However, these noble families in Qinzhou, when I needed help, all stood by you and my father without hesitation.

"I saved their business and they stabbed me hard.

"While I was in captivity, they started taking revenge on my men.

"Brother, tell me, what should I do with these people who are revengeful?"

Qin Shenxuan completely collapsed.

"Second brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, give me another chance, I will definitely..."

King Yue's eye sockets also started to turn red.

"Big brother, real brother and real brother, I always have to choose one side. Don't blame me, you chose first."

Afterwards, King Yue looked at King Qin.

King Qin... could only smile wryly.

"Shen Yue, do you know that from now on, the history books will record that you killed your father and brother, and disobeyed human relations."

King Yue said calmly: "Those who are famous all over the world will be slandered all over the world. Moreover, I need to give an explanation to those brothers who are alive and dead."

Qin Shenxuan is not qualified to make this confession.

And if King Yue doesn't give this explanation, he is not qualified to continue to be King Yue.

"Father, don't worry, I will let most of your acquaintances go down to accompany you. Below, you will be your King Qin."

In today's Qinzhou, King Yue walked out of the mansion.

Then, Qinzhou will decide.

He saved Qinzhou's second son and successfully took over Qinzhou's military power.

Facts have proved that in the past six months, Yue Wang, who has been imprisoned by the government, is not just silent.

So, half a year later, Qinzhou changed the world.

The cleansing of Qinzhou today is even more tragic than the cleansing in Qianjing City when the ten kings gathered together for the first time in the past.

Because, there are always scruples at that time.

The Wheel-Turning King does not like to kill.

King Xiaoming, King Yue, Overlord, Shaojun... Among the nobles in Qianjing City, there are too many relatives, friends, and even blood relatives.

Therefore, there are many fish that slip through the net.


No one can bind them anymore.

Therefore, Qinzhou's blood flowed like rivers.

The aristocratic families of Qinzhou trembled under the butcher knife of King Yue's army.

All liquidation must be proved with blood.

The aristocratic family who hunted down and killed the old tribe of the Ten Kings in the past six months.

In the first battle of Xingmen, he was a noble family who had a close relationship with the Shangguan family and the King of Qin.

And the aristocratic family that gave the Shangguan family a platform today...

What greeted him was King Yue's strongest revenge.

Seeing Qin Zhou's blood, the speaker's face became paler and paler.

"This is a sign of troubled times."

Li Qingrang smiled: "The chairman's words are wrong. The streets are full of nobles and dignitaries, and the gates are full of dignitaries. Qinzhou's prosperity is approaching, and it is clearly dawn."


"I'm waiting for the confession between the Ophiuchus and the Zodiac. If there is no explanation in a month, the Qinzhou of today will be the Ophiuchus of tomorrow. Don't say it's unexpected!"

After leaving these words, the figure of King Equality slowly disappeared.

At this moment, countless people in the galaxy watched the five projections in the live broadcast with complicated emotions.

The chess king was calmly calling and shaking people.

Jiaoyang robs Tranquility for money.

King Yan Luo destroyed the Ophiuchus Master Pavilion with a single sword.

The king of Yue bloodbathed Qinzhou, all the bones of the princes were trampled on the Tianjie Street, and the heads of the powerful and powerful were hung all over the gate.

And the mysterious King of Equality disappeared like smoke, constituting the greatest restraining force and the threat of force from the line of ten kings.

They each perform their duties.

They cooperate tacitly.

They were silent for half a year, and after returning, they were even more arrogant!
(End of this volume)

The next volume: Zha Xinghe, everyone, please look forward to it.

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(End of this chapter)

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